Ask a stupid question.

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Because you touch yourself at night.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck penis?
Kefka's not a clown! He just likes to wear makeup....

Why do the gods forsake me?! :gasp:
Because you have AIDs.

Why does Mr. Innuendo have such a goddamn pervy voice!? :gasp:
He...does? I want to phone him to listen. :wacky:
Anyway, its because he hasn't met me yet.
Why is the film 'Goodfellas' so epic?
A long object and someone else's mouth.

Why doesn't Donald Duck wear pants?
Its for easy Daisy-fucking access :wacky:

What is the sum of my foot + your balls?
Foot + Balls = Incredible pain

Why do pirates never get on with ninjas?
Because if it lasted forever it would get boring and wouldn't have that special goodness effect. And it depends on what you mean by good. Like, if you think life is good it can last 'till your death ;)
Why does my Mommy smoke?
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See the work of Freud for your answer...

Why are monkeys so mischievous?
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