
"No! I wasn't trying to see your memories at all," said Faith. "I tried before, but my telepathy is still mutating and developing inside of me all the time. The other week, I managed to use mind control one this Supernatural ... to be honest, it was scary. Let's just say that there are unspeakable things about those creatures." She heard him speak about the past. Why would she leave Rene with Patricia? It made her wonder, though. Her only and last living memory of Patricia was shortly before the nuclear explosion. Then she remembered something. Faith realised again that her immune system was still probably infected with radioactive poisoning, explaining why she was still weak from the wound. She wasn't healing fast enough.

Why would I just leave? There are so many answers I need to hear, but the questions come after the answers when I find them, thought Faith. "I saved your life five times? Wow, I must be good." She then listened to Rene's words of encouragement. "I'm not impressive." Faith started to wonder if she should tell him the truth about her Zildaanian heritage that Aswad claimed that she had. Another time would be more appropriate. Then Michael had appeared to alert them to the news. It just confirmed her suspicions, as Aswad had already informed her. "I know already," she told Rene. "When I was having my ... sleep, I astral projected to this desert. I got the news there."

She wondered. What difference would running make? Then again, if they did fight, that would make things worse. "Ok then," Faith shrugged her shoulders and nodded in agreement. "But first things come first. My telepathy's out of the window right now because my mind's mentally exhausted from the energy I used for my trip to the desert in my astral form. But I can do this ..." She closed her eyes, concentrating as hard as she could. Suddenly, the computers were turned on and all files were being deleted. As soon as every trace of them was wiped out, the computers blew up. "That's the best I can do," Faith said. "We need to cover our tracks the best that we can or else they can find us. But our government might not hunt us down yet."
Sam leaned against a wall, folding his arms around his chest and closing his eyes, carefully taking in everything that was being said. He had to admit things didn't look so promising for The Avengers... As far as he knew, it had been the British government the one that had helped create The Avengers, a Supernatural organization made to fight other Supernatural threats. Were they really capable of getting rid of the ones that had protected the country, no, the world, so far?

Either way, it was obvious they couldn't stay here. Their base's location had been compromised and there was the posibility of the government doing something rash...

"We need to cover our tracks the best that we can or else they can find us. But our government might not hunt us down yet."

"I don't think the government will do its move yet. They probably will want us to deal with the Supernatural back in the States before they try doing anything against us. After all, we're their only trump card in the fight against the supernaturals."

A trump card that could be easily disposed of, thought the teen. The attack on the White House had been a declaration of war against every Supernatural being, Avengers included.
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"They got cable in the desert?" Rene said smiling. "I wouldn't be too worried about this astral projection thingy. During surgery I'm sure one of them said something about the white house, but I was too busy inside you to listen." Rene told her, suddenly feeling like a dick because of the way he said his words. "Anyway, you probably overheard one of them speaking and subconsciously thought you were being told it in your mind."

"Ok then," Faith shrugged her shoulders and nodded in agreement. "But first things come first. My telepathy's out of the window right now because my mind's mentally exhausted from the energy I used for my trip to the desert in my astral form. But I can do this ..." She closed her eyes, concentrating as hard as she could. Suddenly, the computers were turned on and all files were being deleted. As soon as every trace of them was wiped out, the computers blew up. "That's the best I can do," Faith said. "We need to cover our tracks the best that we can or else they can find us. But our government might not hunt us down yet."

"You seem to assume I managed to break in to a high tech security base on my own man. I understand that I'm a genius and all but no one is that good alone." Rene said this last part sarcastically but he still had a huge convincing grin on his face. I have my team of people helping me out. By team I mean like 2 guys and a girl. A computer nerd, equipment expert and a dude who just lazes about the place and does nothing. I think he's my boss but I'm the leader most of the time." Rene grinned as he patted his pockets for his work cell phone. He took it out and grimaced as he discovered it was completely friend.

