Best & Worsts Thread


Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall (or Irvine)
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Biggs and Wedge
Favorite Weapon: Gunblade (Lionheart)
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Tonberry! Love the dramatic attack sequence
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Ultima, Apocalypse, Maelstrom(?)
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Devour.
Favorite Random Monster: None.
Favorite Boss: Greiver
Favorite Sorceress: Ultimecia
Favorite Area: Heaven/Hell Islands
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar
Favorite Method of Transportation: Car.. So random.. Ragnorak
Favorite Cutscene: The Concert
Favorite Music: Liberi Fatali
Favorite FMV: The entire ending.

Worst Character: None.
Worst Male Character: None.
Worst Female Character: None.
Worst NPC character: None.
Worst Weapon: Selfie's excuse for a weapon.
Worst Limit Break: None.
Worst GF: None.
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Level 1 spells...
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Defend...?
Worst Random Monster: Any that inflict bad status stuff ; ;
Worst Boss: Fuijun and Raijin at the Hotel. So pointless, except for the GF.
Worst Sorceress: Adel.. I swear I thought that was a man at first.
Worst Area: Any area in my way when I'm in a rush.
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): That labrynth place..
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking.
Worst Cutscene: None.
Worst Music: None.
Worst FMV: None.
Favorite Character: Edea And Rinoa
Favorite Male Character: Zell
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Edea if she counts

Favorite Weapon: Rinoas super dog
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Leviathan
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: None

favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Draw.
Favorite Random Monster: None.
Favorite Boss: Edea and seifer
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: none
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): noe
Favorite Method of Transportation:Ragnorak
Favorite Cutscene: The Concert
Favorite Music: Liberi Fatali
Favorite FMV: sorceress edea parade

Worst Character: Squall
Worst Male Character: Squall
Worst Female Character: Selphie - SOMEONE GIVE HER RITALIN
Worst NPC character: Adel
Worst Weapon: Selfie's
Worst Limit Break: Irvines
Worst GF: None
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: None
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): none
Worst Random Monster: none
Worst Boss: Seifer.
Worst Sorceress: Adel...the manbeast
Worst Area: All
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): ALL
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking.
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: Timber owls (ripped off Aeris' theme BADLY)
Worst FMV: None
Favourite Character: Seifer Almasy and Rinoa Heartilly
Favourite Male Character: Zell Dincht/Seifer Almasy
Favourite Female Character: Rinoa Heartilly
Favourite NPC character: Ellone
Favourite Weapon: Rinoa's Shooting Star
Favourite Limit Break: Selphie's Slot
Favourite GF: Bahamut
Favourite Garden: Balamb Garden
Favourite Magic: Ultima [Black], Curaga [White]
Favourite Command (Devour, Draw): Magic
Favourite Random Monster:
Favourite Boss: Edea and Seifer
Favourite Sorceress: Edea Kramer
Favourite Area: Centra
Favourite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb
Favourite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favourite Cutscene: Selphie's Concert
Favourite Music: Premonition [Sorceress Battle Theme]
Favourite FMV: Ending

Worst Character: None.
Worst Male Character: None.
Worst Female Character: None.
Worst NPC character: None.
Worst Weapon: Kiros' Katals
Worst Limit Break: Edea's Ice Strike
Worst GF: None.
Worst Garden: Galbadia Garden
Worst Magic: Sleep
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Defend
Worst Random Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: Adel/Rinoa
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: Galbadia
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): D-District Prison
Worst Method of Transportation: Standard Car
Worst Cutscene: None.
Worst Music: None.
Worst FMV: None.
Favorite Character: Seifer
Favorite Male Character: Ward
Favorite Female Character: Edea
Favorite NPC character: Cid
Favorite Weapon: Machine Gun
Favorite Limit Break: Zells kick ass combos
Favorite GF: Cactuar
Favorite Garden: Trabia
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Absord
Favorite Random Monster: Tonberry
Favorite Boss: Biggs and Wedge
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Lunatic Pandora
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb
Favorite Method of Transportation: Car
Favorite Cutscene: Wedge and Biggs banter
Favorite Music: The garden fight
Favorite FMV: The old guy legging it dissing his fishing rod in process

