Best & Worsts Thread

Favorite Character: tidus
Favorite Male Character: tidus
Favorite Female Character: yuna
Favorite Boss: seymour omnis
Favorite Villain: sin
Favorite Race: al bhed
Favorite Temple: kilika
Favorite Area: macalania woods
Favorite Place: luca
Favorite Song/Music: seymour battle,blitzball gamblers
Favorite Weapon: spirit lance
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: blitz ace
Favorite Aeon: bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: oblivion
Favorite Magic: summoning
Favorite Sidequest: blitball
Favorite Cutscene: wakka beating the psyches
Favorite FMV: sliding on the ropes into bevelle

Worst Character: seymour
Worst Male Character: seymour
Worst Female Character: yunalesca
Worst Boss: biran and yenke
Worst Villain: seymour
Worst Race: guado
Worst Temple: macalania
Worst Area: bikanel desert
Worst Place: Guadosalam
Worst Song/Music: the one playing at the spring during the fmv with tidus and yuna
Worst Weapon: moogle
Worst Main Party Overdrive: status reels
Worst Aeon: yojimbo
Worst Aeon Overdrive: diamond dust
Worst Magic: starting black magic spells
Worst Sidequest: lightning dodging
Worst Cutscene: when yuna gets up without doing her hair
Worst FMV: when yuna and tidus are in the spring
Favorite Character: Seymour
Favorite Male Character:Tidus
Favorite Female Character:Lulu
Favorite Boss:Seymour
Favorite Villain:Seymour
Favorite Race:Guado
Favorite Temple:None
Favorite Area:Guadosalam
Favorite Place:Guadosalam
Favorite Song/Music:guadosalam
Favorite Weapon:tidus' main weapon
Favorite Main Party Overdrive:Blitz ace tidus
Favorite Aeon:Shiva
Favorite Aeon Overdrive:shiva's (can remeber name of)
Favorite Magic:Thunder
Favorite Sidequest:
Favorite Cutscene:The kiss
Favorite FMV:end bit
Favorite character: Auron, Tidus
Favorite male character: Auron, Tidus
Favorite female character: Yuna, Rikku
Favorite boss: Braska's Final Aeon
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite race: Human
Favorite temple: the Zanarkand one
Favorite Area: Calm Lands
Favorite place: Macalania Forest
Favorite Song/Music: The wedding crashers
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Mega Flare
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite sidequest: Getting the Celestial Weapons
Favorite cutscene: Tidus' dream in Mt. Gagazet
Favorite FMV: The spring

Worst character: Maester Mika
Worst Male character: Barthello
Worst Female character: Donna
Worst boss: Sinspawn Ammes
Worst villain: None
Worst race: Guado
Worst temple: Bevelle
Worst song/music: None
Worst Area: None
Worst place: None
Worst Weapon: Moogle
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Element Reels
Worst Aeon: Yojimbo
Worst Aeon Overdrive: None
Worst Magic: Death
Worst Sidequest: Blitzball
Worst cutscene: The laughing scene at Luca
Worst FMV: None
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Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Lulu
Favorite Boss: Evrae Altana (zombie)
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Ronsos
Favorite Temple: Kilika
Favorite Area: Calm Plains
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Battle with Seymour
Favorite Weapon: Brotherhood
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Mega Flare
Favorite Magic: Haste
Favorite Sidequest: Blitzball
Favorite Cutscene:
Favorite FMV: Opening

