Aerith vs. Tifa

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there is i found out last night when playing ff7 ( i buff up clouds health bigtime on ff7 and cid gets mp)
Tifa always wins.She doesn't even need limit breaks or materia to defeat someone cause she's strong by herself.
And Tifa always supported Cloud and helped him out,so he got over Aerith's death as we see at the end of AC,cause he finally understands that he has his friends.
:lol: without her limits Tifa is nothing - Magic Pwns Fighting in FFVII and Aerith would be able to cast more of it more often thanks too the all materia

Tifa and Cloud weren't Childhood friends :P and why does Everyone always talk about Tifas boobs instead of Tifa as a person? honestly she does have a personality somewhere - Tifa is more than just "Magumbos"

If i remember correctly they made a promise a long time ago saying that Cloud would come for her when she was in trouble. Anyways that's what i considered sort of childhood. Teenager if you want to be specific i suppose. Yes i know Tifa has more than just boobs. Tifa helped Cloud alot. She helped out Cloud when he was trying to find himself in the lifestream.

Aerith has low hp though due to being loaded down with materia so i assumed that Tifa would beat her. Meh. Honestly why are we debating this it's all opinion lol. :P
Aerith is kinda of a girl who sticks near her Prince CLOUDY!! and she's the poor princess that clud must save her!

Tifa is better than AERITH !!!
Tifa is nice,strong,lovely,good fighter, doesn't care about anything, loves cloud, she cares about him!!
I mean know she went away Tifa must stay with cloud, even if she died! she follows him as a GHOST!! OMG AERITH STOP IT LET THE BOY ALL ALONE!!
Tifa is better anyway!
Aren't Aerith and Tifa suppose to be bestfreinds??? And I think the movies says a lot about who has already won Cloud's affection don't you? I think Cloud loves em both but Aerith more. You guys are just saying Tifa would win because of her boobs and because Aerith is dead. You have obviously never had anyone you love die. Cloud not just gonna stop havin feelings for her because she's dead that's human you don't just say well screw them their dead. I think Aerith is the only woman Cloud will ever love in that way. Plus I think Cloud's ways will probably get on Tifa's nerves after a while. An just so you all know not ever man falls in love with a woman because of her twins and Tifa isn't just a woman with big twins!! Like I said just so you know. It's sort of pathetic hating Aerith or Tifa. In every forum I go someone hates Aerith or Tifa why doesn't anyone hate Cloud I mean I personal like Cloud but it is his fault for not telling either girl that he loves them so we can settle this. Just a thought.
Aren't Aerith and Tifa suppose to be bestfreinds??? And I think the movies says a lot about who has already won Cloud's affection don't you? I think Cloud loves em both but Aerith more. You guys are just saying Tifa would win because of her boobs and because Aerith is dead. You have obviously never had anyone you love die.

how so?

The rest of this post isnt just directed at you but clerith fans in general:

Clerith fans ussually say that because Cloud hasn't come out and shouted "I love you Tifa" he dosent love tifa but Aerith instead.

Here lies the proplem Cloud never ever states that he loves Aerith ethier.

It should also be noted that Cloud even says that Tifas words mean more to him than anyone else's.

Nomura calling Tifa a girlfriend,Nojima wanting Cloud and Tifa to be together etc. all of this stuff is ussually ignored.
I can see that there is chemistry between the two but if he loves her so much why in the movie does his body languge not say that. Member we Tifa said something like don't run we can help each other I know we can why doesn't he look into her eyes to see if she means it or just to have hope that maybe he can overrcome his illness?? And when people know they are dying they usual want to spend it with the ones they love (Not saying Cloud is other people but he is human). Instead of being with Tifa he stays in Aerith church. I have never played the game but from the images Ive seen it's more Cloti than Clerith. I think Aerith's death made him love her more because he reliases that he'll never get to see her again and spend time with her. I don't hate Tifa at all so you know she's one of my fav charaters I just don't see them as a couple. One last thing if any of you are into star signs and that crap Tifa is a Taurus and Cloud is a Leo (Leo's rule!!!) They aren't love signs they're actual enemies belive me I know I'm a Leo if you haven't guessed. Aerith is a Aquarius and Aquariuians and Leo's are love signs because both Aqua's and Leo's don't get along with Taurus and Scorpio's. But if you don't believe in that crap than disreguard this.

