Best weapon by looks?

I think that it is obviously the Lionheart. There is no way that it isn't. A giant blue glowing sword. I think that is pretty cool.
I think the Flame Sabre looked great, but the Lionheart is also a winner ;) That glowing blue colour...0.o
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A'yo, Rinoa's weapon was tight! I think the name was Angel Wing? And Squall's Lionheart was tight along with the black gun blade he had. Zell's weapons was okay. Selphie weapons liked stupid. Irvine weapons sucked. They could have made a way better looking gun. And All of Quistis' weapons look like sex toys. Hehehe...:cool:
Lionheart is the best^^
next would be Ultima Weapon...
Zell's weapons are okay too :)

I'm going to have to agree with everyone else on this one. Lionheart was ultimate win.
Anything that's blue and glowy = awesome.
I liked the original gunblade, it's plain and simple. :P

Either that or Flame Saber, I've never gotten Lionheart, dang it!
I never liked the way Lionheart looked. So I never used it unless I had to.

I stuck with Punishment. Looked WAY cooler IMO.

Second place goes to Seifer's Hyperion.