Best Female Character

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Chocobo Breeder
Nov 8, 2006
no, this isnt another stupid, sad, sleazy, male orientated thread like "hottest female character" or something like that, i want to talk about best female character. my two favourites are beatrix, and quistis.
Aeris, Because she saves the world twice (even though shes dead) sacrficies herself to save the planet, snagged the most famous FF guy. and is Handy with a Staff, also her Music is almost as famous as Final fantasy and if it wasnt for her FFVII i think wouldnt have been as popular or as memorable as it was, plus her final limit break Pwns everyone elses combined.
My fav is Rydia. I liked how she could control summons even though she was a kid.
My favorite is Tifa(for the punchy-kicky-thingy), LuLu( for the magic), and Yuna(for cool summons)
Beatrix. She's one hell of a woman, a kickass fighter, and I would have her as my own personal bodyguard.
Beatrix for FF9, right? I only got as far as unlocking her I think, so I don't know. but she kicked ass when fighting her.
My fav is Rydia. I liked how she could control summons even though she was a kid.

Yay for Rydia love! She is my favorite Final Fantasy character. I didn't add her here because I think Terra is a better character overall(better, not favorite). Rydia unfortunantly had the disadvantage of being from an earlier RPG.

Not only is she a child that can summon monsters, but she is also a black mage. And black mage summoners are cooler than white mage summoners.
I'd have to say it's a tie between Aerith and Yuna for me. While Yuna was determined to carry out in defeating Sin and she even knew what was awaiting her and what would happen, she still continued forward to protect the people she loved and save Spira. Also I loved her summons. She could impact some serious damage with those things. Also, I loved her and Tidus together <3

Aerith was heroic for the sacrifice she made as well to protect her Planet. Her use as a mage was awesome and Aerith could kick some serious ass with her materia. She came in handy with her staff as well, but she was always healing her party members of any status ailments with her white mage powers as well. She was also the love interest of Cloud and those two really had a beautiful romance blossoming between them. It's cruel it ended before Cloud could tell her how he felt.
Women Vs Women.. Well then I'd make it a 3 way battle

Tifa Vs Rikku Vs Beatrix

It would be a fist fight for the Millenium.. Cause they are seriously strong.. I really do hope SE brings out a FF Fighting Game with all or most of the Characters from the series of Final Fantasy
Women Vs Women.. Well then I'd make it a 3 way battle

Tifa Vs Rikku Vs Beatrix

It would be a fist fight for the Millenium.. Cause they are seriously strong.. I really do hope SE brings out a FF Fighting Game with all or most of the Characters from the series of Final Fantasy

There was Ehrgeiz for the PS which had several FF7 characters in it (Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Vincent, Yuffie, Zack)
I really like Garnet a lot. She acts like a real princess, lol. My second best is Rinoa. She was fun and quirky. And then Tifa...she can kick ass! ^_^
Best/most beautiful personality goes to Aerith. She's helpful, kind, generous, and a great white mage.

Most powerful female award goes to Garnet. Queen of the country, and bestowed with the power to summon eidolons.
Women Vs Women.. Well then I'd make it a 3 way battle

Tifa Vs Rikku Vs Beatrix
You mean cat fight, right?

Tifa she's hot, but Aerith is very nice..Who cares?
I'll pick Rinoa.
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Ouch, that's a hard one. I'm torn between Fran, Penelo, and Tifa.

Fran - Because she's the most badass so far and I just really like her character. She had an awesome personality and was a terrific fighter and was no pushover. AND does it all with bunny ears. Now that's style XDDDD

Penelo - I don't know why, but I really like Penelo. I like how she sees right through Vaan and doesn't let him get away with things, it made me lol XDDDDD She's also no pushover and can hold her own pretty well.

Tifa - I have always liked Tifa. I like Aeris too, but I took to Tifa more (I'm one of those raritys that likes both Tifa and Aeris, and Cloti and Cleris).

I also like Beatrix, Aeris, Ashe and Lulu, but those three are my very favorites.
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