
"Here we are."

Sighing, Sam hostered his Mk23. He was glad nothing had happened along the way. But he couldn't relax just yet. He didn't know this guy Rene after all and even though Faith seemed to trust him, he still had no reason to.

Rene slowly drove into the area and a few seconds later the car came to a stop. Sam got out of the car and carefully began to inspect his surroundings....


But was interrupted by the yelling of a woman who was beating the hell out of Rene. Grinning, Sam leant against the car, watching how the whole scene developed. Having put his katana on his back, the brunette folded his arms around his chest and waited, his senses ready just in case something were to happen.

"Never mind, who's the girls and the two guys?"

"This is Faith. And this is Michael and uhh..."

"Sam" replied the brunette calmly, his back still leant against the car. "Nice to meet you" was everything the boy said. They heard how they were talking about somebody else as another male came over to greet them.

"Aaaaaand who's this sexy lady!"

Sam noticed how the man was walking towards Faith. Putting his right hand behind his back, the boy slowly began to pull one of his custom knives... He had to be ready just in case something bad happened.
They had finally arrived at Rene's safehouse. She was quite impressed with the technology here, which almost added up to the power of theirs back in London. As soon as she heard Sarah O'Rourke's screaming voice, Faith knew that this was going to be an interesting experience. She couldn't help, but laugh when she toppled him to the ground along with the punches and slaps that he received. Well, this is certainly something, she mused and watched the entertainment unfold. It was too bad that she didn't have any popcorn. Rene's attitude had sprung into action. She hadn't heard him shout before. She wondered, had he ever shouted at her before? Letting that pass before, Faith was taken by surprised when Rene pointed at her.

"How rude ..." she mumbled under her breath. Faith crossed her arms, coldly being reminded that this safehouse, the sanctuary, almost reminded her of their base back in London. That base had to be left behind, but she hoped that she could return there one day. Faith nodded at Sarah, but still not speaking openly. It felt strange to be the one being shown around. She had planned to show Rene around the base the next day. Too bad, because war had been declared. Faith watched Leon slide across the ground, stopping by her. "Pu-lease," she said, raising her hand. "Try flirting with me and I'll rearrange your memories. And that's both a threat and a promise." She'd done it before to the Avenger's enemies, anyway.
OOC: im back

IC: Bang Bang Bang the bullets rang out from the white Beretta. The firing range was Empty asides him. Muscular ams, Skin tight white T-shirt, Black jeans held up by a white Leather belt with a large Eagle buckle and black hiking boots. the gun retracted and slid into the holster connected to his right leg. Stephen 'Shooter' Hownam pressed the button to bring in his target.

three holes in the targets chest were very clear. A smile slid onto the Boys face. "Another three in the chest" he muttered under his breath. Stephen turned and exited the firing range. he climbed into his car a Nissan 350Z, the police force gives a great wage packet. Stephen drove through the small American village that he had moved to when all hell had broken loose in the white house, and joined the police force shortly after that.

As he arrived at his modest house he parked is car in the Garage and entered. his home through the side door. Stephen was in hiding so he tended not to use his powers of teleportation or electricity. He pressed play on his CD player, All time low was in and came on. He smiled and sat on his Sofa to 'relax'
"Ooooh trust me when I say any memories you re-arrange will certainly still give me a thrill." Leon smirked as he winked at Faith, despite that he recognized the gesture to piss off and did so. He went to his desk and rested his feet on the surface whilst eating his . Sarah had heard what Faith had muttered under her breath and smiled.

"I wouldn't worry about him being rude girl! That just means he cares." Sarah smiled as she began to type furiously on her computer, a glazed look over he eyes. "Wait a minute. Did you say her name was Faith?" Rene looked to the ground and walked to what appeared to be his own desk. He put a picture that was facing the other way and quickly put it in his desk drawer, locking it at the same time.

"Yeah, that's Faith. She's lost her memories though..." Rene told her. Sarah instantly recognized Rene's look and understood.

"I see."

"So this is the famous Faith Crest huh? Man Rene you sure do choo-" A fist slammed into the side of his face as Sarah threw herself across the room into him. He fell to the ground and murmured something unintelligible .

"What was that playboy?" Sarah asked, an evil look on her face as she rested her foot on his back.

