Buying FFXIII For Which Console?

Which Console?

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Dec 14, 2006
Chocobo Egg
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So I still haven't decided yet whether I should get FFXIII for PS3 or 360. I don't have the PS3 yet but I'll eventually acquire one sometime next year. But as far getting the game for which console, I'm truly at a lost. My bro-in-law says that it'll run better with the 360 because of the frames per second or something...forgot exactly what the deal with that was. But I would preferably like to play it on PS3 for some reason.

So I guess the question is, which console are you guys planning on buying it for? And if you have a choice between a PS3 and 360, which would you prefer? Please state your reasons why. I'll also put a poll up.
The game started development on the PS3 first, the demo runs on PS3 software just fine, and if anything the 360 will be the same or worse, but I really doubt it will be significantly better, plus PS3 will only be one disc, so yeah, Ps3 version it is for me

I would go with the 360 version.All 360 games that come out for ps3 have more downloadable content then their ps3 counterpart.So if your wanting the max outta your experience(which if you have to ask which to get it for you sound like you want the most you can get) then go with the 360 version.but if you just wanna play it and get it over with to get the story firsthand then it doesn't matter both are the same as far as story goes.
:ifrit: :zack:
SE said both versions will be exactly the same, and I have yet to hear news confirming exclusive DLC for the 360 or dual audio for the ps3. It comes down to preference (and controller preference!), if you're getting a ps3 next year, FFXIII is a great game to start off your library.
I probably won't buy it, but I at least intend to rent it or something and give it a good play.

I will more than likely be playing it on an Xbox 360, since it's the console of the two that I have acquired.
Well technically speaking PS3 is better as far as graphics and processor handling, but it really is up to the user. I'm sure Xbox360 will handle it fine, but I'm not risking anymore red rings from leaving it on for extended periods of time.

The red rings I'm speaking of now is from the heat sync not being able to handle high amounts of heat from playing for extended periods.

(happened on Sacred 2 and Oblivion, so I suspect it will happen on FFXIII) - This issue is still unresolved by Microsoft. So play at your own risk.

I'll most likely buy a ps3 slim before final fantasy comes to it. At least then I'll have Versus as well.
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The frame rate shouldn't affect the Playstation 3 version, it was originally developed on the PS3 so will run fine, furthermore, the only games that run better on the 360 than on the PS3 are games that are multiplatform and developed on the 360 before being ported, having both consoles, I can happily say that when games are developed separately for the PS3 (mainly exclusives) they are much, much better in nearly all technical aspects.

Graphics wise. The Playstation 3 will have better graphics. Fact. Kitase even stated that there will be differences even if they're only minor. As for duel audio, it has yet to be confirmed though if there is, it will only be PS3 only. As for disks, the PS3 will only come on so you won't need to change, though why people moan about that is beyond me. The main advantage of having a bluray disk is that that the system won't scratch it, unlike the 360 which even you've experienced with disks scratching, so if one gets scratched the whole game is ruined; though this is only a minor point and is probably unlikely to happen.

As for DLC, don't listen to that post that 360 games have more DLC, it's simply not true. No way in hell will the 360 version receive more DLC, it's apparent that the 360 isn't the main audience for Square Enix, hence the reason Square Enix games have had little success for the 360. The DLC will almost certainly be the exact same on both consoles.

Therefore, I'm going to say go with the PS3 version, since you've yet to get a PS3 it would be a great game to start off the collection, plus, whilst there may not be significant differences between the two versions graphics and duel audio (if the latter happens) still edge it for the PS3, there's nothing the 360 can give you that the PS3 version won't.
I will be getting it for PS3 as i only have a PS3.

I would go with the 360 version.All 360 games that come out for ps3 have more downloadable content then their ps3 counterpart.So if your wanting the max outta your experience(which if you have to ask which to get it for you sound like you want the most you can get) then go with the 360 version.but if you just wanna play it and get it over with to get the story firsthand then it doesn't matter both are the same as far as story goes.