Worst Character: PuPu
Worst Male Character: Kiros
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character: PuPu
Worst Weapon: Rinoas
Worst Limit Break: Rinoas
Worst GF: Tonberry (who else!)
Worst Garden: Balamb
Worst Magic: Reflect
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Kamikaze
Worst Random Monster: Funguar
Worst Boss: Gerogero
Worst Sorceress: Ultimicia
Worst Area: Odins tower
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): the Refinery
Worst Method of Transportation: Garden
Worst Cutscene: the open air concert
Worst Music: anything ive managed so far during concert haha
Worst FMV: the ending
Favorite Character: Edea
Favorite Male Character: Irvine
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: Edea
Favorite Weapon: Quistis's whip
Favorite Limit Break: Angelo cannon
Favorite GF: Odin
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Holy
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): GF (If i wanna rush thru)
Favorite Random Monster: Cactus
Favorite Boss: NORG
Favorite Sorceress: Ultimecia
Favorite Area: Lunatic Pandora
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favorite Cutscene: Ultimecia ranting at the party before the fight
Favorite Music: Sorceress battle music
Favorite FMV: Adel consuming Rhinoa.

Worst Character: Seifer
Worst Male Character: dont have one >.<
Worst Female Character: dont have one >.<
Worst NPC character: The Tabloid man
Worst Weapon: Irvine's gun
Worst Limit Break: Quistis's
Worst GF: Cactaur
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Fire (the spell "fire")
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): card
Worst Random Monster: Any Wendigo beast
Worst Boss: Elvorit (he's too ugly for his own good)
Worst Sorceress: don't have one
Worst Area: Galbadia
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Dollet
Worst Method of Transportation: Anything except the airship
Worst Cutscene: Greiver/Ultimecia in Griever shell music (the second to last fight)
Worst Music: none
Worst FMV: The catching fish one (R & F)
Favorite Character: Zell
Favorite Male Character: Zell
Favorite Female Character: Selphie
Favorite NPC character: Xu
Favorite Weapon:Exeter don´t know if that´s the way you write it
Favorite Limit Break: Duel
Favorite GF: Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Meteor
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Recovery
Favorite Random Monster: Iron Giant
Favorite Boss: Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Ultimecia
Favorite Area: Esthar
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar city
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Norg speech:)
Favorite Music: Battle song against the sorceresses
Favorite FMV: Balamb Garden vs Galbadia Garden

Worst Character: Rinoa
Worst Male Character: Squall
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character: Those two idiots who call Rinoa princess
Worst Weapon: Rinoa frisbie or whatever it´s just ridiculus
Worst Limit Break: Rinoa Angelo rush
Worst GF: don´t have one
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Berserk
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Defend
Worst Random Monster: Imps
Worst Boss: President Deling
Worst Sorceress: The first sorceress you encounter in the time warp
Worst Area: Timber region
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Timber
Worst Method of Transportation: none
Worst Cutscene: Rinoa falling from the ledge she should have died
Worst Music: none
Worst FMV: Safing Rinoa again from falling she should have died
Favorite Character: Zell
Favorite Male Character: Zell
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Biggs
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Doomtrain
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Meltdown
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Devour
Favorite Random Monster: Red Dragon
Favorite Boss: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Ultimecia
Favorite Area: Hell Island
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnorak
Favorite Cutscene: Monsters falling from sky
Favorite Music: Eyes on me :cool:
Favorite FMV: Ending

