Auron Balthier

Dark Knight

Blue Mage
Mar 17, 2007
i have herd a few people say that Balthier is the Auron of FF12

so what do you think is Balthier the Auron of FF12?
Nah I disagree.
Bal is more open and has alot of wit where Aur has kinda a drunk lol he was really depressed all the time.
Well actually his role is kind of like Aurons. His personality is not. He guides the party around, rather much like Auron.
Balthier and Auron? Similar? I think not. Balthier, for one thing, was a lot more chatty than Auron. Auron had a greater element of mystery... In fact, Balthier wasn't all that mysterious at all! I can't really understand how they were seen as similar. The only similarity, as Jack said, is that they both guide the party.
I always compared him to FFVIII's Irvine. Basch is the Auron of the party, I reckon.
I wanna know what idiot though Balthier was like Auron, they are in no way alike. Auron has the personality of a brick, Balthier is one of the few people in XII with a personality. Plus Balthier seems to be the ladies man type, and he's not a tank (initial character design that is, you could make him a tank if you wanted).
Nah, i think Balthier has Auron's wisdom, but Bashe has his tank like, that must mean that...

Can't say i'v ever thought that before, I don't think they are alike at all!! I'd be more inclined to say Auron was more like Basch
You've heard a few people say this!!!? :O

No matter how many times I think this one over, I just don't see it. Sorry, I can't draw any similarities between the two... Not to mention their personalities and ages are the complete opposite.

As it's already been said, I agree on Basch and Auron being simmilar, but not the other.
it is a very stupid thing to say that is why i'm keeping the person/persons name and company name private to save them the embarrassment
it is a very stupid thing to say that is why i'm keeping the person/persons name and company name private to save them the embarrassment

Generally when people leave something silly they heard anonymous, that means they themselves said it :monster:

Either way, I'm actually glad XII doesn't have an Auron type. Basch is the closest you have to a tank character wise, and I like his character much better. And Balthier is a bit too smart and "I'm the lead man! follow me!" to be like Irvine.
haha i probably would say something stupid like this normally but i did my homework on FF12 so it was not me who said it, but if this was some ploy to embarrass me so i would say who said it i came close

hey vengefulRonin i already said i think basch is more like Auron
I agree with most here, Basch is more like Auron in that he is the most powerful and the older voice of reason.
Damn people will say anything :D

They are the complete opposite, no need for further discussion :P
Either way, I'm actually glad XII doesn't have an Auron type. Basch is the closest you have to a tank character wise, and I like his character much better. And Balthier is a bit too smart and "I'm the lead man! follow me!" to be like Irvine.

Yeah...I was going to say I thought Basch was more like Auron. Tough, serious guy type. Balthier did not seem to be like Irvine too me. Irvine was too much of a wuss, and too much of a wannabe ladies man.

I don't think Balthier and Auron are similiar.
haha i probably would say something stupid like this normally but i did my homework on FF12 so it was not me who said it, but if this was some ploy to embarrass me so i would say who said it i came close

hey vengefulRonin i already said i think basch is more like Auron

Haha, good, I was just making sure.

Basch isn't quite as much of the badass type as Auron thing, but they both have loyalty in common. Auron was both loyal to Yuna as a guardian and loyal to Tidus because of his promise to Jecht. And Basch is loyal to Ashe, despite what she initially thinks of him.

But really, other than that I don't see much similarity. Basch was alot more human, it was alot easier to become attached to his character than Auron's.
Uh, Balthier and Auron...the same? Really? I really don't think so. =/ So I'm pretty much with everyone on this. Auron does remind me more of Basch.

However, as far as knowledge goes, Auron and Balthier do have something in common there. Balthier seems to know his way around and basically about a lot of things - hence, the vision of him being a more appropriate leader/hero. Then there's Auron, who also knows a lot about everything. You can tell the guy is an intellectual being right off the bat. Both can be blunt, although Balthier tends to use his charm a lot, and yes, both are quite strong.

But that's where it ends. Both are completely different as far as characteristics go.