
Sam sighed. He was exhausted. He had been helping Rene with the operation, using his eyes as some kind of X-ray machine, giving him updates of the damaged insides of Faith. Each time he activated his Eyes of the Demon Killer that annoying headache seemed to kick in.... but he had noticed the pain was not as great as it had been before. Apparently all this 'training' had helped his body get used to seeing things he was not supposed to see. And he was glad that for the first time in his life he had been of use in a process that sought to save a life...instead of taking it. But his face didn't show his delight; he was trying his best to hide it.

"Hey guys, want to come help me beat up a crazy maniac and destroy a robot? cuz I'm having a great time!"

That was the one called General Silver, right? He still hadn't gotten used to this place and to the people living here...and it wasn't too hard to notice. They all were like a big, great family and he was like the outsider that had suddenly appeared. Well, he couldn't blame them. After all, three days ago he had been a member of the opposite faction, killing everything that moved...including some Avenger staff. Or so had Faith told her. He owed her his sanity. She had been the one that had brought his human side back and had 'locked away' the beast that lived inside of him...

She saved his life back there, now he was gonna repay that favor. Listening to General Silver's voice Sam shook his head lightly.

"I think I'll be more useful here than in the battlefield."
Jet heard Sam on his earpiece. "Suit yourself, but this robot is the last of the assassins. We gotta take it down" Jet was nearly to the site where he had throw the robot, and he could see the robot staggering from multiple injuries. "YOUR FINISHED!" Jet called leaping high and landing on the robot. He then began to systematically destroy it, starting by ripping off the legs and ending by punching a hole in the cockpit and taking the driver out. "Your coming with me" Jet said menacingly. He then slapped the man across the face, knocking him out. Pulling off his gloves, Jet picked up the driver and sped back, activating his earpiece as he went. "hey guys its all good now, but i have a prisoner for interrogations. set up the interrogation room will ya?"
As she entered a dark unconsciousness, Faith's mind was still active. Her thoughts were being continued to project everywhere. However, he subconscious had arrived somewhere else. Being psychic had enabled her to do some unthinkable things, but never one such as this. Faith glanced at the land she was stood on, knowing that she wasn't on Earth anymore. She had astral projected herself to this planet, wherever it was, and left her body behind on Earth. Something's not right here, she thought. It was in that moment that Supernaturals began to appear out of nowhere, surrounding and hissing at her. "I don't know how I did this, but I'll take action first and ask questions later," she murmured.

Faith fought the Supernatural in her astral projection form, wondering if the Avengers were safe down there on Earth. She even entrusted Rene with saving her life. Then again, the flashes of her memories with him couldn't have been fake. Faith's mind may have been vulnerable at times, but there was no way that any simple force could break her mind and insert lies in there. When she was done vanquishing the Supernaturals with her powers alone, she carried on walking in the desert, wondering where it was that her astral self had arrived. "Is anyone out here?" she shouted through the noise and air. A desert? It looks deserted, as most deserts are. But I'm not one to believe that things are what they appear to be ...
((OOC: Ok, I'm back. At least for the time being...))

Alex watched with surprise as Faith delivered her little speech, then went soaring into the air. As she disappeared from view, he quietly looked around him. The other Avengers who had arrived on the scene were gone as well, leaving Alex standing alone in the ruins of his former base. He sighed.



-12 Hours Later. Washington, D.C., 3:00:00 AM, Local Time-

The White House. A symbol of the American Dream. The home of the American President. And now, surrounded by Supernaturals.

The White House is a different place now. Gone is the tranquil lawn, the pleasant white facade. In the wake of the New York Incident, the White House is likely better described as the White Fortress. High walls surround the compound, barring all outside views of the premises. The original structure itself resides under a "quantum shield", a new American technology which prevents nuclear missile attacks. Certainly, the sitting President is safe inside such a structure...

Inside the White House Control Center, a young man stands in front of a terminal. He is dressed from head-to-toe in black, in an outfit that resembles a ninja costume. However, this young man actually becomes the shadows, as opposed to hiding in them. He is known only as The Darkness, and is one of the Black Hand's "Fingers", it's five most powerful members.