Worst Character: Selphie
Worst Male Character: None.
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character:
Worst Weapon: Nunchaka's
Worst Limit Break: None really
Worst GF: Eden, way too long winded
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Scan
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): none
Worst Random Monster: none
Worst Boss: President on train, grrr
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: none
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): none
Worst Method of Transportation: none
Worst Cutscene: None.
Worst Music: None.
Worst FMV: None.
Favorite Character: Squall.
Favorite Male Character: Squall.
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa.
Favorite NPC Character: Ellone.
Favorite Weapon: Gunblade.
Favorite Limit Break: Erm...Wishing Star or something like that...:rolleyes:
Favorite GF: Shiva.
Favorite Garden: Balamb.
Favorite Magic: Death. :sneaky:
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): GF...then Attack!
Favorite Random Monster: Not really sure...
Favorite Boss: No idea.
Favorite Sorceress: Edea.
Favorite Area: Hmm...:worried:
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Galbadia.
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnorak.
Favorite Cutscene: Squall and Rinoa aboard the Ragnorak! :inlove:
Favorite Music: Eyes on Me, Waltz For The Moon, Julia, Breezy
Favorite FMV: Dance part 1 and 2.

Worst Character: Selphie. Kudos to Damo! ^_^

Worst Male Character: Adel? Hehe, only saying this 'cause I truly thought she was a guy 'til I got there. :omg:
Worst Female Character: Selphie...she's too kiddy. :rolleyes:
Worst NPC character: Hmm... :santa:
Worst Weapon:
Worst Limit Break:
Worst GF: Out of those I actually drew, Pandemona. Sloooow...:stare:
Worst Garden: Trabia.
Worst Magic: Also Death. I don't like it being used on me. :X
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Draw.
Worst Random Monster: Not really sure, but battling Cactuar GF!!!! Him!! If he counts...:ninja:
Worst Boss: Cactuar GF if he counts. :tongue1:
Worst Sorceress: Rinoa. As a sorceress, she's the worst. As a character, she's not. :P
Worst Area: Area around Esthar.
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar! Too big! :blink:
Worst Method of Transportation: Car. Costs Gil! :dry:
Worst Cutscene: Watching Rinoa drift in space!!!!! The non FMV part. :doze:
Worst Music: Goodnight. Pointless length. :|
Worst FMV: Any short ones that didn't really tell any of the story. :rolleyes:
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OK, here's mine....

Favorite Character: Squall Lionheart
Favorite Male Character: Squall Lionheart
Favorite Female Character: Selphie Tilmitt
Favorite NPC character: Cid
Favorite Weapon: Gunblade (all of them ^_^)
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Diablos or Ifrit
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: n/a
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Card
Favorite Random Monster: n/a
Favorite Boss: Norg
Favorite Sorceress: Edea (does Rinoa count?)
Favorite Area: Balamb
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Fisherman's Horizon
Favorite Method of Transportation: Garden
Favorite Cutscene: n/a
Favorite Music: n/a
Favorite FMV: n/a

Worst Character: n/a (I like all of them actually)
Worst Male Character: Raijin
Worst Female Character: Fujin
Worst NPC character: n/a
Worst Weapon: Pinwheel
Worst Limit Break: Selphie's...
Worst GF: Carbuncle
Worst Garden: Trabia, obviously
Worst Magic: n/a
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Draw
Worst Random Monster: Tonberry
Worst Boss: n/a
Worst Sorceress: Ultimecia
Worst Area: End Castle
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): n/a
Worst Method of Transportation: Chocobo
Worst Cutscene: n/a
Worst Music: n/a
Worst FMV: n/a
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Cid
Favorite Weapon: Lookwise, either the Flame Saber or Lion Heart
Favorite Limit Break: Shooting Star
Favorite GF: Eden
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): GF
Favorite Random Monster: Death Claw (I thought the design was awesome)
Favorite Boss: Seifer and Edea battles
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Esthar
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb):
Esthar City
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnorak
Favorite Cutscene: The Concert
Favorite Music: The Castle or Maybe I'm a Lion
Favorite FMV: Eyes on me scenes

