Serious Anyone Loved You?

Unfortunately not. I've never been in any sort of romantic relationship... mainly due in part to social anxiety :( It sucks but I'm trying to work past it bit by bit.

Other than family, I could probably say that my friends love me, but I don't think I would completely believe it. Even with my closest friends, I've kept my emotional boundaries in check, so even if they do love me it wouldn't include anything of what I've kept to myself. At the same time, however, I will not shy away from saying that I love all my friends equally, even though I am sure they are the same as me - closed and reserved/

It makes me wonder: can one person really know and understand another completely?
I’ve been on both ends of the one-sided spectrum, and neither is fun. I’ve also been in the both-sided spectrum and that has made for a number of good relationships, even though they’ve all ended. I’m single right now, and glad for it. I think I need to focus more on me to be able to know what I can and can’t live with, and what I can and can’t sacrifice. What I need and want of a relationship, etc.

I’ve had people love me and I not feel the same way. It feels awful. While it can be a boost to the ego, that is drowned out by the feelings of guilt that such one-sided love gives. I find that men generally don’t take well to women who don’t return their affection, and tend to head for the hills or they don’t give up, assuming if they keep at it long enough, they’ll make it happen.

I’ve loved people I thought didn’t love me back (although in one case it was actually true). It’s a painful thing to endure. You sit there thinking “why not me?” and all those really ego-deflating things. And it poisons the friendship (which is usually the case with me) because the feelings are not returned. I've learned to lock away the feelings over the years so the friendship can surive.

But to be in love and have that love returned is the most wonderful thing of all. When it just clicks, when it works, when you not only get along well but you can’t stand to be without the person, when their face makes you swoon and their voice makes you squeal…it’s a feeling that nothing can ever beat.

As for me, I don’t know what I’ll do in the future, if anything. Singledom is good right now.
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I've been loved which was kinda annoying because they wouldn't stop pestering me, but eventually we kinda drifted apart thank god. A similar thing happened to my friend where this girl REALLY liked him and she was always saying stuff like 'I want your babies' and other creepy stuff like that. Now he was freaked out but I thought it was fucking hilarious xD
Don' worry it's not happening no more. :wacky:
I have been loved and I'm still loved to this day. I'm also in love with him. I've been with my husband a total of 8 years now and we've been married for 6 years. To be honest, if I ever lost his love, I really don't know what I'd do. I've loved him for so long and been loved by him for so long, that he's basically become my other half.

When I was 16, my mom and stepdad kicked me out of the house. I had to go back to Indiana, live with my Grandmother temporarily, get a job until I could get my own place. If it wouldn't have been for him giving me his love and healing, I really don't know where I'd be right now, if I'd even be here to be quite honest. Those were some of the worst months of my life, but I realized that nearly a year after we'd been together that I was truly loved by this man and I loved him too. He proposed to me and that following July, we were married. I wouldn't have it any other way either.
I've been loved by the most amazing guy for the last year and a half now. Before he came along I was so depressed and shattered from my past couple of relationships.

Nearly everyone I knew had decent boyfriends at the time or ex's that remained good friends. Not one of my ex's could ever be a friend after the evil things that they did to me for simply loving them, only to be dumped without even knowing there was a problem.

Then one day on the train home from clubbing (romantic =P) I turned around in my seat to see a nice-looking guy behind me and my friends. That was when my wonderful man stumbled over (very tipsy), sat down next to me and we talked, he took my number and from that day on we have pretty much been together every day.

At first though I was so scared at committing myself to another serious relationship. I was hesitant to get too close and allow myself to get any feelings that could turn around and bite me in the ass again. I wouldn't even let him call us boyfriend and girlfriend just so it wouldn't feel like we broke up when we did stop seeing each other. I wouldn't have to tell anyone I had a boyfriend only to say a while later, "No longer boyfriend and girlfriend."

However I eventually came around and am happier than ever.

We have been living together for a year now and it's still going great. We're still having fun like a new couple (I love that new feeling) and more in love than ever. Every morning I wake up and see his gorgeous face and think how lucky I am and how much more I fall in love with him every day.

We intend to keep it that way for a long long time.
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In all honesty i have no idea about weather i have been loved or not, i myself have only been in love twice, and i have heard girls tell me that they love me, but there is the thought that people just throw the words 'I love you' about like they are snowballs in the winter.
Hm... I think not yet. For one, I haven't exactly been in a serious relationship.

I honestly had been in one, but that was because a friend compelled me into it. It was more of a monkey see, monkey do type of thing. I followed because that friend had a girlfriend...

Well, I was young then, about... 13...? (Is that young enough to call young?)

Following what I see in drama serials, I thought I'll give it a shot. Thankfully, maturity is a present aspect of my character. I began to consider the future, how am I going to come clean with my parents... And all the various problems that spring up.

I wondered if I could fork out enough time for her... etcetera, and ultimately realized I don't even love her, or actually like her. To be honest, and blunt, she isn't exactly pretty either... (And amusingly, she's famed to be the ugliest girl in the cohort.. Or so I heard. )

... Well, the relationship didn't last more than a week. But it has thought me more than enough of what I need to know- I won't get into a relationship till I feel confident, and who knows when that'll be. I didn't exactly care about her looks, and focused more on her character, actually.....

This is where I answer the question in the thread.

I doubt she ever loved me, even when the relationship began. It was superficial. I wonder why she was even searching for someone to call a boyfriend in the first place. She didn't give me the impression she liked me, let alone love me. On the other hand, I could say the same for myself, to her.

Worse, months later, rumors made it to me that she was actually seeking boyfriends out to 'try' things out.

My mouth hung ajar when I heard that, lol. Well, from there, I was extremely certain she didn't love me, or have any sort of feeling for me.

