Best Beginning and Ending

I think final fantasy7 was the best ending when Cid pulled the lever thing and the Highwind turned into a Jet. It was COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh puhleaze. FFX without a doubt. Although some people can say that they saw it coming after Tidus realizes that he's a dream, it was fantastic how they coordinated the ending. Especially the diving into the fire at the end, I almost cried. And I don't cry.

Yuna's speech at the end along with all of the nostalgia just makes the ending aaaafreakingmazing. That's why most people don't like FFX-2. :updown:
Yuna's speech at the end along with all of the nostalgia just makes the ending aaaafreakingmazing. That's why most people don't like FFX-2. :updown:

Precisely, it ruined a perfectly good ending. And I hope to god SE never makes a IX sequel. Granted, it COULD be done, but knowing SE they'd pull some cheapass cliche like having Kuja or Necron come back.
I thought IX's ending was literally the perfect ending. VII Is my favorite game but this is about endings so I am torn between IX and XII, because XII was beautiful.
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Next time check to make sure an existing thread does not already exist when you make a topic.
I would have to say that final fantasy X had the best intro. It was VERY catchy and I found it impossible to look away from the screen while i watched it for my first time. Every thing about the intro was beatiful O.O

My favorite ending is by far the ending of Final Fantasy VIII. It was very, twisted, catchy, surprising, and ming boggling. It was AMAZING! FF VIII also had my favorite story line. It was very deep, and I could relate to the main character, Squall, in MANY ways. We have pretty much the same personality.

by the way, I think that x-2 had by far the worst beginning and that XII had the worst ending. I was very sad when I played FF XII because (in my opinion) the storyline STUNK! I hope XIII will be descent........
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Precisely, it ruined a perfectly good ending. And I hope to god SE never makes a IX sequel. Granted, it COULD be done, but knowing SE they'd pull some cheapass cliche like having Kuja or Necron come back.

I think they're done with the sequel bit after how fans received FFX-2. Probably not done with spin-offs, but I think SE realized what they did to FFX's storyline and fan base after that. xD
I think that Final Fantasy XII had the best opening FMV. It set the scene very well, and was action packed. :)

Final Fantasy X had the best ending; it was so beautiful and full of emotion. It made me think at the end. I prefer the sadder endings; let's ignore the creation of X-2 for now. =P
The Best opening was FF12, hands down, with its epic 7 minute war FMV... it was just amazingly cool. A close second would be FF8 with the Gunblade battle and the teaser of everything to come intertwined within it... great stuff.

The best ending would be FF8, if only becasue it did everything and then some... before the ending FMV we see the story begin... I mean, thats just cool as hell... and then the FMV begins so demented that its just fun, and then everything i nthe actual ending is brilliant, and its the only ending that can make me teary eyed... everytime, at the same moment... I just lvoe it.
Hmm, I would say either FF9 or FF10 has the best opening, probably FF9 since I have to choose between the two.

As for the ending, it would definitely be FF9 hands down.
Its close for the beginning but ill have to go with 8. just cos its.. um... cool.
7 and 10 for the ending. i think 10s is better but 7 was the first one i finished so i gota put it in there
My favorite beginning would be...FFVII; but only on the first play through. I really liked how you just get thrown into the story; starting with a "huge operation" that you discover more and more about as you play through the first few hours...

Aside from FF7, I thought that FFX had a pretty good introduction. Excluding the boring part where you run around as Tidus for the first few minutes...I thought that the introduction to Spira was really nice. ^.^

Hmm...I'm really tempted to vote the best ending as FF9 because I really love the game, and...the ending was incredibly cute. But...I have to say the best ending in the series goes to FFX. It's not just because it was a different *twist*; the ending was really heartfelt.
Rhea has good taste. :)

As far as the 'running around as Tidus' bit goes, I liked it because of how you got to see the scenery and hear a bit of backstory when Jecht narrates. Of course, I was REALLY confused when he started narrating, because I was like, 'that's not Tidus's voice!' It made sense later on in the game though, but that part bothered me some.
best end and finish

beginning would be X-2 and ending would be VII
Final Fantasy 9 had the best begining and Final Fantasy 4 had the best ending because everyone is happy.^_^ but the worst ending is in final fantasy tactics
both go to Final Fantasy VIII.
The beginning is so cinematic and symbolic, Rinoa in the flowerfield, Squall and Seifer fighting....
and the ending was just great, Eyes On Me playing, the credits with the rest of the gang and then the after credits sealed everything.
I think the start of X was sweet. Great scene...also after the scene great being thrown into the unknown world of story. Also 12 had a good start...everyone gets sucked into war and evil empires.

Best finish Had to be 9 because it was so romantic and made you feel so happy with everything....but to contradict that I will say 10 had a good ending because of its dark sadness towards the end...Kind of sad and happy mixed with that one.
The best opening would go to FFVII. I love the music and how it is made (close up on Aerith to an aerial view of Midgar). The worst opening goes to FFX-2. I just hate the song and the introduction of the characters.

The best ending in my opinion is the one from FFX. It is very dramatic and there is a lot of emotions in this cinematic. Worst ending would be FFVI. You just see the chararcters escapping Kefka's tower. FFVI is my favourite game but they could have done a better ending.