Best & Worsts Discussion

Wow. There has been a lot of debating here and I would like to sort things out so that all things can be made clear here. You should all know that I am Clifa.

Aerith Gainsborough said:
Fighting style - Tifa gets a lot of praise for her use in battle yet i found her worthless. she did random damage, she went from 2000 to 300 in a single battle. her limit breaks, yes although you can chain them all together, theres the fact that it misses quite alot and the fact that you can't actually choose who to attack with them, making Tifas limits a game of luck. i prefer a stable fighter, not someone with whom i have to rely on luck for.

I agree with you on the fact that her damage was erratic. However, I think the creators did this on purpose because of her limitbreaks. Because you use all of her 7 limit breaks in one go, all of her lower damage adds up. So in fact, you get just as much damage as you do with the others. So when you multiply 2,000 to 3,000 7 times, you get a good amount of damage.

As for missing, that's just reaction time. It's different with everyone and even I miss once in a while even though she's my favorite char. I really would like to ask them why they put those slots things in there in the first place....
I agree, you can't really aim her attacks, but then I believe her limit breaks are built more for boss battles, where you generally fight one monster.

Personality - Whoever decided to invent this is both, Very sexist, and lacking in imagination. This proves to me that Characters added in at the last moment do NOT work. It seems to me that her whole point in the game was to "think about Cloud" and everything about her Revolved around Cloud - she was CLOUDS childhood friend (but not reallly - more on that soon) she was in love with CLOUD, she was the one who had to stay with CLOUD. She needed to get a grip, get a life, and find something to do. i found her to be a pitiful wrench of a woman. Her only redeeming factor in the game was when she escaped in Junon and slapped scarlet. but she ruined that by whining about Cloud ten minutes later. The fact is, that Tifa is not the Strong confident sassy martial artist chick that many MANY people make her out to be, shes a scared, unconfident, self-doubting woman who needs her securtiy blanket (cloud) to do anything.

Surprisingly, she is meant to NOT be a sexist-styled character. Tifa is actually quite interesting because she is a strong character. Physically and emotionally. (I'm not that saying she's stronger than Aerith.) She isn't one of those stupid weakling female chars that can't take one hit or immediately go crying to the male lead when faced with danger. She is a strong combatant, stronger than any of the previous female FF chars, and can hold her own in battle.

I can see exactly where you're coming from and I can see exactly why you would think she's entirely dependant on Cloud. I blame the creators for this. They were trying, for one, to show her affection for Cloud; however, they REALLY over did it and this sends a mixed message, such as seeming to be dependant on Cloud. Another thing was they were trying to make it seem, by her overt concern for Cloud, was that something was wrong with Cloud; there was something about him you don't know about. Thing is, she doesn't exactly know what's wrong with him either, so she constantly keeps and eye on him.

However, I think you're misinterpreting her actions at the next bit. she is really in love with Cloud. Wouldn't you be concerned about them? The answer is yes. Indeed, it does seem a little cold of her to not ask if the others are okay, but... consider the situation. She just escaped from a poison gas chamber, nearly fell thousands of feet to her death and was pinned by Shinra soldiers. Whereas, the others are safely ensconced in an airship and rescued her. Except for Yuffie (who's airsick) everyone is okay. Except, of course, the one person she loves.

Also, I wish to meet these people that call her 'sassy' and smack them upside their empty little skull with a trout. Tifa, of all things, is not 'sassy'. -___________________-

However, for confidence, I would have to be utterly nuetral. To me, she is neither confident or over confident for that matter. She is your averaged joe in this aspect. Scared, I don't agree with. She isn't scared to do anything without Cloud--she has her own bar and a life for goodness sake, and all that was done without Cloud. She housed a 'terrorist group' in her basement. That's not scared. But I can see where you get this from. Her constant concern for Cloud seems like she's constantly checking to make sure he is there before she does anything. Again, this is simply the creators mistake for they tried to make one thing so apparent that they inadvertantly made it seem like something else. Self-doubt--now this one really threw me. I don't know where you get this exactly, but keep in mind all your words are synonyms of each other. So....same explaination as for the other two. Mixed signals because of the creators being idiots.