Even if she tried to 'patch' things up, I'll tear it apart, at my current state. Anyway, there isn't anything for her to 'patch' up. She needs to build it up now.... But I'm guessing she won't have an easy time, and I won't even consider her. Tsk.
I'm certainly loved by my angel. Whatever we go through we stick together no matter what ^^ And that is something more people should do if they really love eachother I believe <3
No, i could delve further as to why but i won't here. I've posted too much information about myself already. I'd like to keep stuff to myself, talking about such things (like this subject) just pull me further into depression. I might change my mind later but for now i won't.

All i'll say is that i've loved but i never got any of it back, well if you count false love then yeah. But other than that, not true at all. Hard to keep loving and caring about a person when they don't give a flying shit about you.
Ive been loved, been in love (Still there sadly) and I am loved. Love is fucking over rated IMO. best and worst feeling ever and I cant stand it. When I was younger I adored the thought of someone saying they loved me ... after the 4th person telling me this, it kinda sinks into "Yeah and how long will you love me?" When my relationships end the guy is still in love with me, but due to their shit lifestyles, we cant continue.

Im 24 and I have a huge family and some I love, some I fucking hate. I know that I will always love the mad bunch of sods, but I want my own love at the end of the day. A lover, a partner, a companion ... I dont feel comfortable saying "Love you!" to a family member. My gran might get it and my best mate, but no one else. the amount of times Ive had to stop saying it automatically to my ex is ridic :|
No, I've never been loved. It's kinda sad, but I know my day will come. Besides, I'm kind of skeptical when it comes to 'teenage love' They seem to fall in love a little to easy, and I'm not quite sure a lot of them understand the meaning of the word...
The word 'love' is thrown around a lot. Each "relationship" I've been in has been pretty much fake. There was one guy, and I remember the first time he said "I love you" he was getting into his car and I was standing on the sidewalk. I don't have any clue why it hit me so hard but I was just like, wow. He didn't mean it though, of course. That was just the first time it affected me. This was a long time ago and I've shut myself off from the bull for a while.

So, no, I myself have never been loved, and I have never loved. Although, I'm somewhat young, so I doubt that it's normal to have experienced it by now. I've got to agree with Sorrelstar on the subject, I'm very skeptical about it myself.
Im loved by MANY people.

Family love me (i think? LOL) We stick together through the rough times and happy times.

At the minute there is no Girlfriend love.

My music loves me. I never have trouble writing a song, I suppose im talented.

Love is brilliant.

The word 'love' is thrown around a lot. Each "relationship" I've been in has been pretty much fake. There was one guy, and I remember the first time he said "I love you" he was getting into his car and I was standing on the sidewalk. I don't have any clue why it hit me so hard but I was just like, wow. He didn't mean it though, of course. That was just the first time it affected me. This was a long time ago and I've shut myself off from the bull for a while.

So, no, I myself have never been loved, and I have never loved. Although, I'm somewhat young, so I doubt that it's normal to have experienced it by now. I've got to agree with Sorrelstar on the subject, I'm very skeptical about it myself.
i see others have beaten me to the bush! 'love' is thrown around almost as much as 'hello'. i recall telling one of my ex's that if she was going to say 'i love you' to me, she had to mean it. she felt threatened and hurt by it, i was surprised at her reaction. needless to say she broke up with me half a year later :D (not entirely her fault).

does that make me an ass? i don't think so - when you date a person, it's just getting to know them better on a more intimate level. 'love' to me delves much further than that.

have never been 'loved'. i kept my distance from almost every clique in my pre-college days (meaning i had only a few friends, albeit true, reliable [and dorky awesome!] friends).
Have I been loved? A loaded question.

Let's get the context straight -- I'm sure my family loves me and I certainly love a number of my friends, but purely in terms of philia love -- love of friendship.

But eros? No. With absolute certainty. I'm 18 years old and I've never had a boyfriend -- I've been waiting for my peer group to mentally catch up. I've never felt strongly about anyone and they've never felt strongly about me, of that I'm without any doubt.

But I'm really not worried. I've noticed that love has very little to do with actually 'gushing' over a person and having a relationship is nearly without flaw. In fact, I believe that anyone's 'true love' will just be that one person you can tolerate the most and who knows how to make you smile.

And does one really need anything more?
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Yes, I've had someone love me and he still does. He's the only one who has though. Sure, I've had an ex tell me he loved me but his actions said otherwise.

Saying "I love you" to someone has little meaning if the feeling isn't there. And you know when it's not. Actions speak louder than words and I can tell by the way he treats me and the way we interact that it's true. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that someone loves you as much as you love them. :ryan:
There were some guys in the past who liked me, but they were over the Internet. Don't know who liked me in real life. Only heard some rumours in high school.
Not sure if anyone has really loved me. I've liked/ loved someone two times but one didn't love me back (as she saw me as a friend, understandable) and the other (didn't know me) pretended I didn't exist.
I'm not sure. People I feel are so fickle with their emotions that it's hard to tell. I've got friends that use that word when they talk to me but I don't really get the feeling of sincerity. My family tells me that but with relatives it's usually obligation to say that. So, I say again, I'm not sure.

I find "I love you" to be one of those phrases that people use like they're saying "have a nice day." It has no depth anymore. Atleast amongst youth. Whenever I see people saying that to a person that they've dated for like two weeks I just want to give them a smack (I'm a person that doesn't believe in "love at first sight" mind you). I don't think anyone weighs this phrase. No one thinks about the implications of what they're saying when they say it. So, it's kinda hard for me to really feel any sense of gratefulness when I'm told it.

I digress. Again, I've been told by people that they love me. But I just don't believe it.