"I've never understood the American fascination with self-destruct mechanisms. They make it a big red button, too. Fools, building something yet giving it the ability to tear itself down..." The Darkness pressed the glowing red button. He spoke into a comm headset. "It's done."

1 minute later, the wall around the White House exploded. The quantum shield also fell, and the legion of Supernaturals converged on the undefended White House...


-2 Hours Later-

Every TV channel was set to a breaking news bulletin. The United States had put out a press release, which read as follows:

"Today, at 3:00 AM, our White House came under direct attack by Supernatural forces. The attack was well-organized, and the White House was compromised. The status of our President is unknown. The Vice President has stepped in, and is convening an emergency session of Congress. The goal of the session is to decide how to face the growing threat of these Supernaturals. The United States is considering deporting all those involved or affected by the New York Incident, as well as any other superhuman individuals. We encourage other nations to do the same, as they could come under the same attacks at any time. In this time of national crisis, we must be wary of threats from all directions."

No doubt this broadcast would be seen everywhere, including any televisions in the Avengers' headquarters...
Trevor sat staring at the TV, its flickering lights reflected in his eyes. The White House had been taken over? What was wrong with the world these days. Trevor pushed the button on his ear-piece."Is anyone besides me watching this right now?" he asked. Trevor stood up."I say we have a new mission on our hands, and this one is gonna be big". While he waited for people to respond he made his way down to his garage. He walked down the steps and into the dark space, it was basicly underground. He saw it- suspended by black straps. A large silver engine. He had been working on it it for a long time. It was going to go into the new vehical he had been creating. He turned to a messy desk and grabbed his toolbox, then he went over to the engine and began to work on it. The TV broadcast kept playing over and over in his head. The White House had been destroyed...

After he finished making sure everything was in place, he had to move the engine to the vehical it was going inside.He walked over to a huge Rectangular vehical. It had green-tan camoflage and it was almost ready to go. By the time he got the huge engine into the Devastator Trevor had named it, it was almost ready. He just had to fix the rising turret and make sure that the thing had enough seats. The inside of the Devastator had seats on both sides and in the middle of the vehical wasa large turret. When a button on the turret was pressed the thing would rise and be on the roof so the gunner could shoot. This thing had a relatively large inside, the middle of it was round but you had enough space to walk around either side of the turret to get to the back. It had everything you could possibley need for a dangerous mission. Stored guns and rifles in the back, medical kits at the ready, and great firepower. He even had added a missle launcher to the turret. So if you pressed a button the barrel of the turret would rotate to missles instead of a machine gun. It was time to show this baby to the rest of the Avengers. He was happy about it because he had finished this on his own, it had taken months and months but it was still finished. He had been keeping the thing heavily underaps. His garage had a hand and eye scanner that was programmed to only accept Trevor. Trevor ran over to what looked like a wall and pressed in a part of it. The "wall" rose up like a gate to reveal a long tunnel where a light was visable at the end. He hopped in the thing and drove outside."All Avengers please come outside. I have something to show you all" he said with a grin.
Michael had left the medical ward. He just couldn't watch this. It brought back memories, and the face of that man... Rene, his name was? ...made him edgy. Besides, Stephen was still there when he left. This Sam fellow was still there as well, but he wasn't so sure about him. The man was part demon, wasn't he? Michael fought down an urge to return immediately and put everything under close survailance. It wasn't his responsibility. Besides, he had only joined this thing a few months ago. Who was he to distrust anyone?

Michael returned to his room, closed the door behind him and took off his jacket. He made himself comfortable on the bed and turned on the television, expecting to spend the rest of the night watching some stupid sitcom. Instead, every channel he tried had some kind of Breaking News bulletin on. Michael sat up and watched the broadcast, not believing the evidence of his own eyes and ears. The White House had been attacked? Michael edged closer to the screen and turned up the volume. Supernaturals... How to deal with... New York incident... Fuck! Through his earpiece he heard Trevor say,
"Is anyone besides me watching this right now?"

"You bet I am... Bloody hell, are they going to go after all SUpernaturals?" Michael stood up and nervously began sorting his things, put them back again, while all the time he kept thinking about what he had seen, and what the television kept repeating in the background. All Supernaturals. That fucking includes us! But, they wouldn't... Would they?