Actions - I was immensly annoyed with Tifa when we found out she lied to him the entire game. the fact that she didn't tell Cloud they WEREN'T childhood friends just so he wouldn't get angry with her really pissed me off, she needed to grow a spine and stop lying to everyone. The way how in her childhood she didn't take any interest in cloud until he said he was going to join SOLDIER and then forced the "promise" onto him just emphasised that Tifa was the real Female in the damsel in distress role.

Now, she didn't lie to him. Remember, she had no idea what was wrong with him from the beginning. And she didn't voice her concerns because she was afraid (correctly) of what would happen with Cloud. She had no idea what would happen and, in the midst of fighting to save the planet, wasn't going to try in case it turned out bad.

She didn't tell Cloud they weren't childhood friends because she didn't know that herself. The reason why goes all the way back to when she was a child. When she fell off the cliff after her mother died, she went into a coma. This coma did affect her memory somewhat, but she did know that Cloud tried to save her. Beyond that was a bit blurry, however. (Yes this is speculation but the only logical explaination) Years later, when she was an adult, she figured that she and Cloud had always been friends when they were children. This is namely because she had a growing affection for him ever since he saved her and she assumed they were friends; this was possible because the coma had damaged her memory somewhat. So, it wasn't a lie, but an illusion, much like how Cloud though he was a SOLDIER.

She didn't ignore Cloud as a child. Remember, these are children. Cloud was always a loner. He was unsure if the other kids would accept him into their group. So basically, he was never there to be ignored. He actually kept his distance, away from her. Pretty hard to pointedly ignore someone when they won't get close to you. When Cloud tried to save her from falling over the cliff, she remembered that and she quickly grew feelings for him. He had pretty much never been present in her life before that. But being so heroically 'saved' (lol, children *rolls eyes*) made her like him. So she made this promise because she wanted to be saved by Cloud, and only Cloud. That was the whole point of the 'promise'.

Appearance - Again, whoever invented Tifas costume was a very sexist person who wanted to turn Tifa into a sex symbol. it worked. By giving her a tiny tank top, short skirt and Huge breasts. But, this is all rather out of character for Tifa. For one, shes a martial artist, and how many martial artists have huge breats like her? that would hurt. A lot. and Tifas not a woman who would go around flaunting her...assests on display. shes a shy woman so the tank top and the miniskirt are just so wrong with her. Also the fact that when she wins a battle she Sticks her chest out is just wrong. and something that Tifa would never do (unless she's got back problems XP)

I agree with you completley. I hated her outfit in the game! >_< But they fixed it in AC, thank goodness. Skirts are NOT the clothes to wear to battle, despite everything the Irish do. And for a martial artist, huge breasts like that were simply stupid on Nomura's part. It would hinder her much more.

FF7maniac135 said:
Yo Aeris Gainsborough you are getting it all wrong. Tifa wears a tank top and skirt so she can fight, you think she's going to be able to fight in a dress i dont think so! Also i cant belive you're being so childish over a bunch of pixels jeez grow up! Plus if you having such a fit on how she's designed dont blame her blame Tetsuya Nomura. Tifa also has large breasts because Tetsuya Nomura found it easier to draw her polygon. Nuff Said!

Excuse me, but you are way out of line. You strike me as a some kind of pervert, addressing only her clothes and nothing else. Also, you're one to be talking about ranting like a child. Look at you; you've said nothing to convince me that you are nothing more than an immature brat who doesn't understand anything being said on this forum. Get off this forum and do something meant for your age, like coloring books or Teletubbies. But seriously, if you cannot add a single intelligant reply to this thread, or anywhere else on this forum, then you obviously shouldn't be here. I'll ask one of the mods to lead to by your wittle hand to the door.
Aeris. A character that generally lacked in depth. She perhaps would have been a better character had her past been more clearly explained and had her story been more substantive.

In the Icicle Town, theres a home containing Tapes of Aeriths first days, and it explains how she got captured by Shinra and how her father died. Elmyra also did a satisfactury job in explaining how Aerith grew up and how her powers developed. I found Aeriths backstory to be more complete than Tifa Cid and Barrets (for example) the only loophole in her story is how she and her mother escaped Shinra, and i would have prefered it if they included that too. And we'll learn even more about her life before Cloud in Crises Core.