Worst Character: Rikku
Worst Male Character: Kimahri
Worst Female Character: Rikku
Worst Boss:
Worst Villain:
Worst Race: Guados
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Ronso Mountain
Worst Place: Bevelle
Worst Song/Music: Lulu's Theme
Worst Weapon: Rikku's weapons
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Rikku's mix
Worst Aeon:
Worst Aeon Overdrive:
Worst Magic:
Worst Sidequest: Celestial weapons
Worst Cutscene:
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character:
Favorite Female Character:
Favorite Boss:
Favorite Villain: Hated them all!
Favorite Race: Ronso
Favorite Temple:
Favorite Area:
Calm Lands
Favorite Place:
Moonflow and Luca
Favorite Song/Music:
Zanarkand Theme and Battle music
Favorite Weapon:
Don't really have one
Favorite Main Party Overdrive:
Blitz Ace and Mix
Favorite Aeon:
Favorite Aeon Overdrive:
Mega Flare
Favorite Magic:
White magic all the way
Favorite Sidequest:
None, I don't really do them
Favorite Cutscene:
All of them are good
Favorite FMV:
The ending, I love it

Worst Character:
Worst Male Character:
Worst Female Character:
Worst Boss:
Worst Villain:
Seymour again, couldn't stand him
Worst Race: Al Bhed
Worst Temple:
Worst Area:
Bikanel Desert
Worst Place:
Bikanel Desert
Worst Song/Music:
All of it was cool
Worst Weapon:
Worst Main Party Overdrive:
Worst Aeon:
Worst Aeon Overdrive:
Not sure
Worst Magic:
Worst Sidequest:
All of them lol
Worst Cutscene:
I liked them all pretty much
Worst FMV:
Any with Seymour :P
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Yunalesca
Favorite Villain: Sin
Favorite Race: Humans
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Macalania Forest
Favorite Place: Zanarkand/Besaid Island
Favorite Song/Music: To Zanarkand, Ending Theme.
Favorite Weapon: Nirvana
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Grand Summon
Favorite Aeon: Shiva/Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Diamond Dust/Anima's one lol.
Favorite Magic: Holy/Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: Celestial Weapons
Favorite Cutscene: Whistling scene at Luca, Tidus finds out Yuna would die.
Favorite FMV: The ending fmv *sob*

Worst Character: Seymour.
Worst Male Character: Seymour. Manlady.
Worst Female Character: Shelinda lol..
Worst Boss: SEYMOUR.
Worst Villain: Geez. Seymour.. Don't like Maester Mika much either.. Or Tromell Guado!
Worst Race: Guado.
Worst Temple: Baaj Temple. S'all watery.
Worst Area: Gagazet trail.
Worst Place: Calm Lands, without a chocobo dangit!
Worst Song/Music: Battle music.
Worst Weapon: Any of Lulu's using attack haha.
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Elemental Reels.
Worst Aeon: Magus Sisters i.e the lazy fat one.
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy ray.
Worst Magic: Lancet.
Worst Sidequest: Dark Aeons..
Worst Cutscene: Anything with Seymour, I hate his voice.
Worst FMV: The first one with Yuna lol, Tidus making all those stupid noises as if he's never seen a girl before..
Favorite Character: Rikku
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss:
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Guado
Favorite Temple: Djose
Favorite Area: Besaid
Favorite Place: Mi'hien Highroad
Favorite Song/Music: Before the Calm
Favorite Weapon: Calabolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive:
Favorite Aeon: Shiva
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Diamond Dust
Favorite Magic: Thundaga
Favorite Sidequest: n/a
Favorite Cutscene: n/a
Favorite FMV: Yuna & Tidus making out. =)

Worst Character: Lulu
Worst Male Character: Seymour
Worst Female Character: Lulu
Worst Boss: Sin
Worst Villain: Yu Yeavon
Worst Race: Ronso
Worst Temple: Kilika Temple
Worst Place: Calm Lands
Worst Song/Music:
Worst Weapon: Onion Knight
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Mix
Worst Aeon: Valefor
Worst Aeon Overdrive: n/a
Worst Magic: Demi
Worst Sidequest: Butterfly Catching
Worst Cutscene: n/a
Worst FMV: n/a
Favorite Character: Sir Auron

Favorite Male Character: Sir Auron

Favorite Female Character: Rikku

Favorite Boss: Final Sin Fights

Favorite Villain: Seymour

Favorite Race: Ronso

Favorite Temple: Beville

Favorite Area: Zanarkand

Favorite Place: Besaid Island

Favorite Song/Music: Opening FMV Music/BFA Theme

Favorite Weapon: Masamune

Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace

Favorite Aeon: Bahamut

Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Zanmato

Favorite Magic: Ultima

Favorite Sidequest: Ultimate Weapon Searching
Favorite Cutscene: Dunno
Favorite FMV: The Kiss Between Yuna and Tidus

Worst Character: Kimarhi

Worst Male Character: Kimarhi

Worst Female Character: Lulu

Worst Boss: Seymour Flux(damn him!)

