
OOC: As I'm sure you're all aware, there's going to be a sequel to this RP. It will be entitled Apocalypse 2: Countdown To Destruction. So in accordance with this, all credit goes to Hideki for the storyline. Anyway, this is going to be my final post for this RP because I'm sure many of you are eager to do the next one.

IC: The eerie feeling hadn't been for nothing. Faith kept on feeling it, as she continued to glance upwards at the ceiling. Sweat poured down her forehead and she wiped it away. "What the hell's going on?" she blurted out, sitting up too quick and provoking a violent pain in her stomach. It hurt so much that she kept on reassuring herself that nothing bad was about to happen. "It's ok, Faith. Nothing's going to happen, nothing's going to happen! Damn it, why is something going to happen?!" She rose to her feet, unable to take the tension anymore. Something tingled in her gut; it felt like this was the last time she could have to tell someone. It was the last chance to see him. A voice spoke in her head. "Faith," it hissed. "I finally found you."

Faith felt herself feeling faint at this point. The door was ahead of her, but it was not open. Her vision was beginning to become blurry; it felt like such a trial for her just to reach the door. When she did reach it, she opened it up and clung to the wall for support, as she stepped out of Rene's room. Her breathing was beginning to sound more hoarse now. It almost felt like the life was being drained out of her. "I ... I don't know how much longer I can ... go on," she murmured quietly to herself. She had no strength whatsoever to cry for help. Dare she admit it right now, but Faith Crest felt like a normal human being, knowing that her health was declining. And it wasn't even anything to do with the fact that she had been stabbed a day earlier.

The stairs were in her grasp now. But her energy was running out quickly. The voice was draining her energy. Did it have some kind of psychic bond to her? No one ever had done so, as she believed. Perhaps Rene may have shared some kind of bond. Well, that is, if he ever knew she had powers before and judging from his initial reaction, it was possible that he hadn't. Her memories played in her mind. Faith thought that she was going to die soon. At first, she thought it was a heart attack. The further she hurried to the main room, the more she began to realise that someone (or something for that matter) was attacking her mind. She coughed softly and was surprised to see that it was blood that she brought up.

"Blood?" whispered Faith, but nearly fell again at that slight distraction. Was she really dying? Was someone or something out to get her? "He has to know ... Rene ... I can't go on ... aaaahhh ..." Eventually, she found her way to the door and hesitated at first. The sweat dripped down her forehead and a sudden blackness was beginning to emerge. Delirious and almost gone from consciousness, Faith Crest stepped into the room so suddenly. Not caring if that got her the instant stares, she looked towards Rene and her hand reached out to him. "R - Rene!" she cried out with every ounce of strength that was left in her body. "Help ... aaaahhh! Help me!" She put her hands to her head. "HELP ME!" And with that, Faith began to fall and enter a deep coma ...
"Huh?" Rene muttered as he felt something in the air. "What the hecks goin' on?" He stood up from his kneeling position and looked around the room, within a second he was back on the ground. Sarah had kicked him full force in the face. He quickly tripped her up, causing her to shout at him in anger, he completely ignored her and ran out of the room into the hallway. What the fuck's goin' on? Rene thought as he felt his mind throb for some reason, why does my head hurt so much?

"R - Rene!" Faith cried, she had just walked into the main room, blood had dripped down from her mouth and onto the ground.

"Faith!" Rene cried as he surged forward towards her. No no no! She can't die! We've only just found each other again! Rene thought as he ran towards Faith, seemingly in slow-motion. His senses had dulled and everything seemed blurred except the image of Faith

Help ... aaaahhh! Help me!" She put her hands to her head. "HELP ME!" Faith began to fall, Rene ran as fast as he could towards Faith and managed to catch her just before she hit the ground.

"Faith! Faithy! Please tell me what's happening!" Rene cried, unsure of what to say or do. Yet no matter how hard he shook her or shouted in her ear, she seemed to have entered a sort of unconscious state. "NO! I will not fucking lose you again!" Rene shouted, tears flowing from his eyes

"What the heck's goin' on?" A young man with medium length spiky brown hair and brown eyes demanded as he walked into the room, a folder under his arm.

"James! Please I'm begging you! You gotta help her!" Rene demanded, his tears starting to make his voice shake. He put head close to his chest and sobbed as James rushed to his side. "Please Faith," Rene whispered so only she would hear. "There are so many things I need to tell you. You didn't get your powers from the blast... You've had them forever just like me..."

"Rene! Take her to the infirmary! NOW!" James ordered as Sarah Leon grabbed her legs and lifted. Rene nodded and did the same as he grabbed her under her arms and lifted her. They rushed her into their well equipped infirmary and placed her on the nearest bed. James immediately readied the equipment to find out just what was happening.

