Serious Anyone Loved You?

I dunno for me, I've either been hurt in the past or have had to let my exes down gently. I've had crushes and guys who were persistent in chasing me both online and offline, you know the ones who don't like taking the hint. My current boyfriend and I did throw the phrase "I love you" out into the air at what would be considered rather early to most members of society. But it was something mutual, up until that point we were two very hurt and grieving individuals. His last ex for lack of a better word had cheated him out physically and she even tried to use false implications of pregnancy for him to stay. He still cares for her because she was his first serious girlfriend and the times they shared weren't always full of heated arguments. And I had to respect him for that because I still care for my ex a lot, even though the breakup was a messy, crying, snot-filled, gross mess. Some of our times were sweet although distance would've killed it off eventually; I realize that now.

Anyway, in the end my boyfriend had to end it because everything he gave her was never reciprocated in kind. For me, I can't give him a lot now but I'm working towards that: I'm a broke, jobless college student working towards getting her first car. In comparison he's a hard working guy with a car saving up to go to school. We both went into this wanting someone who could understand us emotionally and for me . . . when he said those three words I understood it completely. Call it cliche but as soon as I met Shawn I pretty much knew I wasn't going to find a more loyal and helpful guy--or someone who would get how shy I was even though he was this loud crazy lovable ridiculous guy, lol.

He's the sort of friend that will drive you wherever you need to go and possibly help you fit your hospital bill if you're short on cash. I've seen his devotion to his friends and his family and it's been around 6 months now and I've never been happier with someone. He said it best when he told me, "There's no guarantee that we'll get married and have 2 kids and live in a big house one day but you're the only girl that I could ever love. Even if this does end which I hope it never ever does, I'm always going to love you. Don't you forget that."

And the funniest thing is, due to the fact that he curses like a sailor and he's loud and really sarcastic, most people don't see this softness to him. But I think when you can bring out that person's brightest qualities and even make them aware of it, then you've done something right. Oh and of course before anything else, your lover should be your friend. The key I think I've found to the phrase is how he sounds when he says it or the look in his eyes when he tells me. His whole demeanor changes, he softens, he gets very serious, and that's as much as I need to know . . . confidently that he loves me just as much. I have to say that I've been very, very fortunate in finding Shawn. Yep. *sniffs*
I'm afraid I couldn't say on that one. I've never loved, and I don't think I've ever been loved. I've probably had people think 'she's cute' (or so I'm told) but nothing more than that. I know some guys have found me cute and then after getting to know me have quickly changed their minds.

I can't even remember what it feels like to be attracted to someone, to be perfectly honest. It's been nearly eight years since my last crush, so I can't even remember it. :D

To know whether you have been loved is difficult to say unless someone has come out and said 'I love you'. Until then you can only guess.

I, personally, would be alarmed if someone came out and said they loved me. It's such an alien concept to me that someone would have romantic feelings for me that I would probably be very afraid of that person after that, whether I felt the same or not. I'm just not used to that whole love scene.
It's such an alien concept to me that someone would have romantic feelings for me that I would probably be very afraid of that person after that, whether I felt the same or not. I'm just not used to that whole love scene.
You definitely aren't alone. I would go so far as to say the majority of people in modern society have never experienced love in its 'true' form. I'm being jaded and cynical here, but there ya go.
Well, I know there are people like and care about me, but as far as an intimate relationship goes; I'd have to say no. I know there are girls who have been attracted to me, but I can't say that I've ever returned their feelings.