

May 26, 2007
So, I'm sure everyone here has broken a law at one point...Underage drinking, drug use, stealing (Yes downloading free CDs and movies counts!), speeding, etc. Have you ever broken the law? Did you ever get in trouble with the law? What was your punishment for it?

I'll post later...>_>
(Yes downloading free CDs and movies counts!),


Other than that, I'm a fairly law-abiding citizen. I do speed occasionally and I never renew my car registration on time. I've gotten a speeding ticket once. Nothing too interesting. I paid a fine and that was it.

I got a ticket for my expired registration this year and I had to go to court. It was a horrible experience. I had to stand in this ridiculously long line. It smelled. And there was this girl behind me that kept shouting about how she'd beaten this other girl with a beer bottle.

And when I got to the front of the line finally, the DA just had this 'Wtf?' look on his face, like "An expired registration? That's all?" He didn't even bother to look at my new one, he just dismissed the case and let me go. I've started to consider renewing my registration on time now. >_<
I download EVERYTHING I whant-

I am trained in the art of pickpocketing, though, this haven't been used in any other way then annoying friends.
witch is here my "training" come from.

I was also a shoplifter a few years ago.
I was taken ONCE, and they let me go, since It was my first offent.

I have putten fire to a huge metal dumpster.
Was never taken fore it.

hmm, what else is there.

I dismantle, and modify Fireworks.
See my "new years Nuke" topic for info on that ^^

The is ALOT of more things,
though, I feel taht I shoul perhaps keep SOME to myself
Where to start...
Two dozen fights in public- Always got away
Slashed tires on some jerks car that blocked our driveway all day while we needed to use it often- Let off cause the guy knew he was doing wrong and didn't want to go to court cause he had no insurance..,
House egging on a hot summers day- never caught, was a misdemeanor if I did caught -_-
Raid on Fanatics Tower- Never caught by MA
Getting movies burned for me
Stole a couple ink cartridges from school for a project- not caught
Deleted someones work for the year for computers class- Accused, but not enough evidence against me, kid failed the semester and got held back.
That'll teach you to steal MY shit!

This isn't even close to half of what i've done =P
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geez. the most I've gotten was a speeding ticket. I couldn't even try to do too much because my dad's a cop
Oh boy you guys are bad! o_o

I've downloaded a some CDs and movies...I speed...I try to not but I speed during rush hour. >_< I have gotten drunk twice... (One of those experimental moments.) I've smoked weed a few times. I did steal a few thing at the mall when I was a teenage mall rat. I've stolen a few art supplies from the art department. Never got caught for these except for speeding.

I've only got in trouble with the law once. I was driving up state to pick up my boyfriend. The drive was six hours long, three hours there and back. I was in a rush and my parents were excepting me to bring the car back that evening. I was going 80MPH on a 55MPH speed limit highway. A state trooper pulled me over and gave me a ticket. I couldn't plead not guilty because it would be a two hour drive to the town where I got the ticket. So, yay for me... -_- I have 6 points on my license, won't have a clear license for another three years. I had to pay $255.00 for the speeding ticket and $300.00 to keep my license. >=/
Well let's see here.

I currently have 10, yes you heard me correctly, 10 speeding tickets. All gotten within 8 years. I got my first one when I was 18. A couple of those I was singled out; I was merely keeping up with the flow of traffic.

Got probation for a possession of marijuana charge. I got caught with a chitload of weed, a pipe, and a few hundred dollars. They were gonna try and get me for intent to distribute, but I had a good lawyer. I had another year added on when I failed a piss test.
I'm a good girl. ^_^ I don't think I've done anything too bad...