"Man I love it when you get physical..." Leon murmured louder, Sarah growled as she brought her foot down on him. He yelped in agony and Sarah finally decided he'd have enough. He managed to pick himself up and leaned against a wall. "Heh heh, if ya don't mind people I think I'd best go wait for James." He then walked away.

"Don't worry, she seems scary but she only does stuff like that to Leon." Rene told them all.

"Oh really Rene?" Sarah demanded, suddenly under his nose ready with a fist.

"Help me..." Rene urged as he put up his hands in a surrender gesture. Sarah smirked before giving him a hug.

"Do me a favor and at least call me next time bro'! Oh and just so ya know we're not actually brother and sister, we've just known each other a loooong looong time." She then looked at Faith. "And we're nothing like "that"!" She gave Faith a thumbs up before walking away. "Food's in the dinner room right there. Hey Faith, you can steal Rene's room if ya want. He rarely sleeps anyway."

Rene looked at the ground, trying to hide a slight smile.
"Let's just say that I can be unpredictable," Faith gestured to Leon, raising an eyebrow. That part is STILL true about me, a shame that I can't fully master my powers yet. For all I know, I could accidentally turn Rene or someone else here into a six-year-old! The very thought sent chills down her spine. "Eh, I know people like that. I don't have to read his mind to see that coming." When Sarah asked Rene if her name was Faith, Faith herself tuned in quickly. So perhaps there was some truth behind her knowing Rene after all ... the thought intrigued her. Faith could hold her laughter in this time when Sarah slammed her fist into Leon's face. Interesting set of people, she thought to herself. I could really use my telepathy here.

Faith watched, as Leon had enough and leaned against the wall. However, he walked away moments later. I really need to find out what the deal is around here. She listened to Rene's words and nodded. Perhaps a toned down, but more relaxed version of the Avengers, huh? I could work with that, although I'm not going to be very sociable. She could tell Rene was close to Sarah because they were now hugging. Faith nodded at what Sarah said, but still felt a little confused. "Thanks for the offer, I think I'll take it," she said, painfully reminded of her stab wound that was healing up in her stomach. With the pain came along the other memories. "I ... think I'm just going to rest." After reading Rene's mind, she went to his room.
Hope ya like the room... Rene thought, there might be stuff in there that will trigger memories...

"Hey, you okay?" Sarah asked as she sat down next to him. She made sure that only he could hear her. "I can't believe you found her..."

"I'm still reeling in." Rene told her smirking. "Do me a favor. Make sure you don't tell her anything about me. She needs to find out on her own..."

"Sure no problem. That might be a problem though considering she's going to your room. Aren't there pics of you two together?"

"Yeah... The only picture of us kissing was on my desk, and I put that in the drawer..." Rene told her. "The only pictures in my room are us hugging or generally together. I just hope the picture of me, her and Patricia doesn't make her sad..."
Stephen grabbed his mobile phone and looked at it "i wonder if they are still alive" he though to himself "if they went into hiding like i did or stayed to fight" Stephen opened a new Text message and began to type on the numbers.After a matter of moments the message had comprised it's self.

"Faith, how you doing. It's shooter. please tell me your still alive" It read. Stephen then scrolled through his phone book and found Faith's number. he clicked on the number and pressed 'send'
Sighing, Sam put his knife back into his holster, glad he didn't have to do anything rash. He couldn't be blamed for acting this way. After all, he was in some unknown base with unknown people...and his leader had barely survived. He was going to do anything in his power to protect her; after all, it was her who had brought him back to humanity. He owed her....

Without saying a word, Sam looked at the whole scene. The brunette saw how Rene got slapped by the woman more than once... and that scene made him grin slightly. But his smile disappeared the moment Faith decided to rest inside Rene's room... yet, before he managed to stop her, Faith was gone.

