Best & Worsts Thread

Favorite Character: Rinoa
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character:Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Zone
Favorite Weapon: Shooting Star
Favorite Limit Break: Degenerator
Favorite GF: Doomtrain
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Meltdown
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Attack
Favorite Random Monster: Ruby Dragon
Favorite Boss: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Adel
Favorite Area: Island closest to Hell
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Deling City
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnorak
Favorite Cutscene: When they are on their way back from space in the ragnorak
Favorite Music: Eyes on Me
Favorite FMV: Squall rescues Rinoa from the memorial

Worst Character: Dr Odine
Worst Male Character:n/a
Worst Female Character:n/a
Worst NPC character:Dr Odine
Worst Weapon:anything of selphies or Quistis
Worst Limit Break: all rinoas other than wishing star & invincible moon
Worst GF: tonberry/carbuncle
Worst Garden: trabia
Worst Magic:reflect
Worst Command (Devour, Draw):kamikaze
Worst Random Monster:marlboro *shudders*
Worst Boss:Norg
Worst Sorceress:Adel
Worst Area:d district prison
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb):d di9strict prison
Worst Method of Transportation car
Worst Cutscene: julia & laguna in her hotel room
Worst Music: world map music
Worst FMV:none
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Selphie
Favorite NPC character: N/A
Favorite Weapon: Gunblade
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Eden
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Demi
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Mug...most usefull thing ever
Favorite Random Monster: Pu Pu
Favorite Boss: Omega Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Dream Worlds
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnorok
Favorite Cutscene: Balamb vs. Galbadia
Favorite Music: Eyes on Me
Favorite FMV: Opening

Worst Character: Rinoa/Quistis
Worst Male Character: N/A
Worst Female Character: Rinoa/Quistis
Worst NPC character: Adel
Worst Weapon: Whip
Worst Limit Break: Rinoa's
Worst GF: N/A
Worst Garden: Tribia
Worst Magic: N/A
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): N/A
Worst Random Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: Omega Weapon
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: Ragnorok
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): N/A
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst Music: N/A
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Vincent
Favorite Male Character: Vincent
Favorite Female Character: Rikku / Tifa
Favorite NPC character: N/A
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart - coolest weapon ever, Brotherhood too.
Favorite Limit Break: Renzokuken
Favorite GF: Ifrit - Most bad ass, along with Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Card :D , used it the most
Favorite Random Monster: Behemot
Favorite Boss: Omega weapon
Favorite Sorceress:
Favorite Area: Thunder Plains
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Cosmo Canyon
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Blitzball scene at thhe beginning of FFX, opening scene of FFVIII
Favorite Music: One Winged Angel/ Suteki da ne
Favorite FMV: N/A

Worst Character: Quina/ Caith sith
Worst Male Character: Zidane - sry
Worst Female Character: Quistis
Worst NPC character: N/A
Worst Weapon: Lulu's
Worst Limit Break: N/A
Worst GF: Carbuncle
Worst Garden: N/A
Worst Magic: Demi - never used it
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): N/A
Worst Random Monster: Imp
Worst Boss: Seymour
Worst Sorceress: N/A
Worst Area: N/A
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): N/A
Worst Method of Transportation: the car in FFVII
Worst Cutscene: the laughing scene in ffx
Worst Music: N/A
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Quistis
Favorite Male Character: Laguna
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: --
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Diablo
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command: Devour
Favorite Random Monster: Ruby Dragon
Favorite Boss: Omega Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Ulimecia's Castle
Favorite Place: Deling
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favorite Cutscene: Squall's speech
Favorite Music: Breezy
Favorite FMV: End of Disk 1

