Anyone else dissapointed with the small selection of Aeons?

Hmmm I didn't see it at first...


Wow that picture quality sucks.
But he does resemble odin.
I just didn't remember Odin's name being mentioned. =x
I'm so rusty. =x
I don't think it actually was mentioned. I think we were just supposed to put two and two together. I didn't notice it until my boyfriend pointed it out.

Wow, Odin for once is the most powerful summon...
You'd think that he would ALWAYS be powerful.
I mean all of the summons are taken from mythology, and Odin of all people is the King of Valhalla! o_O
That's funny, because I always looked at Anima as a male...
But technically she IS a female. lol.
I thought 8 was a perfect number. It wasn't too much of an overload like FFVI's seemed to be and same with FFVII. I sort of base my number of aeons now on FFX's system. I think 8 is probably the minimum I'd want. Any lower would blow big-time.
I thought it was really good because in the other games, you just summon them to do one attack, in this one they actually take your place in the battle and have their own stats based on Yuna's so it really worked out well in this game
There weren't many, but if there were too many you'd win any battle because the aeons themselves count as a fighting character you can control, if you had about 20 aeons battles would be so much easier.
Alexander should of been in it for the heck of it. D:

But, I wasn't too... stuffed about the amount of Aeons. When first playing the game, I was more hooked on the fact you could control them, how good they looked and how great the actual summoning was... (I still laugh when you see one of your character's who got KO-ed get up and run off - never get bored of it.)

Plus, having 3 "hidden" aeon's was enough for me, it felt good to at least... have to quest to get them. ;D If there was more aeons... well, it would of been a bit... crowded. D:
I think that there were plenty of Aeons especially considering that later on in the game they become somewhat useless because your characters get so strong.
Nah, there were enough for me. Whenever there are more, like on FF7 or FF8, I don't end up using the ones I don't like, anyway.

Omnislasher483 said:
Well if you wanna get technical about it, there were a whole lot of fayths near Zanarkand. So if there was an Aeon for each one of them, that's more summons than all the FFs combined.

But weren't all of those working together to make one big "aeon," the Dream Zanarkand?
I didn't even think about how many summons this game had. But i think that it wouldn't hurt if it was more hidden summons :).
The selection was ok, more would've better imo, like Leviathon and Ramuh, but I wasn't disappointed in the selections
Storywise it had the right amount seems that if there were more then that would mean more temples and more listening to the little blonde brat cry bout his daddy haha :P

Gameplay-wise not nearly enough aeons/summons i really wanted to see Odin, leviathan, alexander, and a decent looking bahamut and maybe a new version of cerberus i always wanted one that attacks ^_^
u gotta rememba that u wud be having to go to many many temples so i think its just fine
Pretty good selection, I thought. If there were more then if you wanted to train them all to max it would take a lifetime. Although I could have done without the Magus Sisters and maybe had Knights of the Round as a fayth. since there were 13, you could have 6 on one side counted as one party member, maybe called weapons. Then another 6 called.... idk, spellcaster, and then the last one in the middle and make him really huge. That would have been pretty cool. (The names are probably stupid but i'm thinking quick here)
The aeons were a lot more effective in X, so the small selection should be accepted with good grace.

In IX, we used MP. In VIII we waited god knows how long for them to arrive. In X, they arrived instantly for free, and stomped anything. In X there is quality as opposed to quantity,