Sam sighed. He just wished her leader was more careful with this kind of stuff... She shouldn't be that trusting...
Trevor made his way through the halls following James directions to get to this Barren. That Lesly girl sure was something...she was beautiful...Trevor frowned at himself. He couldn't let his thoughts run away with him....he had a mission to complete. He had to keep his mind in the mission at all times....Mostly when they got to the White House...things would be dangerous in there. He finally reached an elevator and entered it. It took him down a floor then the doors slid open. Trevor stepped out to find people running here and there holding guns,talking. He scanned the room then noticed Lesly talking to short-ish and slightly wide. He had shortly trimmed brown hair and looked sweaty. That must be Barren. Trevor headed in their direction,Lesly whispered something to Barren and Barren smirked. Trevor stopped in front of the two trying to control his narrowed eyebrows."Barren, this is Trevor" Lesly said gesturing to Trevor."So you are the new kid Barren said still smirking."I dont wanna talk to you any more than you wanna talk to me" Trevor said sharply."Do you have the weapons or not?". Barren seemed annoyed at Trevor's attitude but retreated into a small shack and returned with guns a moment later."Dont break em' Barren said tossing two-silver pistols to Trevor. Trevor snatched them out of the air and pocketed them. He then gave Lesly a bunch of things, walkietalkie,guns and other things.Lesly gave Trevor a walkietalkie then thanked Barren.

An hour later-

Lesly and Trevor sat on a small plane."So..are you nervous"? asked Lesly. Trevor was silent for a moment then said."Not at all". Lesly knew Trevor was lying but didn't speak up."Alright the pilot said."Its time for the drop". Lesly and Trevor made sure their parashoots were on tight then opened the hatch."You ready"? Trevor asked."Yeah" Lesly said. So the two took deep breaths, then jumped out of the plane and plummeted towards the earth.
Michael had been slightly annoyed by their arrival and welcome. In this kind of time he would at least have expected some kind of professionalism, a certain acknowledgement of the horrid rules that had been instated, the hunt for the Supernaturals and gifted humans. Instead, he was treated with a spectacle of one overly aggressive girl and a much too flirtatuous boy coming in, the girl Sarah beating everyone (although it was mostly centred on this Leon fellow) and Leon flirting with any girl around regardless of the girl's disposition.

But as Michael loooked around his spirits lifted somewhat. This place did seem well financed, and this could mean that some where behind this all was some level of professionalism at least. Maybe it's just their way,Michael mused. I wouldn't know. Deeper inside him, another thought arose. Myra and I were like that. But I lost that when I lost her.

When did I turn into this sour, depressed whiner?

Michael just stood there, thinking. His face hurt a bit, the pain coming from Leon, of course. That could be the reason why he didn't really like Sarah on a subconscious level. Indirectly, she kept on hurting him...

he shook his head sharply, as if to get out of a dream, and looked up at the assembled group. Faith appeared to have left already, probably to go take a rest. And a well-deserved one, too. That had been an ugly wound she'd taken.
"A few things... One; where can I take a rest?" Michael felt oddly tired. Probably still from fighting this very same Rene fellow and overusing his powers. Had it only been yesterday? Seemed longer.
"Two; I need to get myself a new weapon. I left it at the hq. You have shotguns? Three; what are we going to do about this whole Supernatural crisis?"

Michael thought for a bit, then added, "And four; do you happen to have something to eat? I'm ravenous!"
Thoughts raced through Trevor's head as they fell hundreds of feet to the earth that seemed to be getting rapidly closer. I wonder how the others are doing... Lesly and Trevor came down in a clearing a few miles from the White House."Okay Lesly said."We are not that far so we can walk for some of the way".
"Oh and put this on" Lesly said tossing a black cloak to Trevor."That is so if any lucky cameras catch us if we escape they cant see our faces". There is that "If" again Trevor thought grimly.
Trevor quickly threw the cloak on over his clothes but didn't pull up the hood, Lesly did the same. So the two began their walk. Trevor decided to break the awkward silence."So..what's your story"?. Lesly flashed a smile at him as she said."Oh so you care now"? Lesly asked jokingly. Trevor couldn't help but grin at that."I come from- Lesly began. But then they noticed the White House just ahead."Later" she said.
"Okay there is the vent we go into" Lesly pointed it out on the side of the building. The two nodded at each other, then jumped from the forest and sprinted.I cant believe I am doing this Trevor thought as he and Lesly reached the vent. Lesly hopped on Trevor's shoulders and he lifted her up. She tore off the vent cover and crawled inside. Trevor jumped up then pulled himself in. He soon discovered that this was not a wide went. The two began a long crawl through the vents until they finally reached their destination. Trevor and Lesly managed to pull their hoods up in the vent. Lesly spotted another vent and figured it must be their way out. The two crawled up to it then quietly pushed it out of the wall. Before it could crash to the ground Trevor reached out and grabbed it...then placed it on the ground. Trevor climbed out of the vent followed by Lesly."Okay this is where things get hard" Lesly said as the two began the long and dangerous journey to the Oval Office.