Worst Character: Rinoa
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character:
Worst Weapon: Irvine's guns -_-
Worst Limit Break: Angel wing
Worst GF: Siren
Worst Garden: --
Worst Magic: --
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Darkside
Worst Random Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: --
Worst Sorceress: --
Worst Area: --
Worst Place: Missile Base
Worst Method of Transportation:
Worst Cutscene: --
Worst Music: The Spy
Worst FMV: --
Favorite Character: Laguna, Seifer
Favorite Male Character: Laguna, Seifer
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: Raine
Favorite Weapon: Exeter
Favorite Limit Break: Duel
Favorite GF: Cerberus
Favorite Garden:
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Mug
Favorite Random Monster: Ruby Dragon
Favorite Boss: Omega Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: None
Favorite Area: Ultimecia’s Castle
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb):
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene:
Favorite Music: Ultimecia’s Castle music
Favorite FMV: Zell’s entrance; Galbadia garden attacks

Worst Character: Rinoa
Worst Male Character: Squall
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: Rinoa’s
Worst Limit Break: Selphie’s
Worst GF: Eden
Worst Garden:
Worst Magic:
Worst Command (Devour, Draw):
Worst Random Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: Ultimecia
Worst Sorceress: Ultimecia
Worst Area: Tomb of the Unknown King
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Timber
Worst Method of Transportation: Car
Worst Cutscene: Squall and Rinoa in the Ragnarok
Worst Music:
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Rinoa
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa, Selphie
Favorite NPC character: Ellie
Favorite Weapon: Cutting Trigger
Favorite Limit Break: Zell's Limit Breaks
Favorite GF: Diabolos
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: (all)
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Attack
Favorite Random Monster: (hates all of them)
Favorite Boss: Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Timber
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb!!!
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: when they made a band for Rinoa???
Favorite Music: Fisherman's Horizon theme
Favorite FMV: Ending (video takes)

Worst Character: Cid
Worst Male Character: Cid
Worst Female Character: (none)
Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: Quistis' Whips
Worst Limit Break: (none)
Worst GF: Carbuncle
Worst Garden: Galbadia
Worst Magic: (none)
Worst Command (Devour, Draw):
Worst Random Monster: Tonberry
Worst Boss: Ultimecia
Worst Sorceress: Ultimecia
Worst Area: D-District Prison
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): D-District Prison
Worst Method of Transportation: Car
Worst Cutscene:(none)
Worst Music: (none)
Worst FMV:(none)
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character:Squall
Favorite Female Character:Rinoa
Favorite NPC character:Fujin
Favorite Weapon:Strange Vision or Shooting Star
Favorite Limit Break:Selphie's Slots (FullCure saved me many times)
Favorite GF:Eden (though it really is too long)
Favorite Garden:Trabia wonder what it was like before it was damaged)
Favorite Magic:Ultima
Favorite Command ( Devour, Draw):Recover (so useful)
Favorite Random Monster:Cactuar (they're ace!)
Favorite Boss:?
Favorite Sorceress:apart from Rinoa, Ultimecia
Favorite Area: Deep Sea Research Deposit, Ultimecia Castle
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Deling City
Favorite Method of Transportation:Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene:The one with Squall and Rinoa aboard the Ragnarok
Favorite Music: Premonition (Edea Battle Music) and Ultimecia Castle Music
Favorite FMV:?

Worst Character:Quistis
Worst Male Character:Irvine (annoying)
Worst Female Character:Quistis (useless)
Worst NPC character:Mayor Dobe
Worst Weapon:Chain Whip
Worst Limit Break:Quistis' Blue Magic: UltraWaves
Worst GF:Tonberry (weak)
Worst Garden:Galbadia (so cold and clinical)
Worst Magic:Scan
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Devour (it was censored!)
Worst Random Monster:Malboro (VERY challenging)
Worst Boss:Black Widow (Massive machine at Dolet, so irritating)
Worst Sorceress:Adel (she was just weird)
Worst Area:?
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb):Timber (depressing)
Worst Method of Transportation:Walking
Worst Cutscene:?
Worst Music:Most of them were rubbish
Worst FMV:?
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Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Cid
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Bahamut OR Gilgamesh
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: AURA!
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Card
Favorite Random Monster: Ruby Dragon
Favorite Boss: Ultimecia
Favorite Sorceress: Ultimecia
Favorite Area: Esthar
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Deling was ok
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Squall and Rinoa in the Ragnarok Cockpit
Favorite Music: 'Eyes On Me' and Movin' (When balamb is preparing for the missiles coming, it starts flying)
Favorite FMV: Galbadia V. Balamb maybe..If not, Balamb Garden evolving! But if you can count the ending then that!

