Best battle system in FF series

It's a toss up between the ATB system and X's Turn Based system.

I liked X's system because it allowed you to think ahead and it added a new depth of strategy.

But the classic ATB system required quick thinking and shit so I dunno...
sashman you gots a point X has a great battle system but at higher levels it can put in to much of an overwelhming(did i spell that right) position if u miss manage your sphere grid interms of speed and damage dealt, also i think a good point to mention is what speed do u have ur ATB set on cuase it aint all the same say for example the max speed on ffix is like the slowest speed on the rest...y'all!
Final fantasy 12

Final fantasy 12 because they got rid of turn based combat and random encounters.
Crisis Core for the win! I felt like I was playing the game and not playing chess! also love the fact that your summons came allong to do their stuff and not act like Pokémon like in X and so on.
More or less, I liked them all. Previous to FFX, they were all similar, and I really enjoyed it.

Swapping characters was an interesting new feature in FFX, and I enjoyed it. I'm also enjoying the battle system in FFXII. But ultimately, I don't prefer any over the other. In FFVIII you were able to strategize, and draw magic from the enemy, similar to all FFs previous to FFX. FFX allowed you to use every character and level everyone up at the same time, which was nice. FFXII is fun, because it's more realistic, and different.

I don't really prefer one over the other. I enjoy all of them, and it's always nice to have a little change throughout. Each FF game is unique in it's own way, and I appreciate that.
It's gotta be XII's battle system for me i enjoyed it more because there was more depth to it you could draw he enimies attention away from someone and use characters from long range not like previous games where long range was standing one foot behind the others. So yeah XII's was more flexible than the previous one's, most of them were good tho.