"Tell the sonfoabitch who does lightning that I'm gonna frickin kick his ass..." Rene muttered to himself. "When yer ready, I'll carry you on my back to a jeep and drive us to the base. We're gonna have to go invisible so I can only make the jeep and four people including myself completely invisible. I'm going and so's Faith of course but choose two more people. I leave the decision to Faith." As he said this he tried to make his thoughts as loud as humanly possible so that it might get through to Faith. Please, make Filden come. I have to fix our friendship!
"Hey Faith, i'm not supernatural, not in the sense you guys are anyway" Jet said walking the room, depositing the body of the driver on the floor. "this guy won't wake for a little while, but his mind is wide open right now. Check him for now. Meanwhile, i'm going to ind as many non-supernaturals as i can and head on out of here with them to the White House. My plan is to see if the President will take back his decision. Meanwhile, you guys get out of here, as fast as you can. If my plan doesn't work, we're all dead, you guys for who you are, the rest of us for treason." Jet spun and began to walk away, then paused and looked back over his shoulder. "Glad to see your back Faith, and nice to meet you Rene. Glad to know your with us" Jet walked away towards the intercom to contact the entire base.
-Undisclosed Location-

The five "Fingers" of the Black Hand all sat around a table, watching a large monitor in silence. The former Vice President, the new President, was about to make an announcement. Given the nature of the situation, and the speed with which Congress finished their emergency session, there was no doubt what the announcement would be. The new President took the podium, and all was still.

"My fellow Americans, I speak to you with a heavy heart. I can confirm that the President was killed in the attack earlier this morning. I have already been sworn in as his replacement, and I am already acting to avenge his murder. Congress, in an emergency session, has passed the Supernatural Act. This Act requires that all Americans that have superhuman abilities be registered at special centers. Then, they will be held at these centers for their own safety. This Act is to be carried out immediately, with the full force of the U.S. Army. To be clear, it is illegal to be a super-human and not report to the closest station immediately. Those found in violation will be shot on sight. That is all."

"It seems that things are working fine. They've taken the bait, the rest of the world is soon to follow."

"Indeed. Do we run it now?"

"Yes, do it."

A pirate TV signal emanated from this hidden base and hijacked the broadcast for all networks. A black screen was shown, with a recorded message played over it:

"This message is for those of you who are super-human, and are angered by this law, if you can call it that. The American government has taken away your liberty, and who knows what governments will follow suit? We encourage you, brothers, by reminding you that you are not alone. Fight for your freedom! Do not cower and hide while your government makes war on you just because you are different! Band together, and stand up for your rights!"

The message repeated three times, then the signal was shut off.

"Now, the real chaos will begin. There is one last piece to the puzzle, but I will wait to see how things unfold..."
Michael just wanted to say something as an extra newflash drew his attention. With an excuse he walked over to the telly and turned up the volume. He watched it open-eyed. He knew he was witnessing yet another turn in human history. And as far as he was concerned, it wasn't a change for the better.

He turned to the assembled party. "Seems like the hunt is on. Jet, are you sure you want to risk going straight for the new president? It might be taken amiss if you showed up there with half the Avengers' strike force. Besides, you think they're going to buy that you aren't supernatural? Maybe you're right about it, but do you really think they will care?"

Michael then turned to the man Jet had called Rene. He had mentioned a place to hide, a team that had helped him get in here. Great. So now they were forced to cooperate with an intruder? Well, it seemed they had little choice. They were caught between a rock and a hard place here.

Michael spoke up, "This newsflash would have been enough to stir things up, but that message after it has made it much worse. First it was just mutual fear and threat. That message," he indicated the television, "is a decleration of war." He took a step closer to Faith and Rene. "And the trouble is," he continued, "both sides in this war want us dead!"
Trevor leaned up against the wall with his hands in his pockets as everyone discussed what should be done. Things were so chaotic right now.

"And the trouble is," he continued, "both sides in this war want us dead!" Michael said as he took a step closer to Faith and Rene.

Trevor decided to finally speak up. "Guys!". "We need to decide what to do now. How do we know while we are just sitting here talking about what to do the roof wont explode in a second and we either get flooded by Asssasins again, or the black hand, or even some secret force the army has created"?. Trevor also stepped toward Faith and Rene as he continued to speak." I say we leave this place and hide out somewhere for awhile".
"I made a new vehical called the Devastator that will easily hold all of us. "It is relatively quick for its size and has a heck of alot of fire power".
"Michael is right for the most part, it seems like the government wants us dead or contained. And the Black Hand want us to rebel and I think possibley fight with them".

He met all the Avengers eyes in turn."We need to leave".
"I think that much is clear to all of us" Trevor said. "Anyone who thinks we should take the Devastator stand by me". Trevor said. Dont be ridiculous Trevor he thought to himself. You are no big strong leader. Maybe not! Trevors mind countered itself. But I am not gonna just sit around and watch my friends die.