Worst Character: None
Worst Male Character: None
Worst Female Character: None
Worst NPC character: The guy you have to buy hints off for getting on the train!
Worst Weapon: Zells Gloves
Worst Limit Break: Angelo Search
Worst GF: Siren probs
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Scan? lol
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Draw wasnt the best..
Worst Random Monster: Those firey looking things on beaches that always evolve.
Worst Boss: The fake president..
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: Tomb of the Unknown King!
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Fishermans Horizon
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking :)
Worst Cutscene:None
Worst Music:
Worst FMV: None

Favorite Character: Probably Squall lol
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Selphie
Favorite NPC character: Cid
Favorite Weapon: Strange Vision
Favorite Limit Break: The End followed by Renzokuken
Favorite GF: I liked most of them, but I'll say Eden/Doomtrain
Favorite Garden: Probably Balamb
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Devour was pretty cool and Card
Favorite Random Monster: Ruby Dragon
Favorite Boss: Omega Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Deep Sea Research Center/Islands Closest to Heaven and Hell
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Timber maybe
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: I can't really decide.
Favorite Music: I can't really decide.
Favorite FMV: The Ending was pretty cool

Worst Character: Rinoa is probaly the weakest, but Quistis is my least favorite.
Worst Male Character: Irvine or Zell
Worst Female Character: Quistis
Worst NPC character: I can't really decide.
Worst Weapon: Rinoa had the worst weapon.
Worst Limit Break: Irvine's was my least favorite, but Rinoa's was probably the weakest.
Worst GF: Pandamona/Brother except for HP+80%
Worst Garden: Trabia because we never really saw it when it wasn't destroyed.
Worst Magic: Meteor because it was pretty random.
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Cover was pretty lame.
Worst Random Monster: Malboros were probably the most difficult or Tonberrries
Worst Boss: Ultimecia
Worst Sorceress: Ultimecia
Worst Area: Tomb of the Unknown King got kind of annoying if you got lost.
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Probably Dollet or Winhill.
Worst Method of Transportation: Car
Worst Cutscene: I can't really think of one.
Worst Music: I don't really remember any bad music.
Worst FMV: They were all good!
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Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Cid
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Diablos
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Draw
Favorite Random Monster: Cactuar
Favorite Boss: Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Not sure
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Not sure
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok ^^
Favorite Cutscene: Dunno
Favorite Music: Dunno
Favorite FMV: The beginning one

Worst Character: Selphie
Worst Male Character: Not sure
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character: Fujin/Rajin
Worst Weapon: What Selphie used
Worst Limit Break: Selphies
Worst GF: Siren (She sucked)
Worst Garden: Dunno
Worst Magic: Dunno
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Devour
Worst Random Monster: Dunno
Worst Boss: That president in the train
Worst Sorceress: Dunno
Worst Area: Dunno
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Dunno
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking? :P
Worst Cutscene: Not sure
Worst Music: Not sure
Worst FMV: Not sure
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Selphie
Favorite NPC character: Seifer
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Ifrit
Favorite Garden: Galbadia
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Devour
Favorite Random Monster: Ruby Dragon
Favorite Boss: Omega Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Adel
Favorite Area: Lunatic Pandora
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esther
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: All too long
Favorite Music: Force Your Way
Favorite FMV: Opening

Worst Character: Rinoa
Worst Male Character: N/A
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character: Rinoa's Dad
Worst Weapon: Valkryie
Worst Limit Break: Laser Eyez
Worst GF: Siren
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Blizzard
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Kamikaze
Worst Random Monster: Catterchipillar
Worst Boss: Fake Mayor
Worst Sorceress: Edea
Worst Area: Around Balamb
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Fisherman's Horzion
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: All too long
Worst Music: N/A
Worst FMV: Very End
Favorite Character: Quistis
Favorite Male Character: Laguna
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: Fuujin
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Card
Favorite Random Monster: Ruby Dragon
Favorite Boss: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Islands Closest to Heaven/Hell
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Deling
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: When Edea kills President Deling, lol.
Favorite Music: Liberi Fatali
Favorite FMV: Quistis blowing up X-ATM092 in Dollet.

