Better left alone?

Comic Book Nerd

ShinRa Guard
Jan 3, 2007
nottingham, uk
Ok so FFVII was a huge sucess! And sucess means money.

I Loved the game, but im starting to get fed up with the game being milked to death! It's had a film set after it ( in my opinion I quite liked AC), a ps2 spin off game, then mobile phone spin offs and a psp one too!

Is this just too much, i hated DoC and am considering weather or not to get Crisis Core.

Do you think the game should be laid to rest, being known as the best RPG ever or would you still like to see more spin offs?

personally im inbetween, I Liked the film, but not DoC, whats everyone else think?
Personally, I think they shoud just quit making spin offs and make a final remake..then it can be left alone ,lol.
lol yeah, ever since i got the tinterweb i started to look up all things FFVII and even then heard roumers of a remake. personially id much prefer a remake to more and more sequels/prequels. id even consider getting a ps3 to play it!
It's a little overkill, altho tbh I didn't really mind DoC - there was just no real need for it really.

I would have been happy with just a film (as I always thought the game ended leaving me wanting more) and a remake

Altho I have to admit, Im REALLY looking forward to Crisis Core lol
Part of the reason i bought a psp was so id have one for when CC comes out over here. I agree with you, part of the love of the game was that it left you wanting more, so you played it again. it didnt leave you wanting another game from it. thatd be like some of the greatest films of all time, having stupid sequals. " Shawshank redemption 2". it wouldnt work would it.
That's why I bought a psp aswel lol, see I cpmplain about all the sequels and stuff but I still buy them, I had to get the spesh ed of AC imported beacuse I wanted Last Order haha

Im such a fan girl :wacky:

Please stop squenix, I can't afford to keep up *shakes fist*
Eh, I don't really care. If they want to milk the game for everything it's worth, then that's up to them to decide.

I wish they'd throw us a FFVII remake. That's what everyone seems to want.
I'd prefer it if the FFVII compilation only consisted of CC, the game and AC, that would be just fine. That being said, after they make CC, I hope they leave it alone. Unless they remake the original game.
I think that's all that the fans ever really wanted anyway but they are sooooo milking it for what it's worth....

I would kill for a remake :wacky:

Or put a PS3 on my credit card .....>_<
yeah I think everyone wants a remake, and to me DoC was such a let down, its sort of put me off. I think Going down the whol mobile phone game path is just stupid, i hate mobile games.
Like I've always said: I was fine with VII back in 97 and I'd be just fine with the same old VII, alone, right now. It's really hard to explain but the game has lost alot of magic, for me, since we've had the compliation come along. Part of the magic, for me, was imagining what the characters did after the fantasy was over. But hell, if this keeps going - I daresay, none of us will have to imagine a thing! But, it's okay. If a remake is made, you know I'll be one of the many drooling faithful . I'll complain and still buy. xD
I really do think all of the spin-offs are major overkill. I mean, there's not much harm in making an extra game for one game, but when the numbers keep rising it's just silly. It would be nice if they put all of this extra storyline bits into the original game and did a remake as someone else said (as long as they don't change the composition of the original game), so it all can be in one place. I think that would be much more convenient.
I completely agree, as much as I've enjoyed the compilation so far, and I'm looking forward to Crisis Core, another apparent 10 years of Compilation would drive me insane. Either they should bring it all together in a remake or perhaps even finish with a sequel to DoC, building on the whole Genesis thing, maybe even grinning and bearing a final Sephy showdown, whatever. Please no cartoons, please no more mobile games, and please NO MORE LOSS OF CANON THROUGH WEIRD PLOT DEVIATIONS!!!!
I loved the movie and I was okay with it...but I am starting to get annoyed with all the extra titles. One or two is fine but damn...there are too many already and thing is, what the people really would want is a simple remake of the game. I know a lot of us would be happy, no changes, no adding of anything, just a simple graphic update. Is that too much to ask for Enix? =/
I am getting Crisi Core, it sounds promising, but I hope it doesn't let me down...I dun wanna be heart broken T~T just because Enix doesn't LISTEN TO THE PLAYERS!! >>;; So yeah...
Yes, I do think that they should just leave this game alone and concentrate on new ones. We know that the game is a huge success, but that doesn't mean fans are asking for various spin-offs. >.> A remake would be awesome though. =)

Personally though, it's not that it seriously bothers me that they're making a bunch of spin-offs for the game. I mean, for the numbers that they've already developed and released, I'd say that's quite fine. But any more than that in the future may irritate me.
At the end of the day, you control yourself just how much the story becomes "ruined." If you already feel that the story of VII has reached breaking point and you simply can't stand to see another spin-off, just don't buy it. There's no point in complaining afterwards - if you've been expecting a drag and it turns out to be a drag, it just makes you right.

I really see no reason for sequels to stop, for any title for that matter. A number of people do enjoy them and even the people who don't still end up feeding SE their profits. There's no reason for them to stop - as far as you're concerned, if you don't play the other titles then the original can't possibly be ruined for you.

It's like skipping to the last chapter when you're reading a book, although you have even more control over how you 'read the book,' if you'll accept this simile.
I think everything after the game has been too much TBH, it's just one instalment! Final Fantasy is the name of the series NOT Final Fantasy VII!
i dont mind sequels , prequels and remakes, but the only problem is the ever-growing storyline...

I cant keep track of whats going on because i've played the games over the time they were released and i forget the story as i go along