Trevor knew it was most likely that someone would go with another persons plans. But he thought he would give his idea anyway.

"So?" Trevor asked.
"you guys go on ahead" Jet said over the intercom. He sounded grim. "I'm going alone to stop this threat. If i fail, you guys need to be as far away as possible" Jet turned off the intercom and walked over to the garage where they had parked their cars for missions. He hit a switch and a wall opened to his own motorcycle. He hopped on, hit the engines, and sped away towards the government's place.
Filden was asleep in the pilot seat of a jet. His arms were crossed and he slouched till his head was halfway down the seat.

Filden woke up quietly and shook his head, "Blimey. Did I fall asleep again?" Filden asked his self.

Filden yawnd and streched, raising both his arms. He then looked around the jet for something to do. He then noticed a small 20 inch television. "Hmm...Maybe a good show is on or something." Filden then walked up to the television and turned it on...

[COLOR=#00e0]"My fellow Americans, I speak to you with a heavy heart. I can confirm that the President was killed in the attack earlier this morning. I have already been sworn in as his replacement, and I am already acting to avenge his murder. Congress, in an emergency session, has passed the Supernatural Act. This Act requires that all Americans that have superhuman abilities be registered at special centers. Then, they will be held at these centers for their own safety. This Act is to be carried out immediately, with the full force of the U.S. Army. To be clear, it is illegal to be a super-human and not report to the closest station immediately. Those found in violation will be shot on sight. That is all."[/COLOR]

Filden gritted his teeth and looked extremely angry, "Oh...bugger off!" Filden shouted at the screen. But then at the programme was interrupted. Filden gasped and then looked at the screen to see none other than that big bloke that Faith fought earlier...

[COLOR=#00e0]"This message is for those of you who are super-human, and are angered by this law, if you can call it that. The American government has taken away your liberty, and who knows what governments will follow suit? We encourage you, brothers, by reminding you that you are not alone. Fight for your freedom! Do not cower and hide while your government makes war on you just because you are different! Band together, and stand up for your rights!"[/COLOR]

"Christ...Humans ain't that bad!" Filden raised his eyebrow... "Oh snap!" Filden shouted. "Ed is a supernatural!"

Filden then ran to the controls of the jet. He started it up, and the jet started rising whilst causing a gusk of wind under it. "Gonna have to borrow this contraption...my uncle might need convincing!"

The jet then took off, and Filden headed Ed's flat.
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"Ok they're gonna listen, or they are gonna die, period" Jet muttered as he jumped off his motorcycle. After reaching the government area, he had circled to find the best way in. With no luck, he had parked not far away. "going to have to get in the hard way" Jet muttered as he walked over to the front door of the guard house and politely knocked. The door opened and a guard poked his head through. "Yeah?" The guard said gruffly. "Hello sir, do you mind opening the gates for me" The guard laughed at this. "Sorry man, no one is allowed in." Jet sighed "I thought it might be that way, so i have a second plan. sweet dreams" With that, Jet punched the man in the face, knocking him out. He entered the room and found that the other guard on duty was roaring drunk. "'EY! (hic) WHAT HAPPENED(hic) TO CARL?" The guard roared, hiccuping. "oh him, he fainted, just like you are in about 3 seconds." "whaddya mea-OH SHIT" The guard ducked as Jet's foot went over his head. Jet did a spin and kicked the man in the face, sending him flying into the wall. "done" Jet said as he walked over to the control room. He accessed the panel, and hit the open gate button. The gates opened slightly. "ah well, now i can open it myself" Jet said as he left the guard house, pausing only to close the door.
"I'll explain the whole desert thing later," Faith told Rene. "It's a complicated process, which I'm still trying to figure my head around." Then she heard about his team and rolled her eyes. So he's got his own teammates in the background to help? Ohhh, this is sounding too brilliant ... shame that I'm going to really discipline him whenever I get the chance. "I'm ready at any time, Rene. If you're going to make us invisible, then make sure you don't crash into anyone or we WILL be treated as Supernatural." She heard in his mind that he wanted Filden to come, however, Faith knew that he'd already left in the jet. She made a mental note to herself to make sure she'd question him on everything that happened in the past. It was a promise.

