
Faith was weak from what had happened, but she was grateful to be alive. Mr X's instructions were to take the machine seriously since she was one of the few people in the entire universe that could use it. Well, that was how serious it was. She heard Michael's voice and she laughed softly. "Ha, funny thing you should ask that ..." she replied in her earpiece. "Mr X left us a little present in his will, only to be used in emergencies. He entrusted me with the machine that would remove anyone from the building that I don't want here. So in basic words, the assassins got removed and they probably won't remember how they got here in the first place. Nifty little machine, isn't it? I basically transferred my thoughts and it worked the magic!"

Her breathing was loud and heavy, but at least she was still alive. "Team," she said in the earpiece again. "Let's get some good rest. We might get a visit from the Home Secretary tomorrow with some of MI5, but I think we all did do a good job today. Give yourselves a pat on the back and get some well earned rest." But even as Faith rose to her feet, she examined her stomach. Blood was pouring out and she only came to realise this. She slumped against the wall, breathing harder and unaware her earpiece was still turned on. Faith came to realise that one of the assassins must have caught their knives in her stomach when they came into physical contact with her. "Shit ..." she murmured under her breath, her hands shaking with blood.
Jet heard Faith's announcement and sighed with relief. "best go see if Faith is feeling better" He thought as he ran down a corridor. Suddenly, he heard breathing harder, like she forgot to turn her earpiece off. "shit" He muttered as he converted his run to a full sprint and arrived at the room 2 minutes later. Faith wasn't looking well. Her stomach was cut, and she already lost a lot of blood. "Great" Jet muttered as he went over to Faith. Tearing off a piece of his shirt, he folded it into the size of the wound and pressed it against it. Then he reached up and turned off the earpiece. "Hold this to your wound" Jet instructed, placing her hand on the cloth. He then picked her up with both hands and sprinted back to the infirmary.
Michael shook his head, grinning. Possibly the strangest explanation she could have given, but it got the problem solved so they wouldn't hear him complain about it. His grin faded as he became aware of a thrumming pain in his stomach. Quickly he groped at it, searched himself for wounds, but found nothing. His initial shock made place for confusion, then fear. Who had been hit? Where was it coming from?

Michael quickly jumped up and ran down the corridor, all the time feverishly trying to find the thread of pain, to track the source of it. It was like following a different coloured thread in a pile of wool and winding it up; you could follow it, but you couldn't be exactly sure where the beginning or the end were, and the thread could break if you weren't careful enough. Michael clutched at his stomach. It was painful, but he could only follow the thread if he concentrated on it, and when he did that the pain grew worse too.

While running, he heard heavy breathing through his earpiece. Faith? Fuck! He raced down another corridor, went around a corner, and found Jet carrying Faith in his arms. She was bleeding from a wound in her stomach. Michael tried to sever the thread of pain as best he could, tried to withhold himself from any alien pain. But he was receptive to it still, and Faith's strong mind almost forced the pain on him. His knees felt weak, possibly because of her loss of blood.

"What happened?" he asked Jet, as he ran along with him in the direction of the infirmary. "What got her?" Never sure if his mind was strong enough, Michael tried to mentally project images of strength and general feelings of wellbeing to Faith. She must survive.
Stephen strode towards the base after a couple of hours of traveling "time to go to bed" he muttered to himself as he walked. as he entered the Elevator and pushed the button the panel beeped at him "power is down, something must be wrong" Stephen teleported down into the building, where the Elevator would have dropped him off and he pulled his Beretta out of it's holster.

pointing the gun in front of him he walked with caution, the lights were dim and Stephen was worried. where was everyone and why were the lights not very bright. he noticed visibility wasn't that good so Stephen teleported to his dorm and grabbed a torch. he turned it on and exited his room with the gun and torch. His left hand was under his right wrist with the torch pointing forward. he was walking carefully as to not get surprised by anyone.

Stephen pushed the Button on his head set and looked around "come in anyone who can talk, this is Shooter" he announced "what is happening. I am in the residential sector and the lighs are all dim and no one is around, someone fill me in"
Sam parried the assassin's attack with his blades and was trying to overpower him when a flying arrow barely missed his head. Things weren't looking good at all. He was surrounded and the assassins were toughter than he thought they were. He grinned. He didn't want to use it but he didn't seem to have any other option. Alright. He was going to show them why he was called 'The Assassin'.

Sam closed his eyes for a brief second before opening them again. The assassin in front of him flinched, fear taking over his body. The brunette's eyes had morphed, his iris had turned golden while the rest of his eyes were pitch-black. The boy had just become a demon. He felt how a headache kicked in the moment he opened his eyes, and how the world suddenly became different. He could see lines, pitch-black lines running through everything and everyone. He grinned.

