Aerith Overrated?

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Ummm no Jimmy, you're wrong. She did save the world. In the end, Holy would've done more damage then good. Besides that, it wasn't strong enough to fight back Meteor on it's own. Defeating Sephiroth or not wouldn't have mattered. Meteor was still attacking, regardless and that was all due to the Black Materia, not if Cloud and his gang defeated Sephiroth.

Aerith was the one who guided the lifestream to destroy Meteor. Nobody is saying she's more important than the other characters. Each one had their own specific, important role to the game. Aerith's was to die and save the world. Though her death was tragic and nobody had any idea she was even going to die, Aerith herself included, Aerith still served her purpose and that was to protect the planet at all costs. Aerith was the only remaining ancient left. Only she could do it. Aerith, along with the aide of the others in the lifestream, were what made it burst out of the earth and fight Meteor. She saved the planet, just like she saved it again in Advent Children.

Sorry if this sounds like a bunch of mindless babbling. I just woke up, saw your post and decided to respond because I'm sorry, but you're wrong.
lA the point of Cloud and his team beating Sephiroth was to release Holy but it was to late and that's when the lifestream came into play which apparently was guided by Aerith, but had Cloud and team not defeated Sephiroth in the first place that would have never even happened. And that was her great moment.

I think you did not understood all of my post, as i said i don't take any credit away from her i recognize she was responsible for guiding the lifestream, but the previous poster above me stated that her act of humanity was what saved the world, when in fact had Cloud and the others not defeated Sephiroth it would have not been possible to save the world to begin with. And Aerith did not intend to die, her death was a plot which was needed to give more interest to the story and for Cloud to have another reason to stop Sephiroth.

I don't see how i could be wrong when i recognize she had a vital role just like any other character, but that it's a fact that most fans make it sound like she was the single earthsaver if you will.

It was not she alone in FFAC who unleashed the lifestream, i guess every "soul" if you will had something to do with that, i AC it's Cloud who defeats Sephiroth, Kadaj and so on...

All i'm saying is this, that yes Aerith had an important role to play no doubt about it, but half of her fans assume she was the single person to save the world and in that way she is overrated. Just like Cloud is overrated for defeating a Sephiroth who was toying with him in AC, just like Vincent is overrated for a character who did not play any special role in FFVII, but then got a major boost in camera time in AC and even got two titles on is own, and he is my FFVII favourite character and i admit he was overrated.

So i don't think i'm wrong with my analysis of Aerith, but we each have our own opinion.
Aerith died in the process of doing a selfless act. She had no idea she was going to die. She probably wanted to be a hero, but instead died. Holy contributed to Sephiroth's defeat, but wasn't vital in it.
Aerith died in the process of doing a selfless act. She had no idea she was going to die. She probably wanted to be a hero, but instead died. Holy contributed to Sephiroth's defeat, but wasn't vital in it.

Holy was summoned to stop meteor, that's why Sephiroth wanted Aerith dead, to stop her summoning it. Although she suceeded in her prayer anyway, once Sephiroth was beat, that released Holy coz he was stopping it somehow. Although it wasn't enough so Aerith guided the lifestream to stop it once and for all. Even with Seph outta the way, Meteor was still falling

So imo, I dont think she IS over rated. She just has a few fangirls/boys like several other FFVII characters I could mention
All i'm saying is this, that yes Aerith had an important role to play no doubt about it, but half of her fans assume she was the single person to save the world and in that way she is overrated. Just like Cloud is overrated for defeating a Sephiroth who was toying with him in AC, just like Vincent is overrated for a character who did not play any special role in FFVII, but then got a major boost in camera time in AC and even got two titles on is own, and he is my FFVII favourite character and i admit he was overrated.

So i don't think i'm wrong with my analysis of Aerith, but we each have our own opinion.

I'm talking about the healing rain she released to heal all those people all over Gaia of Geostigma. That was Aerith's act and Aerith's alone. Imagine how many people (not just the ones in Midgar) all over the world that were infected with the stigma and were saved because of her.

