Best & Worsts Thread

Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Seymour 4th time - the music pwns
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Hume
Favorite Temple: Remium
Favorite Area: Macalania Woods
Favorite Place: Bevelle
Favorite Song/Music: Otherworld/Suteki Da Ne/Tidus and Yunas theme
Favorite Weapon: Onion Knight
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Yuna lulu and Aurons
Favorite Aeon: The Magus Sisters
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Delta Attack - Magus Sisters
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Calm Lands Monster Arena
Favorite Cutscene: Lulu and wakkas hug <3
Favorite FMV: Underwater Kiss/When they enter sin

Worst Character: Kihmarhi
Worst Male Character: Kimarhi
Worst Female Character: None
Worst Boss: Evrae and Yunalesca
Worst Villain: Sin
Worst Race: Besaid
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Zanarkand
Worst Place: Besaid
Worst Song/Music: None
Worst Weapon: Wakkas First Ball thing
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Kimarhis - pointless
Worst Aeon: Ixion
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Ixion
Worst Magic: none
Worst Sidequest: Blitzball
Worst Cutscene: The FREAKY tidus and Yuna laugh scene
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: None
Favorite Villain: None
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Djose
Favorite Area: Bevelle
Favorite Place: Mt. Gagazet
Favorite Song/Music: Otherworld
Favorite Weapon: Auron's Masamune
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: All of Auron's
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Mega Flare
Favorite Magic: Quick Attack
Favorite Sidequest: Capturing different enemy types for the arena and the arena battles themselves
Favorite Cutscene:
When the party reaches Luca and Tidus taunts the Goers team
Favorite FMV:
Yuna's sending dance in Kilika

Worst Character: Tidus
Worst Male Character: Tidus
Worst Female Character: Rikku
Worst Boss: Yunalesca
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Macalania
Worst Area: Inside Sin
Worst Place: Inside Sin
Worst Song/Music: Suteki da ne
Worst Weapon: None
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Kimahri's Blue Magic
Worst Aeon: None
Worst Aeon Overdrive: None
Worst Magic: None
Worst Sidequest: Chocobo Lady racing (getting Tidus' sigil, ugh)
Worst Cutscene: Basically anything with Seymour in it.
Worst FMV:
When Tidus and Yuna make-out in Macalania Woods
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna :D
Favorite Boss: The Dark Aeons
Favorite Villain: Umm Seymour I guess
Favorite Race: The Ronso
Favorite Temple: Macalania Temple
Favorite Area: Moonflow? The bit outside Guadosalam. It's beautiful.
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Oh man everything...
Favorite Weapon: I can't remember...
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Tidus' always look cool.
Favorite Aeon: Valefor
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Bahamut's "hehe
Favorite Magic: Black magic?
Favorite Sidequest: The Dark Aeons
Favorite Cutscene: The one played on the opening outside Zanarkand
Favorite FMV: Yuna in know the one

Worst Character: Kimahri maybe...
Worst Male Character: As Above
Worst Female Character: Umm probably Rikku? But I love them all...
Worst Boss: Seymour wouldn't die!
Worst Villain: As above I guess
Worst Race: The Guado
Worst Temple: None
Worst Area: Thunder Plains
Worst Place: Zanarkand Ruins
Worst Song/Music: NONE!
Worst Weapon: Anything of Lulu's
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Again, anythign by Lulu...
Worst Aeon: Probably Ixion... but I do love them all too hehe
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Any other than Bahamut's
Worst Magic: I dunno...
Worst Sidequest: Chocobo racing
Worst Cutscene: Nah none
Worst FMV: I just loved it all sorry haha
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Sin
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Bevelle Temple
Favorite Area: Calm Lands
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Jecht's Theme
Favorite Weapon: Brotherhood
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Grand Summon
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Mega Flare
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Destroying the dark aeons
Favorite Cutscene: Tidus and Yuna laughing stupidly
Favorite FMV: Tidus and Yuna's farewell