He was about to run his knives on the lines of the man in front of him when he disappeared... along with all the other assassins. Anger suddenly filled his body seeing as his preys had been taking from. He was mad, really mad. He drove his knives on the right wall's lines. He grinned when he saw how the wall suddenly crumbled. The Avengers should be happy.... they now had an extra door through which they could enter the gym.

"Shit ..."

He heard Faith's voice on his earpiece and another headache kicked in, this one more intense than the other. The pain was so great he felt his skull would split in two any second now. Panting heavily, Sam fell to his knees and grabbed his head with both hands. The world around him spun at the speed of light. He closed his eyes and, using all his willpower, deactivated the Eyes of the Demon Killer.

He was exhausted. His body was covered in sweat and he felt how everything spun around really fast but he managed to get up. He leant against the wall and slowly managed to make his way to the infirmary. Two whole bottles of painkillers might just be enough to calm headache....make that three. His body still hadn't gotten used to this level of the Masatsugan, or so he had been told. He needed to use it more frequently but he feared that....

He shook his head, went inside and he fell on one of the beds.
"Goddamn it!" Rene shouted as Ivan suddenly disappeared from view. Rene patted the area where he had been laying and cursed under his breath as he couldn't detect where he had disappeared too.

"Everyone all right?" Faith said over the intercom. Rene looked about the room and spotted what he needed, he grabbed a mic from the side and coughed loudly.

"Hey Faithy! Take it the disappearing assassins was your doin'?" Rene said, rather too loudly. Rene put his feet up on the side and leaned back keeping the mic near his mouth. "Oh yeah, and tell the person who makes your food or whatever that they do a damned good pizza!" Rene said chewing on a bit of the pizza on his plate. "Anyways, I was a wonderin'! How'd you feel if I asked to join this whack job of a... job."

Rene grabbed another slice and smiled, thinking of what Filden and Faith would be saying. He also expected someone to burst into the medical office any moment now and take him out.
A lot of things happened so fast. As Faith's hand started shaking, it hadn't taken Jet long to reach her. She nodded at his instruction, terrified to even say anything. If there was anytime that she was closing in on death, then it was now. Faith had hardly ever got herself injured in a mission before; it had been a case of bruises and cuts. But now, it was serious. She did what Jet said and kept the cloth on her wound. She felt her vision suddenly become so blurry. Was this what happened when you were about to die? The next person that she saw was Michael, who ran alongside Jet on the way to the medical ward. She felt his images being projecting to her mind. Strength and general feelings of well being? But it was her only comfort for now.

As soon as they were nearing the medical ward, the doors opened by themselves. Faith didn't know whether she'd done it or her powers reacted out of instinct. It was still shrouded in mystery. Rene was there and having heard what he said, it shattered Faith's heart to be seen in this state, even to someone like him who claimed to be her friend. It would still shatter her heart, even if he was a stranger to her. Her breathing was becoming less and less by now; her heart was beginning to slow down. Faith was in immense pain. She made a mental note to haunt the assassin that slashed her stomach if she didn't make it. If so, well, she'd definitely hunt him down when she was living. She never took too kindly to people randomly attacking her.
"Holy shit!" Rene exclaimed as Faith burst through the doors, bleeding heavily from her wounds. He reacted instinctively and grabbed a needle. He opened the drug cupboard and pulled out a local anesthetic, he filled the needle and turned to Faith. "I'm good with this stuff. That wound looks deep but I can easily fix you up!" He held the needle away from Faith waiting for her to acknowledge Rene and allow him to help her. He had a thread and needle ready in his other hand to immediately close the wound.

"Say when Faithy."
The Asssasins were suddenly gone. Well that was weird Trevor thought to himself. He also wondered where everyone else was. So he began searching the house for the other Avengers."Is everyone alright"? asked Trevor into his ear piece. The attack seemed to have had a real effect on the place, it was slightly trashed. Or maybe everyone had a party when I was gone Trevor snickered to himself at the thought of that. He walked slowly through the house, just looking at things. The Avengers seemed to be on rocky ground lately. Faith had her random attitude problems, he just didn't know what was going on these days. Trevor almost suggested a meeting right then and there but thought better of it, probably not a good time for something like that. He passed through room after room until he finally heard voices coming from nearby.

"Say when Faithy."

Faithy? Trevor almost laughed his head off right then and there. He was walking by the medical ward but stopped halfway when he saw two figures inside. Rene and Faith. Trevor saw what was happening and spoke up."Hey whats going on?. Is Faith alright?".
Filden continued running forward, he started panicking slightly, but he was then slightly relieved when he heard the familiar voice of Faith.