And like I said, I was half asleep when I wrote that post, so forgive me if I didn't understand it fully. I didn't realize you posting to somebody who'd posted previously. If you had quoted them, it probably would've made more sense to me.
Aerith, I don't believe Aerith's great Gospel reached all over Edge, much less all over the planet. I agree it was quite the act, but there's nothing to suggest it was of such an epic scale. Even in the movie it appears to be little more than a light shower around Edge, and I don't recall anywhere saying it was a global effect. Where are you getting the Global Great Gospel from?
Is she overrated, yes, but she is still the best female in VII, the story could have gone on with out Tifa or Yuffie...there was a special feeling about Aerith. She was the quite girl next door, and the last of an ancient civilization. And the date night at the golden saucer was very nice...although I was able to go there with Barret, that was a hoot and a half.

In terms of female characters in the series, I would rank at least Rydia, Celes, Terra, Dagger, Yuna and Ashe all before Aerith for me....well I would say her and Ashe are pretty equal.
most overrated character ever.

all she did was flip the "on" switch to holy
....and die(thank you sephiroth)

holy was blocked by sephiroth and couldnt work entirely.
beating sephiroth unblocked holy.
holy called the lifestream/planet and killed meteor.
Well... I think that she has a vital use since she became a Martyr and summoned the one real thing that saved the Planet. All that Cloud and company did was take away the obstruction (Sephiroth) that prevented it form working. - 1 to summon, 7-9 (hidden characters pending) cleared the way for it to work.

That is what people forget when debating that. They only focus on her personality and interaction with the other characters. I mean if her demeanor was cruel and mean... -- no one would have this conversation but would have to grudgingly agree that she was useful when she became a Martyr.
Is she overrated, yes, but she is still the best female in VII, the story could have gone on with out Tifa or Yuffie...

Without Tifa, we'd have no Cloud, as he'd still be catatonic, either in the trainyard or floating about the lifestream- if he indeed left Nibleheim at all.

there was a special feeling about Aerith. She was the quite girl next door,

What? No she wasn't! She wasn't 'quiet' by any means, nor was she the girl next door, that being Tifa's role.

and the last of an ancient civilization. And the date night at the golden saucer was very nice...although I was able to go there with Barret, that was a hoot and a half.[/qute]

Try the other two. Tifa's is quite touching and Yuffie's is nearly as lulzworthy as Barret's.

In terms of female characters in the series, I would rank at least Rydia, Celes, Terra, Dagger, Yuna and Ashe all before Aerith for me....well I would say her and Ashe are pretty equal.

What, no love for Rosa? Phillistine!
Without Tifa, we'd have no Cloud, as he'd still be catatonic, either in the trainyard or floating about the lifestream- if he indeed left Nibleheim at all.

What? No she wasn't! She wasn't 'quiet' by any means, nor was she the girl next door, that being Tifa's role.

What, no love for Rosa? Phillistine!
Tifa had her connection to cloud, but the story for the most part would have been fine with out/if she was only a minor non playable character

Tifa is not the girl next door,...well depends on your definition. Aries was quiet from what I remember, she was this quiet flower girl that stuck to her self for the most part...from what I remember she always seemed so lonely/resereved , its been a while...and quiet and cute is my definition of girl next door, not ass kicking, with a giant rack like Tifa, thats not a girl I would typically imagine as someone who could live next door

Rosa, I do not remember a lot about her, been a long time since I've played IV
Tifa had her connection to cloud, but the story for the most part would have been fine with out/if she was only a minor non playable character

Without Tifa, Cloud never restores his shattered mind. He never defeats Sephy. Holy never gets released. Oh, goodbye planet.

Tifa is not the girl next door,...well depends on your definition.

Tifa was LITERALLY the girl next door, and fits the cliche quite well.

Aries was quiet from what I remember, she was this quiet flower girl that stuck to her self for the most part...from what I remember she always seemed so lonely/resereved ,

You don't remember well. Aerith is quite an outspoken character, and reserved is not the way I'd describe her in the slightest. I mean, hell, Wall Market alone...

its been a while...and quiet and cute is my definition of girl next door, not ass kicking, with a giant rack like Tifa, thats not a girl I would typically imagine as someone who could live next door

Except Tifa is the shy, quiet, girl. She's the one who has trouble admitting her feelings. She's the one who fits the trope, in addition literally being the girl next door Cloud had a crush on.