Worst Villain: Yu Yevon

Worst Race: Human(so overrated!)

Worst Temple: Besaid(too easy)

Worst Area: Farplane

Worst Place: Calm Lands

Worst Song/Music: Dunno

Worst Weapon: Spirit Lance

Worst Main Party Overdrive: Fury(not really worth it IMO)

Worst Aeon: Yojimbo

Worst Aeon Overdrive: Hellfire

Worst Magic: Demi
Worst Sidequest: Butterfly Catching
Worst Cutscene: Dunno
Worst FMV: Dunno
Favorite character: Auron
Favorite male character: Auron
Favorite female character: Yuna
Favorite boss: Any Seymour Form
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite race: Human
Favorite temple: Zanarkand
Favorite Area: Omega Ruins
Favorite place: Zanarkand
Favorite Song/Music: Zanarkand intro theme
Favorite Weapon: Masamune
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Attack Reels
Favorite Aeon: Anima

Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Auto-Life
Favorite sidequest: Celestial Weapons
Favorite cutscene: Auron's Sending

Favorite FMV: Ending

Worst character: Tromell
Worst Male character: Barthello
Worst Female character: Lucil
Worst boss: Yunalesca
Worst villain: :huh:
Worst race: Ronso
Worst temple: Bevelle
Worst song/music: :huh:
Worst Area: :huh:
Worst place: None
Worst Weapon: Moogle
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Blue Magic - Jump
Worst Aeon: Ixion
Worst Aeon Overdrive: None
Worst Magic: Slow
Worst Sidequest: None
Worst cutscene: Laughing scene
Worst FMV: None
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Favorite Character: auron
Favorite Male Character:auron
Favorite Female Character:rikku
Favorite Boss:yunalesca
Favorite Villain:seymour
Favorite Race:al behd
Favorite Temple:macalania
Favorite Area:eek:mega ruins
Favorite Place:moonflow
Favorite Song/Music:none
Favorite Weapon:masamune
Favorite Main Party Overdrive:attack reels
Favorite Aeon:magus sisters
Favorite Aeon Overdrive:eek:blivion
Favorite Magic:auto life
Favorite Sidequest:monster arena
Favorite Cutscene:auron being sent *sniff*
Favorite FMV:the beginning - with auron

Worst Character: none
Worst Male Character:none
Worst Female Character:lulu - only because i never use her
Worst Boss:dark bahamut - im STILL stuck on him
Worst Villain:erm....dunno
Worst Race:none
Worst Temple:cavern of the stolen fayth
Worst Area:mt. gagazet
Worst Place:none
Worst Song/Music:none
Worst Weapon:kimarhis are all pretty weak
Worst Main Party Overdrive:lulus are pretty naff
Worst Aeon:yojimbo
Worst Aeon Overdrive:yojimbos if you dont pay him enuf
Worst Magic:
Worst Sidequest:dodging them bloody thunder bolts
Worst Cutscene:dunno
Worst FMV: yuna & tidus in the lake - too cheesy
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Kimahri
Favorite Female Character: Lulu/Yuna
Favorite Boss: Yu Yevon
Favorite Villain:
Favorite Race: Ronso
Favorite Temple: Besaid Temple
Favorite Area: Mt. Gagazet, Prominence
Favorite Place: Zanarkand (the dream city)
Favorite Song/Music: Dream Fade Away and Blitzballers
Favorite Weapon: Spider's kiss
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Mix
Favorite Aeon: Valefor
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Diamond Dust
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Sidequest: Thunder
Favorite Cutscene: When Tidus finds out that Yuna will die
Favorite FMV: The Wedding