As for downloadable content i think not (about max your experience for the 360) you seem to be forgetting one thing in Japan it's only on the PS3, which means they would be leaving out their home audience making no sense. i could see SE making downloadable content for the PS3 first for their home audience then porting it over to the 360 but we shall see what the future brings.
I'm going to get it on PS3 as well. Even if I had an XBox 360, I'd still get it on the PS3. To me, Final Fantasy is a playstation game and I always prefer playing them on playstation consoles when a choice is available. I think I just prefer the control scheme, and always associate FF with the playstation.
heck its a hard choice to pick but to me it doesnt really matter but if i had to pick one it would be ps3
Sadly, I don't have an XBox, but I do own a PS3. So, obviously, I would have to get it for the console I do have. I wouldn't mind getting it for both, though, if I had the money for it.
I have one major problem that stopped me from having a choice here, i only own a PS3, so i will infact be buying FFXIII for Ps3 as it is my only option, Granted i am a faithful Playstationer and have never owned a nintendo or X-box console in my life, i don't even have a handheld beyone the Game boy colour. I was fine with it, and then the PSP came out and i purchased it.

But basically I'll be buying it for the PS3 as i would feel likeim cheating if i got an X-box or even a game for the x-box
Well I don't have a 360, so obviously I will be getting the PS3 version. But even if I did own both consoles I would go with the PS3 version. The 360 version will have three disks (which some may find nostalgic, but I am not one of those people). This means that if one disk gets scratched, the whole game is ruined. As such, the PS3 version is more practical in that aspect seen that it will only have one disk.

I don't think there will be any noticeable differences between the two versions. Yes it may have been stated the PS3 version will have slightly better graphics. But at the end of the day, this will probably go unnoticed.
I don't think there will be any noticeable differences between the two versions. Yes it may have been stated the PS3 version will have slightly better graphics. But at the end of the day, this will probably go unnoticed.

I believe small differences were actually the words Kitase used. Some just chose to interpret that as "the PS3 version will look better" :P Personally I agree with you and really don't think there will be much of a difference. Sure it was originally intended as a PS3 exclusive, but the PS3 exclusives that look really good are the ones using PS3 specific graphics engines (Naughty Dog's Uncharted series, Metal Gear Solid 4). FF XIII will be using Square's multiplatform engine Crystal Tools, so anyone expecting any drastic differences will be sorely disappointed.

I'll get it for the Xbox 360. I don't have a PS3 and I don't intend to ever get one as it just overlaps with the Xbox 360 in so many areas that I don't think owning both consoles is worth the money.
I actually just sold my Elite 360 and picked up a PS3 slim.

Reasons are for the following.

1. Final Fantasy VII: Advant Children Complete
2. Final Fantasy XIII (this will be the best version)
3. Final Fantasy XIII VS
4. Final Fantasy games coming to the PSN
As I own a Xbox 360 I will be getting it on my system and will have to disc swap which to me is most certainly not a problem and scratching it is not a problem either its called installing it to the HDD. But not all people may have the 120GB xbox so they may not have. And I installing it will also stop major over heating but Ive owned my system for 3 years without problem (saying that it might die haha)

But in all if I had a PS3 I would get it on that, but I don't care about disc swapping and to be honest it won't be that much of a difference. Proud Final Fantasy player, but I still won't buy a PS3 till its even cheaper.
PS3. Mainly cause I don't have a 360. 8F

But also, because it'd feel more right playing it on a Playstation. I feel sorta like I gotta stick to the tradition now. It just won't feel right playing with a 360 controller as opposed to the never changing apart from a button added here and a slot added there Playstation controller. :gasp:
Final Fantasy has almost always been a playstation thing- its probably wisest to buy the PS3 version... Yeah, thats what I would go for.
Does anyone even factor Final Fantasy XIII VS as a factor or Final Fantasy XIV as of right now they are currently PS3 exclusive. I know for myself this was a BIG deciding factor on me selling off my 360 and getting a Playstation 3.