Worst Character: Rinoa.
Worst Male Character: Zell
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: Rinoa's pinwheel.
Worst Limit Break: Selpie's may have been useful, but the most annoying.
Worst GF: Pandaemona
Worst Garden: Trabia. 'Cause it got pwned.
Worst Magic: Berserk.
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Cover.
Worst Random Monster: Malboros.
Worst Boss: Omega Weapon
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: Tomb of the Unknown King.
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Timber
Worst Method of Transportation: Car
Worst Cutscene: Rinoa and Squall in the Ragnarok. -Gag!-
Worst Music: Eye on Me
Worst FMV: Rinoa and Squall in the Sorceress Memorial. Yeah, romance ain't my cup o' tea.
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Raijin
Favorite Weapon: Gunblade
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Gilgamesh
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Recover
Favorite Random Monster:
Favorite Boss: Seifer
Favorite Sorceress: Adel
Favorite Area:
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balemb
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene:
Favorite Music: Dollet
Favorite FMV: Squall arriving in Dollet

Worst Character: Cid
Worst Male Character: Cid
Worst Female Character: Quistis
Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: Rinoa's
Worst Limit Break: Quistis'
Worst GF: Brothers
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Scan
Worst Command (Devour, Draw):
Worst Random Monster:
Worst Boss: Elvoret
Worst Sorceress: Ultimercia
Worst Area:
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Lunar Base
Worst Method of Transportation: Car
Worst Cutscene:
Worst Music:
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Zell
Favorite Male Character: Zell
Favorite Female Character: Selphie
Favorite NPC character: Zone & Watts
Favorite Weapon: Zell's Ehgreiz or Squall's Punishment
Favorite Limit Break: Lion Heart
Favorite GF: Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Meltdown
Favorite Command: Devour
Favorite Random Monster: Wendigo
Favorite Boss: Diablos
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Island Closest to Hell
Favorite Place: Esthar
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Edea's speech
Favorite Music: Final Battle
Favorite FMV: Opening scene

Worst Character: Quistis
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Quistis
Worst NPC character: White SeeDs
Worst Weapon: Whip
Worst Limit Break: Angelo Cannon
Worst GF: Siren
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Blizzard
Worst Command: Draw
Worst Random Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: Fake President
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: --
Worst Place: D-District Prison
Worst Method of Transportation: Car
Worst Cutscene: --
Worst Music: --
Worst FMV: --
Favorite Character: Irvine, Kiros and Laguna
Favorite Male Character: Irvine
Favorite Female Character: Selphie
Favorite NPC character: Seifer
Favorite Weapon: N/A
Favorite Limit Break: LionHeart
Favorite GF: Leviathan
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Meltdown
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Draw
Favorite Random Monster: Tonberry
Favorite Boss: Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Esthar
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: All
Favorite Music: Liberi Fatali
Favorite FMV: All

Worst Character: Rinoa
Worst Male Character: N/A
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: N/A
Worst Limit Break: Irvines
Worst GF: Siren
Worst Garden: N/A
Worst Magic: N/A
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): N/A
Worst Random Monster: Cactuar
Worst Boss: N/A
Worst Sorceress: Rinoa
Worst Area: N/A
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): The Ragnarok
Worst Method of Transportation: Chocobo
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst Music: N/A
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Seifer
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Draw
Favorite Random Monster: Iron Giant
Favorite Boss: Fujin, Raijin
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Centra excavation site
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: They were all good
Favorite Music: Sorceress theme
Favorite FMV: The Ending

