
Wow, what's the deal with everyone now needing to be whimpy or mature? There is inbetween ground. Plus, those two don't even contrast with each other. Whimpy = coward. I have yet to find a coward in this game, and I've already completed it. Mature? Please...anyone who embarks on an adventure into this kind of plot needs to be mature. You can't make it if you aren't.

I don't see how Ashe not telling anyone her real name makes her mature. If anyone's immature more than the rest, it's Ashe because of her initial stubborn refusal to listen to Basch's side of the story. But then again she resurfaces, comes to her sense, and shows great leadership skills when she confronts the Occuria. It's so up and down in the game, but that's what makes it interesting.
well that is true that ashe chracter devolopment moat interesting
and thats what i said that ashe is mature thrid most mature in this game
Barf bag ugly?... Lol... No, Ashe is far from ugly, she's beautiful for an anime character.

And what's wrong with her outfit? I found nothing wrong with it. Lol... :P


Easily. She is not cute at all. Not even in the good FMV pictures. She's just all kinds of tan, her face looks pig-ish, the mullet-mop hairstyle. It's just all bleh. She does not look cute. No wonder they didn't have a romance story in this FF.
Easily. She is not cute at all. Not even in the good FMV pictures. She's just all kinds of tan, her face looks pig-ish, the mullet-mop hairstyle. It's just all bleh. She does not look cute. No wonder they didn't have a romance story in this FF.

you have got to be kidding me
i suggest that you get your eyes checked
i think she fine not fine but good
I loved the original post, and the accompanying photos. Totally ROFL quality.

Of course...I am one of those who cannot stand to look at Ashe. Not that she's "ugly," just she seems so wimpy and I can't stand her show-off-my-tater-tots clothes. And what kind of princess wears a red-hot miniskirt? I can't stand when she does her Mist abilities and her dumb little left leg goes up and she squeals like an idiot pig, either. I hate her the most of all the females, I guess, though it's close to a tie with useless old Penelo (but at least Penelo's clothes don't make me want to throw up). I use Fran but actually I can't stand the way she's dressed either.... *sigh* I don't know what kind of girls fight in high-heeled Playboy bunny outfits, but whatever.

To be fair, I think the men are dressed like morons too. Vaan looks like a ratty idiot, I hate Basch's pseudo-armor and flexi-boots, and the pirate, (you know, what's-his-name) is the only one even halfway decently clothed in nice things, but then he has a smarmy attitude about it.

This is how final fantasy games all are I'm afraid.

Women dressed stupidly, one smartarse man, one powerful warrior with a reputation and the main character is a twat.

Have you never played FF games before? :huh:
This is how final fantasy games all are I'm afraid.

Women dressed stupidly, one smartarse man, one powerful warrior with a reputation and the main character is a twat.

Have you never played FF games before? :huh:

You've got a point there, Finn. Hmm, but I don't agree that women dressed stupidly. :P Unique, yes. Out of fashion? Depends on the player's taste. But that's what makes them interesting. They're different than any other NPC or any other characters.

I personally like how Ashe was dressed. Sure she's a princess, but we have to remember that when she embarked on the journey, she had no plans to tell the world that she was alive. So she dressed as any other person would dress, not like a princess. Otherwise, she'd make it so obvious if she were to dress as a princess.
Aztec Triogal, I seen your first post and I edited the cosplay picture out of your post. I suggest you do not do something like that again, that is down-right disrespectful and you will be warned if you it again.

I'm giving you one chance to be fair about this. First and final verbal warning to you.
the only problem with ashe is her attitude but since she has went through a lot so you cant really blame her and as for her clothes she doesnt want to reveal her identity and she is mature
This is how final fantasy games all are I'm afraid.

Women dressed stupidly, one smartarse man, one powerful warrior with a reputation and the main character is a twat.

Have you never played FF games before? :huh:

I beg to differ. Freya dressed pretty much like a warrior WOULD dress, if a woman.

you hate all the ff12 characters

PS that's not true either. I loooooooooove Ghis. I just have the sense to realize he already belongs to Judge Rulia. :P
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Ashe is definately NOT ugly and IS good looking. She's a mature beauty who knows what she wants. If you think she's ugly then you need your eyes cheked out; you must obviously be the type who think Malboro are hot and druel all over there gastric juice filled mouths!!
I've boned my share of fat chicks... but I'm not sure I could handle a Malboro. Maybe... if I had enough to drink. Or it hit me with it's Bad Breathe and confused me...