Michael turned, grabbed his jacket, and ran to the Medical Ward. At the assembled cluster of people he said, "We've got a giant problem on our hands... American congress is discussion persecution and deportation of all Supernaturals and people affected by the Nuclear Blast of New York! And they're calling on all countries to do the same!" Michael turned on the television that hung from the ceiling to show the other proof of what he said. "Chances are they're going to turn on us, out of fear." He kicked the wall. "Sod it! Is Faith patched up yet, she needs to know of this!"
Filden jumped as Jet dashed by him.

"Blimey!" Where'd you come from!?" Filden gasped,
"...Huh...?" Filden raised an eyebrow, "Well, whatever. I'll see what's going on."

Filden then ran out of the gym and began heading towards his destination, whilst wondering, Strange...Did something happen?

Filden then arrived to see Faith resting in Rene's arm...a stab wound in Faith's stomach...

"...No way..." Filden felt a tear run down his cheek, "No fucking way!"

Filden closed both his eyes and looked down. He punched a nearby wall as he begun to cry more and more.

"Why do I lose everyone important to me!" Filden shouted.

Filden then begun sobbing loudly. Though he was an Avenger he was only 16 and still too young to experience all this.

...Abigail...please...help me...
Rene smiled as he closed the wound on the stomach and and placed a long string of bandage made of protein that would join the wounds together. He smiled as he looked up at the heart monitor and noticed that her heartbeat was completely regular. He noticed the man pacing and smirked. "I'm almost done mate. Her wound wasn't as serious as it looked. All I gotta do is close the wound on her skin and we'll be done. She'll have hell of a scar but I'm sure she can live with it." As he spoke to the man, whose name Rene still did not know, or if he had been told he didn't remember it, Rene sutured the cut on her belly and carefully wrapped a bandage around her belly.

"She'll be asleep for the next few hours so all we can do is let her sleep. Here help me get her onto the bed and under the covers." It was then that Rene saw Filden, he noticed he was crying and Rene just tutted sardonically and looked at his best friend. "Jeez man, get a hold of yourself. Filden the crybaby died when he was 11 remember?" Rene knew he was being harsh but knew that it would be the only way to get Fil to listen to him.
Filden gritted his teeth and looked up at Rene. he stared at him coldly.

"Don't piss about with me, Skylar." Filden growled, "As you can see, I'm not in the flaming mood for your smart arse comments."

Filden looked at Faith, now with the bandage wrapped around her stomach. His tears started slowly down, the red in his eyes started slowing down. Filden hoped that Faith will be okay, but just to be sure...

"Skylar, Will she be okay?" Filden asked, "I hope you can actually save a life this time"
"Either way a life would have been lost Filden." Rene told him, once again remembering that day. If only he told Filden what Abby said to him all this would go away, but he made a promise to her to not tell Filden no matter what. He managed to put Faith under the quilt and re-hooked her to the BP Monitor. He set up an IV and inserted the needle into the top of Faith's hand. "She needs to rest, it's late and she's gonna need some room so I recommend everyone leave and go get some sleep. I'll wake you up if anything happens and when she wakes up." As he said this Rene sat in the chair next to Faith's infirmary bed and closed his eyes. Allowing sleep to consume him.
It didn't take long for Faith's suspicions to be confirmed when a man with red eyes appeared before her. However, he raised his hand when she was about to attack him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Amarra," he said, lowering his hand when she wasn't going to attack him. "Amarra? My name is Faith, Faith Crest," she said, looking confused by the name that he gave her. "True, but where you're originally from, that was your Zildaanian name," the man said, as he walked around Faith, circling her. He seemed to be somewhat curious about her, but she didn't let her guard down. "You don't know, do you? You don't know where you're originally from." Faith stared at him. "I don't know who the hell you are, but ..." she began to say.

"Aswad," he answered, as if he thought she was going to ask him what his name was. Aswad observed Faith with much interest. "I've been watching over you for your entire life. You see, you're not completely human, as you're fully aware." Faith nodded, thinking that perhaps Aswad had some answers to her past after all. "No one has ever told you of your true heritage, not even a feat that Patricia Musso could accomplish. Despite her research and depth into the situation, her knowledge alone was not enough to answer your questions into your mysterious past." He smiled innocently. "I have the answers that you need, Amarra. But know this ... if you are to survive on Earth, then you have to ensure that you don't get taken by your authorities."

