FFX-2 Am I The Only One Who Actually Like It?

Eh, it was ok I guess. Even though I did like seeing 1000 words concert and Shuyin alot in it. Most % I got was 98%.
I also enjoyed X-2,

After completing FFX, and loving the storyline, i personally would of found any game that continued on with that storyline to be good. And i enjoyed the battle system too. The classes etc. :)
I didn't like the battle sytem, The storyline wasn't good enough compared to the other FF's, however I liked so of the FMVs. but it really could have been better.
I liked it! It was a bit different, and the story seemed to be a better one then X. And to keep everyone happy, the secret ending ties things off nicely. Because at the end of X, i was like - that it? he really is gonna go. Hmmm. Kinda sucks! but x-2 solved that. :neomon:
I loved it. Every part.

I even played it again to get 100% XD. It was fun the battle system was so cool. The whole dress sphere thing was so cool, i loved Dark Warrior it was cool and Achlmist.

Ending was epic! I loved 1000 words.
I liked it so much i played it over and over.I'm currently at my 10th playthrough and it's not even close to boring
I thought that it was pretty good i like that they have special dressppheres it's almost like limit breaks.....almost.
I played it for the first time, a long time ago and did not like it at all. I hated the battle system and a lot of the dialog was very crappy and I hated how they made Yuna, Paine and Rikku out to be some old cheesy 80's Charlie's Angels ripoffs. I also didn't like the whole MISSION TIME and MISSION COMPLETE thing, It just took away from the classic FF feel to me. Anyways, I played it for about an hour or so, then got bored of it then turned it off and haven't played in a long time.

Yesterday though, I started a new game up, only this time I used a gameshark and got all the stuff, all the dresspheres and lvl99 and I must say it's making the game a lot more enjoyable.
I found it funny the amount of times Brother kept perving her...although the best thing about FFX-2...was the opening theme song, memory of lightwaves :P

It was an okay game in my opinion :D
I did like the game and you know what I am addicted to the damn thing I'm actually playing it right now, I have no idea why these people don't like but I did like the game it did make me shed a tear or two but maybe that's because I'm a girl.
But then again Paine made the game worthwhile, she the awesomeness!!!
You are not alone :'( I must admit i hated the game my self. I sore it at the shop and i decided to buy it to try get 100% but as i got half way I started to love the game D;
I did like the game and you know what I am addicted to the damn thing I'm actually playing it right now, I have no idea why these people don't like but I did like the game it did make me shed a tear or two but maybe that's because I'm a girl.
But then again Paine made the game worthwhile, she the awesomeness!!!

Not that hard to work out:

- Too easy - Vegnagun was way too simple, and
went down too quickly also.
- A lot of things to do were optional, the game was sidequesty throughout.
- You could defeat the final boss under level 40 - a game which requires levelling, this was poor.
- Just 3 playable characters.
- Filler like story material.

What I did like:

- Dresspheres
- Youth League vs New Yevon drama, very appropriate and I think it followed well after the actual game.
- Digging in the desert, fighting that giant desert beast, that huge mechanical thing in the Djose Temple, Via Infinito.

And unless you're a diehard TidusxYuna fan, you'll hate the perfect ending.
I hated the game. Mostly because of the story, I'll admit I smiled when I got the good (not perfect) ending, but I would have preferred that it didn't ruin FFX's ending.

The thing that really bothered me was it's shear easiness. Throughout the whole game, you have the option to do side quests which makes the majority of the actual story ridiculously easy. The final boss was no problem so long as you had been doing a few sidequests which didn't even take that much effort.

I did however like the battle system and much like JR I liked the drama between the Youth League and New Yevon. But as a whole, I thought the game was terrible.