Worst Character: Wakka
Worst Male Character: Wakka
Worst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss: Yu Yevon
Worst Villain: Jecht
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Kilika Temple
Worst Area: Mt. Gagazet
Worst Place: Kilika Island
Worst Song/Music: Kilika Island Theme
Worst Weapon: Moogle doll
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Mix
Worst Aeon: Magus Sisters
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy Ray
Worst Magic: Thunder
Worst Sidequest: Accessing the Requiem Temple Chamber of the Fayth
Worst Cutscene: Tidus and Lulu on the machina bike thing
Worst FMV: Rikku coming out of the water
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss: Seymour
Favorite Villain: Sin
Favorite Race: Guado
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Kilika Woods
Favorite Place: Kilika Woods
Favorite Song/Music: I cant remember the name, but its that rock song.
Favorite Weapon: Tidus' Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Auron's Tornado
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Doublecast
Favorite Sidequest: None, I hated the sidequests in this game
Favorite Cutscene: I liked all of them
Favorite FMV: When Sin destroys Kilika

Worst Character: Tidus
Worst Male Character: Tidus
Worst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss: Sanctuary Keeper
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Human
Worst Temple: Djose
Worst Area: Sanubia Desert
Worst Place: Sanubia Desert
Worst Song/Music: Sanubia Desert
Worst Weapon: Yuna's starting staff
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Wakka's status reels
Worst Aeon: Valefor
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy ray
Worst Magic: Status magic
Worst Sidequest: All of them
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Tidus
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Yojimbo
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Besaid
Favorite Area: Mi'ihen Highroad
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Hym of the Faith
Favorite Weapon: none

Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Yuna (grand summoning)
Favorite Aeon: Ifrit
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Yojimbo
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: forgot

Favorite Cutscene: ending

Worst Character:Grand Maester Mika
Worst Male Character: Grand Master Mika
Worst Female Character: None
Worst Boss: none
Worst Villain: Grand Master Mika
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Macalania

Worst Area: Thunder Planes
Worst Place: Moonflow
Worst Song/Music: none
Worst Weapon: Rikku's gloves
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Kimari
Worst Aeon: Yojimbo

Worst Aeon Overdrive: none
Worst Magic: none
Worst Sidequest: Thunder Plains (dodging lightining bolts)
Worst Cutscene: None I can think of
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character:Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss:Evrae
Favorite Villain: Seymor
Favorite Race:Ronsos
Favorite Temple:Djoso
Favorite Area:Calm Lands
Favorite Place: Luca Stadium
Favorite Song/Music: The Feith
Favorite Weapon: Lulus Onion Knight
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Tidus' Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Magnus Sisters
Favorite Magic:Flare
Favorite Sidequest: Monster Arena
Favorite Cutscene: The End It was soooooo cool
Favorite FMV: Whats a AMV??? -_-

Worst Character: Karmahri
Worst Male Character:The Main player from the Luca Goers
Worst Female Character: Yunalesca
Worst Boss:Lady Yunalesca (all forms)
Worst Villain:Mester Mika
Worst Race:Gaudo
Worst Temple: Bevvel i hated those trails!
Worst Area:Zanarkand
Worst Place: ---- don't know
Worst Song/Music: ------ don't know
Worst Weapon: Kahmaris Sprit Lance it looks so bad ><
Worst Main Party Overdrive: lulus because it cuts 40% of the damage :mad:
Worst Aeon: Velefor
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Velefor
Worst Magic: Demi
Worst Sidequest: Chocobo Race!!!
Worst Cutscene: Wedding (so boring)
Worst FMV: dunno what a AMV is.........
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Seymour
Favorite Female Character: Yuna.
Favorite Boss: Seymour Omnis
Favorite Villain:Seymour
Favorite Race: Guado
Favorite Temple: Bevelle
Favorite Area: Besaid Cloister of Trials
Favorite Place: Guadosalam
Favorite Song/Music: hmm... 'Feel'
Favorite Weapon: Caladblog
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Aeon Summoning duh
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Any Level 3 dark magic
Favorite Sidequest: The butterfly hunt <3
Favorite Cutscene: Yuna & Seyours Wedding
Favorite FMV: Yuna's Dance in Kilika

