Ask a stupid question.

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Three! If you can guess where the third one is, I'll give you a cookie ;)

Is it wrong to love a loli?
Three! If you can guess where the third one is, I'll give you a cookie
In your ass in your ass....And that was a wild guess!

Is it wrong to love a loli?
Nah...If you're Homo ;)

If all the men died in one day, what will happen to the women?...I want a smart answer
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First they would throw a topless party then they would slowly wither up from lack of masculine charms.
*whisper* You forgot to ask your own question!
No worries peeps. Trxd will save the day by just starting with another question.

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immoveable object?
It can never happen. If one exists, the other cannot possibly exist as well.
*whisper*You forgot to ask your own question again!

Okay friends, why didnt the chicken cross the road?
Because it was chicken.
If people had fur all over their bodies, would they wear clothes?
First they would throw a topless party then they would slowly wither up from lack of masculine charms.
Couldn't you find a real answer...OK I'll give you the answer...They'll become lesbians!!
Isn't that obvious?!!!!!

If people had fur all over their bodies, would they wear clothes?
yea....Well, that's what I think! coz ppl are crazy!!
You forgot to ask a question!
Is it possible to make a shape that has only one side?

What is the sweetest fruit?
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