Battle System [Scan]

Ruud Love

Oww! Have Mer-sayyy
Mar 27, 2008
A MAJOR turn off. One thing that made Final Fantasy games famous is the battle system from FF1 to FF10. And now they turn it more FF12-ish.
They wont make it exactly like 12. They will refine it and make it better and enjoyable. I have faith that i will enjoy this game like i did pre-11 (not including 11). Im totally stoked for this news, everything sounds so next gen
Regardless of what some fans may think, the battle system in FFXII was one of its most acclaimed innovations... so of course their going to use it again, yet slightly tweaked (as per usual). FFXII was the innovation, and as such, an infantile form of the new system... everything now will be an improvement of it... making it better by fixing the flaws it had, and adding more tweaks. Basically what I'm saying is that, even though it will be the same type of battle system, its not going to be the same. Just look at FF7 to FF8 to FF9 and finally to FF10... all different, yet all the same, and all tweaking the inovations of the others (just as the first 5 sequels had done from the original).

But change was needed to keep the franchise up to date. Truth be told, the time of the traditional turn based RPG is long dead... inovations must be done, or else RPG franchises wil drown under the out dated gameplay and lack of excitement... Final Fantasy is no exception... and look at it this way, it could've been worse. I mean, look at the Wild Arms alteration of the battle system... they went from traditional turn based RPG to a grid based RPG that, true, isn't as boring, but just became frustrating. At least Final Fantasy kept its core.

Anyway, I think I'm rambling.
well I didn't think that FFXII Battle System is bad or it ruined the game, FFXII was ruined because of the characters in it "VAAN" , but I hope FFXIII will be much better than FFXII
Ah, I don't mind this at all. I'm with Captain Basch on this one actually. Although I love the traditional turn-based RPG, I do look forward to new innovative ideas. All the battle systems will be different, naturally. I'm betting that FFXIII would be slightly (if not majorly) better than FFXII's battle-system, but who can really say for sure, eh? After all, it's all based on opinions, and I'm willing to be optimistic about it in the end.
I think that the battle system of FFXII was excellent. The trailers for XIII look even better although I don't really have a clue on how they are going to pull that off.
Old scan is old.

Regardless of what some fans may think, the battle system in FFXII was one of its most acclaimed innovations...

Innovative my ass. Setting up gambits so you can watch your characters fight by themselves isn't innovation; characters that can do everything but run and open chests by themselves isn't innovation; it's for lazy fans who whined about random encountered, ATB gauges and like MMOs. But of course that's all just my opinion. I'm sure Judge Rulia will still have a fit when she sees this though.

Anyway, judging by the trailers we've seen, I kinda figure XIII will have a battle system like Kingdom Hearts or Crisis Core.
innovative describes the final fantasy series in a nutshell ... can't wait for this release (both)
Well, only thing we can do is wait till game is released so we can see how good the battle system is.
Im not convinced by a magazine's opinion that a battle system is good or not, the same happened with the Gambit system.
After reading the scan it sounds interesting, however, I very much doubt that we'll know anything else about FFXIII's battle system (and possibly anything in general) until after and during the E3 conference.
personally, i think random battles were pretty annoying. they were literally, random. some battles would come exactly one step after a really long and tedious battle. there are some times when you just don't want to fight too much. like if you're in a rush or something. you just wanna get there and get out. i liked the fact that you could duck and hide from monsters in FFXII. and now that it's being reinvented in FFXIII, i think i'll be even happier :)
they better not throw in those damn gambits.. cause once i buy it and find out gabmits have returned i'm running back to the gaming store and sell it back

i really cba to waste my time playing a boring game like FFXII again

it would be nice if they could implement the turn-based feel into this battle system, that would definitely be amazing
Anyway, judging by the trailers we've seen, I kinda figure XIII will have a battle system like Kingdom Hearts

That scared me when I read that

That game is destined to haunt me forever

I stopped reading after that :wacky: Blurry print was blurry. I'm assuming there will be a gambit system again -_-

I honestly can't see myself buying this game...never thought I'd hear myself say that :gasp:
That scared me when I read that

I honestly can't see myself buying this game...never thought I'd hear myself say that :gasp:

Me too, I can't imagine playing an FF that has the gameplay of kingdom hearts. For sure, many will changes happen to the game. There will definitely be char gambits if it happens. Also, we'll all have less spells since there wont be enough time to srcoll down the menu, the summons will most likely be on gambits, and your controller buttons are gonna get beaten up. It's sad, as an FF fan, I'll be forced to buy a PS3, the game, and then see for myself.
From what people have gathered from the trailer, magazines, and the limited amount of information about the game, the battle system sounds quite awesome. Yes, it will have XII's style of non-random encounters, but is so much more than that. Battles are now extremely fast pace and fluid, though keeping with a large set of commands and character management without a poor gambit system. The ATB gauge is back, and all commands are based off of it. Though battles take place in real time, it seems that you have to wait to gather enough ATB to use commands - blocking, attacking, magic, etc... The real innovation here is that, with enough ATB stored up, you can string several commands together and unleash them onto your opponents. Selecting Attack + Attack + Firaga, for example. We see a very quick glimpse of this in the trailer.

If the battle system is anything like all the information, and sneak peek of the trailer, suggests, then this is going to be an awesome game.