Worst Character: Hmm...Probably Irvine
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: No one really
Worst NPC character: The drunkard in Timber
Worst Weapon: Chain Whip
Worst Limit Break: Found Selphie's a little annoying
Worst GF: Siren or Pandemona
Worst Garden: Trabia :-(
Worst Magic: Scan lol
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Card
Worst Random Monster: Bite Bug
Worst Boss: Fake President / Gerogero
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: Centra
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): D-District Prison
Worst Method of Transportation: Car, Too much gil
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: Lunatic Pandora
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Zell
Favorite Male Character: Zell
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Fujin/Rajin
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Renzokuken?
Favorite GF: Ifrit
Favorite Garden: Balamb Garden
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Kamikaze :) Never used it, but someone always had it equiped.
Favorite Random Monster: N/A
Favorite Boss:N/A (I dont remember a lot of them)
Favorite Sorceress: Ultimica
Favorite Area: N/A
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb Garden
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnorark
Favorite Cutscene: Ending cutscene
Favorite Music: N/A
Favorite FMV: N/A

Worst Character: Quistis
Worst Male Character: Laguna's friends
Worst Female Character: Quistis
Worst NPC character: N/a
Worst Weapon: N/A
Worst Limit Break: Selphie's
Worst GF: N/A
Worst Garden: The T one, i forget what its called.
Worst Magic: N/A
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Draw, you stop using it once the game gets going.
Worst Random Monster: N/A
Worst Boss: Fake President
Worst Sorceress: The ones after Adel
Worst Area: N/A
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): N/A
Worst Method of Transportation: Cars
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst Music: N/A
Worst FMV:N/A
Favorite Character: Zell
Favorite Male Character: uh....lemme think...jee....
Favorite Female Character: ILIKETRAINS
Favorite NPC character: Wedge, my homie G
Favorite Weapon: Ergheiz
Favorite Limit Break: Duel (IPUNCHULONGTIME)
Favorite GF: Quetzacoatl!
Favorite Garden: Balamb <3
Favorite Magic: thundara! *hsssssshhhhk*
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): GF
Favorite Random Monster: the horse thing
Favorite Boss: um....jeez....Seifer?
Favorite Sorceress: Adel ftw
Favorite Area: The big....featureless field to Esthar
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Big...featureless field around Balamb
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok...even though, you know, I totally got it stuck between two rocks but whatever
Favorite Cutscene: Zell!
Favorite Music: Starting Up
Favorite FMV: Quistis wit a machine gun

Worst Character: Oh gawd Rinoa
Worst Male Character: jeez...Irvine.
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character: /shrug
Worst Weapon: the gun that sucks?
Worst Limit Break: can't say
Worst GF: you draw from Fujin I can't remember it's name
Worst Garden: the OTHER gardens because I can't navigate
Worst Magic: um..
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): can't say
Worst Random Monster: marlboro
Worst Boss: that stupid thing on the top of the satellite tower
Worst Sorceress: Edea
Worst Area: that stupid cave made of shiny material
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): read above ^
Worst Method of Transportation: car
Worst Cutscene: anything involving Rinoa and Squall in the same vicinity
Worst Music: /shrug
Worst FMV:...
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: Cid
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Renzokuken
Favorite GF: Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Meltdown
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Attack :P
Favorite Random Monster: Tonberry
Favorite Boss: first Seifer
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Area around Deling City
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Timber
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: After Squall rescues Rinoa from falling off Garden
Favorite Music: Man with the Machine Gun
Favorite FMV: Dancing scene

Worst Character: Selphie
Worst Male Character: Zell
Worst Female Character: Sephie
Worst NPC character: Master NORG
Worst Weapon: Whips
Worst Limit Break: Selphie's
Worst GF: Carbuncle
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: all level one attack spells
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Card
Worst Random Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: second Edea
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: Esthar's
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar
Worst Method of Transportation: Feets :P
Worst Cutscene:
Worst Music:
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Ellone
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart by a mile.
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart by a mile.
Favorite GF: Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Draw
Favorite Random Monster: Ruby Dragon
Favorite Boss: Seifer
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Esthar Continent
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Ragnarok Scene
Favorite Music: "The Oath"
Favorite FMV: Opening Theme