Ten minutes later-

Trevor quickly rolled under a desk as a few men in suits walked by.Sweat covered every inch of Trevor's forehead. Trevor crawled out from behind the desk and slid up next to a wall. There was an identical wall on the opposite side that Lesly was up against. The two stepped out at the same time and found that to be a back choice. There were two men in black suits guarding a door."Hey!" one of them cried."They must be Asssasins shoot them!". One of the two ran off to sound the alarm while the other pulled out his pistol."There goes being quiet" Lesly said whipping out her pistol. Before the guard could fire Lesly pulled the trigger on her pistol. BAM! a bullet flew and slammed into the guards chest. The man tumbled backwards with a cry then fell to the ground. Trevor took out both of his pistols and prepared himself. The two began to run through the White House not caring who saw them now that their cover was blown. Anything that moved was trying to shoot them and they shot back. When they finally reached the Oval Office Trevor had been shot once in the arm and a bullet had whizzed by his side and cut him. Lesly seemed to be in fine condition but only because Trevor had taken the bullets. As Lesly opened the door Trevor spun at a sound. A man was sprinting down the hall towards them. Trevor aimed one of his pistols high and fired. The bullet soared and struck the man in the forehead. The man's body stopped mid- run and fell backwards-wide eyed- Trevor turned and entered the Oval Office with Lesly. Two guards were in the room and they both fired semi-machine guns. Trevor and Lesly dived to the left and right to avoid getting blown away. Trevor and Lesly took down the two guards then stood up."Please no!" the President cried as they approached."Dont kil me".
"Dont worry Mr.President....we are not going to kill you" Trevor said beforing whacking him on the head. The President fell forward but was caught by Trevor. Trevor shot the cameras then handed the President to Lesly."Stand back" Trevor said. Trevor's hand began to glow and Lesly's eyes widened. Trevor then blasted the front window of the White House with a huge shard of ice. The glass exploded to pieces and fell to the ground. Trevor had somehow made the Ice shatter along with the window."Y-your...Lesly stuttered."I will explain later" Trevor said."Lets get out of here". Trevor heard screams and people running towards the office."And fast". Boy is this going to be a story for the news Trevor thought with a smirk.
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OOC: Crap, I can't believe I forgot to post here.

IC: As soon as Faith entered the room, she caught a glimpse of the picture of her, Rene and Patricia together. It was almost like a perfect family portrait that was randomly taken. "Another clue to the puzzle," she indicated quietly to herself. "Rene really did know me and he knew Patricia as well. But he only found out that she was dead ... so obviously, I must have ran away. Why are the pieces so hard to put together?" She lay down on Rene's bed and caught a whiff of ... perfume? "Smells like something I'd wear." She lay down on the bed and then flipped her phone open, having received a text message. She sent a text message back to him: Shooter, it's Crimson. We're alive and at a safe location now. Please take care of yourself. I don't want to mourn over your "death" again! xx
"Man... You haven't even said hello and you're already demanding things..." Sarah moaned with a half annoyed and half a "I really don't give a shit" face. "To answer your first question: You lot are sleeping in here on the floor till we get some rooms sorted out, which if I'm not mistaken I've already said. Second question: Ask Leon, he's the weapons fucker. Third Question: We wait till your boss lady is back from her rest and our boss James Light is back from his mission. and to answer your last question." She walked towards Michael and shoved her head right in front of his. Rene knew exactly what was ging to happen and covered his ears whilst slowly sliding away.

"I'VE ALREADY FUCKING SAID THERE'S FOOD IN THE FUCKING KITCHEN SO OPEN YER FUCKING EARS!?" Sarah shouted cracking Michael over the head with her fist. She walked away with an extremely pissed off look on her face and also glared at Rene.

"What did I do?" Rene asked raising his palms in a "please calm down" gesture.

"You look like you've been slacking off. Dojo, now."Sarah told him.

