Can Sephiroth ever die?

No he cannot! He wasn't killed in FFVII and he said, "I will never remain as a memory.", therefore leading to the conclusion that Sephiroth is unkillable. If everyone stops loving FFVII (and any other variations of FFVII, such as Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children), he will die. It's like that whole If-you-stop-believing-in-Santa-Claus-he-will-die thing. At least, that's my opinion.
Okay, here's how I see it:

1. Sephiroth, the person, can never truly die. He is as much a part of the Planet as Cloud or Aerith, but is different still.

2. The only thing that can ever die about Sephiroth is his body. Sephiroth (in AC) was commented on thus by WCM (the Wheel Chair Man) and Kadaj:

Kadaj: As long as you exist (meaning people) the nightmares will keep on coming.

Rufus: The Lifestream courses through our planet, back and forth accross the borders of life and death. If that cycle is the very truth of life, then history , too, will inevitably repeat itself. So go on, bring your Jenovas and your Sephiroths, it won't matter. We'll do as life dictates, and stop you every single time.

Therefore, Sephiroth himself (in spirit) can not truly die.

3. THEORY: Sephiroth is and will always be the remaining spirit of Jenova. Jenova herself, the spirit, was lost from her body when the Cetra defeated her (or is it a him?) those millenia ago. Sephiroth is logically the spirit of Jenova, taken form and awakened when she found her dormant body (through Sephiroth's eyes) in the Nibelheim reactor. When that happened, her spirit merged with Sephiroth's, creating an abomination. Even though Jenova's spirit was not from the Planet, her spirit (by the laws of the FFVII world) moves to the nearest Lifestream. It courses through the Lifestream, waiting to be reborn again. Once she was reborn, she would revenge herself upon the Cetra (which she did with Aerith)
As long as Jenova Cells exist on the Planet, Sephiroth cannot truly die. Basically as long as anybody who was been inflicted with Jenova Cells, including Cloud Strife, Sephiroth will be able to return and will continue to return in any way he can possibly discover. Once the Jenova Cells are no more, Sephiroth will be no more and that can take centuries upon centuries.

Therefor the heartless cant die because of darkness...
Seph cant die because of the planet...
(or unplug game console)

unless he pulls a CELL from DBZ... lol i love fiction.
What about us!!
No I think He'll die every1 have a weakness point, but Cloud is so stupid to find it!!
sephiroth can never die only be restrained because he has the power of jenova and jenova means the new god if he has the power of god who can kill him right

Lol you a member of Jenova's witnesses or something?
totally agree w/ riku's first post. . .makes perfect sense in all logical being kind of like solid snake and liquid snake you can only kill both-that's proven form metal gear solid 2
As far as I'm concerned, anything is possible in the FF world. Hell, even Aerith came back in AC, if those little kids weren't ghosts themselves.

Aeris was there in her own way. She was the water, Zack was that black wolf. The only reason the kids saw her at the end, is because I think Square were working on the kids having esp and they can see her thing. I think Cloud could see both Zack and Aeris, is because part of Cloud is Zack... In a way he has 2 soul's. Aeris kinda implies that when you go on a date with her in the first disk of ff7

I think Sephiroth will die evencerly... I am doing this rp on another forum that is based 30+ years after cloud and that. I still haven't decided if a reincarnation of Sephiroth is going to be in it yet. -_-
Aeris was there in her own way. She was the water, Zack was that black wolf. The only reason the kids saw her at the end, is because I think Square were working on the kids having esp and they can see her thing.

Esp? LOL! Please tell me you're kidding right? Square wasn't working on the kids having some sort of 6th sense lol. This was something that was meant to happen. Also, if you've read the Reunion Files, you'll always know that the black wolf was not Zack, it was a symbolism of Cloud's lonliness. The water is Aerith's spiritual form, but Aerith was the one person whom could reach out and speak to Cloud spiritually because of the deep connection the two shared. You need to get your facts straight before you start posting like that.

And as for Sephiroth, as long as Jenova Cells exist, he will never truly die.
Well he was supposed to be dead at the end of the game, but AC had to screw that up as well.
Well your close that whole last fight scene at the end was in Clouds head. After the battle with Bizzaro Sephiroth he returned to the life stream. Or to be more persise a part of him went to the Jenova head that he cut off in disk one. When Kadaj(sp?) obsorbed the jenova head that had a bit of Sephiroth DNA in it. Sephiroth used Kadaj to regenerate his body. When Cloud killed him sephiroth went back to sleep until his next chance to regenerate.
Tell me this one then. Whenever Aeris is there in spirit aka: flowers in the church, water. The black wolf is there... Also I don't remember coming a cross the Reunion file's at all, in the game or any where else.
I think that Sephiroth can be eventually killed, but only after a large number of recarnations over hundreds of years. I think with the jenova cells and all hes like a virus within the lifestream and so the has the bahaviour of one. much the same as a virus in the body. because as has been seen in AC the reaction to jenova cells can be healed but on a MUCh larger scale it could take up to, i dont know, 1000 years or so to get Jenova of of the lifestream system. just my opinion.