Worst Character: Wakka
Worst Male Character: Wakka/Auron (no offence Auron fans)
Worst Female Character:
Worst Boss: Dark Magus Sisters
Worst Villain: Seymour/Kinoc (they're terrible
Worst Race: the Yevonites :P (I know they're not a race)
Worst Temple: Djose Temple
Worst Area: Kilika, the woods
Worst Place: Omega Ruins
Worst Song/Music: Wakka's theme
Worst Weapon: Mana mog (I quickly run out of MP)
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Auron's
Worst Aeon:
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Ixion's is boring
Worst Magic: Bio
Worst Sidequest: Collect the Al Bhed primers
Worst Cutscene: Seymour in Gagazet
Worst FMV: The beggining
Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Final Aeon
Favorite Villain: None
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Bevelle Temple
Favorite Area: Mt. Gagazet, Calm Lands
Favorite Place: Bevelle
Favorite Song/Music: Blitzball Intro, Intro
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Mix
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Diamond Dust
Favorite Magic: Firaga
Favorite Sidequest: Monster Arena
Favorite Cutscene: Valefor's Summoning
Favorite FMV: End Scene, Kilika Sending

Worst Character: Seymour
Worst Male Character: Seymour
Worst Female Character: Donna
Worst Boss: Yu Yevon
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: The Yevonites-They Are A Race!!
Worst Temple: Djose Temple
Worst Area: Macalania Woods
Worst Place: Kilika
Worst Song/Music: None, Loved The Soundtrack
Worst Weapon: Official Ball
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Fury
Worst Aeon: Magus Sisters
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Worst Magic: Gravity
Worst Sidequest: Temple Treasures
Worst Cutscene: Laughing Scene At Luca
Worst FMV: Wakka's Intro
Favorite Character: Auron
Favorite Male Character: Tidus/Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Yu Yevon
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Human
Favorite Temple: Thunder One
Favorite Area: The farplane
Favorite Place: The farplane
Favorite Song/Music: The music in the farplane
Favorite Weapon: Auron's one
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Auron's one
Favorite Aeon: Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Anima's one, the bottom part looks like something from Iron maiden lol
Favorite Magic: Stuff like ultima and stuff
Favorite Sidequest: The monster killing one
Favorite Cutscene: Not sure
Favorite FMV: The part with everyone skating down the airship rope to save yuna, that part was just cool

Worst Character: Kimarhi
Worst Male Character: Kimahri
Worst Female Character: Rikku (she was just annoying)
Worst Boss: Seymour
Worst Villain: Seymour (hey he was a good villan but you just had to hate him aswell)
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: not sure they were all cool
Worst Area: Bevelle
Worst Place: Bevelle
Worst Song/Music: Dunno
Worst Weapon: Dunno
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Dunno
Worst Aeon: Ixion
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Ixion's one
Worst Magic: Dunno
Worst Sidequest: Dunno
Worst Cutscene: Dunno
Worst FMV: Dunno
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Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: The boss in the Omega Ruins. The strong one. xD
Favorite Villain: Sin
Favorite Race: Hume
Favorite Temple: Shiva
Favorite Area: Besaid
Favorite Place: Besaid
Favorite Song/Music: Yuna's Theme
Favorite Weapon: Nirvana or maybe Yuna's first staff coz it looks beautiful. xD
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Rikku
Favorite Aeon: Shiva
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Oblivion
Favorite Magic: Holy
Favorite Sidequest: Shiva's cloister of trials.
Favorite Cutscene: The intro! xDD
Favorite FMV: The sending

