FFX-2 Am I The Only One Who Actually Like It?

I like the game. I remember when i first got it I was like "oooh" but i got over that real quick lol.

I thought it was great and I LOVED the way you had to unlock new abilities.
Heh, it was just a basic AP system. :P

Another thing I liked was the 'real time' aspect to it instead of battling being turn based. It made the game seem far more fast-paced and alive.
I loved the game.

It was very creative, original, and I think it went places that they should have been afraid to go because of so many people that would obviously not accept it.

Square did wonders with this sequel.
Heh, it was just a basic AP system. :P

Another thing I liked was the 'real time' aspect to it instead of battling being turn based. It made the game seem far more fast-paced and alive.

Yes, it was very fast paced. It took a minute to actually get use too. =/.

I loved how you could change the dresspheres in the middle of the battle and what-not.

New Game Plus = God.
I really liked the dressphere thing. The fact that everything was so cheap and the game's completion percantage. Cool
I honestly enjoyed this game. I replayed it several times, mostly because the story line was so good and it was genuinely fun to play. The new characters were refreshing and well designed, Nooj, Baralai and Gippal especially.

The battle system was lack luster, yes. I mean, as long as you were a high level you could practically bash the X button until you won. But overall I liked this game, not nearly as much as the original but it's still good.
Hey, when I bought it and started to play it, I thought it was amusing. I was interested in what Yuna would be up to in this new adventure. The poor thing, just try and imagine what her life was like - not to mention, what she went through and then the loss of her first love. Hell, anybody would need a change. It was good to see her break out of her shell and really start to enjoy life. Like I said, I found it amusing and it was enjoyable. However, right now, I'm of the opinion that it should not have been made. X's ending was soo beautiful and tragic and I enjoy, more now then before, imagining what might have happened, etc.
I think it would've been better if it wasn't an ALL girl story based game. Maybe adding Nooj, Baralai and Gippal as the three men to the battle party could've made it cool. Have Dressphere system for the girls and a Armoursphere system for the guys? XD. It'd be nice.

Could've created a better story line as well. >__>;;

Don't get me wrong though. The 3 girls were good and all. Still a decent game in my book.
I didn't like it as a Final Fantasy title since it just didn't seem like one but as a game itself I thought that it was pretty good fun, I liked it far better than FFXII anyway.
Mainly the game is about three wannabe chicks fighting fiends and stuff. If SE could have put in at least one lad than it wouldn't be such a girly game. Even though I'm a girl myself :P

Lads like this game for those three hotties :wacky:

I liked that new character Paine :)
I liked this game, but I thought they could've improved it slightly, maybe with the addition of more characters, not even necessarily male...
But the dressphere system was cool, I enjoyed making everyone Dark Knights and owning fiends, but I had my personal favourites in the dresspheres too (Samurai and Berserker, oh yeah!)
In my books, it's actually a pretty good game. However, my first initial opinion was the total opposite.

When I first played it, I really didn't like it. The whole girl power thing just didn't work for me, and I ended up leaving it for a month, until I started to play again and did actually quite enjoy it, and loved all the side missions and how non-linear it was.

Now I think it's a pretty good game actually.
The gameplay was somewhat fun, the characters weren't THAT bad, and the music was really nice...but what happened to the story? I honestly didn't get drawn into it in the same way. While the freedom was nice, there was nothing which kept me playing until the end.
I didn't mind this game, I was just expecting a better story after how amazing I found FFX to be. I don't mean to sound sexist here, but it was kind of weird for a guy playing an all-girl cast as your characters.

I was hoping for a different situation where we could use someone besides the current cast which was only narrowed down because Wakka and Lulu were parents, and Kimarhi was teaching kindergarden kids how to howl and junk.

I wasnted a past breakdown of the journey/pilgrimage of Braska, Young Auron, and Jecht.
I don't think of this game as a Final Fantasy. I think of it as a fun excursion from the series, and with that in mind, I loved it. Having a job system again was a lot of fun too.

I hated this game at first, and I think this was because I took it too seriously. I was expecting a continuation of FFX, and it was completely different.
I thought it was good, like said above, cute.

I liked the battle system, but some of the stuff was over done, like the song dress sphere...I didn't see how that fit in.

The storyline wasn't to bad either.
It took me awhile to get into it, but it did eventually grow on me.

I have to say though, Rikku's script made me cry tears of pain at some parts in the story. People who have spent time saving the world from Sin wouldn't dance around shouting "poopie".
I liked it to an extent for example i liked the dressphere system and the ultimate dresspheres gave me a sense of power as i could get them early in the game. However, i disliked the light heartedness of the storyline and the fact that yuna changed.
but yes i liked it =]
Great storyline, let down by an interesting but complicated battle style. I just used Dark Knight, White Mage and Black Mage the whole time! (YRP respectively.)
Although the ending was good, if you could get it. After all, that was the only reason I bought the game. But it wasn't all bad.
Are you kidding me? This game was so fun, the graphics were great, the gameplay was new, but I liked it and the story was awesome.:wacky: