Best & Worsts Discussion

My favorite's gotta be Wakka's World Champion. Before heading into Sin to face the final bosses, since Wakka was my strongest in terms of strength, I went off and got his Jupiter Sigil so that he could break the damage limit. I figured he'd hit for pretty high after I got the Jupiter Sigil and maxxed out his celestial weapon, but not 40,000. I took one chuck of the World Champion at an enemy and knocked him out cold with a 40,000 hit right off the bat.

From that moment on I fell in love with Wakka's World Champion.
I like Cadablog. It's an Acient Irish myth. A sword that can cut through hills and mountains. And because Tidus is the strongest guy in my team.
Nirvana and Onion Knight for me ^_^

Nirvana is Lord Braskas staff and is amazingly powerful, and is also the easiest Celestial weapon to max out.

Onion Knight, purely because of the hilarity value. and i use Lulu a lot ^_^
the best looking weapon would be... Auron's that thing is Lord M'ihen's sword. It looks kinda weird too
Cadablog for me just for the fact that it takes ages getting a time of 0:00:00 on that chocobo race but when you do it you feel like your on top of the world. Also its pretty powerful and the counter attacks work well.
Auron's Masamune and Tidus' Caladbolg in terms of looks. Yuna's Nirvana in terms of usefulness.
Auron's Masamune was okay, IMO, according to looks. Calabolg and Nirvana were the best looking oh and I liked the Spirit Lance. =).

Rikku's godhand had to be the plainest looking Celestial Weapon there is.
I liked their special abilities. It was very unique within the FF genre.

Although after awhile the summon Valfore was kinda useless.
Yeah, Valefor kinda lost value after you acquired all the more 'advanced' aeons like Anima, Bahamut, and The Magus Sisters.

He wasn't quite as powerful as he seemed in the first part of the game after that, so he takes a backseat as you plow through the plot.
Yeah, Valefor kinda lost value after you acquired all the more 'advanced' aeons like Anima, Bahamut, and The Magus Sisters.

He wasn't quite as powerful as he seemed in the first part of the game after that, so he takes a backseat as you plow through the plot.

I kind of agree. I know this sounds totally stupid, but if you not to add any extra abilities to any aeon or for that matter even raise their stats(NSG), Valefor is still a valuable aeon. But of course, no one does that, so that's why Valefor just loses.
Yeah, that's the thing. After I got all the other bigger aeons, I guess Valefor didn't look cool enough to be developed further as a more powerful aeon.

Stupid reason really, going by looks, but that's the way I operated back then. :monster:
I also based it off looks. haha. He was cool and all but, he wasn't all that great. *shrugs* I did, however, get his second overdrive. =)