Worst Character: NORG
Worst Male Character: Raijin
Worst Female Character: Fujin
Worst NPC character: Fujin or Raijin
Worst Weapon: Pinwheel
Worst Limit Break: Any of Selphie's
Worst GF: Siren
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic:
Worst Command (Devour, Draw):
Worst Random Monster: Marlboro
Worst Boss:
Worst Sorceress:
Worst Area:
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Timber
Worst Method of Transportation: Car (always ran out of gas!)
Worst Cutscene: donno
Worst Music: donno
Worst FMV: umm
Favorite Character: Laguna
Favorite Male Character: Zell
Favorite Female Character: Selphie
Favorite NPC character: Moomba
Favorite Weapon: Flame Saber
Favorite Limit Break: Shooting Star
Favorite GF: Leviathan
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Curaga
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): GF
Favorite Random Monster: n/a
Favorite Boss: Rajin & Fujin Battles
Favorite Sorceress: Adel
Favorite Area: Esthar
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar City
Favorite Method of Transportation: Cars
Favorite Cutscene: The Concert
Favorite Music: Balamb Garden Theme

Favorite FMV: n/a

Worst Character: Rinoa
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character: n/a
Worst Weapon: Guns!
Worst Limit Break: Rinoa's
Worst GF: Siren
Worst Garden: Trabia :-(
Worst Magic: Scan
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Card
Worst Random Monster: Bite Bug
Worst Boss: n/a
Worst Sorceress: Ultimecia
Worst Area: Centra
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): D-District Prison
Worst Method of Transportation: n/a
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: Lunatic Pandora
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Rinoa and Squall of course, they made such a cute couple.
Favorite Male Character: Squall, he was awesome
Favorite Female Character: Definitely Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Xu
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart again!
Favorite GF: Shiva or Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Galbadia
Favorite Magic: White magic is always good. Cure, Cura, Curaga.
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Magic
Favorite Random Monster: Anything easy lol
Favorite Boss: Sorceress Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Esthar
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar, Balamb and FH
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: The Concert for sure
Favorite Music: Find Your Way, Drifting, Balamb Garden and Rinoa's Theme
Favorite FMV: The dance scene

Worst Character: Seifer or Raijin
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character: Raijin
Worst Weapon: Selphie's Nunchucks or whatever they were
Worst Limit Break: Selphie's
Worst GF: Carbuncle
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Don't know
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Devour
Worst Random Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: Ultimecia lol
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: Centra
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): The prison for sure
Worst Method of Transportation: Car, runs out of gas too easily
Worst Cutscene: They were all good
Worst Music: The world map music, it's terrible lol
Worst FMV:None
Favorite Character: Edea
Favorite Male Character: Squall Or Zell
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: Dunno
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Ice Strike or Selphies 'The End'
Favorite GF: Bahamut Shiva, or Ifrit (Yes I have all of them)
Favorite Garden: Balamb (FTW)
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Devour (Funny!)
Favorite Random Monster: Pupu (Awww isn't he just so adorable?!)
Favorite Boss: Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Centra Ruins and
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Field (If you come here...), Edea's House (Young and old), and Lunar Base
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok or Chocobo!
Favorite Cutscene: Ball
Favorite Music: ALL! (Personal Favorites: Tell Me, Liberi Fatali, The Man with the Machine Gun, Roses and Wine, Timber Owls, Ami, Where I Belong, The Oath, and all Ultemicia Battle Music....A LOT OF MUSIC!)
Favorite FMV:

