FF Music Black Mages

I love their music (Suppose its thanks to Nobuo's presence).

Their renditions of some of the songs' ain't that bad either, and I hope to see more of their concerts.. If they still perform, that is.
I love their music (Suppose its thanks to Nobuo's presence).

Their renditions of some of the songs' ain't that bad either, and I hope to see more of their concerts.. If they still perform, that is.

They did a live performance in August over in Japan to celebrate the third album. Apparantly it was an awesome show and a DVD showing it should be on its way to the public soon. :D
Wow, you bet I'll be buying it if it gets to me.. And i didn't think they were still performing though. I thought Nobuo Uematsu would be more than busy enough than to be able to hold a concert, even if he's a workaholic (As can be seen from IX)
Wow, you bet I'll be buying it if it gets to me.. And i didn't think they were still performing though. I thought Nobuo Uematsu would be more than busy enough than to be able to hold a concert, even if he's a workaholic (As can be seen from IX)

They pretty much get on with their own lives and careers most of the time, but they get together to do Black Mages stuff whenever all their timetables are free.
Sadly this means they'll be very unlikely to tour often. Their live performances have all so far been in single venues and they haven't been to many places.

Still... They did say though that they were keeping their minds open. They're really excited about the support the band has had, and may even try and tackle the US and Europe with live performances one day! But for the moment, as they are relatively busy, it's unlikely.
Argor251 said:
.. They did say though that they were keeping their minds open. They're really excited about the support the band has had, and may even try and tackle the US and Europe with live performances one day! But for the moment, as they are relatively busy, it's unlikely.

Well, thats good enough news for me. Meanwhile, I'll have to continue getting their albums by downloading, or buying off EBay, or Amazon...
The Black Mages

So, The Black Mages are a band with Nobuo Uematsu and they basic do rock versions of all the FF songs.
They have three albums out so far I believe and are still releasing stuff. They're really good and you can recognise all of the songs:

Those who fight further (FFVII)

Force your way (FVIII)

You should check them out ;]

(Sorry if there's already a thread about this somewhere, I coudn't find any)
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I have bought every "The Black Mages" album that i could find. I have also... : one which is given below.................I hope you find something........