"Everyone all right?" Faith asked,
Filden replied, "...Could be better," Filden laughed,

Filden ran onwards, heading towards...he didn't know where...he just ran on and hoped something will turn up. He wasn't attack for a while though...everything went quiet and empty in the area he was in...had the attack stopped?

Filden eventually ran into the gym. He ran to the middle of the hall, and then stopped...he could hear something approaching...big steps that shook the earth...

"...That doesn't sound too good." Filden shuddered,

3 seconds after saying that, the sound stopped...Filden raised one eyebrow...That quick few seconds of silence before the dramatic entrance...?

'SMASH!' The leg of machine crashed through the roof. It charged for Filden, but he swiftly jumped out of the way, landing safely near the walls, Filden looked up at the machine...


The machine stood at 80 feet. It looked down at Filden...

"Wow...Boss much...?"
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As Stephen neared the Medical ward he noticed the lights in there were all working fine. He pocketed his torch and then walked through the doors to see faith on the table and the others crowding around her, the Intruder who he had interrogated was stood over Faith with a needle, thread and a syringe. he holstered his weapon as the others weren't attacking the intruder he must have made the smart move and decided to join the Avengers.

he strode over "whatever you need to do, get it done" Stephen looked around and saw the defibrillator "and don't worry if her heart stops I'll get it going again" Stephen then looked at Rene "and then I'll stop yours"
Sam heard voices a few minutes after he'd fallen into a bed. They seemed to be coming from the Medical Ward, the room to the right of where he was. He heard a lot of screaming, panicked voices. From what he could hear Faith had been badly injured and needed surgery.

The brunette grunted. He'd swallowed almost an entire bottle of painkillers and that had taken care the pain. He only felt tired now... and a bit dizzy. Slowly, he managed to get back on his feet and slowly headed to the door, his right hand holding his head while he opened the door with his left.

"What the...?!" The surprise had almost knocked him back. Faith laid there, a deep wound on her stomach. She was bleeding badly. He'd never imagine he'd seen her in this state. He never thought somebody would be able to ever harm her, with her powers and all...and now she was in front of him, with a deep cut on her abdomen. She was clearly in pain but remained strong. She was a true warrior, he could tell. He needed to help her or else....

He closed his eyes for a brief second before opening them again, his irises had turned gold yet again while the rest of the eyes had turned pitch black. Immediately he felt how the headache kicked and almost made him loose balance. He grabbed himself on Trevor's shoulder and began to inspect Faith's body. His eyes, although mainly used for killing, could also be used to save lives and that's exactly what he was going to do.

He saw how a thick, black line ran across her stomach....the wound that had been caused by the knife which had barely missed a kidney. The liver, intestines and other surrounding organs seemed to be just fine... the problem was the stomach.

"We got to close the wound of the stomach. The acid hasn't spread into her body yet. But it's just a matter or time... All other organs seem to be fine for the moment."

Sam deactivated his Masatsugan and was moments away from collapsing himself.
Michael could scarce believe his eyes. As they entered, he suddenly saw the man who had attacked him jump up and grab a syringe. His first impulse was to grab his pistol and press it to the man's head, demand what the fuck he thought he was doing, but he fought it down. Instead, he just said. "We wonder why our security is so bad... But apparantly it's all bloody normal to have an intruder and assaulter running around plunging needles into our leader?"

His temper rose, he clenched and unclenched his fists a few times to lose the stress. "Fine. Do whatever you do. Just excuse me for not being so quick to trust someone who attacked me!" At this he took some distance from the crowd that was rapidly forming around the wounded Faith. Michael turned, and shouted, "What are you bloody crowding around her for?! Give the lass some space!" he snorted. "...And let mister Trustworthy handle it..." He leaned back against the wall, hand on the handle of his pistol. The man wouldn't live long if he tried anything funny.
Faith saw Rene and felt her vision become even more blurry. Memories of the past flashed before her eyes. Her childhood, even hanging out with Rene. She couldn't shake them out of her head. Was she really going to die? Was that the question she kept asking herself in her mind? "Let him ... help me," she managed to say, despite the wound in her stomach. "My ... friend. He ... is." She nodded for him to do it, no matter how much pain she was about to feel. Then she heard Stephen speaking to Rene and without knowing it, her thoughts began to project to everyone else. I'm going to die, aren't I? This is it, I'm going to die and now I can't believe in that wonderful dream I had.