"Please Faithy, please don't die... I love you too damned much to let you die..." Rene whispered as he held her hand and sobbed.
After a long tedious treak Trevor found his way back to the base. Lesly was incredibley happy to see him alive and hugged him when he arrived. Dr.Lafien had said that the president was being held in a room down the hall. Dr.Lafien explained that the plan was to get the president to lift the Supernatural Kill/Capture order on live TV."I will see you soon" Lesly said as she hugged Trevor. Trevor then turned and began to walk down the hall with Dr.Lafien. They were on their way to visit the president and explain the siatuation. James entered a code into a small pad and the door slid open. Lying on a bed in the small room was the president. He had a bandage around his heck from the bruise Trevor had given him when he knocked him out. The president sat up upon them entering."Are you doing to kill me"? he asked."No Mr.President, we are not going to kill you" James said."But we do need something from you" Trevor said.

One hour later-

The President sat on a chair in front of a video camera."Is everything set?" Dr.Lafien asked.The camera man nodded to Dr.Lafien."Alright do you remember what to say Mr.President"? Trevor asked."Yes" he answered. The camera man turned on the camera."My fellow Americans" the president began."I must inform you that change is coming".
"I am lifting the Supernatural Kil/Capture order". Trevor couldn't hide a small smile that formed on his lips as he watched from the back of the room, Lesly leaned on the wall next to him."Now Supernaturals and Humans will live in peace together...in harmony" the president continued."I doubt that" Trevor said under his breath.Lesly chuckled.
After the annoucement was over Trevor decided it was time to return to the Avengers. But Lesly....

Trevor began to put things in a backpack Dr.Lafien had given him. After he finished packing he threw the backpack over his shoulder and left his room. As he walked down the hall he stopped suddenly. Lesly was standing there."You...You're leaving?" she asked."Yeah" Trevor said."I'm sorry I--
Lesly turned her back to him and crossed her arms.Trevor walked up to her and was silent for a moment then whispered in her ear."Come with me...". Lesly tensed up."I know we haven't know you long but....
There was a long agonising pause."I really care about you". Tears welled up in Lesly's eyes. Trevor turned her slowly."I know the others will like you".
"They can be weird sometimes but you get used to them" Trevor said."Will you come with me"? Trevor asked. His eyes seemed to be begging her."How is this...for an answer" Lesly said leaning forward. Lesly then kissed Trevor. Trevor was suprised at first but then returned the kiss. The kiss was passionate and sincere. Lesly's arms slowly rose and wrapped around Trevor's kneck. Trevor felt as though the world around him melted and he was floating in a sea....just him and Lesly. The kiss lasted a full minute then the two pulled apart gasping.Lesly then broke into a beautiful smile."I guess I will come" Lesly said smiling.

"Thank you for everything" Trevor said shaking hands with Dr.Lafien.Lesly stood next to him with a backpack of her own on her pack."My pleasure" Dr.Lafien said. Lesly put her things into the back of the black car Dr.Lafien had given the two of them."I will never forget this"Trevor said."If you ever need any more help just call" James said. Trevor nodded and gripped his friends shoulder briefly then turned to the car. He threw his bag in the back then hopped in."Take care" James called. Trevor honked and closed the door.Lesly put her seatbelt on then asked."Do you have directions?". Trevor frowned. Woman he thought.

Haha that was my last post ^^.
The jet landed at the outskirts of an abandoned desert town. The jet landed. Both Filden and Ed raised their eyebrows, they looked around, then at each other. The ship then jumped, Filden and Ed both gasped...the ground where the ship parked lowered...they were on a lift.

The lift eventually stopped...Filden and Ed took off their seatbelts, Ed had calmed down, whilst Filden was still panicking slightly. Ed then then told Filden to "Come on, lets take a look around,"

Filden raised an eyebrow, both stood up and left the jet. They walked out and quickly glanced around the underground base...

"...Ed...where are we...?" Filden asked,
Ed smirked, "You'll see soon, kid."

Filden looked around the room. He then noticed a door. He then looked at Ed, Ed shrugged, then went into thought for a second. Filden tightened his lips for a minute. Ed then smiled and nodded. Filden nodded back and headed through that door, with Ed following.

They appeared to have entered the main hall. Filden quickly examined this place, and it was there he saw Faith lying in Rene's arms. "Faith!" Filden shouted across the room. Filden ran towards them. He got onto his knees and looked at Faith's body...she was bleeding...His face expressed his sadness...he then looked at Rene and growled..."What have you done!?"
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