Worst Character: Selphie
Worst Male Character: Don't know
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character: FH mayor
Worst Weapon: Nunchaku
Worst Limit Break: Slots
Worst GF: Siren probably
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Dispel (never use it)
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Devour
Worst Random Monster: Fastination (probably spelled wrong)
Worst Boss: Elvoret
Worst Sorceress: Can't choose
Worst Area: Tomb of the unknown king
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): ???
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking

Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst Music: Don't know
Worst FMV: Not sure
Favorite Character: Zell
Favorite Male Character: Zell
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: Zone
Favorite Weapon: Punisher
Favorite Limit Break: Zell's
Favorite GF: In general, Pandemona. Cinema-wise, it'd be Eden
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Meltdown
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Card
Favorite Random Monster: Blitz
Favorite Boss: Iguion
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Island Closest to Heaven
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Centra Ruins
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: -
Favorite Music: -
Favorite FMV: -

Worst Character: Selphie
Worst Male Character: Squall
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character: Fujin
Worst Weapon: Rinoa's...all of them.
Worst Limit Break: Angelo
Worst GF: Brothers.
Worst Garden: Trabia.
Worst Magic:Scan
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Devour (Stupid flower-field)
Worst Random Monster: Bite Bug
Worst Boss: Granaldo
Worst Sorceress: Rinoa
Worst Area: -
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Deling City
Worst Method of Transportation: The car.
Worst Cutscene: -
Worst Music: -
Worst FMV: -

Oh, and to the one above me for worst random enemy - *Fastitocalon.
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Favorite Character: Quistis
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: Fujin
Favorite Weapon: Whips :smartass:
Favorite Limit Break: Degenerator
Favorite GF: Pandemona
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Tornado
Favorite Command: Devour
Favorite Random Monster: T-Rexaur
Favorite Boss: Fujin/Raijin
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Balamb
Favorite Place: Deling
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Quistis's Entrance
Favorite Music: Liberi Fatali
Favorite FMV: Camera part at the end

Worst Character:
Worst Male Character:
Worst Female Character:
Worst NPC character: Caraway
Worst Weapon: Zell's
Worst Limit Break: Slots
Worst GF: Alexander
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Dispel
Worst Command: Darkside
Worst Random Monster:
Worst Boss: Everything in Ultimecia's castle
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: Ultimecia's Castle
Worst Place: FH
Worst Method of Transportation: GARDEN
Worst Cutscene: Rinoa and Squall in the Ragnarok.
Worst Music: The crap in Ultimecia's Castle.
Worst FMV:
Rinoa. In. Space.
Favorite Character: Quistis
Favorite Male Character: Seifer
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: Cid
Favorite Weapon: Save the Queen
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Shiva
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Blizzard magic
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Draw
Favorite Random Monster: Cactuar
Favorite Boss: Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Balamb Garden
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb Garden
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Quistis Intro
Favorite Music: Liberi Fatali
Favorite FMV: Quistis FMV

Worst Character: Irvine
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character: NA
Worst Weapon: Guns
Worst Limit Break: Irvine's
Worst GF: NA
Worst Garden: NA
Worst Magic: NA
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Devour
Worst Random Monster: NA
Worst Boss: NA
Worst Sorceress: NA
Worst Area: NA
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): NA
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: NA
Worst Music: NA
Worst FMV: NA
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rhinoa
Favorite NPC character: Cid
Favorite Weapon: Save the Queen
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Carbunkle
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Draw
Favorite Random Monster: Cactuar
Favorite Boss: Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Balamb Garden
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb Garden
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: when rhinoa and squall dance
Favorite Music: The music in Balamb Garden
Favorite FMV: when rhinoa and squall dance

Worst Character: Irvine
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character: None
Worst Weapon: a lot of them!
Worst Limit Break: Irvine's
Worst GF: none
Worst Garden: None
Worst Magic: None
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Devour
Worst Random Monster: None
Worst Boss: seifer
Worst Sorceress: None
Worst Area: None
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): None
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking :wacky:
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: None
Worst FMV: None