Worst Character: Tidus
Worst Male Character: Tidus
Worst Female Character: Dont rly have one.
Worst Boss: The ronso tribe. how gay >_<
Worst Villain: Maester Mika. Like seriously.
Worst Race: Ronso
Worst Temple: Zanarkand.
Worst Area: Makalania
Worst Place: Makalania
Worst Song/Music: Tidus's Hymn of the Faith
Worst Weapon: damn plain ball wakka has
Worst Main Party Overdrive: prob. the attack wheels, when you first start playing. so weak...
Worst Aeon: Ixion.
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Thor's Hammer (?)
Worst Magic: basic fire or something.
Worst Sidequest: ?
Worst Cutscene: dunno
Worst FMV: the ending. :P
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Ject
Favorite Villain: Yu Yevon
Favorite Race: Ronso
Favorite Temple: The one in Besaid
Favorite Area: Moonflow
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Music that plays during the "goodbye"
Favorite Weapon: Auron's sword
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Yuna's
Favorite Aeon: Valcifor
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Bahamut's
Favorite Magic: Ultima!
Favorite Sidequest: Didn't do any
Favorite Cutscene: Don't know
Favorite FMV: The ending one was nice

Worst Character: Seymore?
Worst Male Character: Seymore
Worst Female Character: That lady with the annoying voice that would follow you around.
Worst Boss: Seymore in the mountains
Worst Villain: Seymore
Worst Race: none
Worst Temple: Macalania, so confusing!
Worst Area: that place were it was real dark
Worst Place: Macalania temple
Worst Song/Music: Rikku's theme
Worst Weapon: Rikku's
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Lulu's, could never get it to fill up all the way.
Worst Aeon: Hmm... none really.
Worst Aeon Overdrive: none really
Worst Magic: the status ailments attacks never really worked when you needed them too.
Worst Sidequest: didn't do any
Worst Cutscene: don't know.
Worst FMV: The kiss underwater scene. SOOOOOOO cheesy!
Favorite Character:Rikku
Favorite Male Character:Kimarhi
Favorite Female Character:Rikku
Favorite Boss:That thing.. in that one place.. You know, with that attacking thingy?(I didn't know what to put x.x)
Favorite Villain:Jecht
Favorite Race:Al Bhed
Favorite Temple:Besaid
Favorite Area:Omega Ruins
Favorite Place:The part in the game where you learn the Jecht Shot
Favorite Song/Music:I don't have a favorite
Favorite Weapon:Cadalbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive:Mix
Favorite Aeon:Valefor
Favorite Aeon Overdrive:Mega Flare
Favorite Magic:I didn't use it.. xD
Favorite Sidequest:Learning the Jecht Shot
Favorite Cutscene:Finding Rikku
Favorite FMV:Yuna + Tidus at Lake Macalania(?)

Worst Character:Seymour
Worst Male Character:Seymour
Worst Female Character:Lulu
Worst Boss:Seymour - Final Battle
Worst Villain:Seymour
Worst Race:Guado
Worst Temple:Kilika
Worst Area:Thunder Plains
Worst Place:Guadosalam
Worst Song/Music:none
Worst Weapon:Brotherhood
Worst Main Party Overdrive:Lulu's whatchamacallit
Worst Aeon:Yojimbo
Worst Aeon Overdrive:Delta Attack (Took too long, and did the same damage anyway)
Worst Magic:I told you, I didn't use magic.. so all of them!
Worst Sidequest:Chocobo Eater
Worst Cutscene:Any of them with Seymour
Worst FMV:Wedding Cutscene