Aerith LOOKS like what you might think a girl next door might look like, but she acts nothing like it, at least not in FF7.

Rosa, I do not remember a lot about her, been a long time since I've played IV

And yet you remember enough about Rydia to rank her as among the best FF females ever?
And yet you remember enough about Rydia to rank her as among the best FF females ever?
What can I say, Rydia was an extremly memorable character...different things sticked out in that game, feel free to enlighten me some on Rosa...well better yet I should just replay that game, its been so long and I do not remember a lot
Without Tifa, Cloud never restores his shattered mind. He never defeats Sephy. Holy never gets released. Oh, goodbye planet.
No. Actually, the game would have been normal without her. In fact, if she never existed, Cloud would probably not have left Nibelheim. As we all know, Tifa basically forced Cloud into that dreadful promise. The poor guy had no say in the matter.

Tifa was LITERALLY the girl next door, and fits the cliche quite well.
Yes but Aerith feels more of a girl next door than Tifa. That is what is being stated here.

You don't remember well. Aerith is quite an outspoken character, and reserved is not the way I'd describe her in the slightest. I mean, hell, Wall Market alone...
Aerith is not the outgoing type. If you can remember well, Aerith almost never left her home and was subjugated by the Turks. All she could do is tend the flowers. If she was conformist, Aerith would probably walk up to any random person and befriend him/her. The fact that Aerith travels outside Midgar astounds her. I surely would not keep my mouth shut if I saw many wonders in the world, and I'm a shy man. Aerith is quite an introverted character. The only reason she talks to Cloud so much is because he barely talks so she has to do the talking for him.

Except Tifa is the shy, quiet, girl. She's the one who has trouble admitting her feelings. She's the one who fits the trope, in addition literally being the girl next door Cloud had a crush on.
No offense to you but I would not call that promiscuous harlot a shy, quiet, girl. She has trouble admitting her feelings because she spends so much time with other men. I say, what good is a crush if it's not admitted? How many years has she known Cloud? Tifa couldn't even say anything to him. What is she afraid of? I am willing to bet Hinata would admit her feelings for Naruto before Tifa to Cloud. Tifa is not quiet. Ever wonder what goes through her mind? Revenge! That is not the kind of mentality a lady should have. Conversely, Aerith wanted to free the planet and all its inhabitants.

Aerith LOOKS like what you might think a girl next door might look like, but she acts nothing like it, at least not in FF7.
No. Aerith is the girl next door. Besides, don't judge a book by its cover. I know you have learned this lesson at some point.

And yet you remember enough about Rydia to rank her as among the best FF females ever?
Rydia and Rosa are on another level. These females serve a great purpose in Final Fantasy 4.
No. Actually, the game would have been normal without her. In fact, if she never existed, Cloud would probably not have left Nibelheim. As we all know, Tifa basically forced Cloud into that dreadful promise. The poor guy had no say in the matter.

And yet he held that promise as being of the utmost importance. Even if he was forced into it, he hardly considered it dreadful.
BTW, without Tifa, Cloud never comes out of his coma, if he even survives Nibleheim. No Tifa, no Cloud.

Yes but Aerith feels more of a girl next door than Tifa. That is what is being stated here.

And I disagree. She doesn't feel like a girl next door at all in FF7.

Aerith is not the outgoing type. If you can remember well, Aerith almost never left her home and was subjugated by the Turks. All she could do is tend the flowers. If she was conformist, Aerith would probably walk up to any random person and befriend him/her. The fact that Aerith travels outside Midgar astounds her. I surely would not keep my mouth shut if I saw many wonders in the world, and I'm a shy man. Aerith is quite an introverted character. The only reason she talks to Cloud so much is because he barely talks so she has to do the talking for him.

Um, are we talking about the same girl who within a minute of meeting a man asks him on a date, the next day successfully swindles three people out of gobs of money, gets Cloud to crossdress, and just in general is characterized by how forward she is with people, like Barrett in the Gold Saucer?

