FFX-2 Am I The Only One Who Actually Like It?


ShinRa Guard
Feb 29, 2008
Really, I kinda liked X-2, it was fun, cute, and I almost shed a tear. It has its downs but hey, every sequel does. the battle music, it actually gets catchy after a while.

You know, maybe the reason why I like it is because I'M a cute, lighthearted person lol.
I actually liked it. I actually REPLAYED it!

The storyline does seem a bit iffy in places but i really like the combat and all the different classes. It adds a new depth and lots to learn...

I just wished there was more variety than just Yuna, Rikku and Paine (The more characters the better in my opinion) and i wish getting 100% was easier, or at least some of the missions should be more obvious (i missed a few...)
Nah...I liked it because the gameplay was fun....some parts of it were cute....and I really liked the dressphere system. The story itself is not THAT bad.....but the fact that it ruins the perfect ending that FFX had.....well...that's the saddest thing about this game IMO.>_<
It was a fun enough game but I think everyone was expecting something epic like the preevious FF's, it had more of a fun lighthearted feel to it, that could also be seen as half arsed :wacky:

I think the expectations of it were too high because it was like the first FF sequel EVAR

I did actually quite like it tho lol
I like it. I actually like it a lot!

I think the accusations of this game being too light hearted are a bit misplaced. There's nothing light hearted about the whole Lenne/Shuyin business from where I'm sitting, and information about Zanarkand and Spira's past certainly made things interesting too. The storyline (though it starts out pretty slow) is great, and I rate this game almost as high as FFX.
The game play was fun, but it had a poor storyline.
This game was awful. The only thing that makes it popular are the hot girls in it. WHich certainly isn't a criterium for a game to be good...
I do like this game. I love the music, FMVs, dresspeheres and the poppy cheesy ness of it.

Great girly game and one of my favs. Never tire of it.
There were some parts i did like and it was the combat system just the story ruined it for me
I disliked the battle system, and the storyline was way less serious when compared to other FFs. Loved the FMVs and music though. And I'd much rather play this game than FFVIII.
I liked the upbeat and postive activity in the game. I love the dresspheres and the gameplay of FFX-2.

Only thing I really hated was how short and shallow the story line is. It needed more depth. =/.
Really, I kinda liked X-2, it was fun, cute, and I almost shed a tear. It has its downs but hey, every sequel does. the battle music, it actually gets catchy after a while.

Don't sell yourself short, you're only one out of a super giant billion-some number of people. There are plenty of people who like the game, I'm sure. But those who absolutely admire it and adore it more than any other Final Fantasy are probably in very low numbers. xD

I like it. I actually like it a lot!

I think the accusations of this game being too light hearted are a bit misplaced. There's nothing light hearted about the whole Lenne/Shuyin business from where I'm sitting, and information about Zanarkand and Spira's past certainly made things interesting too. The storyline (though it starts out pretty slow) is great, and I rate this game almost as high as FFX.

But what really breaks it is the whole chick-flick feeling of the game for veteran players, because they're expecting it to be epic, and by far the coolest fucking thing ever made. :neomon:

This game was awful. The only thing that makes it popular are the hot girls in it. Which certainly isn't a criterium for a game to be good...

Disagree. The battle system was fun, for a change. It was also nice to see the return of the job system, one of the really fun elements of Final Fantasy.

I didn't really mind the story, though. It wasn't too interesting, but it's actually one of the games I play every now and then. The only things that I really hate about the game is how long it takes for the game to finally get started, and Blitzball. They completely fuxed it.
It's okay. I didn't hate it, nor did I absolutely like it...it was just so-so. Granted, it was fun and upbeat, but the storyline didn't catch my attention as much - probably the main reason why it didn't exactly appeal to me. However, the part about Shuyin and Lenne actually interested me. I'm a sucker for tragic romance.

And I did love the music. xD 1,000 Words and Real Emotion are both awesome!
UGH! The Blitzball. Why in the hell did they change it? I loved Blitz in FFX. Psh. That was bullshitt.

I agree Suki. =). I loved the music in the game. Very catchy. I also loved their phrases in battle.
Not only does Blitzball in it suck, it's hard as hell to figure out. :(

You have to lose like, 80 times so you can train your team well enough to actually be able to beat another team. Utter crap.
I lost only a few times in FFX, actually. It was so simple to learn!! Why'd they change that shit, mayne? Urgh!

I don't know if I even tried after the first time that I HAD to play Blitzball in X-2.
But what really breaks it is the whole chick-flick feeling of the game for veteran players, because they're expecting it to be epic, and by far the coolest fucking thing ever made. :neomon:

See that's where I disagree. The whole Charlie's Angels wannabe thing was only really prevalent in the beginning of the game. After that, I actually thought that it did possess the epic quality of other Final Fantasies.

Oh yeah, and I agree with everyone else about Blitz Ball in FF X-2. Blitz Ball in FF X was a great and really funny mini game. If they had just taken that, and perhaps built a little upon it, it would have been great. But that was just not to be I guess :rolleyes:
Eh, I sucked at Blitzball in FFX so I didn't even bother trying the Blitz in FFX-2 lol
Allright it wasn't epic, allright the storyline wasn't all that serious...but I really loved it! It was fun, cute, and I loved the battle system a lot! Maybe it wasn't like anothe final fantasy, but I liked it nevertheless.
I like the game too; you're not alone. The only part about it that put me off is the fact that it was connected to FFX, and kind of narfed the perfect ending to that for me. I think as its own separate entity it would have been a good game, but I just see it as decent because of that connection.

It was a fun game, though. I loved changing dresspheres and exploring new abilities, along with the punchlines and cool music. The LeBlanc Syndicate was boss, too.