Favorite Character: Tidus
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Bahamut (At the end)
Favorite Villain: Seymour, hands down
Favorite Race: Ummmmm....
Favorite Temple: Bahamut's (Can't remember the name)
Favorite Area: Calm Lands
Favorite Place: The Airship
Favorite Song/Music: Auron's Theme or The Intro (in Zanarkand)
Favorite Weapon: My own for Tidus that blew Caladbolg away
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Bahamut's
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Catch the Butterflies (Annoying but funny)
Favorite Cutscene: Killing Sin
Favorite FMV: The end where Tidus leaps off the front of the ship

Worst Character: Kimahri until you can power him up
Worst Male Character: Kimhari
Worst Female Character: Lulu (Yuna's the better mage hands down)
Worst Boss: The big fish you escape from at the beginning
Worst Villain: Seymour again (Couldn't the guy get a clue?)
Worst Race:
Worst Temple: Lightning
Worst Area: The Lightning plains
Worst Place:
Worst Song/Music: The 'You Lost and you suck" Music
Worst Weapon: All of the Celestials (You can make one so much better)
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Wakka's Slots
Worst Aeon: None
Worst Aeon Overdrive: None
Worst Magic:
Worst Sidequest:
Worst Cutscene:
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Oaka
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Dark Anima
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Zanarkand
Favorite Area:Mout Gagazet
Favorite Place: Kilika Port
Favorite Song/Music: To Zanarkand ( Reborn)
Favorite Weapon: Caladborg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Attack Reels
Favorite Aeon: Magus Sisters
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Reflect
Favorite Sidequest: Dark Aeons
Favorite Cutscene: Killing Sin
Favorite FMV: Introduction

Worst Character: Grand Master Mika
Worst Male Character: Cid
Worst Female Character: Elma
Worst Boss: Pennence
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Ronso
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Besaid
Worst Place: Cavern of Stolen Fayth
Worst Song/Music: Fight Music
Worst Weapon: Long Sword
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Fury
Worst Aeon: Valefor
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy Blast
Worst Magic:Death
Worst Sidequest: Chocobo Eater
Worst Cutscene: Operation Mihen
Worst FMV:Wedding Cutscene
Here's mine....

Favorite Character: Tidus

Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna or Lulu
Favorite Boss: n/a (I hated all of them)
Favorite Villain: Yunalesca
Favorite Race: Ronso
Favorite Temple: The hidden one.
Favorite Area: Moonflow
Favorite Place: Besaid Island
Favorite Song/Music: n/a
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg ('cause of the name, obviously)
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: n/a
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut or Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Mega Flare
Favorite Magic: n/a
Favorite Sidequest: getting all the celestial weapons
Favorite Cutscene: n/a
Favorite FMV: n/a

Worst Character: I liked them all.
Worst Male Character: n/a
Worst Female Character: n/a
Worst Boss: Seymour Flux
Worst Villain: Seymour himself.
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: n/a
Worst Area: Thunder Plains
Worst Place: n/a
Worst Song/Music: n/a
Worst Weapon: Lulu's 'dolls'.
Worst Main Party Overdrive: n/a
Worst Aeon: Valefor
Worst Aeon Overdrive: n/a
Worst Magic: n/a
Worst Sidequest: n/a
Worst Cutscene: 'Laughing scene'
Worst FMV: n/a
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Yunalesca
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Temple: Cavern of The Stolen Fayth
Favorite Area: Calm Lands
Favorite Place: Monster Arena
Favorite Song/Music: To Zanarkand
Favorite Weapon: Masamune, Kotetsu. Omega (LOL)
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Tornado - Auron?
Favorite Aeon: Yojimbo
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion.
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Monster Capture.
Favorite Cutscene: Any with Seymour ^_^
Favorite FMV: "" ""

