Serious Anyone Loved You?

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
I'm not a big one for threads about love or romance (or anything in this particular forum tbh) but I am curious about this. I often see on here that a member is having trouble in his lovelife and it always seems to be that a crush he/she has is not being realized. Sometimes it even goes as far as someone you love does not seem to love you back. So here's my question...

You have loved others but have you ever been loved? Has there been anyone in your life that you can look back and say "I believe they truly loved me as a whole"? It does not matter if they do not love you anymore, only if at one point they truly loved you. Family & pets do not count.
I've been loved :monster:

It's not all good though, especially if you don't love them back....I'm just gunna use 2 examples. Ive been in relationships that I have ended and they have both still said they loved me and can we make it work etc etc, it's shit being on the recieving end of that, you feel well guity...haha, or if you try spiltting up with someone and they are just being so nice

Also, you even get the OMG ima kill myself if you leave me (to which I told one of them, go fucking do it I can't wait.) Of course, they never do, fucking emotional blackmail

I think Id rather love than be loved, it's so much less hassle. I'd rather be oh woe is me he doesnt know I exist and I love him so, than have someone acting like that over me xD
I think Id rather love than be loved, it's so much less hassle. I'd rather be oh woe is me he doesnt know I exist and I love him so, than have someone acting like that over me xD
It's really not that fun. >_>

Yes I've been loved, and I still am. It's not that complicated at all though because I love him too, and everything's just dandy. I've never been loved in the past though, or if I was they never told me. The only previous times when anybody has been interested in me, they have been complete weirdos so I've had to just let them down gently. >_> Actually, there was a guy who kept asking me out for about 5 years, damn boy clearly couldn't take the 'subtle' hint of being rejected EVERY TIME. -__-
I think I never have been loved by someone besides family and pets.... And that's pretty depressing. I play many instruments well, have mostly grade A-s, play ice-hockey and soccer well. Look good( Few girls have told it) and so on... and still no-one has liked or loved me :(

( I Should go and kill myself :D )
I've had quite a few guys tell me their love and adoration for me. It makes me feel like a bad person because I never love them back.

I haven't fallen head over heels for anyone...ever. Although I have dated quite a bit and have had a couple of great, short-lived romances, none of them lasted very long. I just never felt the same, none of them made weak in the knees or sigh in love. Very depressing.

It must have been worse for them though. Poor guys.
I think I never have been loved by someone besides family and pets.... And that's pretty depressing. I play many instruments well, have mostly grade A-s, play ice-hockey and soccer well. Look good( Few girls have told it) and so on... and still no-one has liked or loved me :(

( I Should go and kill myself :D )
Oh come on, you're what, 16? I'm 16 too, and I know so many people my age who haven't had anybody love them, yet a lot of them are truly amazing people. I wouldn't get too depressed about it, it just means that you haven't met the right person yet (cliched as that sounds). One day you'll meet the right person and you'll look back and think you were silly for worrying too much. :monster:
During my time a secondary school, I fell in love with this girl I met who was in some of my classes. All through school life I was besotted with her...Those were painful times for me... :sad2:

Seven years later, she has actually realised I'm a nice guy and miraculously (and I could not be happier in saying this) she loves me too now (maybe because I was always there for her when her past boyfriends let her down) and we have been together for almost a year..

Oh and we're very much happy together.

I hope other people are as lucky as I am now. :tighthug:
Yeah I have been loved, its ok when you love them back but otherwise it can be a little annoying, I still find it flattering though.

There was this one girl who said she loved me and I said I loved her too. Then...nothing happened, kinda funny looking back at it.

There have been other times when someone would say they like me, which is kinda annoying since most of the time I had considered them friends beforehand and I don't want to hurt their feelings considering they just put there heart on the line.

Then there was a guy who had a little crush on me (and by little I mean BIG) which was awkward to say the least.
I've been loved :monster:

It's not all good though, especially if you don't love them back....I'm just gunna use 2 examples. Ive been in relationships that I have ended and they have both still said they loved me and can we make it work etc etc, it's shit being on the recieving end of that, you feel well guity...haha, or if you try spiltting up with someone and they are just being so nice

Also, you even get the OMG ima kill myself if you leave me (to which I told one of them, go fucking do it I can't wait.) Of course, they never do, fucking emotional blackmail

I think Id rather love than be loved, it's so much less hassle. I'd rather be oh woe is me he doesnt know I exist and I love him so, than have someone acting like that over me xD

I know this all too well :P

but women are also party to emotional blackmail as well, my ex using the pregnant card when we broke up so I would go back to her, I was still in love with her but I knew I wasnt happy with her, Imagine how I felt when I found out it was a load of cock and bull!

Ive been in loved and been loved back about twice now, had my fair share of relationships and flings as well... now im pretty much set on finding one to share my life with, as soppy as that sounds, finally reached an age where I feel ready to fully commit to a long standing permanent relationship and go the full 9 yards :P
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I guess I'll give my own thread a serious reply, even if it is only to bump it shamelessly. xD

I am 23 as of August and I honestly do not believe I've ever been loved. It's not necessarily a bad thing. It's not like I've had an empty or alone life... I just don't earnestly believe anyone has cared about my well being above their own to that extent. There's been people I thought were in love with me. There have been people who have done ridiculously crazy things because they liked me a lot... but none of them loved me, not truly. I've had some crazy experiences in dating... but I think most girls dated me when they shouldn't have for the rush, not because they cared about me. I was just the means to an end. Or maybe they truly had feelings but they were never allowed to come to fruition for any variety of reasons. My love life has been anything but normal... but I still can't say anyone has loved me enough to put me first.

