
  • Thread starter Judge Ghis
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Judge Ghis

Does anyone here actually care for FFXIII so far? To me it looks well, boring - the trailer did nothing for me - I don't care if it's for the PS3, the graphics turn me off, the main character so far, looks uninteresting - the graphics also remind me of Wipeout. I don't know why so many people are already calling this the greatest FF eva, just because it looks really good ( well it is PS3 graphics, what did you expect? Still..I guess I have to wait for more characters ), the battle system kicks ass - how the hell do you know? Have you played the game? All you heard is words. You have not seen actual gameplay.

I know for a fact you are baised against this game Lisa but your point is valid.

Making claims about a game you have not played is simple foolish.
Oh and Final Fantasy VII is the best ever let no one challenge that.
Well this is a typical occurance especially for the Final Fantasy Series. It's like this for almost every Final Fantasy title released. I won't jump the gun and say this game is "The Best" ever released, simply because I haven't played it, I think that should be good enough for anyone to agree on.

I do however have to say that this game does look somewhat promising, I like the idea how they linked the games together. They take place in different worlds "Alternate Universes" or "Parallel Universes" which ever you understand better. The only titles we have really seen are Final Fantasy XIII which is the most promoted title, then there's Final Fantasy Versus XIII. I know there is one more Final Fantasy XIII title and if I'm not mistake, even a fourth one. I guess the interesting thing about this, is that it's unlike any other Final Fantasy mini series we've seen such as Final Fantasy X-2, which was set as a sequal, then the Final Fantasy VII Compilation which included a mix of game/movies. Both FFVII and X were all played in the same world, same characters etc... but this setup that FFXIII has may prove a little more interesting.
Thats what I would like to know. I have seen a few trailers but none of them really give much information, thats why I'm not really bothered about it at the moment. All I'm thinking about is the release of Final Fantasy XII at the moment. I'm hoping that it has an in depth plot though. Final Fantasy games are known for their deep plots, but they seems to be a little lacking when it came to Final Fantasy X. Don't get me wrong, Final Fantasy X was fine, but it wasn't as in depth as previouse Final Fantasy's y'know?

Well, I'm not fussed at the moment, but thats mainly because I don't know much of it.
I agree with ou on that point XIII is far too into the future I doubt us in the UK will see it for another two years anyway. I can at least expct XII soon like the end of this year or the start of next year...
Both FFVII and X were all played in the same world, same characters etc... but this setup that FFXIII has may prove a little more interesting.

Excuse me, how about no? FFVII and FFX were in different worlds, FFVII's world was at a different time, so was FFX's! Just because of these little similarities, does not mean that they are in the same universe. Same characters? Hello, erm, where exactly? These little connections are just things which happen in every game, little references to certain games. They're not connected.

The existence of four games seems pretty pointless in the FFXIII world - one on a mobile phone? Oh, thanks guys, for making it on a format I don't have! Well done!
How can anyone possible think that the characters are the same?!

Good grief I know that the similarities square made seem to suggest som distant connection but that was only like a easter egg thing they did it is not actually cannon.
Until discussion rose about Final Fantasy VII and X having similarities, I really didn't think anything of it. It just seemed like tow totally different worlds and different characters.

Also having it on a mobile would be a complete gutter for me too. I have a mobile, but I never use it and its ancient so the chances of it playing mobilr games is a no no.


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I for one think this game is goign to be one hell of an Epic story.. The gameplay looks damn fantastic also! And with three games in the mix, well we are all in for one hell of a ride.:)
That is the attitude Lisa hates I think.

How do you know it is going to be epic? how do you know it looks fantastic?

All we have seen is a teaser trailer from before the game is finished. As such the gameplay and graphics could be very different by the time we actually play the game.
Your saying its boring just from viewing the first trailer? I'll wait until the game comes out then i'll decide if i think its boring or not.
Not just from the trailer, but from the other things I have seen - articles, images - it really hasn't made a good first impression.
Yeah.. well, the trailer was not very good.
But what was impressive in it was the gameplay!

Is that even possible?
I read an interview somewhere, that the FFX people are workin' at the battle system for FFXIII
the main character for FFVS XIII looks pretty coll but i wonder how many more Finalfantasys are they gonna come out with?
i havent seen the trailer but if you think about it the 12th one isnt even out. I mean there working on that so i dont think they have alot of time to work on the 13th one. So i think its not perfect yet. i mean it will be awile before that one comes out.
I wont pass judgement on the game until I play it. There's not any point in praising or criticising any aspect of it until we have played it ourselves. Granted, the trailers look good, but it may be the WORST game SE ever made.

All I'm saying is to not get your hopes up ;)
By far the Graphics are <3 , I didn't liked the trailer :/ I don't get it. The girl needs a better desing, I preffer the guy with the dark hair and red eyes X.x (I think it's from FFVersusXIII o_O)
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