Worst Character: Tidus
Worst Male Character: ???
Worst Female Character: Tidus
Worst Boss: Sinspawn Gui
Worst Villain: I don't think there was any bad villains really.
Worst Race: Guado.
Worst Temple: Macalania
Worst Area: Macalania
Worst Place: Macalania Forest
Worst Song/Music: None.
Worst Weapon: Longsword
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Spiral Cut
Worst Aeon: Bahamut
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy Ray
Worst Magic: Demi
Worst Sidequest: None
Worst Cutscene: Laughing Cutscene in Luca.
Worst FMV: None.
Favorite Character: Auron. I LUUUURVE Auron!
Favorite Male Character: See above. Although Jecht and O'aka come close.
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Evrae (the first time round), purely bceause I had to teach my dad how to beat him, and that sense of superiority is hard to beat! Other than that, possibly Yunalesca. Scary lady.
Favorite Villain: Seymour. Bless him.
Favorite Race: Guado
Favorite Temple: Kilika
Favorite Area: The Omega Ruins. I spent FOREVER there.
Favorite Place: Macalania (aaay!)
Favorite Song/Music: Auron's theme/ Otherworld/ the Seymour boss battle music
Favorite Weapon: Masamune or the ball Wakka can get that petrifies fiends on contact - I forget what it's called....
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Valefor/ Anima/ Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion. It's got a funky beat to it!
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Sidequest: Jecht Spheres - does that count?
Favorite Cutscene: Any with Auron
Favorite FMV: Auron in Luca *slobber*

Worst Character: I kind of liked everyone in the party at least a wee bit. My least favourite character of all of them was either Kinoc (annoying), Mika (creepy!), Dona (ARGH!) or Belgemine (*shudder*)
Worst Male Character: See above.
Worst Female Character:See above.
Worst Boss: Yu Yevon. FAAAAR too easy.
Worst Villain: Mika.
Worst Race: I liked them all
Worst Temple: Bevelle. I HATE Bevelle...
Worst Area: Besaid *yawn*
Worst Place: The place Tidus first winds up in in Spira
Worst Song/Music: I liked pretty much all of it
Worst Weapon: Lulu's dolls are pretty pointless, although I will admit to liking the Deadly Cait Sith. Nothing funnier than death by stuffed cat - which is perhaps why FFVII is so popular (JK!)
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Yuna's. She technically doesn't have one.
Worst Aeon: Yojimbo.
Worst Aeon Overdrive: I liked them all
Worst Magic: Bio. What a letdown.
Worst Sidequest: ???
Worst Cutscene: Tidus and Yuna discussing their fathers -Tidus' repetitive hand gestures are preeeeetttty grating...
Worst FMV: The wedding scene, purely for Seymour's hat. Terrible, terrible hat. The rest of the FMV is fine but... that HAT! :blink:
Favorite Character: Tidus
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss:
Jecht Stage 2
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Djose
Favorite Area: Zanarkand
Favorite Place: Bevelle Cloister of Trials
Favorite Song/Music: To Zanarkand
Favorite Weapon: Brotherhood
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Yojimbo
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Zanmato
Favorite Magic: Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Chocobo Racing
Favorite Cutscene: Not sure.
Favorite FMV: Bevelle- surfing down those ropes.

Worst Character: Seymour
Worst Male Character: Seymour
Worst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss: Yu Yevon
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Kilika
Worst Area: Calm Lands (too quiet!)
Worst Place: Guadosalam
Worst Song/Music: None
Worst Weapon: None
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Mix
Worst Aeon: Magus Sisters
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy Ray
Worst Magic: Fire
Worst Sidequest: Butterfly Chasing
Worst Cutscene: Tidus and Yuna laughing like Maniacs
Worst FMV: None.
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Seymour (Gagazet)
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Kilika
Favorite Area: Omega Ruins
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Seymour music (Sin fight)
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Bushido
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Delta Attack
Favorite Magic: Holy
Favorite Sidequest: Arena capturing
Favorite Cutscene: When Tidus finds Auron at Luca
Favorite FMV: Start scene (blitzball in zanarkand)