Worst Character: Donna
Worst Male Character: Barthello
Worst Female Character: Donna
Worst Boss: Fighting Sin on the boat going to kilika.
Worst Villain: Seymour
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: Bahamut
Worst Area: Bevelle
Worst Place: Bevelle
Worst Song/Music: None
Worst Weapon: Longsword
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Spiral cut
Worst Aeon: Ifrit
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Thor's Hammer
Worst Magic: Fire
Worst Sidequest: Catching the butterflies
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character:Tidus
Favorite Male Character:Tidus
Favorite Female Character:Yuna
Favorite Boss:Don Tonberry (he made my live so much easier)
Favorite Villain:Seymour(and all his sweet trying to kill me forms)
Favorite Race:Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Remiem Temple
Favorite Area:Luca & Omega Ruins
Favorite Place:whaat's the difference with area?
Favorite Song/Music:...
Favorite Weapon:all celestial weapons and those with overdrive>AP
Favorite Main Party Overdrive:Energy Rain
Favorite Aeon:Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive:Zanmato
Favorite Magic:Holy & Ultima
Favorite Sidequest: dark aeons
Favorite Cutscene:...
Favorite FMV:...

Favorite Character: Rikku.
Favorite Male Character:
Favorite Female Character:
Favorite Boss:
Braska's Final Aeon(Jecht)
Favorite Villain: Seymour.
Favorite Race: Al Bhed.
Favorite Temple:
Favorite Area:
Favorite Place:
Favorite Song/Music:
Suteki da Ne
Favorite Weapon:
Favorite Main Party Overdrive:
Mix. <33333
Favorite Aeon:
Shiva. <3
Favorite Aeon Overdrive:
Diamond Dust.
Favorite Magic:
Favorite Sidequest:
I didn't.. really.. do them...x.x*cough*
Favorite Cutscene:
"Believe in Yuna.."
Favorite FMV:
The Sending, and Yuna and Seymour's Wedding.

Worst Character:
Biran and Yenke.
Worst Male Character:
Worst Female Character:
Worst Boss:
Seymour on Gagazet.. took me FOREVER to kill.><
Worst Villain: Yu Yevon.
Worst Race:
Worst Temple:
Worst Area:
Worst Place:
Worst Song/Music:
I can't say I have a least favorite song or piece of music... the soundtrack is beautiful overall.
Worst Weapon:
Wakka's blitzball.
Worst Main Party Overdrive:
Worst Aeon:
Worst Aeon Overdrive:
Worst Magic:
Worst Sidequest:
Worst Cutscene:
Worst FMV:
None, they were all gorgeous.
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Favorite Character: Tidus
Favorite Male Character: Tidus
Favorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss: Braska's Final Aeon
Favorite Villain: Seymour (annoying as hell, but a good character)
Favorite Race: Ronso
Favorite Temple: Kilika
Favorite Area: Macalania Lake, it's just beautifully done.
Favorite Place: Mount Gagazet
Favorite Song/Music: Otherworld/Jecht's Theme (the one during the Final Aeon fight)
Favorite Weapon: Caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Blitz Ace
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Mega Flare
Favorite Magic: Summoning, if that counts. Black Magic if not, more specifically Ultima.
Favorite Sidequest: Dark Aeons
Favorite Cutscene: Tidus finding out about Yuna in Home
Favorite FMV: Invading Bevelle on the Airship/Ending

Worst Character: Mika
Worst Male Character: Mika
Worst Female Character: None?
Worst Boss: Most Sinspawns and forms of Seymour
Worst Villain: Mika
Worst Race: Al Bhed
Worst Temple: Bevelle
Worst Area: Moonflow
Worst Place: Guadosalam
Worst Song/Music: None
Worst Weapon: Lulu's were a bit annoying
Worst Main Party Overdrive: None
Worst Aeon: Magus Sisters, but only because they looked ridiculous.
Worst Aeon Overdrive: None
Worst Magic: None
Worst Sidequest: Lightning Dodging
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst FMV: None
Favorite Character:Rikku
Favorite Male Character:Tidus
Favorite Female Character:Rikku
Favorite Boss omega weapon (Pal)
Favorite Villain:Seymour
Favorite Race:Al bhed
Favorite Temple:djose temple
Favorite Area:calm lands
Favorite Place:luca
Favorite Song:those who come closer
Favorite Weapon:caladbolg
Favorite Main Party Overdrive:Slice&Dice
Favorite Aeon:Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive:eek:blivion
Favorite Magic:ultima
Favorite Sidequest:none
Favorite Cutscene: at thunderplains in the shop
Favorite FMV:none