"I have one quick question." Rene said to her. She sharply turned her head round and looked at Rene causing him to back into the nearest corner and curl into a ball.

"What?" Sarah demanded.

"What mission is James on?" Sarahs personailty suddenly changed. She was suddenly bright and happy.

"Hee hee. I sent him to get this months shopping." Rene fell to the ground and was forced to stifle his laughter. "See you in the Dojo." She walked off into the corridor. Rene turned his head to the other two and smirked.

"As you can see she's a bit of a monster sometimes. but trust me, when she's in a good mood she can be real nice. She's also our computer and machine expert, she can hack into anything and build any machine. Leon, the dude who flirted with Faith, is our weapons expert, anything about weapons he knows. You'll meet our financier and sort-of boss James Light later when he's back with the shopping." Rene finally stood up and stretched his arms. "Take it easy here okay? You're 100% safe. Oh and do me a favour. Use that intercom over there when the red light flashes over there." Rene told them ponting at the two objects.

"It means there a vehicle incoming and it'll either be Filden and ed or James. Just call us a'ight?"
As Shooter drove towards the scene of a family domestic he began reading his Text "hey that faith sure does know how to word 'em" he announced to his partner who was sat next to him in the car. "oh were here" he announced as he slowed the car to a halt and noticed that it wasn't a regular dispute, it was a battle of supernaturals. as he stepped out of his police car he un-holstered his Beretta and told his partner to get down.

the two supers were throwing either icicles of fire balls at each other. Shooter pointed his gun at one of them "this is the police Stop what you are doin" he shouted
Trevor sat in the helicopter that was taking him,Lesly, and the unconscious president back to the base.Trevor pressed a button on the earpiece Lesly had given him."Dr Lafien" Trevor said into it."Yes?".
"We have the president" Trevor said. There was a strange silence that followed."Y-you have him?" Dr.Lafien asked. He seemed genuinlly suprised that they had survived the mission, much less got the president."Yeah we are on our way now" Trevor said."Fabulous" Dr.Lafien/James said."I will prepare for your return". Trevor nodded and turned off his earpiece."Uhhh...." Lesly and Trevor heard from the drivers seat of the helicopter."What is it John?" Lesly asked as if she was scared of what the answer was going to be."We have....Five....Fighter Jets...closing in.." John said."I knew things went too smoothly" Lesly muttered."Well be better turn around and face them head on with our--
"No...I will deal with them" Trevor said."Are you crazy!?" Lesly said turning to him."Dont worry about it I will walk back" Trevor said standing. Trevor walked backwards toward the pilots seat. His eyebrows met to form a frown."What are you?!- Lesly cried. Trevor pushed the button on the side of the wall that opened the ramp on the helicopter. It was a transport-coptet so it was big.Trevor charged forward and then jumped out of the helicopter."Trevor!!!" Lesly screamed. Trevor was flying through the air as if he was an olympic diver. Twisting and twirling. Two spear-sized shards of ice shot out of his knuckles. A fighter soared toward him and Trevor twisted. The shard sliced the jet right in half and the flaming wreck plummeted to the ground and exploded in a firey explosion.
Lesly's mouth opened in shock. Her jaw was loose and she was speechless.
The other jets seem to think they could fare better.

They didn't. Trevor sliced through them like butter. The ice eventually shattered and Trevor landed on the windshield of the last jet. From Lesly's point of few it looked like Trevor formed an ice dagger and smashed the glass of the cockpit of the jet. The pilot pulled out a small gun and shot Trevor.It seemed to shoot out some kind of electrical blast that struck Trevor. Trevor's body shook violently as he jet started to lose control due to the struggle between the pilot and Trevor. The entire jet shot out an eletric shock on the outside. Trevor's body steamed and he screamed while holding on to the jet. Lesly was horrified watching the event. The electrical current continued and Trevor's form shuttered as he reached for the controls to the ship. How he was enduring the agony Lesly had no idea. Trevor let out a savage cry then created an ice knife. He thrust it forward screaming. It pierced the mans chest and he screamed. The man somehow managed to grab Trevor by the throat as he was stabbed.So as the jet plummeted downwards they were both stuck. The mans grip was tight on Trevor's throat and he wasn't letting. The jets soon disappeared in the trees.
An explosion followed a moment later. A ball of flame erupted from the trees. Tear's filled Lesly's eyes. She didn't usually show emotion but this....A soft spot for Trevor had formed in her heart during their brief time together. She then turned from the ball of flame sadly, walked over to where the button was on the wall and pressed it. The ramp slowly rose, then before she knew it Lesly couldn't see the lush forest beneath...or Trevor.


