

Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
I just stumbled across a video on youtube, I was just looking for a song really but the video itself was to do with being anorexic - PRO ANA - the description said, which I didn't know what it meant at first until I paid attention to the video but I just don't understnd what makes people want to do this to their bodies

There are websites about that give people tips on what to eat or not much, how to get away with it and conceal it from their families, hiding food..... In the end these people just end up either seriously ill or dead. Why would people want to encourage this?

Ugh, I'm rambling and probably not making sense but it's sickening when you see how skinny these people get, I watched a documentary a while back with kids that were anorexic and it's just awful >_<

I'm no good at explaining things, but I hope you get my point
Ugh. Anorexic chicks are not attractive to me at all. I don't understand why they do it 'cause it only messes things up so much for everyone.
That's retarded, why would you encourage not to eat!? Anyways, I pretty much agree with George Carlin on Anorexics and Bulimics. Which is a good time to bring up one of his stand up clip. :wacky:

Sorry if I end up offending someone but anyways, I hope you enjoy this clip! :gmonster:

well you also got to look at all the other problems that are supported on the internet. even though bulimia and anorexia are bad, there are much worse things that are supported on the internet.
no matter how bad a thing can be there will always be someone on the internet supporting it. sometimes the best that we could do is just work with those that we know to try and stop it localy. If enough people do this then maybe it won't be as much of a problem.
I never understood how someone can be anorexic and I don't see how someone can be attracted to someone who looks like Skeletor.
well you also got to look at all the other problems that are supported on the internet. even though bulimia and anorexia are bad, there are much worse things that are supported on the internet.
Well of course there are. There are sites supporting Facism/Nazism.
There are sites about boy love(there's a link on ED if you really want to read see it).
But the evils of the internets is not the issue.
Anorexic chicks are ugly, which is ironic, as most people that starve themselves do it to become more attractive.
However, Anorexia is a disease, and there are those who can't help starving themselves, which is very sad.
It's possible to apportion blame to the fashion industry for telling girls that to be attractive they have to have the figure of a boy.
The people that purposely starve themselves are pathetic really, as they have no self esteem and conform to what certain groups of society deem attractive.
Anorexia is quite sick to be honest, seriously, why would someone want to see their own ribcage or someone elses and find it attractive? D:
In all honesty I find people who support anorexia weird. (No offence).
I watched this video a long time ago which shocked me.

I, personally, had eating problems before. When I was 11, my classmates used to tease me about my being fat. When I turned 13, which was my freshman year of high school, I stopped eating. I ate a piece of bread everyday and that was it. I developed hyperacidity because of that. Now that I am healthy and I eat right, the memory of that still disturbs me at times.

Which is why I feel for these girls who are still going through this. I know that most people can't understand why they made the choice of starving themselves, but the truth is that sometimes, being ridiculed was still worse than the hunger.

PRO ANA, huh. Anorexia isn't anything worthy to be upheld. I am curious of this video. Could you link it, Bambi?
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All I wanted to do was listen to the song to see if it was any good haha

The girl that made the vid is only like 14/15 it's pretty shocking reallly

It says my body is m perfection and I would die for beauty somewhere in there aswel, there's nothing beautiful about a head that looks too big for your body and sticky outy bones all over the show -_-
Encouraging yourself not to eat at all is pretty sad. There are other ways to lose weight in a healthy way and starving yourself is a cruel thing to do to your own body, no matter how much you want to lose weight. You're not giving your body the proper nutrition and can do devastating effects to your body. It's not attractive at all, as people here have already mentioned. Yes you can eat in minimum amounts than what you normally long as it's still the proper diet that your body needs and you still eat at leasttwice a day. Just cut the sweets, do some exercises, and you shall see some progress. I really don't support anorexia at all, no matter the reasonings behind it. >.>
I don't like anorexia at all. I've had friends who were anorexic and who've died from it. Is losing weight like that really worth hurting yourself and maybe even losing your life over. I'd rather be fat and alive than skinny and dead. I people so lazy that they can't just try eating very healthy and exercising? I mean, it's like they want to do the easiest thing which is to not eat at all, than to take the effort to research healthy diets, and then to stick to them. If losing weight is really that important, then shouldn't you take the time to do it properly and healthy?
People end up anorexic for different reasons, and because of that I don't think it's really fair to generalise anorexics as a whole. I also don't think it's fair to blame the media completely. Yes, there are those who want to become anorexic which I see as pathetic. I think that in a lot of cases it's more about getting attention or wanting people to worry about you than conforming to a generalised idea of beauty. Like they'll try to 'hide' it but subconsciously they want people to notice, and when people do ask why they're not eating they'll deny it, and when they don't it's like 'NOBODY EVAR NOTICES ME!!!1 :gasp:'. Yeah, I know people like this. :wacky: Cases like this are probably most common in teenage girls, although I can hardly speak for everyone. <_<

We can't really hold the media totally responsible though like a lot of people do. They hardly glorify anorexia, in contrast there are a lot of campaigns to raise awareness in teenage girls and let them know the risks and damages to their health. And the reason we see skinny models everywhere is simply because slender frames are easier on the eye, they aren't meant to be beautiful. When we look through a clothes catalogue we don't do it to perv on all the models, we look at the clothes. If normal-sized women were used then most of us would look at it and think they need to lose weight, although if you spoke to someone that size you wouldn't think anything was wrong with them. In the same way, whenever a celebrity becomes scarily thin most people think that they look awful.

There are looaads of reasons as to why people end up anorexic. With a lot of people it starts off because they want to take control of their body, or some have problems in other aspects of their lives and want to 'fade away' by not eating, I don't know. Saying that they're just lazy and want to lose weight without exercising isn't true a lot of the time, a lot of anorexics combine not eating with over-exercising.