No offense to you but I would not call that promiscuous harlot a shy, quiet, girl.

Promiscuous Harlot? Good sir have you ever PLAYED THIS GAME?

She has trouble admitting her feelings because she spends so much time with other men.

I suggest you either admit you are inventing things out of mid-air, or I will bring up the absurdities of a flower girl approaching strange men at MIDNIGHT for business.

I say, what good is a crush if it's not admitted? How many years has she known Cloud? Tifa couldn't even say anything to him. What is she afraid of? I am willing to bet Hinata would admit her feelings for Naruto before Tifa to Cloud.

Tifa has admitted her feelings for Cloud. Lifestream and Highwind sequences. They live together after the game, up til right before AC, and again after that.

Tifa is not quiet. Ever wonder what goes through her mind? Revenge! That is not the kind of mentality a lady should have. Conversely, Aerith wanted to free the planet and all its inhabitants.

Aerith wanted a normal life. She needed to save the planet. And yes, Tifa was motivated by revenge. You would be to if someone slaughtered your hometown. Even then she still feels bad about it.

No. Aerith is the girl next door. Besides, don't judge a book by its cover. I know you have learned this lesson at some point.

I'm not the one calling Tifa a 'promiscuous harlot' and Aerith 'shy'. I'm considering how they act, not how they look.

Rydia and Rosa are on another level. These females serve a great purpose in Final Fantasy 4.

Which, in your estimation, would be? I do not disagree, but I want to see what you think their purposes were.
Ok, I agree.
FFVII's story couldn't have gone on at all without Aerith. She was a huge part in VII. She is why Cloud got caught up in the Midgar building where Sephiroth came and killed everyone. Without Aerith ever asking Cloud to be her bodyguard, Cloud would have never went after Aerith when she got kidnapped by ShinRa (when her and RedXIII were supposed to 'mate' (??)).

Therefor he would have never really started his "battle with Sephiroth".
Causing there to be no FFVII. Otherwise it would be us fallowing Barret, Tifa, Jesse, Bigs, and Wedge around while watching them try to blow up Midgar.

It's a huge over statement when someone says Cloud couldn't exist with out Tifa. Because that's not true. Cloud was headed for Midgar with Zack, remember?
Tifa didn't even exist in the game until wayyy later on in development. It was, Barret, Aerith, Cloud, Red XIII, and Tifa was an add on.

Cloud would have eventually met Aerith with Zack.
And without Aerith's death Cloud wouldn't have wanted to fight Sephiroth as much.
The same crisis still existed. So the same story would have played out, just with fewer characters.

And since it was brought up. Tifa couldn't have helped Cloud in the Lifestream without Aerith's guidance. Proving that Aerith is a HUGE character in the story. Because if it wasn't for Aerith helping Tifa be able to enter Cloud's mind, there would virtually be no Cloud. He would be in a coma state for ever.

Just like Aerith wouldn't have been able to help Cloud find his true self without Tifa physically being there to do the deed.

If Aerith would have lived, and say Yuffie died. The story would be A-ok without her.
If Aerith lived and Tifa died, the story would be lacking a physically strong female character but would remain the same.

A list of reasons why FINAL FANTASY VII needed The Ancient, Aerith.

1. Cloud would have never opened up to people at all. (He was mean before, then nice(er) after meeting her.)

2. Cloud wouldn't have stuck around with AVALANCHE.

3. Marlene would have been killed by the explosions of the plate if it wasn't for Aerith. (Barret asked Aerith to take Marlene to a safe spot)

4. Because Cloud would have never found Tifa in the Honey bee in.
(Aerith brought Cloud to the park which led to them seeing Tifa.)

5. Cloud would have never seriously got involved with ShinRa without being Aerith's bodyguard.
(When Aerith got kidnapped by one of the turks, Cloud decided that he was going to break into SHinRa's headquarters -with lots of guards-and take her back. Leading him to find Sephiroth. And if Cloud never would have saved Aerith there would be no Cloud VS Sephiroth.)

6. We would have never met Red XIII without Cloud becoming Aerith's bodyguard and going to Shinra to save her.
(An other character gone without Aerith. Not to mention if Red XIII was gone, we would have never found out the information about the Anciants in Cosmo Canyon. A huge chunk of the story gone, again.)