Worst Character:Kimahri
Worst Male Character:kimahri
Worst Female Character:lulu
Worst Boss:nemesis
Worst Villain:master mika
Worst Race:guado
Worst Temple:bevelle temple
Worst Area:mt gagazet
Worst Place:bevelle
Worst Song/Music:none
Worst Weapon:dols
Worst Main Party Overdrive:none
Worst Aeon:none
Worst Aeon Overdrive:none
Worst Magic:first black magics (fire lightning blizzard water)
Worst Sidequest:dodging 200 lightning bolts
Worst Cutscene:none
Worst FMV:none
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Favorite Character: Lulu (Higher than my fav. male and fav. female.)
Favorite Male Character: Seymour
Favorite Female Character: Rikku
Favorite Boss: The Al Bhed Machina in Luca
Favorite Villain: Seymour
Favorite Race: Al Behd
Favorite Temple: Macalania
Favorite Area: Moonflow
Favorite Place: Guadosalam
Favorite Song/Music: N/A
Favorite Weapon: Very Tired Cait Sith? (Don't remember the name.)
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Mix
Favorite Aeon: Ifrit
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Hellfire
Favorite Magic: Watera
Favorite Sidequest: N/A
Favorite Cutscene: The Good Graphixed Sin cutscene
Favorite FMV: N/A

Worst Character: Wakka
Worst Male Character: Wakka
Worst Female Character: Yuna (Not that I don't like her, I just don't use her that much.)
Worst Boss: The Al Bhed Machina in the frozen place
Worst Villain: The Bad Al Bheds
Worst Race: Ronso (Cool and all, but he's boring to train, considering you might've already finished the Sphere Grid with the character he's copying, therefore no surprises.)
Worst Temple: Djose
Worst Area: Thunder Plains
Worst Place: Djose
Worst Song/Music: N/A
Worst Weapon: Warrior's Sword
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Bushido (Dragon Fang and Shooting Star)
Worst Aeon: Valefor
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Energy Ray
Worst Magic: Blizzara
Worst Sidequest: N/A
Worst Cutscene: Jyscal Sphere
Worst FMV: N/A

Yep, I finally got it! FWEEH! Too bad I'm stuck on Seymour...
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Favorite Character: Yuna
Favorite Male Character: Auron
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favorite Boss: Sanctuary Keeper, Omega
Favorite Villain: --
Favorite Race: Al Bhed
Favorite Temple: Bevelle
Favorite Area: --
Favorite Place: Luca
Favorite Song/Music: Hum of the Fayth, Lulu's Theme
Favorite Weapon: Onion Knight
Favorite Main Party Overdrive: Reels
Favorite Aeon: Bahamut, Anima
Favorite Aeon Overdrive: Mega Flare, Diamond Dust
Favorite Magic: Black Magic
Favorite Sidequest: Monster Catching, Chocobo
Favorite Cutscene: Spring
Favorite FMV: Destruction of Kilika, opening, end

Worst Character: Kimahri
Worst Male Character: Wakka
Worst Female Character: --
Worst Boss: --
Worst Villain: One of the Maesters...
Worst Race: Guado
Worst Temple: --
Worst Area: Highroad
Worst Place: --
Worst Song/Music: --
Worst Weapon: Monster catching ones
Worst Main Party Overdrive: Blue Magic
Worst Aeon: --
Worst Aeon Overdrive: Magus Sisters' (nice to watch, but they can do 99999 in one hit)
Worst Magic: Blue Magic, early magic
Worst Sidequest: --
Worst Cutscene: Corny Tidus lines
Worst FMV: 2 second Sin shots