"Authorities? I don't understand," Faith said, looking for another answer. "It appears that someone, a human Supernatural has attacked what you call the White House in America," explained Aswad. Faith's expression turned from confused to horrified. The Avengers had links with the White House and by the vacant expression on Aswad's face, it seemed it had been destroyed. "I can't believe this!" she said, now looking upset. "I understand now." She turned to face him. "The authorities are tracking down human Supernaturals for the attack!" Alex had been right all along. Now it would be a fight for survival. "But what can I do? They're going to dispose of every Supernatural Avenger, including myself! I'm powerful, but not that powerful!"

"Then you have to go back and warn your friends," said Aswad at this point, focusing his attention on her only now. "The Avengers are Earth's only hope. But of course, not only is your planet in danger. Many worlds are in danger of extinction, including ours." He looked around the desert. "This is Zildaan as you see it now. Years ago, there were grand cities here, technology much more advanced than humans have now. But the Supernatural came and took it all away from us. You see, Faith, we are not really Supernatural in ourselves. We are Zildaanians with you being half of what I am." He saw her almost crying at this point; a difficult task was at hand. "Arise to the challenge, Faith Crest. The universe depends on the Avengers. It's a hard task to accomplish, but I'll be there soon. Now return back home."
Bleep bleep bleep

Rene's phone chimed, waking him from his half-sleep. Faith's chest continued to rise and fall normally whilst he quickly checked her Heart rate and changed her IV. Rene realised his clothes were still covered in Faith's blood and he guessed that's not exactly what she'd want to see when she woke up. He took off his top and grabbed a white vest from his backpack. He spotted something shiny at the bottom of his backpack and smiled as he pulled it out and recognized it. It was a thin silver chain with a ring along it. Encrusted on on the inside of the ring was the words "Forever in love x" Rene smiled at the ring and decided to put it around his neck. He also grabbed his black sleeveless top and quickly changed his jeans to loose blue trouser

Bleep bleep bleep

Rene's phone went off one more time and he finally decided to check what was so urgent. He grabbed it and switched it to internet mode. He accepted the note and his eyes widened to their fullest "Holy sh-." Rene had to stop himself from swearing. The White House had been taken over by people with supernatural powers. "Is this these guys doin'?" Rene asked himself quietly, looking around himself subconsciously.
Barely moments later, Faith's eyes fluttered open slowly. Her vision was a little blurry at first, but she could make out the bright lights that were shining down on her. She was finally able to breathe, having felt the oxygen mask on her face. Her fingers moved ever so slightly and she finally felt like she had returned from wherever it was that she'd been. Zildaan apparently, thought Faith, as she now found herself back in reality and on Earth. It feels good to be back. But even as she removed the oxygen mask from her face and tried to sit up, she felt immense pain coming from her stomach. She looked down at it, remembering that she'd been stabbed. It felt like a really bad dream. She glanced at Rene, who was awake. But it's not.

Her breathing was a little heavy, especially since she had survived a fatal stabbing to the stomach. I guess it's fair to say I'm going to be stiff for the next day or two, thought Faith, still slowly coming back into reality. Everything still looked like a blur. She lay back on the bed, thinking on about what Aswad had said to her. The White House was attacked ... and it's a Supernatural attack. People could deem me as Supernatural, but Aswad said I wasn't. He said I was half Zildaanian. But the answers I need; he said I'd have to investigate the attack first. An international crisis was at hand. She then forced herself to laugh. "I missed a lot ... didn't I?" she said weakly to Rene, who was watching the news on his phone. "Lucky I knew ..."
"Huh?" Rene wondered aloud as he heard Faith laughing forcefully.

"I missed a lot ... didn't I?" Faith said as she looked at Rene who still had his eyes on his phone. It was at this point that Rene turned around and grinned like fucl when he saw Faith awake. "Lucky I knew ..." Rene walked towards her and brushed some hair out of her eyes and winked.

