Best story in a Final Fantasy

As far as stories go, I voted VII. Though I believe the only reason why I think this is because there are so many mini-stories and back-stories to the game that you know more of the story and feel drawn into it. Though I am pretty honestly fed up with that Nibelheim scene, similar events even happened in Dissidia, I remember flipping the bucket when I saw the footage.

Coming close in second is X, which is probably my favourite out of all the games, I did enjoy the story and all, it was a bit to romancey in some places that I found a little meh.
Well on FFVII, as the story progressed, you learned more and more about each character's mysterious life, just when you were expecting something to happen, the opposite happened, for example, at Cosmo Canyon, after you go through the cave to get to Seto, i was expecting to see a pile of bones in a corner of where his cowardly father had fled, but instead he stood high and mighty on that ledge with all the poisoned spears stuck through him, i was like WTF, until Bugenhagan described.

And as for FFX, it sucked my into the immense storyline ever since that first scene of Tidus playing Blitzball. But as this one progressed, the feelings between Tidus and Yuna increased. Until that final moment when Tidus faded away. Auron suprised me too. I wouldn't have figured that he was a soul, and had been struck down by Lady Yunalesca years before.
Perhaps elaborate on why you think that? We'd like to hear your opinions aswel :awesome:

And again, we'd like abit more effort on why you find these the best games taaaaaaaaaa flower
Thats a REALLY thought decision between V, VII, X, and XII
to me I liked all those stories nearly equally, but I think V just wins
just like the way its told I geuss
Nah sorry but i disagree with FFX being the most popular storyline. Nothing in my opinion will ever beat FFVII's storyline. Everything was perfect with the characters, the overworld, sephiroth and his quest, the Shinra etc.

FFX for me was a downgrade to the previous FF games. Some or most people may enjoy better graphics, new features in FFX and above for example voice actors etc but the FF series died after FFIX. Don't get me wrong, i still love all the FF games and FFX was an enjoyable game but nothing will be as fun as FFVII. FFXII was terrible for me.
As much as I love FFVII, I thought FFVIII had the best story. I don't really know how to explain it without sounding odd, but it just seemed to be able to make what seemed, in my opinion, a stereotypical plot into something exciting and enjoyable. Guess what I'm trying to say is that FFVIII had a storyline that actually managed to reach out to me.
In order, here it is:
VI: Best detail on character development and interaction. All the guts get ripped out and the world gets discombobulated before you rise up from the ashes and take out the clown prince of EVIL. Best. Game. Ever.
XII: Haven't finished it yet, but it's so beautifully written, I love it to number two.
IV: Here, you've got it all. Death. Romance. Unrequieted love. Rivalry. Betrayal. Yang.
VIII: Squall's evolution is captivating, and perhaps the one thing that makes this game great. And I still say Booyaka. (BOOYAKA!)
IX: Tacky? Sure. But it nicely segues the old to the new, and if you took it for a cartoony whimsy, yer dumb. And the hoomer's da best. Vivi FTW!
X: Excellent in every way. It barely resembles the old days of RPG, but that somehow turns out to be a great thing. The characters aren't amazing, and the setting is sometimes over-dreary, but hey, Sin's killing everybody.
VII: Overrated masterpiece. The only reasons for its awesomeness are Midgar, Sephiroth walking through fire, FMV, and ...Aeris... (Does anyone here NOT know about ...Aeris...?)
I: Oldie that started the RPG legend.

Those I didn't play and/or couldn't get into for various reasons I will not discourse at this time: II, III, V, XI
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I liked VIII's story because it was cool.I mean journeying to defeat a time traveling......what am i saying!? X's story rocked.From beginning to end was think you going to do one huge thing then they turn around and journey to defeat an even bigger enemy

i am confused.i like them all^
please dont double post, use the edit button, thats what it's there for , ta :awesome:
FFVIII because the story changes dramatically. I never thought that the game would have time traveling and a castle. But there it was, and i was still satisfied...
Final Fantasy VI, most definitely. I thought it had the best cast of characters personally, and the plot was unique at the time, even if it was rehashed and ripped off later on (I'm looking at you, FFVII). That, and Kefka is the greatest villain in video game history. It was nice to have one that was pure evil and completely insane for a change, instead of some humanized dweeb, like most RPG villains these days.
I abosolutely LOVED everything about FFVIII. I prefer the techno/industrial settings instead of the midevil themes. Not that I dont' like the midevil themed games. I just prefer the futuristic settings. My only gripe w/ VIII was that they waited till the VERY END b4 the kiss. It coulda been done in the middle or begining of the 4th disc and moved the story in a better direction. but ye, VIII has my vote, then VII , then X, then IV (is that 6?) then V.
My absolute favorite is Final Fantasy Tactics. The story is extremely realistic, and shows all aspects of what really goes on in a medieval setting. It showed elements of betrayal, trust, backstabbing, and all of that. I loved it.
For me, it's a really hard decision between VII and IX.

FFVII has one hell of a compelling story. An identity crisis, losing love, betrayal, and BARRET. Still, there is one major story flaw... Sephiroth. His little oedipus complex comes as soon as he realizes his mother is THE Jenova. His motives are pretty diluted too. Destroy the world so he can become a God... why? Is there any catalyst that makes him want to be a God, or is he just too badass to have a reason? There may have been an explanation, but I really can't remember if there was one. Still, the story is excellent. Everything about The Ancients and WEAPON is simply mind-boggling. I really had a hard time putting the game down because I needed to see what happened next.

FFIX, in my opinion, doesn't really have any huge flaws in terms of story. While the core story is not as strong as VII, it still draws you in. Kuja is a remarkable antagonist. Trying to defy his creator and his destiny. He believes that, without himself, the world should not exist. A completely warped man who crossdresses, and yet you still feel sympathy for him in the end. The story itself had all the works for a great FF. Corrupt government, war, shocking revelations, humor, and wonderful characters. I feel for every black mage that realizes their existence. When some of the mages were talking about their friends "stopping," I felt so bad for them.

I'm probably coming off as a fanboy, but I'm going to have to go with FFIX. Followed by VII and VIII. I have yet to play most of VI, which is said to be one of the bests, so my opinion may change.
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