Aerith is kinda of a girl who sticks near her Prince CLOUDY!! and she's the poor princess that clud must save her!

Tifa is better than AERITH !!!
Tifa is nice,strong,lovely,good fighter, doesn't care about anything, loves cloud, she cares about him!!
I mean know she went away Tifa must stay with cloud, even if she died! she follows him as a GHOST!! OMG AERITH STOP IT LET THE BOY ALL ALONE!!
Tifa is better anyway!

If you own the DVD FFAC listen to what the director says about Aerith "following him". (Or watch the subs cause i'm guessin you don't speak Japanese.)
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Oh my God this thread is retarded. If we're talking both ways here, then Tifa obviously wins because 1. she's alive and Cloud loves her and 2. Tifa's a fighter. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that she'd pound Aeris into the ground. Aeris is a MAGE.

So yeah, pointless topic.
Oh my God this thread is retarded. If we're talking both ways here, then Tifa obviously wins because 1. she's alive and Cloud loves her and 2. Tifa's a fighter. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that she'd pound Aeris into the ground. Aeris is a MAGE.

So yeah, pointless topic.

You do know you're hating on a FICTIONAL charater to like the game and the movie is okay but you've gone way past liking you hate someone who isn't real. And what the hells a mage. Most girls call othe girls they hate whores, and sluts what the hells a Mage?
I can see that there is chemistry between the two but if he loves her so much why in the movie does his body languge not say that. Member we Tifa said something like don't run we can help each other I know we can why doesn't he look into her eyes to see if she means it or just to have hope that maybe he can overrcome his illness?? And when people know they are dying they usual want to spend it with the ones they love (Not saying Cloud is other people but he is human).

Wait a minute are you saying that you are a body languge expert????

Instead of being with Tifa he stays in Aerith church.

Actually he is going out on deliverys.

Besides Cloud belives by avoiding Tifa that she wont become worried or upset.

I have never played the game but from the images Ive seen it's more Cloti than Clerith. I think Aerith's death made him love her more because he reliases that he'll never get to see her again and spend time with her.

Actually he becomes depressed for failing as her guardian and because he belives he was responsible for zacks death etc.

Anyway going by the scenario that Cloud wants to return to Aerith:

Cloud is a bastard because he is just using Tifa's feelings for him so that he can get to Aerith.Aerith wants Tifa to do all the hard work for her before finaly having Cloud join her on the flower garden.

I don't hate Tifa at all so you know she's one of my fav charaters I just don't see them as a couple. One last thing if any of you are into star signs and that crap Tifa is a Taurus and Cloud is a Leo (Leo's rule!!!) They aren't love signs they're actual enemies belive me I know I'm a Leo if you haven't guessed. Aerith is a Aquarius and Aquariuians and Leo's are love signs because both Aqua's and Leo's don't get along with Taurus and Scorpio's. But if you don't believe in that crap than disreguard this.

Fair enough but their is more proof for Cloti than Clerith.

Even Aerith gives Cloti her blessing.

Though really both Aerith and Tifa should become lesbians because Cloud really dosent deserve them.

what the hells a Mage

A mage I belive is someone who uses magic.
You do know you're hating on a FICTIONAL charater

LOL, I'm sorry but you just demonstrated that you have an IQ of less than 100.

Where the fuck did I say I hated Aeris? I said that Tifa would pound her into the ground because Aeris is of the mage class. She is not suited for physical fighting. She excels in magic.

Fucker. >_> <_<

to like the game and the movie is okay but you've gone way past liking you hate someone who isn't real.


And what the hells a mage.[ Most girls call othe girls they hate whores, and sluts what the hells a Mage?

I think you need to play more RPGs, darling.

This is going in my sig.

Pure gold. As if I wasn't convinced enough that 2/3 of the people at this site are retards, you just prove my point further. Congradulations.