"You were touch and go for a while there Faithy, scared the hell outta me. Scared the hell outta everyone around here." Rene told her. He didn't want to tell her about the situation with the White House as stress would most like re-open her wound. He sat on the side of her bed and grabbed his fingerless gloves. He put them on quickly and curled his hands into fists to get a feel for them. "Scare me like that again and I'll have to take you out myself." He told her jokingly, he cared about Faith a lot and had been so damned worried. He hoped she could tell from his thoughts. I wonder if she's even peered into my memories yet? Rene thought to himself, I wonder if she's that good a psychic?
Filden had heard the news about the White House from Micheal. Filden then decided to plan ahead. Looks like a little raid is in call for. Filden sighed as he headed to the break room. Well, best get a quick kip before he head off. It's gonna be chaos here in several hours.

Filden then arrived to the break room. He claimed his recliner and decided to close his eyes for an hour or two.

A few minutes later, Filden woke up, gasping from a nightmare...He had a dream about Abigail...Dammit Rene...why did you have to show up! Now I can't get her out of my head! Filden panted, and slightly sobbed...Filden then sighed.

He eventually recovered from his temporary state of depression. He then sighed, "I'll never get back to sleep now. I'll just stay make my way to jets and claim whatever jet I wanna pilot to Washington."

With that, Filden then headed to the the location of the Avenger's jets.
Faith looked up at Rene, who walked towards her and brushed some of her hair out of her eyes and winked at her. "If the security wasn't so lame around here, then I wouldn't be in this mess," she murmured, but then sighed at the same time. "However, if it had been, you'd have never found me here. I wouldn't have been able to meet you again." She chuckled. "I'm known for that, thank you very much. They're all scared of me if I catch them slacking off and they know it. Psychic, remember?" She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "As if you could take me on, Rene Skylar. I may appear weak and vulnerable, but I can reassure you that things have changed since the last time you saw me ..." Her face fell. "Well, whenever the time was."

As far as she could tell or even sense, Faith noticed Rene was able to block his mind from her. However, she felt too tired to even use her powers right now. She realised that she'd be able to walk again soon, possibly in a few hours if she was lucky. Her wound had been slowly healing in the process, although this process in itself was tricky and was taking longer than usual. The reason? She'd never sustained such a massive injury before. It shocked and scared her as much as anyone else. "I thought I was going to die," Faith finally confessed, now looking frightened. "I saw my life flash before my eyes. I thought that I'd never believe in a world without violence, I hadn't even considered that I wasn't Supernatual until now."
Michael was packing his things. When it came down to it, it wasn't a lot. He was still for a moment, contemplating his lack of things he owned... his lack of a normal life. Then he shrugged, and packed the last few things. In a way, it was a blessing he didn't own a lot. It was easy to pack everything and leave, without having to leave any of his belongings. Besides, since last year he was used to living at the bare minimum.

He looked around his now empty room one more time, thinking to himself. He hadn't expected he would miss this place. Still, he felt a sort of loss now he was about to leave it all behind. He, sighed, then slung his bag over his shoulder and stepped out of the door into the all too familiar corridor. Michael refused to think of this place as a home. This was a base. What he'd had with Myra, that had been a home. He doubted he'd ever be able to call someplace home again.

As he neared the end of the corridor, Michael hesitated. He had been planning to leave without telling anyone. It wasn't as if they would miss him anyway; half the time he was here he suffered from radiation sickness. But some part of him he didn't know he had left urged him to go to the medical ward to at least tell some of them he wouldn't wait for the authorities to have him deported.

As he arrived at the Medical Ward he was glad to see Faith up and about, although she did look a bit weak still. That man was there too. But oh well, it would cease to be his problem quite soon. Michael scraped his throat, then indicated the television.

"I assume you're all aware of the big news?" he said. "Well, I'm not going to wait around here for the authorities to come and take me, I'll have you know. Face it, they're going to go after us before the day's out. There's no way we can fight that."