As far as battle goes, she really wasn't that useful unless you dug into her later limit breaks

I find this to be a general misconception that many people have about Aerith, She wasn't going to be a Melee fighter, Ever. But her greatest strength lies in her manipulation of Materia. if you gave her magic she could do as much damage - if not more - with a spell than Cloud could with his sword. Healing wind and Seal Evil are greatly useful limit breaks, While Breath of the Eart wasn't that Great, Fury Brand was amazingly useful, especially if you were trying to get everyones Limit breaks.

Thank you Kain for posting that reply for me ^_^ Kain showed me the post on MSN and i was Fairly annoyed by it so i had to Reply somehow. and Dragon Mage im not going to address your post because we discussed it all on MSN and you and I both respect each others opinions ^_^
FFVII is my favorite game because it owns at pretty much everything. The music was composed by a great musician, the limit break and ultima weapons effect was a great idea (and so was the materia setup) and the plot was owning. I screamed so hard when Aeris died....

The only negative side of FFVII is the graphics in Field mode. It's PS so it's normal. But they could at least made the graphics like FFT...
my favourite parts of this game are:
when the party meets vincent
when the party meets yuffie and she steals your stuff
the golden saucer because it gives an interesting twist to the game
when sephiroth starts to go insane
when you go snowboarding down the mountain
the materia to sort out spells, summons and abilities
Ahhh the first time I played it and that little witch stole my materia I wanted to scream so bad. That was like my most worst part in the game at the time (im still not fond of it now tbh)

I swar I scoured Wutai looking for her & I couldnt find her ANYWHERE, i EVEN TRIED LEAVING THINKING screw it Il buy more materia and it wouldn't let me leave. I very nerarly gave up right then and there

Luckily I found her and the rest, as they say, is historyyyy :neomon:

oops caps lock
Ahhh the first time I played it and that little witch stole my materia I wanted to scream so bad. That was like my most worst part in the game at the time (im still not fond of it now tbh)

I swar I scoured Wutai looking for her & I couldnt find her ANYWHERE, i EVEN TRIED LEAVING THINKING screw it Il buy more materia and it wouldn't let me leave. I very nerarly gave up right then and there

I really hated that too. After that I hated Yuffie, but of course that was my first play through and I found her pointless until Aerith met her untimely end, which I was not expecting. I also hated Cait Sith, I despised him when he went all traitor. After that I hated him so much I didn't ever use him again. Though I rarely used him to begin with. Plus I hate Cait Sith just because he's Cait Sith. It's a Selphie, Quina, Rikku thing that's gone on ever since.

I really liked Vincent though. A very cool character, I enjoyed his backstory with Lucrecia and Sephiroth. I wish he would show up in Crisis Core as a Turk or something but I guess he would have already been in a coffin by then. I wish Dirge of Cerberus was a better game that would have displayed him better.
hah when I found out Cait Sith was a traitor i was like whaaaaat?! I thought it was a great twist :monster:

When he sacrificed his stuffed self in the temple of the ancients tho I was really rather sad, the soddng music I tell you, gets to me every time xD
I really hated that too. After that I hated Yuffie, but of course that was my first play through and I found her pointless until Aerith met her untimely end, which I was not expecting. I also hated Cait Sith, I despised him when he went all traitor. After that I hated him so much I didn't ever use him again. Though I rarely used him to begin with. Plus I hate Cait Sith just because he's Cait Sith. It's a Selphie, Quina, Rikku thing that's gone on ever since.

I really liked Vincent though. A very cool character, I enjoyed his backstory with Lucrecia and Sephiroth. I wish he would show up in Crisis Core as a Turk or something but I guess he would have already been in a coffin by then. I wish Dirge of Cerberus was a better game that would have displayed him better.

I absolutely agree. They could have done a much better job on DoC, or at least featured Vincent more in the original game. All he got was that little bit of backstory, as pivotal as it was, there just wasn't enough of it. Yuffie got her annoying little sidequest, although it was cool finding out about Wutai and learning a little more about the war, which is still another grey area- what the hell was the Wutai War all about??
Had some good times playing this game.
I liked every part of VII, but I guess my favourite part would be the scene with Cloud and Tifa outside the Highwind.
So...this is for our favorite and least favorite Final Fantasy VII characters?



Reasoning: Silent, focused, battle-hardened characters appeal to me. They're less likely to utter corny lines dealing with feelings and affection. As for Reno, I love him simply for his character on Advent Children. Whether or not that can apply to the game, he's still a favorite.