I can see that there is chemistry between the two but if he loves her so much why in the movie does his body languge not say that.

And you're trying to be a pshycologist now? Fail, Garrison

Member we Tifa said something like don't run we can help each other I know we can why doesn't he look into her eyes to see if she means it or just to have hope that maybe he can overrcome his illness??

Full stops. Plz.

And when people know they are dying they usual want to spend it with the ones they love (Not saying Cloud is other people but he is human).


Instead of being with Tifa he stays in Aerith church. I have never played the game but from the images Ive seen it's more Cloti than Clerith.

Thank you.


I think Aerith's death made him love her more because he reliases that he'll never get to see her again and spend time with her. I don't hate Tifa at all so you know she's one of my fav charaters I just don't see them as a couple.

Shows you know fuck all of what you're talking about. Hell, if you don't even know what a "mage" is, then why the hell would you bother watching a movie based on a hit RPG? :huh: And don't tell me it's because of the graphics either. If you want to atleast seem intelligent and know what you're talking about, then read Case of Tifa, which is is like the prolouge to AC.

One last thing if any of you are into star signs and that crap Tifa is a Taurus and Cloud is a Leo (Leo's rule!!!) They aren't love signs they're actual enemies belive me I know I'm a Leo if you haven't guessed. Aerith is a Aquarius and Aquariuians and Leo's are love signs because both Aqua's and Leo's don't get along with Taurus and Scorpio's. But if you don't believe in that crap than disreguard this.


Aquariuses and Leos have their differences in a relationship that they would have to overcome just like a Taurus and a Leo. Don't give me that bullshit. You obviously know fuck all about relationships if you base true love off of *~star signs~!~! and necrophilia. Get out.
very competitive argument

everyone knows what a mage is anyway how can someone not know what a mage is and play final fantasy

a mage is of the spell casting class being:

black mage-offensive magic variety
white mage-healing magic variety
time mage-time and space magic variety
green mage-status magic variety
and necrophilia. Get out.

why are all you Clotis obsessed with Sex? Please. its only Necrophila if he shags Aeriths dead corpse - and since he doesnt do that Clerith isnt based off Necrophlia. if you think that the only way you can love someone is through sex - then your pretty pathetic - the beauty of Clerith is that Cloud and Aerith can still love each other without sex.

also stop telling people to "Get out" Judge Rulia, Rydia, and now this person - all these people are either Ex-admins, Senior members, or people who overall just post more productive and less drama posts than you.

and if you have to revert to insulting people to prove a point then you have a pretty weak argument ;)

Me thinks you should follow your own advice and get out.
I didn't know that star signs are so importand.
If we're just based on them then I don't think we will ever move on in our lives.

And one thing.If Cloud didn't have feelings for Tifa then why was he trying to get her notice him and became a soilder?
LOL, I'm sorry but you just demonstrated that you have an IQ of less than 100.

Where the fuck did I say I hated Aeris? I said that Tifa would pound her into the ground because Aeris is of the mage class. She is not suited for physical fighting. She excels in magic.

Fucker. >_> <_<


I think you need to play more RPGs, darling.

This is going in my sig.

Pure gold. As if I wasn't convinced enough that 2/3 of the people at this site are retards, you just prove my point further. Congradulations.

And you're trying to be a pshycologist now? Fail, Garrison

Full stops. Plz.


Thank you.


Shows you know fuck all of what you're talking about. Hell, if you don't even know what a "mage" is, then why the hell would you bother watching a movie based on a hit RPG? :huh: And don't tell me it's because of the graphics either. If you want to atleast seem intelligent and know what you're talking about, then read Case of Tifa, which is is like the prolouge to AC.


Aquariuses and Leos have their differences in a relationship that they would have to overcome just like a Taurus and a Leo. Don't give me that bullshit. You obviously know fuck all about relationships if you base true love off of *~star signs~!~! and necrophilia. Get out.


LOLZ you are so damn obsessed. XD XD XD
Aeris is alive in KH so CleRis is completely logical. It could happen.
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