Any plans for tonight?

I am going to play Portal with my dearest pal, Adrian. Or is it amyway, no anthony, amber? Then I will play some Dead Space 2, before making pancake batter for my breakfast. I am going to eat the shit out of those pancakes
I am going to recover. Had a sorta unexpected get-together with a friend last night, and it was a pretty wild party. Somehow I'm not hungover, even though I thought I drank a bunch. :hmmm:
Heading out the the Prom...etheus screening at my local cinema.

I don't know anything about this movie if I'm being honest. I'm sure I've seen the trailer but I can't remember anything about it. I kind of like going into a movie without knowing anything about it though. Having no expectations about it means that I won't be disappointed if it's shit. :monster:

Hopefully it is good, my mate is the one organizing this and he has pretty good taste in movies. So yeah..
Hopefully going to my pal's house tonight to be nerdy and do nerdy things. Good times and such. I'm more excited for tomorrow though. But that's not exactly tonight so I don't know why I'm bringing it up... :hmm:
Chris and I are watching the cricket today so we'll be there until the early hours of the evening and then heading home. When we get back, we may watch Hot Fuzz. Last night we tried to watch The Social Network which wasn't very interesting sadly. :sad3:
It is 2 in the morning, but for the next half hour or so I will be tearing this room apart to find the horrible centipede that keeps visiting me every night. (Well...last night and today)

My stupid cat has not seen the centipede; I asked her if she had seen it and she just stared at me. I think she thinks I am crazy and just imagined it.

Last night it came from the left side of my room, and went behind me. Tonight I just saw it in the middle of the room and so I screamed. Then it scuttled away to the left side of the room, where I saw it come from last night.

He has already established that we are not friends, since if we were he would not be a centipede in the first place! His bent, long, skinny legs scuttling across the room. Just the thought sends shivers down my body, as if centipedes are crawling through my veins.

I will find you centipede...and you will pay. You will pay for my maddening paranoia and for reaking havoc on my innocent room! :rage:
Ah nothing much. I've had 6am to 6pm days this week which has been rather shite.

Can't wait for my holidays in August and potentially quitting my job soon. >.< So over the stress of it all!

I went and bought a heap of coke but alas I have no bourbon to go with it. :(

I do have to go to bed a bit early too, as I have a mate looking at my car in the morning.
Stupid thing is making this annoying noise since he last fixed the front struts. I think it's just not sitting in place or something and keeps rubbing against the springs or whatever. >.<
Well, I have work this evening 'til 7. When I get home, I am going to relax - I'll probably read some of Elantris and play either Final Fantasy VII, Atelier Meruru or Rayman Origins. I have 7 1/2 hours of work tomorrow, which isn't a long shift by most standards, but we're running around a lot and only get one 30 minute lunch break. :lew: Lunch can take 20 minutes to collect because the shops are so busy, so I shall be sure to take something in! :hmmm: If the centre itself is busy, which it often is on a Saturday, lunch could be quite late too. :sad3: Late lunches do not agree with me; I feel exhausted and light headed for the rest of the day. :S
I was supposed to go to a friend's house today, but she got tied up doing errands, so that's out.
So now, I intend to fix my current Photoshop trial problems and watch BSSM. :)
:hmmm: What am I doing tonight? Oh... nothing much... only GOING TO SEE FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS LIVE
:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

Do you even understand how excited I am? Probably not because no one in the entire world could have possibly ever been as excited as I am now! Not even a lottery winner (please let me win the next lotto)

You may all now be silently envious of me :ari:

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:hmmm: What am I doind tonight? Oh... nothing much.. only GOING TO SEE FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS LIVE
:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

Do you even understand how excited I am? Probably not because no one in the entire world could have possibly ever been as excited as I am now! Not even a lottery winner (please let me win the next lotto)

You may all now be silently envious of me :ari:



My brothers went to see them without me because they are cunts and they said it was one of the best concerts ever. I am very jelly right now :(
I am going to take so many piiiictures and then after the show I am going to wait behind the building for them like a massive creeper and when they come out I will ambush them!


I will buy a t-shirt or something too :toni:

Also punch your brothers faces in :hmph: How dare they! HOW. DARE. THEY!
You should totally do that :ohoho:

Yes, take many photos and zoom in on their beautiful faces!!
I have a fantastic night all planned out. I'm going to watch Two And A Half Men while eating instant noodles (because I haven't had anything to eat today :c). For dessert I will have oreos...many maaany oreos because YOLO
Gonna veg until we go out to dinner at a fancy restuarant then I'm gonna go get blitzed. And gaming, lots o' gaming. ^_^