Worst Character: Seifer (He didn't have a good intention, Ultemicia made all of his decisions for him)
Worst Male Character: Seifer
Worst Female Character: None
Worst NPC character: Queen of Cards
Worst Weapon: None
Worst Limit Break: Fire Cross; No Mercy
Worst GF: All were good, but didn't have much use for Siren
Worst Garden: None (Loved them all!)
Worst Magic: None
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): None
Worst Random Monster: None
Worst Boss: None
Worst Sorceress: None
Worst Area: None
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): None
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking...actually I like walking!
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst FMV: None

Anything else you feel needs adding, please let me know and I will edit the thread. :)
Favorite Character: Zell, Selphie (the sunny characters)
Favorite Male Character: Zell
Favorite Female Character: Selphie
Favorite NPC character: Ma Dincht
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Selphie's Slot
Favorite GF: Shiva
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Devour
Favorite Random Monster: T-Rex
Favorite Boss: Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Esthar Continent (Salt Flats, Esthar City, Great Plains)
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Trabia Garden
Favorite Method of Transportation: Train
Favorite Cutscene: Saving Rinoa at the Sorceress Memorial
Favorite Music: Fragments of Memories, Love Grows
Favorite FMV: SeeD Ball

Worst Character: Snobby guy in Library Committee
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Rinoa (I do like her, but she was rather annoying)
Worst NPC character: Running Kid or the snobby guy on the Library Committee
Worst Weapon: Shooting Star (the design is too messy and corny)
Worst Limit Break: Shot
Worst GF: Carbuncle (the only things useful were the junctioned abilities)
Worst Garden: Galbadia
Worst Magic: Reflect (I use a lot of curative magic, so this would cause it to backfire)
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Item (I hardly ever used any in the game)
Worst Random Monster: Geezard
Worst Boss: NORG
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: None
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): D-District Prison
Worst Method of Transportation: On Foot
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: Fear (the music played in G-Garden)
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Quistis
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: Biggs & Wedge
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Renzokuken
Favorite GF: Shiva
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Curaga
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Draw & cast
Favorite Random Monster: Ruby Dragon
Favorite Boss: Ultimecia
Favorite Sorceress: Rinoa( when she becomes a sorceress)
Favorite Area: The grounds around Balamb
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb
Favorite Method of Transportation: Balamb Garden
Favorite Cutscene: The one where Rinoa and Squall make their promises.
Favorite Music:Eyes on me
Favorite FMV: When Squall embraces Rinoa when he frees her from the Sorceress Memorial

Worst Character: none
Worst Male Character: none
Worst Female Character: none
Worst NPC character: Dr. Odine
Worst Weapon: Strange Visage( so many things to colect for it)
Worst Limit Break: Booya(not the whole Duel break just sucks big time)
Worst GF: Tonberry
Worst Garden: Galbadia
Worst Magic: Bio
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): none
Worst Random Monster: Malboro( curse it's name)
Worst Boss: Seifer( simply pathetic)
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: D-District Prison(sooo many circles)
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): none
Worst Method of Transportation: car
Worst Cutscene:none
Worst Music: Silence and motion
Worst FMV: none
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Selphie
Favorite NPC character: N/A
Favorite Weapon: Gunblade
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Eden
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Demi
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Mug...most usefull thing ever
Favorite Random Monster: Pu Pu
Favorite Boss: Omega Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Dream Worlds
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnorok
Favorite Cutscene: Balamb vs. Galbadia
Favorite Music: Eyes on Me
Favorite FMV: Opening

Worst Character: Rinoa/Quistis
Worst Male Character: N/A
Worst Female Character: Rinoa/Quistis
Worst NPC character: Adel
Worst Weapon: Whip
Worst Limit Break: Rinoa's
Worst GF: N/A
Worst Garden: Tribia
Worst Magic: N/A
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): N/A
Worst Random Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: Omega Weapon
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: Ragnorok
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): N/A
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst Music: N/A
Worst FMV: N/A