Balamb Garden

evan stopped screaming he looked down and instead of seing his gaping bloody wound he saw another scar
Evan: "its over, yes,"
evan went to jump to his feet but was floored agaion by his lack of strenght,
Evan: "leviathan you are dismissed"
Leviathan dissapeared in to a cloud of steam and evan stayed lying down
Hearing the communication on the headset Damon thought to himself

Damon: I am so stupid! I am so not being a SeeD now!

Thinking a good way to boost his chances would be to lend a hand he started retracing his steps to find Cole
After the battle, Arthvader walked slowly towards Al and Evan, giving each of them an elixir that he obtained at the beginning of the mission.

Arthvader "Here you go guys. Drink this. This should heal all of your wounds. Gilgamesh, Thanks for your support. Go ahead and rest. You too, Phoenix."

Gilgamesh "Alright then, Arthvader. Until next time."

Gilgamesh then disappear, and the Phoenix returned to its resting place. As for Arthvader, He also Drank an elixir.

'Lucky for me, I have plenty of these from taking down those Galbadians.'
OOC: umm.. you should have mentioned that you took them from the soldiers
Arth put an Elixir next to Al's hand though Al was in no condition to drink anything.
He muttered something that could sound like a "thanks" though he did not reach much more.

He needed to relax more. get some energy before he could even lift the potion that Arth gave him

Still bleeding from his forehead Jimmy got up and aproached the body of Raidrin...

Zell:"Good job Jimmy!!!! You acted like a pro in this mission!"

Jimmy:" is he dead?"

Zell:"Well he did get pretty beat up...but the mission was to try and capture him not kill him, let's take his body to the boats!!!!"

Zell grabbed Raidrin body and walked out of the facility...

Jimmy saw Enigma looking pretty beat up...

Jimmy:"Yo dude you okay? That was a hell of a fight i'm even bleeding see!!! Did you see me beat that mean machine and casting Silence on Raidrin that was so cool!!!! Come on man let's get up and head back!!!"

Jimmy also decided to say something to Arthvader...


Although Jimmy was a bit beat up he felt more alive than ever, he had just passed his 1st mission.
Luana swung her halberd, embedding the wide blade into the back of a Galbadian soldier and severing his spinal cord. Once he fell to the ground, she placed her boot on his tail bone and yanked out her polearm.

" how many does that make it, Becca? I lost count," she asked her partner, catching her breath.

It seemed like these Galbadians came out of rather unlikely places, searching for either lost comrades or invading SeeDs. At least they were staggered out in small numbers and not running in a large wave. Made it easier for Team Venus to deal with them.

Luana winced a bit as she took a deep breath. She had been kicked in the ribs and couldn't breathe as well as she could when they began. She also sported several cuts and scrapes, mostly made obvious by the deep red blotches in her uniform. Although, there was only one thing she fussed about;

"...dammit, I'll never be able to patch this up. I might as well order a new uniform..."
Al had relaxed some now. not enough to get up, but enough to tilt the potion into his mouth.

He drank what he was able to of the Elixir. Some came back out in coughs.

"man. I should really hold back on that skill" Al thought to himself as energy slowly returned to him.

Shortly after. he was able to move, not too much energy though. just enough to stumble himself along the floor.

As he finally got up, he almost fell back down, luckily there was a wall tere.
He stood there for some seconds, then sat back down..

"I think I'm gonna need more rest. or some help getting out of here" He muttered to himself..
Thouhg, for now, he decided to sit there, and rest alittle more.
It was a satisfying feeling watching everyone emerge from battle, relatively safe. In the distance, Luana and Becca could be seen, surrounded by foolish soldiers that dared fight them. "Phew, thank god they're ok." Everyone from Balamb Garden had an unspoken bond at least.
The musky smell of battle lingered as Enigma trudged through the dirt. His eyes burnt when he closed them, fatigue had begun to set in.

They had neared the ships and ultimately, the end of the mission. Zell had Raidrin draped over his shoulder whilst Jimmy remained as hyper as he was before they left the Garden. Enigma noticed that Al and some of the others were still inside the fort; but the ships wouldn't leave without them. Strangely the deep black clouds had subsided and left the sun blazing through, warming their worn bones.
"Damn Raidrin, scuffed my Sai..." He took great pride in his weapons as he did in his appearance. The sun still glistened off of the surfaces of the daggers, despite the scathes.
Enigma could see that Xu was already back on the boat, sitting on the platform, waiting for them to arrive. She had small, relieved smile on her face. That smile expressed a thousand feelings.
Al felt strong enough to walk now.. barely.

Be stumbled in a drunken fashion out the door.
The sun hurt his eyes.
The skyes had cleared, the winds and sea where calm.

"Its all over, huh"
he said to himself as he supported himself on a nearby rock.

Xu was back in a ship, It seemed like Enigma was just about to board one.
Jimmy was as energized as always.

What did they get in return for this... this.. Massacre.
Well. they saved Esthar from missile attack.. It wasnt bad, thought there was a little too much death.

As he stumbled towards the nearst ship, he heard a fammiliar sound.

"hey. howl"
She landed on his shoulder.
"where have you been" he asked, while stumbling in the drunken fashion towards the nearest boat

Jimmy was hoping around from place to place, he was happy and why should he not be he defeated X-ATM092 and assisted in the defeat of soon as the group arrived at the boats Zell took Raidrin into one of the boats Jimmy could suspect that they would take him for an interrogation.