1) Downloaded music/movies. Meh. They charge up the ass, so I don't think of it as a crime.
2) I stole a lot of supplies from the art department at my school. However, in my defense, the teacher was a bitch. She owed me. I count everything as a gift.
3) Underage drinking. Meh, who hasn't?
4) Smoking pot. See comment above.
I've downloaded more than my fair share of music. Out of the 6 gigabytes on my mp3 player, less than a quarter was actually paid for by someone. I don't download films though, I always buy them. I prefer to watch a good quality film.
I've drunk underage on several occasions, but you'd be hard pressed to find a teenager who hasn't in the UK. And that's led to 'disorderly behaviour', namely destroying people's gardens and causing a public disturbance. Luckily, not much came of that.
I see speed limits as advisory only. I tend to drive at least 10 mph over the limit. I'm yet to get caught for it but it's only a matter of time really.

It's only illegal if you get caught though. :monster:
I see speed limits as advisory only. I tend to drive at least 10 mph over the limit. I'm yet to get caught for it but it's only a matter of time really.

It's only illegal if you get caught though. :monster:

Yeah I drive 10 over the limit as well. XD 10-15 over the limit on highways really don't matter here. I've speed past a police going 15 over the limit, and they didn't care. Like they say, 9 your fine, 10 your mine.
I've downloaded...500 songs, 5 movies, a whole series of Desperate housewives, FFVII and photoshop illegally XD Underage drinking too, as well as stealing the odd pen and shit at school....boring really XD
Yeah I drive 10 over the limit as well. XD 10-15 over the limit on highways really don't matter here. I've speed past a police going 15 over the limit, and they didn't care. Like they say, 9 your fine, 10 your mine.

There was this one time when I was following 2 deputy sherriffs and 1 state trooper on W. County Rd. It has a speed limit of 55 mph. We were all doing 70-75. I was damn near tailgating one of the deputies. We were all in close range of each other and I KNOW they saw me trottin right along with them. But I usually drive 10-15 over the speed limit everywhere I go. I should really invest in a radar detector.
Let's see...I'm really having a hard time trying to think of any offense, but...

I have downloaded songs, yes. Nothing serious at all. Uh, I took a puff of cigarrete when I was like 6 years old. Blah, right? Hmm, what else...I stole some cookies from my school because I was really hungry and had no money at the time. Then there's drinking at the age of 12, although it was a mere curiousity on my part and I just had a tiny sip.

And that's all. =/
Well it was only two really, which were underage drinking and the odd bit of pot.

But now that the smoking limit is 18.

Smoking is now banned for me apparently
Ummmm i dont think Iv been that naughty.....

drove without a licence
underage drinking/smoking
smoked weed
I also stole from the art dept lol
Stole icepops from the local shop (the shame)
vandalism etc

I think mine are just what any naughty teenager has done lol & I can safely say iv never been arrested (altho im told I was close last new years eve for public order haha - I cant say I remember this)

Ohhh and I nearly got arrested for trying to nick a car which is sooo rude beacause I was merely hiding behind said car with my bf at the time, while another friend was chatting someone up.......luckily they believed our ridiculous story...... ah the joys of alcohol.......
Ive only downloaded manga from a site, thats all. I cant really download to save my life lol. I have purchased copy CD, games and DVDs. But its rare when I do. I ave never had a run in with the police, thank God!
I have broken the law, but I'd rather not confess it. I had expected to be severely punished, but I was actually let off with only just a warning. Not that I'm complaining. It was just unexpected.
Underage drinking, Underage driving twice, and recieved the penalty of inability to recieve driving license until im 19, underage drugs (lol), uhh, downloaded about 2000 things illegally, and got got caught having sex when i was 14 by a tell-tale at school and got suspended for 2 months.
Yep, guilty as well. Underage drinking and smoking, cigarettes only - never tried pot... honestly... I can't stand the smell of it. :sick: Others would be the usual downloading music and movies, which I still do.

I think the worst law I broke was doing a 102 Mph in a 65 Mph zone. I was on my way back to college after Christmas break, speeding - it was easy to do in the car I driving at the time and was caught by a State Trooper. Anyway, I got lucky with only a $400 ticket as the officer could have thrown me jail for reckless driving. >_<
I'm tempted to add some of my more serious offenses on here... I was caught and punished on only two out of the 30 or so things that come to mind right now though, so it would be kinda pointless, sence this is about trouble with the law... Not evasion. =P I'm a bad kid.