Atlantica, too easy?


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
Ok, so I got to the last song and I was like oh noes I have to get 30,00 points and it was a total let down, I had that score almost straight away -__-

One of those button pressing sequences actually gave me 15,000 points and I was like wtf?! I got 108,100 in the end and that was after fooking up a fair few times :wacky:

Oh well, I suppose it made a difference from having my patience tested way too much on the rest of the god forsaken game :monster:
All of the worlds were basically too easy, but Atlantica took the cake. I think I perfected all of those songs without even trying, so it was kind of disappointing seeing as how an underwater world is a good idea for a game.
Yup, definitely too easy. That's a good thing in Atlantica's case, though.

I don't know about anyone else, but I certainly wouldn't want to have to replay those god awful songs time and time again if I kept failing to get the target score. Terrible stuff.
That's a good point, that finny fun one really did my box in. I really hated that song -__-

I thought I'd stuff up on the Ursula 'fight' but I breezed it. It's probably the only world I have not had anger management issues with haha
Are you kidding? Atlantica is hard to bear, the music is revolting...thank god for the mute button. The battle with Ursula is pretty cool though, I like how it goes all opera-ish :wacky:

But in seriousness..........yeah, this world is way too easy. But I'm thankful for that, since the swimming mechanics are still awkward and I hated underwater combat in the first game. Although sometimes the icons of whatever button you need to press blend in with the background and I can't see them, but even that isn't enough to hurt the score.
Atlantica was piss easy in this game, which I was thankful for, as when I first saw the Atlantica icon, I swore, loudly xD

It was a bitch in KH1, but piss easy in KH2. Dissapointing, but appreciated.
Atlantica was piss easy in this game, which I was thankful for, as when I first saw the Atlantica icon, I swore, loudly xD

lmao, me too, and I always put it off in KH2 for as long as I can.

It was a bitch in KH1, but piss easy in KH2. Dissapointing, but appreciated.

And it was only a bitch because of poor mechanics...that really should not be the reason for any level of a game to suck.
Atlantica was horrible to maneuver in KHI, so just doing songs in KHII made me very happy ^^
How the fuck was it difficult to move around in Atlantica in Kingdom Hearts? 'Twas no different from flying when fighting Hook, Chernabog or the World of Chaos.

Atlantica was not intended to be 'difficult' for this game. Consider it a mini-game. Too many people fail to realise that Atlantica (along with Pride Rock and the second-half of the Space Paranoids) were optional and so they're side-quests in their own right.

Just think of Atlantica as more nostalgic than pathetic.
How the fuck was it difficult to move around in Atlantica in Kingdom Hearts? 'Twas no different from flying when fighting Hook, Chernabog or the World of Chaos.

I don't know...oddly enough I loved flying, but I was pretty bad at swimming -__-

Atlantica was not intended to be 'difficult' for this game. Consider it a mini-game. Too many people fail to realise that Atlantica (along with Pride Rock and the second-half of the Space Paranoids) were optional and so they're side-quests in their own right.

I think it's because people feel compelled to play the levels. I utterly detest Atlantica, but I still play it anyway for the sake of completion and whatnot. They really should have left Atlantica (and Space Paranoids) out of the game completely, though.
All of KHII worlds were easy, but Atlantica was the easiest and when hit with Keyblade but there's nothing to hit in there O_O I wonder why, it was all singing
You get to go through a nifty swimming tutorial upon arrival...but there's really nothing to do. They turned Atlantica into a world with two damn rooms.

Lazy development, I say.
I generally just though that Atlantica was both easy and boring at the same time, Atlantica in KH2 was far worse than in KH purely because it wasn't a challenge. It was just a shame you had to go there to complete the game :dry:
Atlantica is entirely optional in KH2, you don't have to go there even once if you don't want to (although you'll have no choice if you want the Ultima Weapon, other Keyblades are just as good as this depending on your needs)
I got annoyed with Atlantica...since i knew it was going to be easy. So i wonted to do it fast but you keept needing all to get all this extra stuff.

Can't really remember. I got over KH2 a long time ago :gasp:.
I thought the Atlantica level was kinda fun in both KH's. Both were extremely easy but I liked the dancing on the second one because they all just looked so funny. The singing was pretty awful though.
Aye Aye Bad singers D: , they couldn't just make it easy they had to add those bad voices, it wasn't really a thing but I was pissed off that they want you to try and sing the songs again D: .
Atlantica was a real let-down in the 2nd KH game. At least in the first one you had areas to explore and two boss fights. All you did in the second one was that damn singing game! :gasp: They could've at least had you fight Ursula in the end, but no! You had to defeat her with the power of song instead!
Of all the worlds that needed the most help, in KH2, it was Atlantica, hands down. This place, like someone mentioned earlier, has been condensed to two rooms. No good. If anything, they should have just removed it, if you ask me, at least if we knew this was what they were going to do with it. Very disappointing. I would have rather fought the heartless here, like we had to in KH1, then do this music stuff. But that's just my opinion.