Xu:"Hey Jimmy! Zell told me what you did during the mission quite impressive i think your field exam was pretty good!"

Jimmy:"But i haven't even do the written test!!!!"

Xu:"Yes we know but on your case let's consider that you already passed your field exam;)!!!"

Jimmy:"ALRIGHT THAT'S COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Xu:"Now let's go tape that head of yours you're bleeding from the forehead!!!"

Jimmy even got more happier by the fact that Xu was going to act as his nurse...he drowled a bit.

Jimmy:"Yes mam..."

Evan was still sat in the fortress catching his energyafter drinking the elixar arth gave him "i really should make my way back to the transport" he thought to himself he slowly made it to his feet and stumbled throught the fort as he neared the main hall in which he had faught Odin he looked at the Onyx pendant he as now wearing "i will keep this thing out of the hands of evil even if it kills me" he whispered to himself he then walked to the boats and clambered onto one he lay down on the floor of the breifing room and waited for the boat to get underway on its voyage
The Fort was clear. The Enemy had already fled, and Raidrin was taken care of.
'There isn't going to be much pay from this one,' Cole thought to himself.
He headed out the front gate, and back down to the boats. His clothes were covered in blood and full of holes from the sniper. He couldn't help but laugh. He had never been shot that many times before.
'These clothes are going in a frame.'
When he got to the boats he sat down on a bench not noticing who else was there with him. He was tired. He had lost a lot of blood before he healed his wounds.
"Now it's time to rest up. No more missions for me for a while."
Cole let his head hang back and fell asleep.
feeling extremely tired he was lieing on the floor he could hear the waves hitting the side of the boat and became relaxed after 5 or 10 minuets he had fallen asleep
Damon headed back the way he came, feeling rather stupid he tried to think up an excuse before finding Cole. Suddenly, there in front of him was blood, and a lot of it

Damon: oh shit......I am in so much trouble

Damon tried to hide from anyone who knew him as he proceeded to the boats and entered his boat, he started running rather quick over to the bottom level and sat quietly.

Damon: ooh, I am so dead when we get back, how do I explain this!?
Evan had began dreaming, in his dream he was enjoying perfect health lovely women in bikini's and a drink on the beach just spending time doin absolutely nothing, of corse his plans for his return to garden were very similar to his dream but he was in his dorm with no women or drinks he was just lying down and relaxing
"I got," Beccalyn said between breaths, "Seventy-three." Despite being among the victorious in a long and gruesome fight, there was no pride in her voice. No feeling of accomplishment. There was nothing to brag about. She had killed much more in a single skirmish. "You surpassed me with eighty-four." Luana too, as Beccalyn remembered, had a higher count than that. "That makes a grand and bloody total of one-hundred and fifty-seven. Not bad, considering that I didn't have my weapon. Not like we were dressed for this either." The results on the clothes were an eyesore. Parts of the apparel was torn beyond repair--having caused several snapped necks. Using an enemy's sword allowed her to spill blood, taking a toll on her uniform with several crimson stains. Indeed, most of the blood that was on her uniform belonged to the soldiers.

"...Dammit, I'll never be able to patch this up. I might as well order a new uniform..."

Beccalyn grimaced at Luana's misfortune. "Ordering takes too long. You can use some of my uniforms in the mean time." She didn't bother to hide a mischievous grin. "I think it's time you start wearing skirts. If you've got a great ass, you need to show it!. . . .Oh, look! I think they finished!"

The two stared off into the distance, watching the other teams emerge from the fortress. All were alive and counted for.
Luana gave a blink, though didn't get a chance to ask what she wanted to before Beccalyn announced the arrival of her fellow students.

"Nice," she smiled. "At least they're alive...but ugh, I can't believe I'll be walking around the boat like this," she sighed, her smile disappearing.

After a moment of picking at her clothes, she looked over to Becca again.

"We should probably head over, huh?" she asked walking ahead. She was only a few paces ahead of Becca when she stopped again, turning back at her and asking, "Does my ass really look that good?"
Al stumbled in his drunken fashion on board the ship, he didn't really care witch, he just boarded the nearest one, and fell asleep in his chair.
Howl, on his shoulder, started cleaning out her feathers.
Enigma was on his way to the ships, passing Luana and Becca on the way.

"Does my ass really look that good?"

"Yup." Enigma couldn't help but hear her; that just needed an answer! The two feisty beauties were covered in blood, and their uniforms were slightly worse for wear.
"I have to say ladies, those uniforms are just a tad revealing now. Tut-tut." He laughed a made a gesture towards Becca's hip.
What was once a skirt, was still a skirt, just with major ventilation. Enigma wasn't complaining though.

The area surrounding Luana was predominately littered with bodies of Galbadians. Perhaps they underestimated her and couldn't see past the 'female' tag she was branded with. She was not to messed with. In fact, she was one of the most skillful fighters in the team; one that Enigma never wished to cross in battle.

"All aboard! Come on hurry up
!" The crew from the ships yelled, it seemed they were then leaving; heading back for Balamb. They could all hear the engines warming up and the cogs shifting.
"Phew. We better head off guys!" Enigma shouted over his shoulder whilst running towards the ships. Once in range, he hopped onto the deck and sat down on the spot. A thumbs up his signal to the rest that the ship was ready.

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Damon heard a roar of the engines and was taken aback by the sudden lurch of movement

Damon: well, only a few hours til I face the music, may as well brace myself....

Damon then stood up and leaned against the opposite wall and thought about his stupidity and what he would do once he arrived back in balamb