7. If Cloud never met Aerith he probably wouldn't have been forced out of Midgar -he was on the run- Causing Cloud to never meet any other future AVALANCHE members.
(ShinRa started chasing Cloud because Cloud stole the Anciant -Aerith- back. Cloud did so because he met Aerith.)

8. The Anciant's history/information would have probably never been spoken of -during Cosmo Canyon- without Aerith existing.
(Actually it wouldn't have any reason to come up at all without Cloud and Aerith meeting)

9. Aerith held the Holy materia, which -at the time; to her- was the only thing that could have saved the planet from Meteor.

10. Aerith's death was a huge push in Cloud to defeat Sephiroth.

11. Tifa wouldn't have EVER been able to help Cloud in the Lifestream without Aerith guiding her into Cloud's mind.
(And without Aerith helping Cloud with his mental state in the Lifestream, Cloud would still be in a coma sate of lies he was fed by people around him.)

12. Aerith's death led Cloud to realize that Holy was prayed for and was going to try and save the world.
(Remember, Cloud and Co. were trying to find Holy, so they could prey with it and attempt at saving the world? But then Cloud saw that Aerith had already prayed, so she did the hard part for the world.)

13. Without Aerith, the Lifestream would have never saved the world from Meteor.
(Which means everyone would have died, including Cloud. And if the world got destroyed there would be no story/life of FFVII.)

And that's just in FFVII. I would list AC's reasons, but I think this is a discussion for only FINAL FANATSY VII.

I probably missed a whole lot to this, but I haven't played the game in a while.

Ryu said:
Tifa was LITERALLY the girl next door, and fits the cliche quite well.
Tifa is not the girl next door,...well depends on your definition. Aries was quiet from what I remember, she was this quiet flower girl that stuck to her self for the most part...from what I remember she always seemed so lonely/resereved , its been a while...and quiet and cute is my definition of girl next door, not ass kicking, with a giant rack like Tifa, thats not a girl I would typically imagine as someone who could live next door


in addition literally being the girl next door Cloud had a crush on.

Why do you always bring it up, man?-_-
I am willing to bet Hinata would admit her feelings for Naruto before Tifa to Cloud.

lol, YAY!
Someone brought up Naruto. I agree with you.

Promiscuous Harlot? Good sir have you ever PLAYED THIS GAME?

I wouldn't call her "promiscuous". But she definitely dated a lot.

I suggest you either admit you are inventing things out of mid-air, or I will bring up the absurdities of a flower girl approaching strange men at MIDNIGHT for business.

How do you know it's midnight?
Midgar is always dark.

I sense LTDs in the near future *dream song plays*
Well,thank you Aerith finally for the warning.I got tired of seeing so much of LTD.
Aerith isn't overrated I should say once more,but there are some very obsessive fans with her that make her look that way.And Aerith's role wasn't to become Cloud's sweetheart but rather to save the planet in one or another way.FFVII was never a love,it was about life.
She was a great character but her "i care for all and sucrifice myself"wasn't that real to me.I do believe there are people like that but only few in this world and if,so I'd just say that she's much more of a unique person.After all,every person is unique so there shouldn't be a comparison in my opinion.

(Sorry if I got out of the topic a little)
Okay.. firstly, being a significant counter-part to the main character automatically makes you valid. Yeah, she dies before the games over, why shouldn't she. Cloud loves her, everyone loves her, she's the most innocent character in your crew. Her death was one of the single most significant events in VII that it's remembered for, Sephiroth comin down on her like that, smilin while she died, Holy bouncin prolongedly into the water. One of the few events that are more important then that is the fact that, lmao, hello, Meteor was eventually stopped by Aeris' 'prayer' (Holy materias magic) so without Aeris, Meteor would've smashed Earth, Sephiroth wouldve gotten his way, game over, sad ending.

Id say that Aeris is pretty fuckin vital to the plot. Underrated, not at all. Just gives you bragging rights when you've got Great Gospel unlocked using her ultimate weapon, like yeah, Im the shit.
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