Book or Movie?

Books or Movie?

  • Books

    Votes: 27 62.8%
  • Movie

    Votes: 16 37.2%

  • Total voters
It really depends, sometimes the books are better then the movies, sometimes it's vice-versa. I'll admit that I couldn't stand the Lord of the Rings books, I found them very hard to get through, but I loved the movies.
Lord of the Rings books being the exception, though I actually read them, I prefer books over the movies because, as you guys said, it's more 'detailed'.
And I hate it when they, i.e. the directors, cut out some really good scenes thinking they can get away with it.

True fans rally though.;)
Or don't want to for screentime sakes.
I think they're scared of the critics. Mm hmm. Mm hmm..
i like both but my preferance is books because you can use your imagination for the characters
Where Da Vinci Code is concerned, the book was much better. But this is only because movies miss out a lot of minimal, yet important, imformation.
Books allow everyone an opportunity to be an authors producer and graphics/special effects director. They describe it. You see it. And if you had the means and the knowledge to duplicate what you see, you very well may try. Books are better because there are those people who claim to not be the creative type. However, if you could see their own perception of the events and characters within a book, you would be amazed at how easily it could top a movie. A movie is done by many people. Several brainstorming different areas of a plot or effect. But what a person sees in their mind from reading a book is more remarkable because with the desire and the right education in person can design the whole thing. Movies, though we love them, are a packaged and not very precise version of an authors dream projected to an audience. Movies inspire new ideas...but books usually keep dormant the visions of the reader...I believe people who claim to not be artistic are simply unable to display it in order to prove it.
Usually the book, though there are exceptions like the earlier pointed out LOTR series. Harry Potter's movies were better too if you ask me. Dune was a great novel with a lousy movie, same for Watchmen (as the movie was too short too small to fit the novel in).
Tbh I like both.

Book: They keep you away from PC and you can read them whenever you want and it's actually nice to read and gives you the calm feeling.

Movies: Without tiring your brain you can watch and understand it and you can see what you were imagining when you were reading the book. <_<
Books for me. I never really did see screen adaptions as something that had to compete with the original work though. To me seeing a movie adaption of a favourite book, is more of a supplement than something that stands on it's own. Like flipping through an artwork book, you get to see someone else's interpretation of it.

Oh and there's no way in hell that the LOTR movie trilogy is better than the books. It's a competent enough work, and a lot of Peter Jackson's Middle Earth looks exactly as I've always imagined it. There are too many huge blaring errors to make it on par with the books though. Elves in Helm's Deep? No Dúnedain? No Prince Imrahil? wtf...
I preffer book but it's interesting to see how the movie turns out. For example the first Twilight movie was a complete disaster (in my opinion) but judging from the New Moon trailer it looks much better.
Memoirs of a Geisha is my favourite book because you can imagine and feel as if you're there. And although the movie has cut out many scenes it was still excellent.
I prefer the book, you dont have to cram all teh detail into afew hours and lose loads of the detail and stuff, plus you dont have to pause a book for toilet breaks, but yeah, I just find that books tend to be more detailed and in depth and there's no limits to your own imagination, tehr's only so much a film can do, and there's the risk it might not live up to expectations if the film is adapted from a book, in most cases they change that bloody much you wonder why it even shares the same name, should say loosely based at the beginning of the film ¬.¬

Although, on the other hand, you cant really cuddle up to a book :wacky:
Id say books appeal to me more then a movie. Movies are good to though, I read books about a certain movie or game I really liked to get more detail or fill in the missing gaps of the movie thats been left out since they cant possibly put everything into a 2 hour film without making everything confusing.
I like both but I prefer watching movies. If it's a book turned movie though, I'd much rather read the book as they are almost always better.

Why movies? It's a time for my Husband and I to spend some much needed down-time together. :]
I often like the books better. The movies tend to leave out scenes, or add scenes that were never supposed to be there, which can be annoying. I'm not saying the movies are bad, 'cause they're good in their own way, but the books provide more detail and are the original plot.
Well generally speaking, the movies. Only because I don't like reading novels.

Most authors of books feel the need to bombard the reader with countless metaphors, imagery, etc. that are either difficult to visualize , or that I really don't care about. It is to a point where reading can be such a chore and I can't wait to put the freaking book DOWN. In all of the times that I have read books (whether for school or leisure) nothing has ever stood out as being more than mildly interesting.

I'm not much of a movie watcher either. The only movie I have seen in the past few years that I considered to be worthy of my 2-3 hours was a film called The Prestige.

But the fact is, I have grown up with video games being a big part of my life. Everything else just doesn't measure up to them.
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I usually prefer the books. Movies normally cut out alot of content from the books, which is to be expected, but more often than not, they will leave out key plot points, and I this really irritates me. The movies also sometimes ruin the author's vision of how things would look. That's the main reason I prefer books.