Buying FFXIII For Which Console?

Which Console?

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Final Fantasy has almost always been a playstation thing- its probably wisest to buy the PS3 version... Yeah, thats what I would go for.

Not true. As far as pure quantity of releases goes, Final Fantasy has almost always been a Nintendo thing.

Does anyone even factor Final Fantasy XIII VS as a factor or Final Fantasy XIV as of right now they are currently PS3 exclusive. I know for myself this was a BIG deciding factor on me selling off my 360 and getting a Playstation 3.

Not at all. If there's one thing this generation has taught us, it is that everything seems to go multiplatform sooner or later. Unless of course the developer is owned by either Sony or Microsoft. :P As far as FF XIV goes, I've always thought that gaming consoles were an inferior platform as far as MMOs goes. If I end up giving it a shot, it will definitely be on my PC.
Well, I only own a PS3 so looks like thats going to be it. However, if one of the games is due to come out on each console then I will be purchasing myself an XBOX360.
I'm not a fan of the Xbox 360 seeing as though my brother's Elite died a month ago. Personally, I'll stick to playing it on the PS3- where the game was originally destined exclusively for.

Off the point here, but the Xbox 360 JRPGs are just not success stories in both west and east anyway. SE ought to focus on the PS3 or Wii more in the future.
Note: Please provide a little more content to your posts in the future. Thanks.

As far as I'm concerned, I'll probably try getting it for both systems, eventually. I haven't been keeping very good track of the games...they are different games on each system, right? If so, I'll get them both at some point...not sure which one will come first, though. :gasp:
360 for sure. I dont have a PS3, so its obivious lol. I wouldnt get s PS3 purely for Final Fantasy 13.
Out of the two, I only have a PS3, so thats the obvious choice :) I couldn't imagine myself playing a Final Fantasy game on an XBox anyways.
I'm getting the PS3 version, the main reason being that i do not want to switch disc after disc to enjoy the game. Hence why i don't have a 360, i don't favor one system over the other but its obvious that the PS3 can do more in terms of pretty much everything. Look at Uncharted 2, its almost using the full power of the PS3's capabilities where as the 360 isn't quite there.

But anyway another reason being that i've played most of the FF's on playstation, it wouldn't feel right if i played it on the 360. That and i don't like the overall feel of using its controller.
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I am definitely getting this on the ps3. This is simply because I am not the biggest fan of the xbox. I always found the controller to be way too clunky for my hands. I also already have a ps3 so there's no point in me going out and buying it on the 360 if I have a console I can play it on.
Oh, considering that my Xbox 360 is broken at the moment, and I'm not getting it fixed yet again, I suppose I'm going to have to get a PS3 to play it. Stupid Microsoft, I would have bought for my Xbox 360 if it had worked.
This is an interesting question for me actually. I originally bought the PS3 because of the recognition the PS2 got as an RPG god. But as time has since past since I purchased my PS3, I have been very disappointed by the amount of RPG's there are for the system. I actually recently purchased a 360, which should be blasphemy since I was one of those extreme haters of the Xbox during the PS2 era. But, my loyalty goes to the RPG's, so I purchased a 360 and have been very happy!

However, I will always prefer Sony/Playstation as my favorite system. And so that I use my PS3 for more than downloading old Playstation Classics, I'll be buying it on the PS3. A numerical Final Fantasy doesn't belong on any other system in my opinion. Besides making the PS3 worth my money, I also think the PS3 has slightly better graphics, generally speaking. I also prefer the controller XD. So my choice will be PS3, definitely.
I will get it for PS3 if I get it for anything. Playing FF on Xbox 360 is like playing Tomb Raider on Xbox 360. I am just so used to it being a Playstation series for the most part.

Plus with all the hardware failures my Xbox 360 has been getting... I will no longer give Microsoft our MONEH!!
Xbox 360, I own both but use my Xbox a lot more. Also I don't quite understand why people continue to say the PS3 version will be better. It is no longer a PS3 exclusive, it has not been designed by Sony or for the PS3, it has been designed using SE's new RPG engine and to be honest... I just want to play it.

(I will probably end up having it on both consoles though)
Also I don't quite understand why people continue to say the PS3 version will be better. It is no longer a PS3 exclusive, it has not been designed by Sony or for the PS3, it has been designed using SE's new RPG engine and to be honest... I just want to play it.
On the whole, the PS3 will be the better version it just depends on what you're looking for in the game. At the end of the day both version have the same characters, same content, same storyline etc. But since the PS3 version will have better graphics (certainly in the CGI scenes) and better audio the people who just want the latter will benefit from the PS3 version.

All being said, I couldn't care less. It's the story and characters I'm interested in anyway. I'll get the PS3 version simply because I own a PS3. :monster:
I actually bought myself a PS3 in december just for this game,
and for Versus XIII so im pretty happy,
I could have got it for my Xbox 360 but it's currently broken,
since it seems everybody who has one, ends up getting the red light
Im quite happy with my purchase of my ps3 though ;D
I'll be getting it for 360 most likely. I don't currently own a PS3 and though I plan on getting one eventually, I doubt I'll have one before the game comes out.

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PS3!! Well first I need to get one. Haha.
I was borrowing my buddy's 360 for a while but I just recently gave it back.
I want a PS3 though because the free internet fancys me. Haha.
But I am currently console-less.
Although I don't own it yet, it's the PS3 version of FFXIII for me. I try not to get into the so-called console wars, but I'm more inclined to Sony since I've already been with them with the PS1, PS2 and PSP. Why break habit?
PS3 version for me, simply because I have the console. My best friend has a 360, so if I ever want to play the XBOX version I'll just go over to her house.