Michael sighed. "So I'm not. What would be the point? It's all breaking down now."
Rene realised what he was doing and unlocked the mental lock in his mind. "Sorry, I felt you try to see my memories. I didn't mean to lock them." Rene told her. "True memories can't be fabricated, you know that, but there are things in my mind about you that you must remember for yourself. I'll allow you to see certain things but any memories I find you must re-discover yourself, I will lock them." Rene got off the bed and fiddled with the ring around his neck. "The last time we saw each other was around 4 years ago maybe? I'm not completely sure. One day you and Patricia just left. You didn't leave me a note or anything, you just... left." Rene told her unlocking that specific memory of him walking into their home at the time and finding it empty. "You were powerful back then Faith as well. Not just in your strength but you're cunning and wit outmatched my own numerous times. You must have saved me at least five times, I guess now I owe you only four." He said putting up four fingers.

"I thought I was going to die," Faith finally confessed, now looking frightened. Rene allowed her to speak like this, knowing that she would feel better getting it into the open."I saw my life flash before my eyes. I thought that I'd never believe in a world without violence, I hadn't even considered that I wasn't Supernatual until now."

"Only now?" Rene asked. "From what I've heard you're quite the fighter with your powers and hand-to-hand skills." Rene smiled at her warmly, he felt that strong urge and desire from years ago to just hug her until she was happy but he managed to keep it down, knowing that hugging her would probably confuse her even more.

Rene noticed a man come in and pointed at the television.
"I assume you're all aware of the big news?" he said. "Well, I'm not going to wait around here for the authorities to come and take me, I'll have you know. Face it, they're going to go after us before the day's out. There's no way we can fight that."

"I uhh... haven't told her yet." Rene told the man, cursing him in his mind for being such a prick. Stress will just re-open her wound dammit!

Michael sighed. "So I'm not. What would be the point? It's all breaking down now."

Rene felt as though the man ignored but shrugged it off anyway. "The white house was attacked by supernaturals, I'm assuming that from the way he's acting it wasn't under this groups order. I guess that means there's another group of supers out there huh?" Rene told her, turning the TV to the appropriate channel. "He has a point, staying here will be far too dangerous. I have a safehouse around 50 miles from here. If we leave soon we can be there before dawn breaks and this place is raided. After that we can plan your next move." He then looked directly at Faith with a fierce gleam in his eyes. "You are far too weak to fight. You cannot regain the white house in your state and by now they have most probably taken full control of congress. You need to heal before you can battle."
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Once he'd made sure that Faith was stable, Sam had left the Medical Ward and had headed back into his room. He was dead-tired after having used his eyes so much; it was surprising he hadn't collapsed from either fatigue or the headaches. He took of his katana and knives and threw himself to bed.

He woke up a couple of hours later, feeling refreshed. He hadn't had any dreams... not that it was a bad thing, actually. He got out of bed and searched for something in his backpack. After a minute or two he grinned, pulling out the small object he had been looking for: it was a small, white pill witch Sam proceeded to swallow. He then equiped his weapons, grabbed his backpack and headed out to the hangar, making a quick stop through the medical ward to check on Faith.

"So, you're up..." said Sam, opening the door. He hadn't expected to see her awake; it was clear Faith was no ordinary person. Well, nobody in this base was ordinary, after all.
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"Seems to me something Faith should know. Besides, it's all over the news anyway."

Michael waited patiently as the man told Faith about the current situation. From all over, his mind was besieged by stress, other people's as well as his own. By now everyone probably knew about what had happened. He wondered how the others would react to it.

The man spoke again,
"He has a point, staying here will be far too dangerous. I have a safehouse around 50 miles from here. If we leave soon we can be there before dawn breaks and this place is raided. After that we can plan your next move. You are far too weak to fight." The man turned to look at Faith. "You cannot regain the white house in your state and by now they have most probably taken full control of congress. You need to heal before you can battle.""

Michael was a bit taken aback by this, then said, "Next move? What would you have us do? Go to the authorities and say "please, don't deport us, pretty please"? They're afraid now! They're against us now."

Michael sighed out. "Everyone is against us now. The authorities are, and the Supernaturals who have attacked the white house are not likely to be our friends either. How the hell are we going to stand up to that?" Michael's voice grew more heated as he spoke. Why were they still thinking about fighting against the current? There was no point. Things didn't just magically get better. The brave and just minority did not always win.