Best & Worsts Discussion

My favorite names were, Kuja, Vivi and Zidane. Dagger didn't bother me too much but Garnet stuck better.

The worst names were Branhe, Amarant and Quina, oh god how I hate that name!!!!
Honestly, i like Dagger... I think, since she's in disguise, Daggers a good a name as any. I did'nt realy like Zidane (not the character, just the name) that much though.
I kinda liked Princess Garnet, even though it's a kind of cheesy name. I didn't like Zorn and Thorn, though. Just seemed kinda gay to me. They're dressed alike, similar names. Both male, felt wrong. Also, I don't really like the name Vivi. There's nothing wrong with the name itself, but it doesn't fit a powerful mage with thundaga, firaga and blizzaga abilities. All those spells, all those added abilities like return magic lmao. Reflect x2, Vivi was one of the most power-house like characters in the game and has the name of a four year old. Viva La Vivi
Steiner, Vivi and Blank are the coolest. Marcus is pretty cool too, just like it, fits the character.

Cinna is the name I hate. hate the character as well
My favorite name would have to be Zidane. Mainly because, at the time, I didn't even know about the football player.. It just sounded like a sexy name.

The worst for me would be Dagger (although this was optional). When I was playing it for the first time and I found out that it was the default name, I was like, "but that's so lame!" -__-
I don't understand how people can misunderstand how to pronounce Brahne- It's is my understanding- Bran with an elongated "a" sound- Bra---ane

I'm not overkeen on Dagger- she could have been anything else...but I always keep my names true...if I didn't that would be one I definitely changed
Best name would have to be Amarant. I don't know why I like it, it just has a nice ring to it.

Worst name would be Dagger. For an alias name, that isn't the best name to use. It's name after a weapon and why would you name yourself after a weapon? Sounds pretty lame to me.
*haha* yeah, sort of weard to name yourself after a weapon, but the name in i self was okay. cinna was defenitly the worst name, closely followed by zorn and thorn.
my favorites where beatrix, eiko and blank!!
Beatrix is a sweet as name along with Zidane.. Final fantasy esk names.. I hate the little girly names though like vivi and eiko.. Vivi needs a better name..
i didn't like it that much
it was kinda cute with the way it looked
the story was alright and the ending was good
but that's about it for me
My favorite would have to be Freya. It just sounds...epic.

Like stated before, I hate the name Dagger. I know I could just rename, but I refuse to rename ANY character. Ever. It would probably bother me for the rest of the game.

Another bad one is Brahne. Even before I played this game, the first thing thats come to mind with "Brahne" is "fat". :P I would have preferred it if the game stuck with Kuja's nickname for her, "Elephant Lady". It sounds a lot better. :cassy:
Zidane i couldnt stand it, always reminded me of that baldy french football player zinedene zidane. Also i hated dagger, never once called her that.
My favourite would be vivi or beatrix, they both sound pretty cool
Likes / Dislikes

Zidane, Garnet/Dagger, Kuja, and Freya have to be the greatest names I've ever heard of. I mean, besides them being my favorite characters, I like their names very much. Especially Freya. Her name was in another game, but that's beside the point. Their names are catchy. I like them for that. Of course, people can change their characters names, and if you have a certain card that you can find in Kuja's room, then you can change their names in the middle of the game, after showing it to a guy in a library with waterfalls next to it on the world map. (I hope you guys know which library I mean...)

The names I dislike the most is Quina and Brahne. I like Quina because of s/he's Blue Magic abilities, but I dislike the name. Brahne... I just dislike her and her character. It's just something about her I don't like, and I wish I knew what it was, but unfortunatly, I don't know the reason...

My favourite name would be Eiko

My least favourite would be Dagger... To the point where I would just rename her Garnet and give her, her original name as her alias HAHA You would think people would notice that HAHA
The name that I liked the least would have to go to Quina mostly because I could not figure out if Quina was male or female. The 'a' at the end really made it sound feminine where as an 'o' at the end would make it feel as a male, but in the end it still messed with me.

My favorite name on the other hand would have to be Beatrix because she really put the name to full use.