I've probably only loved two women enough to truly and wholly put them before myself. But that's a story for another day and another thread...
It's really not that fun. >_>

Yes I've been loved, and I still am. It's not that complicated at all though because I love him too, and everything's just dandy. I've never been loved in the past though, or if I was they never told me. The only previous times when anybody has been interested in me, they have been complete weirdos so I've had to just let them down gently. >_> Actually, there was a guy who kept asking me out for about 5 years, damn boy clearly couldn't take the 'subtle' hint of being rejected EVERY TIME. -__-
I can guess who the current lover is, and the one you had to let down gently, but who's the latter guy? :wacky:

I can't say I've ever been loved, to be honest. I've been rather unlucky on the relationship front and, as such, have never been in one, for whatever reason. :wacky: This, subsequently, has a direct correlation with the number of people who've had the chance to love me. xD

Acht, maybe one day. -__-
I myself have actually just come out of a very serious relationship.

I met my ex, Amy about 2 years ago, she is one of my best friends sisters, although I did not know that at the time.

I started talking to her and started to realise that I was slowly but surely falling in love..

Every night before I went to sleep i'd think.. Wow! Im in love.. but whats the point if she don't love me back..?

Then one night whilst thinking again.. I received a text message.. 5 pages long explaining how much Amy had fallen in love with me..

I was totally gobsmacked.. I didn't know what to do.. so the next day when I went into school, before catching the bus, I walked down to her bus stop and explained that I loved her too & that i'd do anything for her.

We then decided to make something of our love and become a couple.
I was very happy, we met eachothers families, her parents absolutely loved me, they thought I was perfect for her & I spent the majority of my saturday nights at her's having a good time with her family & eating dinner.

Then a few weeks back, I noticed she started acting strange, barely wanting to talk to me, creating arguements out of nothing and I noticed she was always on the phone..

So I confronted her about it, I knew whatever she was doing was affecting me.
She didn't tell me what was going on, she insisted our relationship was fine, so I took the liberty of looking through her messages on her phone & I found a message on her phone to one of her female friends saying she liked somebody else and didn't know what to do.. so I confronted her about that.. she just called me nosey and stupid and once again I didn't get any answers.. so then one saturday when she planned to see me, she said she couldn't, didn't give any excuse just said she couldn't. So I went down to the local skate park to skate with some friends.. and voila.. she was there flirting like crazy with this other guy.

So I thought nothing of it.. I took it all in for a few weeks and then I couldn't take anymore and told her im fed up, I told her to choose between me and this other guy.. she said she didn't want to lose me.. and so I thought she chose me..

The next few days we talked about it some more and decided she should be single to stop confusing herself.. so we decided to split up for a while..

3 days later she got with this other guy..

My heart was totally ripped open, it still is.

I really don't know if she ever loved me really.. whether she really knows what love is.. but i'll tell you something.. I love that girl to bits.. and I will never stop..
unfortunatley, she seems to be what i call the common "little girl" im afraid.

she is far from ready for a serious relationship and doesnt know at all what she wants...

unfortunatley for you what this ment is you have been used as a stepping stone as she tries to figure herself out....

dont take it the wrong way or take it that im being insulting but take it all as a learning experience, theres a fine line between love and lust, I believe you were both experiencing more of the emotion of lust.

It takes a long time for love to develop but only a few moments for lust to occur "love at first sight" is actually a farse and the truth of it is actually lust, your highly into this person mainly through chemical reactions in your brain making you think out of the ordinary, this is part of the need to reproduce being the mammals that we are...

Love is actually more than a feeling, its an acceptance of a life choice...Its basically are you ready to commit your every waking hour to this person? Can you stand to be around this person for that amount of time? If it came down to it, would you give your life for that person?

Now many people suffering from Lust, will go yea i would, when deep down the truth of the matter is they wouldnt and couldnt.

Like I said ive personally been in love twice, have I stopped loving those 2 people? No, despite everything they still hold a place in my heart no matter what...I was ready to go the whole 9 yards with them and more...unfortunatley for me, it just wasnt to be...

I hate to say it and I know you may well be offended by my final comment on this but it is true what they say...."You may well be too young to understand what love truly is"

Just keep soldiering on, keep your chin up and one day in the not so distant future you will find the truth of love and embrase it for its fullest potential...on this day youll look back on this time and think to yourself "Why did I say that" and shrug it off as you enjoy the real thing :)
I've been in love before but they just made me more miserable then happy. One guy I had a crush on (he knew I liked him a lot at the time), randomly told me one night that he actually loved me. The thing was I had a hard time believing him myself because he was the type of guy that made you want to believe in anything he said. Eventually, he deny ever having any feelings for me which didn't surprise me at all. In the end, we just remained as friends but I don't see or talk him anymore since he has moved on with someone else. I prefer staying single because I am just more happy then I was before.
Yeah, I don't know though, after 2 months I still talk to her.. I still have a place for her in my heart but I dont think I would ever get back with her, well not at least until she understands maybe what love is.

Note; We was together for 18 months.
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Sadly (for me) I'm pretty sure that no-one has ever loved me. In that I haven't had a girlfriend since I was in first school.. I'm now at Uni.

In fact, few people show that they actually care for me at all! I only have a small circle of real friends, and they live near me (not Uni people). So yeah. It actually really sucks. It's more down to me being self-conscious and my mind freezing on leaving the door... and saying practically NOTHING to anybody.. Not because I don't want to, but because I can't think what to say.

Everyone who has someone, hold on and treasure them dearly. Seriously.... You don't know how lucky you are. For every group of people who is happy with life and all that, there is someone else who has fallen through all the nets and hit the ground, and possibly will never get back up again.
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