Worst Character: Yuna
Worst Male Character: Tidus
Worst Female Character: Yuna
Worst Boss: Spherimorph
Worst Villain: Kinoc
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Djose
Worst Area: Thunder Plains
Worst Place: Bevelle
Worst Song/Music: Music played during blitzball
Worst Weapon: Moogle
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Fury
Worst Aeon: Yojimbo
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy Ray ( cuz Blast is better :p)
Worst Magic: Bio
Worst Sidequest: Butterfly catching -_-
Worst Cutscene: Tidus' dream at Mt. Gagazet
Worst FMV: Sorry but I found the macalania scene boring
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna - Lulu was a close second
Favorite Boss: Jecht
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: None, really
Favorite Temple: Djose
Favorite Area: Omega Ruins
Favorite Place: Besaid
Favorite Song/Music: Battle song when fighting Jecht
Favorite Weapon: Auron's epic
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Ifrit
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Hellfire
Favorite Magic: Ultima, for the graphics
Favorite Sidequest: Don't remember
Favorite Cutscene: Hmm - lots of them
Favorite FMV: Kilika, when Yuna did the Sending

Worst Character: Mika
Worst Male Character: Wakka
Worst Female Character: Shelinda
Worst Boss: Yevon
Worst Villain: Mika
Worst Race: None
Worst Temple: Bevelle - I HATED the Cloister there
Worst Area: Macalania Forest was a pain
Worst Place: Kilika
Worst Song/Music: None
Worst Weapon: Wakka's blitzball
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Wakka's
Worst Aeon: Magus Sisters - they never listened to me
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Hmm - I liked them all
Worst Magic: Flare
Worst Sidequest: Chocobo racing in Calm Lands
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character: Seymour <3
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss: uh...none
Favorite Villain:Seymour <3
Favorite Race: Al-Bhed
Favorite Temple: Hm...first one :3
Favorite Place: Guadosalam
Favorite Song/Music: Song of the Fayth
Favorite Weapon: the ones that hit good
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Auron's...tornado thing
Favorite Aeon: Ixion! <3
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Bahamut's...thing...
Favorite Magic: Um...
Favorite Sidequest:nonya
Favorite FMV: The wedding Crashers

Worst Character: Gawd....Wakka
Worst Male Character: Tidus
Worst Female Character: Yuna
Worst Boss: all of them. just especially sinspawn
Worst Villain: Maestor whatshisface
Worst Race: Psh...idk
Worst Temple: The...bahamut one.
Worst Area: Bahamut temple
Worst Place: Bahamut temple!!!
Worst Song/Music: that rock song at the final boss
Worst Weapon: probably the ones i'm no longer using
Worst Main Party Overdrive: idk
Worst Aeon: uh..
Worst Aeon Overdrive: asking the wrong person
Worst Magic: /shrug
Worst Sidequest: all of them XD
Worst Cutscene: anything involving tidus and yuna in the same vicinity
Worst FMV:...anything involving tidus and yuna in the same vicinity
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Seymour (Mt Gagazet and Inside Sin)
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Thunder Plains and Macalania Forest
Favorite Place: Bevelle
Favorite Song/Music: Challenge
Favorite Weapon: Spirit Lance
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Auron
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion (Anima)
Favorite Magic: Holy
Favorite Sidequest: Getting the Celestial weapons
Favorite Cutscene: Hmm...I liked the one before fighting Yunalesca
Favorite FMV: Opening one with Tidus playing blitzball

Worst Character: If I had to pick, Lulu
Worst Male Character: Kimarhi
Worst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss: None
Worst Villain: None
Worst Race: Ronso
Worst Temple: Besaid
Worst Area: Calm Lands
Worst Place: Kilika
Worst Song/Music: Mi'hein Highway
Worst Weapon: The first weapons you have equipped in the beginning haha
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Kimahri
Worst Aeon: Yojimbo
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Yojimbo
Worst Magic: Water
Worst Sidequest: Dodging 200 lightning bolts in a row :blink: (That was horrible haha)
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst FMV: None