Can Sephiroth ever die?

Mr.47 said:
Posion syringe him and that will prove he will die.
then go quick and give it to him:P
man,i think ur cool but crazy-_-
will i agree with hitman about the poison syringe:lol:
DarkSquall said:
then go quick and give it to him:P
man,i think ur cool but crazy-_-
will i agree with hitman about the poison syringe:lol:

Kill Sephiroth?!?!?! NO! He will kill you first!.

And hitman is cool but if he thinks we should kill Sephiroth he is crazy!
If u kill Sephiroth he will just come back. And Mr.47 is a clone and Sephiroth can take over clones, so watch out.
Sephiroth, if I've done my homework correctly, is essentially the dark half of Cloud incarnate. In Kingdom Hearts (and I know somebody said it's non-canon, but I'll offer it up anyway), Sephiroth tells Sora that it is Cloud who wishes for darkness, not him. He's only there as a consequence of the darkness in Cloud's heart.

So, I guess Sephiroth will die when Cloud quits being an emo.
As excellent as Kingdom Hearts is, I wouldn't base any assumption, conclusions or evalutations regarding Final Fantasy on it. Take Aerith, for example. I'll leave you to figure out what I mean :P

Some things are said there that are in no regards to the original game, so, therefore, it wouldn't be wise to conclude anything based on this game.

I believe it was Tethar Atrum who said this to you :)
As far as I'm concerned, anything is possible in the FF world. Hell, even Aerith came back in AC, if those little kids weren't ghosts themselves. XD But the one who really cinches it for me? Rufus. He freaking got exploded, but he's there in AC. I think the only reason fangirls didn't go 'WTF' more was because they were drooling at his CG prettiness. :lol:

However, if Nikolas is on the money with his theory...well, I suggest you read his excellent essay on that. It's really worth the read, and could use more Sephiroth fans to point out any flaws that might be within it.:P
Captain Maddox said:
Sephiroth, if I've done my homework correctly, is essentially the dark half of Cloud incarnate. In Kingdom Hearts (and I know somebody said it's non-canon, but I'll offer it up anyway), Sephiroth tells Sora that it is Cloud who wishes for darkness, not him. He's only there as a consequence of the darkness in Cloud's heart.

So, I guess Sephiroth will die when Cloud quits being an emo.

Not another person who think KH, a game that got a boy band member to do Sephiroths voice, was right. They can't chose a good voice, nor do they know anything.
Personal thought, I do believe Sephiroth officially died. However, the only possible reason he returned in AC, was due to Kadaj having similar genetic structure to Sephiroth himself, being a clone and all. Using Jenova that was present in his funny little container-thing, he was able to use her power, to 'ascend' to Sephiroth's state, bringing about not only his physical being, but thoughts, feelings, and ambitions. Which leads me to the quote "I shall never remain a memory". This, is his ambition, but all that Sephiroth truly is, is a memory, a figment in Cloud's mind. The dark little corner that'll haunt him until the end of his days. Kadaj, along with Loz and Yazoo for that matter, were the only paths to returning that Sephiroth had. Using one of those three, he was certain to return, but forever? No one knows. Maybe the vessels were not immortal, like he may have become, so in time, he'd eventually fade away.

So yeah, point, Sephiroth was already dead. His consciousness was so strong, however, that it lingered along in the Lifestream, never dying. So manybe, in that sense, he is immortal, and will never actually truly die.
does supperoth ever die

maybe not but there will always be 1 puppet supperoth will always have to summon so there will always be 1 person around that can stop him........just like sin he can never be totally destroyed as long there is evil in peoples hearts........Sephiroth will never die cuz of the same reason
Sephiroth can never die? You've got to be kidding me. I mean, what is he? Some kind of a miracle made by God or something? Of couse he can die. Here, I've watched a movie that was based on epic war yesterday. It was called "Braveheart" so let me quote you something...

"Every man dies, not every man really lives..."

If you say is true, then I'm not sure if Sephiroth is a man... :lol:
Sephiroth can never die? You've got to be kidding me. I mean, what is he? Some kind of a miracle made by God or something? Of couse he can die. Here, I've watched a movie that was based on epic war yesterday. It was called "Braveheart" so let me quote you something...

"Every man dies, not every man really lives..."

If you say is true, then I'm not sure if Sephiroth is a man... :lol:

Like you said. Sephiroth was a man, He isn't God, HE WAS TRYING TO BE LIKE ONE. (good he can't :3)

Anyways, no one is inmortal in FF world, I guess the only immortal ones are the summons xp. UUgh

So Sephiroth... DIED WOW!
Sephiroth can never die? You've got to be kidding me. I mean, what is he? Some kind of a miracle made by God or something? Of couse he can die. Here, I've watched a movie that was based on epic war yesterday. It was called "Braveheart" so let me quote you something...

"Every man dies, not every man really lives..."

If you say is true, then I'm not sure if Sephiroth is a man... :lol:
Yea I'm sure he's not a man he's an ass:lol:
anyway Seph is died but the FFVII have no evil guy who can be like Seph:huh: so they want to keep him alive-_- i don't know y:huh: but when Seph appear he give the story a meaning:lol: and DB Braveheart is an awesome movie but a little old-_-
I don't think sephroth can die since cloud beat him at end of ff7. Prosnnaly, i believe tht what cloud omnislashed was what renained of seph's humanity. This alowed his will to consume that of Jenova, which is why Kadaj transformed into him, even though when seph did same thing, he transforemd into jenova. As he has no Humanity left, he cannot die, as he is a virus like Jenova.
I think of sin this way...... he'll always get resurected until killed someway or another, maybe if i live till 4 more FF7 games then maybe it'll get answered.