Fan Art caucasian eagle's FF fan art

yeah i know i need some pratice =] thanx for ur advice guys!! but coz this one wasnt such a special illustration i just felt like doing it, not researchin much for it. But nvm, yeah i'l keep practising as im only a beginner =]
aaw thank u candy sugar =] well they look more stiff coz the image has been resized and the faces turned out dull -__-

new pic, just felt like drawing Cloud again =]

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You did a really excellent job on Cloud, dear but may I point just a couple of things out? Cloud's hair is a lot spikier and gravity-defying. Try looking at some images of his hair and try making it stand up just a tad taller at the top. Also one eye looks blue and one looks almost a greenish-teal. Cloud doesn't have bi-coloured eyes like Yuna. His eyes are both blue. Also, Cloud's eyebrows are a lot thinner. Other than that, it's a lovely piece!
ook i'll change the eye colour but damn i can't change his hair now coz i've merged all the layers together -__- and i did eyebrows thicker to make them more manly, if u know wat i mean? =]
Oh it's okay! I wasn't meaning to like change his hair on this one, but for future reference when you draw Cloud, try drawing his hair a little taller and spikier. Look at images of him from Advent Children to help you out. ^_~
ow sure! yeah i think i'll need to do tht every time when i'll draw Cloud i'll need to see his hair to remember it properly xD
I'm personally of the opinion that you can draw fanart characters however you wish--so long as it's still obvious who they are. If you make fanart characters look too much like the way the original creator made them, then it starts to look like a carbon copy, and it's not really interesting looking at those (I mean why not just go play the game instead or read the manga/watch the anime...). So if you gave Cloud thicker brows, flatter hair, and might simply have made one eye more green due to lighting (although it's really subtle in the background; you don't have to get rid of the green tint completely; just make it more subtle), then that's all just part of your style if you intended it. It's much more interesting than if you simply drew Cloud to look exactly as he does in Advent Children.

Now onto the drawing itself--the background is very nice--it's fairly detailed, but it might lose focus because you have the foreground, and I'd think it's more important, particularly because you have some fibers on his shirt highly detailed, and others not so--the focus on them just seems a bit inconsistent. If there was a particular reason for it, you can ignore my comment about that. I'd personally define the bottom of his nose more and make his lips less full. But then I guess bishounen characters have full lips too now, don't they? (Haven't drawn them for a long time.)
Beautiful work, especially love the side view close-up of Vincent :) What program are you using?
This is fantastic, one of the best pieces of art I've seen in a while and certainly the best piece of Lightning art I've seen to date. Everything is fantastic, the body language, the colour, the attention to detail. I can't fault it and I love the way the light background makes her stand out. Amazing work! :)
That looks absolutely amazing - in fact I've lost my words as I'm typing this to the point that I'm not really sure what else to say.

I have to praise you for that vibrant background. I love the rings and the roses subtly placed behind Lightning and I love the lighting as well.

Lightning herself looks astoundingly detailed, and as always, the appearance of the hair is one of your strong points. A great use of pink there.

I look forward to seeing more! :awesome:
aaw thank u guys!!! i make me happy again!!! x) But d u think the pose looks ok?? does it match the whole image?
thank u kandy-sugar!!!! 8)

sorry guys, ive been really busy lately and couldnt spend much time on doin more fan art =[


Like I told you on DeviantArt, I just love this and I really like the pairing as well! =O I never really thought of them as a pairing before, but looking at them now, they're a pretty hawt one for a cross-over. :D
Oh wow that latest one is amazing!

Great pairing too! They look like they go so well together!

Loving the detail as always and I love the icey feel this one has to it.

I adore the roses as well. <3 So beautifully detailed!

Keep up the fantastic work!
thanx for ur comments guys!! 8)))

im working on a new pic of Aqua, as i got inspired by a collection of one of her big fans... ive already started colouring it and experimenting with the background on my other laptop, but this is a balckn white version i have on this pc xD

the finished piece will be better than that of Lightning =]

Oh wow that looks fantastic!

Great start on Aqua so far! I especially lover her hands. They are so hard to draw and you've really done an excellent job.

Such a gorgeous pose and I love the bits of clothing surrounding her. It looks magical. >.<

Can't wait to see this one in colour!!!