Best Story?

I think the best storylines were from VII-X, I don't think the others were that memorable. VII being the best of the lot I'd say, and probably the best of all time!
alright everyone here seems a few years younger than me, but FFIV, yes IV cecil kain u kno the deal....that story line was really sweet, im votin for a classic here people FFIV, short but awesome...oh and VIIs my fav so ill thro that in there too

Currently playingg..........Breath of Fire that wasnt ur first guess
Well, I guess my favourite story has to be VII and X, I mean come on look at the plot twists VII where Cloud "finds out" that he wasnt who he tought he was and X where Auron out of nowhere tells you that that big everything-destroying monster is actually.. your dad.
alright everyone here seems a few years younger than me, but FFIV, yes IV cecil kain u kno the deal....that story line was really sweet, im votin for a classic here people FFIV, short but awesome...oh and VIIs my fav so ill thro that in there too

Quite refreshing to see an old school fan :neomon: I'm quite fond of IV's story myself, I wouldn't rank it as one of the best (unless you compare it to other games of its time), but it's still damn good.

Well, I guess my favourite story has to be VII and X, I mean come on look at the plot twists VII where Cloud "finds out" that he wasnt who he tought he was and X where Auron out of nowhere tells you that that big everything-destroying monster is actually.. your dad.

Eh...I can think of better plot twists than the overused "I has amnesia, oh noes, I r not me!" archetype. I was scared for a minute when you mentioned Auron too, cuz I thought you were gonna be like "and I was shocked when he said we wuz unsent!" I don't know why some people freak out at that, you can see it coming from a mile away. X does have a pretty good storyline though, too often people let the crappy characters obstruct their view of it.
I think FF7 has the best story, it's one of those games where the characters' have a awesome fighting style, and it had a really sad and harsh storyline too(more harsh in CC). Crisis Core had an awesome story too, the ending being the best and worst part =(
... But yeah, I liked FF7 the best =)
Final Fantasy IX's story was awesome. I don't get how people go 'Final Fantasy IX didn't have a story to begin with.'. It did, and a very nice one. :D

I think following that is Final Fantasy X.. Amazing story. Followed by Final Fantasy VII. :D

I haven't played VI, but I think if I did, I think that game probably would have the best story overall.
Final Fantasy VII was good but damn towards the end of the game i was a little confused about cloud's past. Got the second time around. I would say almost all the FFs had good stories.
Oh gosh, I don't know. Either FFX or FFVII, they're both pretty close. I really liked the depth of FFVII's story, but it just didn't move me like FFX's did. The story in FFX also seemed to flow better (Not that FFVII's flowed badly). FFVII's was one that was interesting, but just didn't really capture me, or spark any emotions in me. FFX, on the other hand, did, my eyes were all watered up and everything at the ending video. <33

And that post came out very incoherently:[
In my opinion,

Final Fantasy 9 ftw!
It was the first i played, just love the atmosphere of the game. Just gives you a happy feeling in the stomach, and though not the pretiest FF game arround it's just a lust for the eye.. Because of all the colours, and lively cities and characters..
Behind that a somewhat darker theme, but always a spark of hope.. And a pretty great story to it..

I had the same butterflies in my belly whilst playing Final Fantasy 7, though a maybe better storyline and all.. I loved Final Fantasy 9 more..

10 Was pretty good, but missed that feeling a FF should have.. Maybe because you coudn't walk freely arround in spira but just had a route you were supposed too walk.. I bloody hated that..
VII and X for me - VII had so many good plot twists I'm willing to look past Cloud's amnesia. X is particularly well paced I thought. - though I really wanted to point out that VI deserves an honourable mention actually letting the apocalypse happen.
FFX. Love. Hate. Confusion. Determination. 3 worlds all mixed up in a time dilemma from 1000 years ago to the present.

The characters make the story so much more enthralling and the ending is one where you don't want it to end. Then of course they came out with FFX-2 and I wished that it would have just ended with FFX...
I'd say VII-IX. The characters really make the storyline, and those 3 games had everything for me. All 3 have done some things better than others, but overall it's kinda hard to choose between them. VII had the most twists, VIII had more subtle relationships between characters and IX had the best character back stories.

I don't understand this love of X and loathing of XII though. I absolutely can't stand X! Boring story, annoying characters, and nothing enthralling at all. If I wasn't such a completionist I would have probably stopped playing X halfway through. XII may have lacked characterisation, but on the whole I'd say the storyline was heaps better than X.
XII's stories was far from better than X's. XII's was an ok tale that was quite simply common. Most of the Final Fantasy games did involve an empire trying to overthrow kingdoms and whatnot, I grant you that, but XII did nothing special to make it standout. The only thing that saved it was the way that it was told. The voice acting was brilliant and the cutscens were nicely choreographed. I wouldn't mind it if it was some other game; but for a FF game, it dissapointed. The characters were bland, with the only liking going to Balthier and Fran's relationship. I couldn't care less about the others. It's the first Final Fantasy that I've put down for months and not played. It was extremely dissapointing. It was just, genuinely, meh.

X had a great story and, an equally great, cast of characters. I cared more for them than I ever could XII's (including the antagonists). X obliterated XII.
ffx is the best story by far you feel involved in game the other ff as great as they are just dont have that (for me anyway)
did XII even have a story, in fact did the characters ever meet? i mean i can't remember a single interaction between Vaan and Ashe.

hahaha no wait she told him "Don't interrupt me Vaan" and the start and "Be silent!!" lol that really covered it lol wow yeah XII's story was really amazing you could just feel the character interactions...or lack their of. Only Balthier was good the rest majorly sucked and Ashe and Vaan were both lame so there we go.
Agreed with Final Fantasy XII. I didn't see any kind of history, if you don't count the Cutscenes. Vaan and Penelo, never show any affection from each other...

My Favorite FF Story was without a doubt Final Fantasy X, I loved the interaction between the characters, the Love between Yuna and Tidus, and the Quest to Defeat Sin. I doubt Square Enix will ever create a better History than FFX.