Fan Art caucasian eagle's FF fan art


Blue Mage
Sep 8, 2009
well i have an unfinished piece here :S I've planned to paint an illustration of Kadaj with Axel, putting 2 dudes from different games together would be fun ^-^
so far i've half finished with Kadaj ...


zackie :awesome:

I've got more FF7 fan drawings but i cant find them right now :(

but anyway, what d u guys think? :blush:
I think its bloody amazing is what I think

It cracking, not a single fault, I'm impressed, and extremely jealous :gasp:
aaaw thanku guys for ur great complements xD
yeah I'll check ur gallery out surono :highfive:

aam here's one of my old dig. drawings of Vinnie :) :P
back at tht time I used a trial version of Photoshop CS2 and didn't know tht i had various brush tool in the program so i used i brush instead, which is why the work doesnt look as professional as it should :(


aaam here's a preview of my unfinished work, I havent finished with the background sky, can't get my hands on it lately :S


however right now I'm working on something else, so i wouldnt be able to do some more fan work or complete few unfinished ones for the couple of weeks, but dont worry I will be posting each of my new fan work ;)
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Wow that Vincent drawing is freakin' awesome!

His hair looks great and you detailed his cape so well!

Also that second drawing of Kadaj and Axel is going to come out smokin' hot when you're done with it. <3

aaw thank u x3
how did u guess it was Axel? coz normaly people used to ask me who tht was :wtf: and btw i think i should add some smoke to it as well xD hehe lol kidding :P
Wow! ^^ Your stuff is amazing! I absolutely love the Zack/Crisis Core game cover drawing you did and your Vincent one is awesome too! Keep up the good work!
Holy shit. Jesus christ that Kadaj one is beautiful! Even the Vincent one. Zack is really good too. But Your Kadaj one is beyond awesome. Its something I have not seen before.
aaw thank u x3
how did u guess it was Axel? coz normaly people used to ask me who tht was :wtf: and btw i think i should add some smoke to it as well xD hehe lol kidding :P

I only knew because of your first post. =P

well i have an unfinished piece here :S I've planned to paint an illustration of Kadaj with Axel, putting 2 dudes from different games together would be fun ^-^
I only knew because of your first post. =P

oow- aah DAAAH! :ness: ow im also planning to draw him on his new motorbike (super one ;) ) so im working on designing it now :) theen after seeing some yudaj vids on utube inspired me to draw him with Yuna as his lady :love:
ow im also planning to draw Cloud with Tifa on a cool motorbike as well :P

aaw thank u Shirona, but really- it's not the best :S xD
I apologise for not posting new fresh fan art, as i havent done any lately (really busy with uni issues and probs) =[

but here's a rough drawing of Cloud's bike tht i've designed. I havent even half painted it but im planning to make an illustration of him with his lady (;))) Tifa sitting on it =] :P

i f******king wrote about my lost illustration and now i f*&^%&^$%&$ing lost what i wrote for this topic x(

anyway, i was very broken hearted today as i've lost my work of Cloud so i had to begin everything all over, and i havent finished what a bit on this preview -__- its too late now and tomoz im busy with Uni, but hopefully will continue with it tomoz evening...
anyway the work ive lost looked to real!! and the face was soo beautifully done, i tried my best for u guys and lost the work!! :gonk: *cries a river*

aw nuuu, losing work must suck so bad, i hate when i lose my drawings, i lost loads in a move ¬_¬

I love the bike, its awesome, i love drawing bikes, and your latest pic is looking awesome ^^
aah tht sux as well =[ well i probably would have finished it by now but never mind, i've got to accept it as it is :)

here's an update, not a single bit is finished (again) except 4 the hair :), might as well add some finished touches to it :S

The hair is awesome, good job:monster:

I'm sure it will be much greater than the original lost copy once you've finished :ryan:
I was just admiring y our Cloud then I saw Vincent and was like omfg, that's awesome

Brilliant stuff, love it