Next, Faith looked at Jet. "Do whatever you feel, Jet," she said to him. "It'd be a good idea to do that, but please be careful. I don't want to keep worrying about my team spread out across the world now, do I? Stress could only reopen the wound I have." She smiled. "Thanks, at least I'm not dead yet." She watched him walk out. Then there was the two messages, which only meant double trouble for the Avengers. "War is coming," muttered Faith to herself, thinking of what could happen if war would surely destroy the world. "We have a job to do, Avengers! The nuclear explosion of 2012 had started the battle, but the war now begins. We have to be brave and strong if we're ever to overcome these problems that we face."

Trevor had spoken up at last and it made Faith really think for once. She was the one responsible for the Avengers. If anyone would take the fall for them, then it would be her. However, having done that already and nearly dying in the process, a lot rested on her shoulders. "Jet's going to the White House now as we speak," Faith told Trevor. "This is now an official war zone. No one, except for the Home Secretary, knows where our exact location is. If anyone finds out, then it means they'll have gotten the information out of him." A tear slid down her cheek. She never thought that these things would ever happen. The Avengers had saved the world, now the world would surely turn against them. How was that justice?

"The Black Hand may want us to rebel, but we don't bow down to them!" shouted Faith, which only caused her a sufficient amount of pain in her wound. Her stomach was still sore. Best not to do that, but heck ... I'm the leader here. Mr X entrusted me with the Avengers. He knew that I could save the world! He sacrificed his life to save mine! I can't let him down. "We'll take Rene's truck and your Devastator, Trevor," said Faith, now giving direct orders out to everyone. "The government hasn't contacted us yet, so we're only safe from them for now. The American government doesn't know of our existence, but may do so soon. We have to be hasty." She looked to Trevor. "I think you should take those who can't fight, but not me."

Faith took her earpiece. "We'll go ahead," she replied to him. "No, that is not an order, General Silver. You will not fail, you understand me? Now you get to your mission and we'll get to ours." She turned it off and then turned to face the others surrounding her bed. She groaned when Jet contacted her again. "General Silver, get to your mission. We're not going to die! If there are any signs of attack, I'll sense their presence. My telepathy's strong enough to sense them only, but nothing more until I get better." Without any warning at all, Faith rose to her feet, but only to nearly fall. She clung to the wall for support. "I'll be fine!" she snapped at anyone who dared to help her. "Let's get to Rene's safehouse as soon as we can to form a plan."
"My jeep is on the outskirts." Rene told them, he took out a small electronic package and chucked it to Trevor. "Attach this to your devastator and press the red button to put stealth on it. You'll have to held on to me to be invisible," He said to Faith "and don't let go even once until we get to the jeep. We gotta hurry, if we're not there before dawn it'll be even easier to see us and we'll probably get caught." Rene walked to the door and turned to look at Faith. "Will you be able to walk or do you want me to carry you?"
Still leaning against the wall, having his arms folded around his chest, Sam pointed at Rene with his head.

"I guess I'll go with you. You'll need someone capable of fighting in case the worst were to happen. Faith is in no condition to fight and you don't look that well yourself."

(OOC: Small post, I know:P)
Michael glanced ruefully at his bag. Seemed he had been dragged back in again. But to what end? What difference could they make? But Michael found he could not just leave now, knowing he would spend the rest of his life either running, captured, or dead. And knowing that the people most of whom he had come to see as friends would keep on fighting, even against these odds, made him unable to pack up and leave to avoid the battle that surely wasn't long off now.

He sighed, and unpacked the earpiece. Odd. Why had he packed it if he was leaving? Well, that didn't matter anymore. Michael frowned. Jet had left, alone, to go do something at the white house. He should be very lucky to succeed at such a mission. Michael doubted he would be able to convince the president to call of the Supernatural Act. And what else would he do? Kill the man? Good idea, if you wanted to make the tensions that had erupted everywhere even worse than they were already. That spark would ignite the whole thing. Nothing would be the same anymore.

Mentally, Michael slapped himself. He should stop thinking the worst of everything. That's the only way to not get disappointed with life, his internal voice cut in. Start expecting things to work out alright and you start getting hurt if it doesn't happen.

He turned to Rene. "Where are we supposed to go?"

