Fan Art caucasian eagle's FF fan art

Lightning looks gorgeous. Like Kandy said, you make it look like they're really sitting, and it looks fantastic. The hair looks excellent, almost real looking and the colors used are great.

I really can't wait to see this one finished, it's coming along very nicely.

Oh, and your Dissidia Cloud one, is absolutely incredible. In all of your pictures you make his hair look exactly like it should, whereas some people make it way too spiky. It's incredible how much detail was put into it. I'm impressed!

EDIT: Oh yeah, and you should definitely do a Vanille one in the future. *nudge*
I'd love to see your work on one of my soon-to-be favorite characters ^_^
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Haha that is so cute having Vincent be all nosy like that. XD

Lovely addition to this piece and you've captured Vincent really well in this one! He looks so sneaky peering over Clouds shoulder like that. XD

You should do an after piece of Cloud realising that Vincents being a sticky beak. XD
thanx guys! I really appreciate ur likeness in my art!!! =} x3:awesome:

the pic im working on(i might as well post the update) will include popular characters like Yazoo (above Vincent), Vanille, Kairi and Riku, Kadaj, Yuna, Zack (Fair, lol), Reno, Axel, Fran, Cid, Noctis n his blonde best mate (the shotgun dude), and aaaam , think it's about it xD ow wait and Yuffie(Yuna's mate)

The artwork is simply gorgeous. The characters look so detailed, the colour and tones realistic and the three do look like they are genuinely sitting. I love how you have drawn and rendered Vincent, as though he is casually waiting for Cloud to stop the conversation so he can get to Lightning.

Good luck with Yazoo! <33
Ehh Ive missed loads :rage:

I'm loving this one so far, can't wait to see it completed, which Cid you adding? *hopes you say Dr Cid -wishful thinking-*
The Cloud drawing u did two pages back is freakn awesome! I like to see that as the cover to the game actually. Ive always woundered how people can get so much detail just through the type of shading/coloring u do. It seems so complicated.
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Thanks for ur comments guys! 8D u really make me happy!! :highfive:

P.S. SkyRav which Cloud r u on about? coz there is 2
the pic im working on(i might as well post the update) will include popular characters like Yazoo (above Vincent), Vanille, Kairi and Riku, Kadaj, Yuna, Zack (Fair, lol), Reno, Axel, Fran, Cid, Noctis n his blonde best mate (the shotgun dude), and aaaam , think it's about it xD ow wait and Yuffie(Yuna's mate)

Oh my God, you're adding Fran!
(and Vanille!) :yay:
I can't wait to see this one finished, it's going to be awesome. Especially with how much effort and detail you're putting into the characters.

I wonder what Cid you're adding as well, Dr. Cid would be perfect because if you look at his official render he looks like he's peeking or observing.
well it'll be Cid from ff12 :( coz he's Fran's mate, he'll be sitting next to her, as if they r having a convie but Fran will be disturbed by lookin at two fools on the right, who'll be the shotgun dude with his bestie Noctis xD

besides tht, im glad ur excited! tht's wat im aiming to get, to entertain ff fans like me :ohoho::cheer::dance:
That's Dr. Cid :dave:

This one, right?

Sounds like a great idea, I can picture Fran with her arms crossed and peering behind her at them.
Goooooooooosh im nakered!!! :gonk: i didn't expect it to take me hours to finish them two O__O it only took me about an hour to draw Vinnie.. but.. nvm


warning: the image is too huge!
my bad lol had a feeling it wasn't kadaj, musta been the hair, still really good anyway :D
Balthier is just as good as Dr Cid, so all is good :wacky:

Anyway, it's coming on really well!! Keep it up ;D
Vanille! :yay:

It's coming along so nicely.

Balthier is a great choice, as Fran and Balthier were close in the game anyway.

Can't wait to see more!
OMG that's fantastic!

I simply love how you've added Vanille and Yazoo in there!!!

They're so well detailed and the colours are so pretty!

You've captured them REALLY amazingly well and I love the texture on their bodies and then how their eyes are so clear and vibrant!!!

Keep up the amazing work!
thanx for ur comments guys!!!! :ryan: :awesome:

i'll try to get some free time this night to continue with it again as i can't wait to finish it as well. Be4 i even started it i planned to finish it really quickly, didnt expect it to take for soo long for every characters :(