Anyone finished this game 100%

Nope, but I'm getting there. I have all items in their first forms (so just need to upgrade them all, as well as upgrade to Omega weapon for each character for Treasure Hunter) and have 5 stared around 65% of the Missions. Apart from that, it's all little (albiet time consuming) things I've to do.
Not yet, 5 Stars for 57 Mark missions, and I have one I need to complete. Other than that I'm pretty much just finishing up, and figuring out where to get the cash for the "Held all weapons and accessories" trophy.
If you only care about leveling up your weapons/accessories, without caring about bonus' or anything. I recommend using bomb cores/shells. Around 350 exp per one, and you get, usually, at least five per mission. Doesn't cost you a penny either ^^
Nope not yet but I will get there eventually. I bet im close to getting treasure hunter. Just need to get a few more items. I 5 star'd most of the mark missions and Im currently finishing up with the b rank missions. So yes I will be thar eventually.
At the slow rate I am progressing and the fact that I seem to be performing really dismally in many of the battles in the Archylte Steppe, I can't see myself getting there anytime soon. :wacky:

I want to get there though. I haven't been focusing much on the upgrading of my weapons and I have only started the missions. I'll probably battle to the final boss's front door, take him down, then come back. The storyline takes precedence for me.
Done everything.

Took 61 hours.

Thought it'd take longer...

Btw, about Mark 64, SE claimed it was impossible... it was almost as easy as the last Main Boss :/
Haha you are such a liar. How the hell do you finish everything in 61 HOURS? I finished the story at 61 hours dude. Thats IMPOSSIBLE. I have 80 hours now and im still not done. Dude either you have no life or you are just lieing. Ssly but that is impossible.... How the F do you beat vercingetorix and max out the crystarrium so fAST. YOU are lieing dude. The story is 50-61 hours so Im sure you lie.
61 hours?! thats impossible..
it took me 68 hrs to max out everyone's stats and 103 hours for the treasure hunter trophy and finally the platinum trophy...
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It is possible, however, to be done in 61 hours there's probably some serious guide usage going on :monster: As for the question, no I haven't Platinumed it yet I have 60 something hours and still quite a bit to do :hmmm:
Haha you are such a liar. How the hell do you finish everything in 61 HOURS? I finished the story at 61 hours dude. Thats IMPOSSIBLE. I have 80 hours now and im still not done. Dude either you have no life or you are just lieing. Ssly but that is impossible.... How the F do you beat vercingetorix and max out the crystarrium so fAST. YOU are lieing dude. The story is 50-61 hours so Im sure you lie.

Dude, i'm not lying, want a screenshot? :S

I got items as I went along

For CP farming I done the death = 999,999 trick on adamantoises with the CP egg, which also netted me about 4 of them trap(whatever for upgrading final weapons) and alot of dark matters.

Upgraded and dismantled alot of items to get money etc.

Btw, for anyone that don't believe me, ill happily upload my save when this new USB function comes to the Xbox.
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Death equals 999999 trick? Wow you hack then or do you mean you get 200000 CP each time you kill a long gui? Btw they are really hard to kill. The Trapezohedrons can be rare dropped by Adamantoises and Tortoises. I just say you hacked to get 999999 cp each time >_> Its pretty impossible to do it in 61. YOU HAVE TO HAVE NO LIFE
First SE never claimed it was impossible, because THEIR piggy-back guide tells you how to do it. Therefore, that was a lie.

Following that I find it highly unlikely that you have got 100% within 61 hours, especially seeing as almost everyone else who has been playing for 6 hours haven't got anything like 100% (93 hours for 62% of trophies myself).

So yeah, in future if you want people to believe your seemingly unlikely claims, you really shouldn't make up statements like, "SE claimed it was impossible"
Well in the news thread before, SE claimed the story would take about 50 hours and to do all the sidequests would take an infinite amount of time.

Btw, I took a video of my game, showing all my items, my crystarium, my marks with 5* (not showing all in the video obviously) etc.
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So you haven't done it 100%?

Can you stop talking now then please.

Yes this post is a little harsh, but if you haven't got 5* for every mark mission you haven't got 100%. So now, I will leave, knowing that you were wrong, I was right.

etc. etc.