"My jeep is just past Checkpoint T-514" Rene told them."I'll make us invisible so we can climb over the gate, after that it's open road so and my base is hidden far underground. If we leave now we'll get to the jeep in 10 minutes and be at my base in roughly an hour"
Michael had a few firm arguments for not trusting this Rene. Not least of which having been attacked by him no more than a few hours ago. Still, Faith seemed to trust him for some reason, and everyone was acting as if he'd been around for years.

So Michael swallowed his arguments, and his pride, although reluctantly. He hesitated a moment, then said to Rene, "Alright. Lead the way."
Faith nodded at what Rene said. She felt like she'd known him for years; maybe she had done so. But she couldn't deny this sudden attraction that she had for him. It wasn't loving him, but something about Rene drew her to him. He acted just like her, a tough leader and willing to help his comrades. She had been like that when she first worked for the Avengers. But Mr X's death had turned her heart cold. Coldly and cruelly reminded of Patricia's memory, Faith knew what her godmother would say to her. "Help those Supernatural who are innocent," she could imagine her voice in her mind now. "You have the power to do amazing things, Faith. Now use them for the greater good." Imagining her voice tore her up inside.

"If you could carry me, I'd be eternally grateful," Faith answered Rene's question, feeling her legs shaking. She was only able to stand because she was leaning against the wall. Moments later, she slid down the wall, unable to stand up for much longer. She could sense that Michael was suspicious still of Rene's presence, so she tried telepathically reassuring him. We can trust him, Michael, she told him, projecting her thoughts to him through a telepathic link to him. I used to know him somehow, but I can't remember because I've had a mild form of amnesia ever since the explosion. I'm sorry that I never told you or anyone on the team. She turned to Rene. "We better move now before MI5 puts us next on their list," said Faith.
Rene nodded as he put Faith on his back and carried her. "As soon as we're outside I'll use my powers to make us invisible okay?" Rene told them as he began to walk down the corridor. "Which way to the exit anyways?" Rene asked, suddenly remembering that he only knew one way to get in and that was the vents. He put a hand in his pockets quickly and grabbed a set of keys for his jeep. He couldn't contact his team but as soon as he got there they'd be able to work out a plan and help them. "Dammit they better make me some damned breakfast when I get there." Rene whispered to himself.
Filden was approached his destination. Be begun flicking a few switches, and the jet begun slowing down. Filden decided to park the jet in a green opposite his uncle's flat.

The jet landed, created a gust of wind as it landed. Filden then took off his seat belt, initiated the ship's security mode, (which meant whoever entered had to have an eye scan at the jet's extrance) and then got off the jet.

Filden came up to the entrance of Ed flat. He knocked on the door, and his uncle Ed quickly answered, "Ohh...Hey Fil!"
"Yeah...hey Ed...You gotta come with me if you wanna live." Filden explained,
"Yeah I saw the news...so where are you taking me?" Ed laughed,
"I dunno. Just get on the jet and we'll talk about it on there." Filden answered.
Ed sighed, "Well, I know you too well to know that you are stubborn, so I better just go with you,"
Filden shrugged, "Yeah, you do that"
Ed walked out and locked the flat, and then made his way to the jet. Filden followed.
"The exit? Use the lift, it should protect us until we get outside," explained Faith. "No one, except for us at the moment, can see the lift. It's a little illusion, some Supernatural technology we picked up along the way since we first formed one year ago. So as soon as we step out of that lift, we're going to need to turn invisible. Understand?" She heard what Rene whispered, although it wasn't intentional. I don't understand Rene, Faith finally decided in his mind. I was thinking he was some kind of vigilante when he saved my life. Now he has his own team ... wait a minute. She clasped her hand over her heart. Is my heart mending from the pain that I feel? She didn't tell this anyone. The pain was now decreasing.

Aswad landed near the White House. He noticed the guard had been knocked out unconscious and there was only chaos to follow. His red eyes surveyed the area around him. "So this must be where the Black Hand is manipulating the situation," he told himself, glancing around. He walked through the gates and then was surrounded by soldiers. "FREEZE, SUPERNATURAL!" they yelled at him. Aswad was frozen indeed, however, he seemed somewhat insulted by the name that they gave him. "I normally detest violence, but perhaps it is the only way now," he muttered under his breath. "Reasoning with these humans isn't going to help." He walked forward towards the White House as if nothing happened. However, the bullets pierced his body ... but he was alive.