Anyway, I've waffled on long enough. :gasp: In conclusion, I think it's a smaller percentage of anorexics who do it to become more attractive than people seem to think.

There are looaads of reasons as to why people end up anorexic. With a lot of people it starts off because they want to take control of their body, or some have problems in other aspects of their lives and want to 'fade away' by not eating, I don't know. Saying that they're just lazy and want to lose weight without exercising isn't true a lot of the time, a lot of anorexics combine not eating with over-exercising.

I'm going to agree with you on this i had a ED for 5 years and i think i would workout maybe 3 or 4 times a day i would eat like a meal a day so i wasnt particularly starving either but yeah generally they do alot of exercise
....anorexic people are offense.....but i really think....why don't they eat!?!?! food are so..ADORABLE!!!!!!!...hehe...why don't they just exercise or go on a diet if they wanna get thin?!...lazy asses...they starve themselves just to get thin....and what's so great about being thin!!!...thin peoples are not great to hug...because all you can feel is skin and bones...they are pushed easily...and their bones break easily because there's no layer of fat to absorb blows or something like that....
lol, try not to fight in this thread, and anyways, my advice to those who had anorexia, try to eat food even just a little per day.. youll never know when you will die...
Anorexia isn't a conscious decision. It's a subconscious psychological disorder where the sufferer sees themselves as "too fat" or "imperfect" or whatever, and since (I hate using this word) "society" mass produces shit everywhere showing that you will never find love if you don't have a nice rack and no hips, it's only natural that youth who have grown up with such influences fall under such a horrible disease.

i know that anorexia nervosa is a disease....but if they had not implanted on their minds that everytime they eat makes them fat it wouldn't had happened to them...

Have you tried starving yourself? I challenge you to go without food for 3 days just to see if you can. I admire people who can because of the strong will complex, but my point is that it's not a matter of "being lazy", it's that they truly believe any food is poison to their ideal figure.

I'm sorry but i cannot accept your challenge because i'm not that crazy to starve myself just because of a puny argument and still they are lazy...why?
Because as you and everybody knows in this forum that the mental disease anorexia nervosa starts off when you think that your fat and wants to get thin badly.

And once you think that you will think of ways to get thin. Naturally you think the first thing that everbody and exercise...but your too lazy to do you think of other getting a liposuction but that option is already crossed out because as a normal teenager you don't have that much the only option left for normal teenagers are not eating....and that's what they did...they implanted in their minds that food would get you fat and such....and they stop eating...and thus becoming anorexic....

so it is still a matter of laziness...
i know that anorexia nervosa is a disease....but if they had not implanted on their minds that everytime they eat makes them fat it wouldn't had happened to them...
Which is not the person who has anorexia's fault. Ergo, they aren't lazy. Thanks for voiding your theory of laziness.

I'm sorry but i cannot accept your challenge because i'm not that crazy to starve myself just because of a puny argument and still they are lazy...why?
Because as you and everybody knows in this forum that the mental disease anorexia nervosa starts off when you think that your fat and wants to get thin badly
No. As it is not a conscious decision. People don't wake up and say OMG I R SO FAHT. Often you'll find that people you have anorexia aren't fat to begin with. Also fasting is not a good way to lose weight, as it has other effects than just weight loss, even liposuction is safer. It's certainly not something that 'lazy' people do.

And once you think that you will think of ways to get thin. Naturally you think the first thing that everbody and exercise...but your too lazy to do you think of other getting a liposuction but that option is already crossed out because as a normal teenager you don't have that much the only option left for normal teenagers are not eating....and that's what they did...they implanted in their minds that food would get you fat and such....and they stop eating...and thus becoming anorexic
Wrong. Anorexia comes first, thus demonstrating your lack of knowledge. Also who is to say that the people with anorexia don't already exercise. Also I'm not anorexic, so there is no need for the personal pronouns.
Lulz at how fasting is an option for normal teenagers. Which suggests you either aren't a teenager, or aren't normal or both.
No. As it is not a conscious decision. People don't wake up and say OMG I R SO FAHT. Often you'll find that people you have anorexia aren't fat to begin with. Also fasting is not a good way to lose weight, as it has other effects than just weight loss, even liposuction is safer. It's certainly not something that 'lazy' people do.
i know that people with anorexia aren't fat to begin with that's why i said WHEN YOU THINK YOUR FAT...and liposuction is safe but a normal teenager can't afford it...
and anorexia is a conscious decision..because a person with anorexia as you know over-estimate the size or fatness of their bodies so they don't over all in all anorexia is a conscious decision...

Wrong. Anorexia comes first, thus demonstrating your lack of knowledge. Also who is to say that the people with anorexia don't already exercise. Also I'm not anorexic, so there is no need for the personal pronouns.
Lulz at how fasting is an option for normal teenagers. Which suggests you either aren't teenager, or aren't normal or both

In some cases anorexia comes just like what i said anorexic friend thought what i just wrote before...that's why i've come to the 'laziness theory' but she is now healed from that dreadful disease....if it isn't because of Westeners
promotion of thinness as the ideal female form this catastrophe wouldn't have happened...and....

I'M A TEENAGER!!!!!!! I'M 18 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!

but i'm not normal that's the reason i said i was weird in my profile....

baka no ama...
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I used to have a anorexic friend, i would try and get her to eat but it was destroeying our friendship, so i kinda backed out, but for her b'day i brought her LOADS of choc and when she didnt eat it i was like... *fakecry*you wont eat them,,, and i got them for you ecvt and she did, and then slowley started eating ect and in the end... now shes fine and she thinks she was stupid in the first place... said it was easyer that people think to get out of not eating.. and im not against it but i agree they are very stupid to get them self to that point...