Atlantica, too easy?

yeh i found it alot easyer

but in kh1 u fight ersala in she full on pwns u n hard to kill
but in kh2 atlantica all u do is sing -_- n when u do fight ersala u fight her in song !!!!
Yeah I think I rather like KHII Atlantice better then in I. Simply becaused I HATED fighting underwater -.-;; "Nough said.

I think it was fun, the songs and all. It was amazingly easy though, I don't know if it's hard or something on Proud mode, but in Normal you could almost close your eyes for a few moments and still beat it.
Atlantica was the only world I despised in the second game. It was an series of utterly pointless, overly easy rythum based minigames. Also, despite the fact I quite liked the Tron world, they made something that should have been awesome into an dull mess-Lightcycles.

I really wished that, instead of Atlantica, they had added on to Timeless River. It was such an cool concept and was fun to play, so it was a pity that unlike all the other worlds there's no new plot added.

I for one enjoyed KHI Atlantica and only found it hard to move a few times, when I had to search around for an exit to one area. >_< I forget where but it took forever. The world I really hated was Neverland. The inside of it is too narrow for me. Also, Sunset Town in KHII is tainted for me by my annoyance at the endless prolouge.
During this level, I lost what little respect I had for Sora XC

It was necessary for the Ultima Weapon... But still...
i definitely thought that it was waaaay too easy, and they should have made it more like the atlantica in the previous game.
I think it was fun, the songs and all. It was amazingly easy though, I don't know if it's hard or something on Proud mode, but in Normal you could almost close your eyes for a few moments and still beat it.

It's easy on proud mode aswel....I should be greatful really, the rest of the game annoyd me, it that was hard aswel, having to listen to that singing over and over I think I would have ended up tearing my hair out.....
I found it amusing the first time through. I remember expecting battles and then thinking, "Why the hell am I singing? O-o". Just when I thought it couldn't get any "gayer" (For the lack of a better term), it proved me wrong with each new visit.

I randomly get 'Swim this way' stuck in my head.

And I giggle at Sora singing "I like it better, down where it's wetter" because I'm immature. :eek:uttahere:
It's easy on proud mode aswel....I should be greatful really, the rest of the game annoyd me, it that was hard aswel, having to listen to that singing over and over I think I would have ended up tearing my hair out.....
I just muted the TV for the whole Atlantica part of the story, and pushed X whenever I could to speed it up.
Considering that the battle system is one of the things I most liked about KHII I was immensely disapointed when they decided that singing and pressing X would make a nice change. How wrong they were.
It was incredibly easy and boring.
I liked Atlantica, I thought it was fun...

Aside from the god awful singing of course.
Hayley Joel Osment should not pursue a singing career.:monster:

I agree though, it was too easy (just like the rest of the game)

I found Atlantica mildly entertaining because I've never actually seen the Little Mermaid except while babysitting several troublesome toddlers. But that's an atypical audience.

There's one problem with Atlantica -- and several parts of KH -- these games are definitely for the young and able-bodied.

I can't get Mission Complete on several of the fast-button-mashing sequences because of arthritis. I'm not sure there's any way they could make it challenging for normal folks and adjustable for the rest of us, though!
I was kind of glad that it was over quickly, I didn't really like the Atlantica level. Something about the movement really bugged the crap out of me. So when I finally got to the final level, I was just like 'I don't care how many points I need, I'm going to nail it first go and get the hell out of here'. Luckily it was easy and I got the hell out of there! But I liked this whole singing twist to the Atlantica world, if only they weren't swimming.
In KH1, it was a fun place because there was actually fights there. In KH2, it was a waste of time. The songs were horribly easy and overall, the place just wasted my time.

I could have used that time to be leveling up my guys, even though they dont need it.
You people do know that you can skip Atlantica, right? :P

I did. I went there and stayed for about a minute and then figured, "What the hell, screw this. I'm leaving." and then I left.

And yes, I managed to finish the game by doing just that.