Tears began to roll down Faith's cheeks, which was something rare to see, anyway. Ever since the explosion, the violence that followed, having Mr X die in her arms and taking charge of the Avengers, Faith had hardly ever shown any sign of emotion ... except for anger. I wanted Rene here, she thought. He's the only link to my past! He's my best shot at knowing the person that I once was. She tried so hard to cling on to consciousness that she barely heard Michael's words. Her teeth were clenched, as she felt the world spinning around her head. Would she die here, unable to discover who she truly was? Rene was her best shot. He could save her life and even help to rediscover who she was in the first place. "Save me," she said to him.
"Hallo Yoda." Rene said, trying to keep Faith calm. He noticed her nod at him and injected the anesthetic into her arm. He waited several seconds holding the pressure on her wound and felt a tear drop down his face as her thoughts projected to him.

I'm going to die, aren't I? This is it, I'm going to die and now I can't believe in that wonderful dream I had. Faith's thoughts told everyone in the room. Rene cradles her face in his hand and kept the pressure on her wound. He felt the tear drop and remembered all the times they had together.

"You're not gonna die Faithy, I promise. I've learnt a lot over the past few years and I swear. I ain't lettin' you die." Rene told her

"Save me," she said to him.

"I promise." Rene told her as her eyes closed and she went into a drugged sleep. "Alright!" Rene shouted as he grabbed a drug to slow the flow of blood. He injected Faith directly in the heart and waited several seconds as the blood slowed down. He slowly opened her wound slightly and grimaced at the amount of blood pooling in the wound of her stomach.

"Okay she's got a lot of blood in her stomach so someone grab the suction pump and give it here!"
Stephen grabbed the suction pump and handed it to Rene. he then strode around to the other side of the table "what do you need me to do" he asked the young man who was playing surgeon. He then looked down at Faith "hold on Faith, we ain't gonna let you die just yet"
"Just play nurse for me and grab the needle and thread!" Rene shouted as he sucked the blood from inside Faith's stomach. He emptied the pump skillfully and awaited for the man to give him his needle and thread. Rene refused to allow Faith to die, he had so much to tell her. All the adventures they had, all the moments they shared. Everything. "I can not lose you after only just finding you Crest! I will not allow you to die on my watch!"
"since you guys have everything ok, i'm going back to the gym" Jet said spinning on his foot and walked down the corridors back to the gym. As he walked, Jet looked at the destruction wrought by the assassins. amazing we all got through Jet thought as he saw the arrows sticking out of walls and dagger slices around the hallways. thank god Faith had that little machine of hers. otherwise we might not have- WHAT THE FUCK! Jet saw the gigantic machine on the roof of the gym. "OK NOW I'M REALLY PISSED!" Jet yelled, pulling out of his pocket a set of custom made spike gloves. He pulled them on and ran past Filden. "FIL I GOT THIS THING, YOU GO TO FAITH!" With that, Jet jumped high and launched an uppercut at the machine, scoring neatly. The machine practically flew after bing hit. Jet landed on the pull-up bar, pausing only to squat. He then jumped again to find himself on the roof, face to face with the machine. "YOUR MINE!" Jet roared, sprinting towards the machine.
Stephen gave the Needle and thread to Rene "I guess you won't be needing my Electromagnetic skills" he asked as he glanced over his shoulder to see who was still in the room. After he had handed Rene the Needle and thread Stephen began pacing, He was very anxious.

"Come on Rene hurry up" he announced still quite worried about Faith.
"WANT A FEW MORE HOLES IN YOUR ARMOR? I CAN SUPPLY THEM!" Jet yelled tauntingly at the robot. So far, Jet had the upper hand, having managed to make quite a few holes within the robot. The robot was still operational, however, so it was still a threat. The robot lifted one leg and pointed it at Jet. "crap" Jet muttered as he launched himself to the far right, narrowly missing a bullet. The machine launched a frenzy of bullets at him, managing to rip and tear through his skin slightly. The top of the machine opened, and a man climbed out, laughing. "HAHAHAHA i'm surprised. The great General Silver, neatly destroyed." The man continued to laugh until he noticed that Jet was healing far faster than normal. In fact, Jet was healing right before his eyes. "Wow you really thought you beat me here?" Jet said grimly standing up. "to bad for you, i give the term "fast healer" a whole new meaning" Jet grinned. "I'd best share the fun though" Jet hit a key on his earpiece, connecting him to the medical wing speakers "hey guys want to come help me beat up a crazy maniac and destroy a robot? cuz i'm having a great time!" Jet turned off his earpiece and looked back at the man. "now where were we? oh yeah" Jet sprinted again to one of the legs of the robot, and, picking up the entire robot with the leg, spun around a few times and launched it off the roof. Jet keyed his earpiece. "hey guys if you need me, follow my earpiece signal" Then Jet ran off in the general direction where he threw the robot.