Least Favorites:

Cait Sith

Reasoning: These characters are dispicable. Cait Sith is completely useless; Red XIII is a ridiculous character (talking tiger...thing); and Yuffie is just plain bothersome in nature.


Pretty much any other character to make an appearance

Reasoning: To me, they were just sorta...there. Didn't stand out as being great or awful. Aeris' role in the game is crucial, however.

I beg to differ Red is pretty kool for a character. Reno's not even that great
i like zack even though he played almost no part in ff7 he just appeals to me in the way that he will stand by someone he hardly knows to the end (death)

Zack is amazing much better than cloud
and zack did have a good part although you may not realize it
My favorite character in all of the final fantasy would have to be genesis. even if he is a bad guy in the game he just seems like one of those layed back , slick kinda guy, would seems to be good with the girls. he also has a sweet rapier.
1. Fav Characters:
All of the party except Aerith and Yuffie
2. Duh characters:
3. Fav Turks Member:
4. Fav Villain:
Sephiroth =D
5. Duh Villain:
6. Fav Weapon:
7. Duh Weapon:
8. Fav Spell:
Comet 2
9. Fav Limitbreak:
Catasphore or something < Barret Limitbreak
10. Duh limitbreak:
Vincent's Limitbreaks
Yuffie's Final Limitbreak
11. Fav Summon:
Knights of the Round
12. Duh Summon:
13. Fav Transportation:
Gold Chocobo
14. Duh Transportation:
The Car
The small plane
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It really despises me, How many people hate Yuffie? Why? Most girls hate her only because they dont like a pairing that includes her! And most guys hate her only because she stole AVALANCHE's materia? Dont you people understand that she needed it for her country? And by the way she RETURNED it!

Least Favorite:
Don Corneo

I just hate Don Corneo and Hojo.
Shelke is just plain annoying...D:

FF7, FF10, Aeris, Cait Sith, Red, Lulu, Moogles, Chocobos, menu/end battle/them music, Shiva...

I did NOT like the stupid lightning unicorn summon, I was so disappointed when I saw this because I am horse-obsessed and I thought it was going to be cool, but it wasn't. I don't like the battles/gameplay in FF12. I DON'T like how Aeris dies and I don't like the Advent Children movie.

Oh, what I really hated, was FF Spirits Within... GAH this movie was so stupid to me. I think it's cuz I was expecting it to be one of the games and when it was so different and stuff it totally turned me off. Oh well.
Toughest/easiest bosses you encountered?

Sorry if this has already been made in previous threads, but I figured it'd be cool to see everyones responses.

So here are mine in order of difficulty
1- Demon Wall
2- The monster in the safe in the Shinra Mansion
3- The robot that you fight in Junon before you get the submarine
not too many difficult bosses

Easiest bosses
1- Emerald/ Ruby Weapon(linking hp absorb with KOR and miming sure does wonders)
2- The Indian guy before you find Seto
3- Sephiroth, all 3 forms
4- Scorpion in the beginning
Apps/Rapps whatever he was called in Wutai when you have rock all materia :gasp:

The only chuffing way I can do it is by getting Aerith to use seal evil on the swine and kick his butt as quick as I can. That aero attack or whatever it is is an absolute SWINE

Of course, Emerald/Ruby weapongoes without saying really. I still haven't beaten ruby and Iv beat emerald once....and that was pretty much just a fluke because Barrett got all lucky 7's :gasp:

Thre were afew others, like that carry armour, can't really remember but Im sure he'd pick you up........

Yuffies dad was an absolute SWINE for me......I always have to level her up before taking him on or he just hands me my arse

Erm...Im sure there will be one or 2 more, Im just usually underlevelled and don't train til like right near the end so....yeah
Emerald weapon was probably the hardest one for me. I don't recall ever beating it(this is the one under water right?"

The dad of Yuffie was a bugger too. I always had to level her up and equip her with something special.

I probably had more difficult times along the way. Same as Tim, I don't level up until I reach end game.
Whoops, made a mistake, didn't look at the topic category properly.

EDIT: Hardest Boss: Trying to challenge Midgar Zolom, if you'd consider it to be a Boss.

Easiest: Safer Sephiroth. Omnislash or Knights of the Round practically finished him in mere seconds.
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