Trevor's eyes snapped open. The moon was shining directly above him, casting a pale glow on his face. He sat up his limbs were sore and he had trouble moving them. The jet nearby was a wreck. The pilot's remains were smeared all over it. Trevor slowly stood. His clothes were torn in many places but he would have to make the best of it. He decided he had better make his way back to the base... Then a humorless smile formed on Trevor's face. He then had a realization....

He had no idea how to get back to the base....

"Well" Trevor said."I might as well start walking".

So he did...Trevor began to walk off through the dark forest, knowing he had a long journey ahead of him.

Thats if I survive the night Trevor thought.

"So be it" one of them announced as they turned to Stephen and his partner "oh crap, they were doing it to draw me here" Stephen muttered His partner gave him a strange look as a ball of fire was shot towards the car. Stephen teleported to his Partner and then teleported him away from the car. "what the fuck" he announced as he pointed his Gun at Stephen "your one of them" Stephen looked at his partner "no, I'm a good guy, i try and save the lives of naturals" His partner holstered his Beretta "I'll keep it a secret" he announced. Stephen smiled "thank you" he replied.

Stephen then stood up and turned around "I'll handle those two" he informed his friend as he teleported out back to his now singed car "wow, your still alive" "Yes" Stephen announced
Trevor had traveled for much of the night, but soon tiredness overtook him and he had to find a place to sleep. The sounds of creatures of the night making their strange noises faded deep into the night until Trevor drifted off to dreams....

The next morning-

Trevor awoke slowy and saw birds flying high in the air. The sky was a purple-orange color...the color of the morning...He sat up taking in his surroundings.Trees and rocks everywhere. Not much to look at. A thought then occured to Trevor. The military would probably be looking for him..They would investigate the site of the crash and then search the surrounding area. Trevor hopped to his feet at the thought. He decided he better get moving, and quick. So he set off into a run. Things passed by in a blur as he sprinted through the forest. Trevor then decided this was a waste of time....Who cared about being secretive? He jumped into the air and blasted ice in front of him. He then proceeded to ride through the forest on a long bridge of ice that Trevor created as he glided along.Dont worry...Lesly..I'm on my way.... Trevor was suprised at his own thought... He had grown so fond of Lesly in such a short time. More thoughts entered his mind as he soared through the forest. If I ever get a chance..I need to contact Faith and the other Avengers...If only to let them know I am alive. He rode at the same speed for the next hour. Then a strange thought entered his mind one that struck him, that he would even think the thought. Should I return to Avengers?...
Stephen threw a bolt of lightning at each of the two supernaturals, hitting both head on. he then pulled his Beretta from it's holster and pointed it at one of them who was still alive. "get up and Die" he announced the Supernatural began picking himself up. Bang Bang Bang. three shots and the supernatural was dead. He then re-holstered his Beretta and teleported back to his partner. He helped him back and carried him back to the singed car. the problems of his partner spraining his ankle.
Faith lay in bed for what seemed to be hours. She stared blankly up at the ceiling, fighting the temptation to sleep, even though she was advised to do so. She no longer felt the pain that coursed throughout her entire body from the knife wound. The world was changing out there and so was Faith herself. Over these past couple of days, many things had happened. Her powers were ascending to a completely different, but higher level. Maybe I was always good as an empath, she thought to herself, glancing again at the picture of her, Rene and Patricia. I just can't seem to remember the reason for everything. Why the explosion happened, why I have my powers and I can't seem to get this eerie feeling out of my gut.
"That sure's quite the welcome reception" thought Sam after he saw how the screaming girl left. He sighed, just as he closed his eyes. This was going to be a long day, he could tell. Well, it was better being here than back in the Avenger's base...

"Thanks" said Sam after a while. "For letting us stay here, I mean". He was looking straight into Rene's eyes. He wasn't that bad of a guy after all and he could see why Faith seemed to trust him.

(OOC: Sorry it took me so damn long to post! It's been crazy over here >_< )